Water Company Plans $13 Million Expansion SEE STORY BELOW Weather Soirte morning cloudiness then HOME mostly Sunny and warm to- THEDAILY day, high Th low 80s. Fair warm tonight, low in low to mid 60s. Red Bank, Freehold 7*" Mostly sunny and hot tomorrow, FINAL high In low 90s except lower Long Branch J near shore. Saturday's outlook, fair, hot and humid. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 89, NO. 247 THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Ky Urges 600,000 Yanks in War U. S. Viet Buildup Seen SA'.0N (AP) — Premier Ngu- Namara, his ninth. Defense De- American gunship helicopters, namese and enemy force also yen Cao Ky said today he esti- partment sources predicted in- artillery and a crack division of dropped. , mates that 600,000 U.S. troops— creases Varying from 25,000 to the South Vietnamese army. The decrease reflected a gen- 137,000 more than, were reported, 100,000 men. ' The South Vietnamese said 211 eral lull in the ground fighting. in South Vietnam last week—are Ky's estimate of the enemy of the Communists were killed, U.S. military headquarters needed to handle the 390,000 was nearly 100,000 more than the 17 were captured and many said 176 Americans were killed Communist troops believed in estimate of 294,000 made by U.S. more wounded in a blister- and 928 were wounded in the . the country. headquarters for the past few ing battle in which the Red com- week ending last Saturday. Ky said this after it was re- weeks. mander was bested by the bat- These figures compared with ported from Washington that a Red Force Ripped tle-tested Vietnamese 21st Divi- 214 killed and 1,161 wounded in further increase of U.S. forces Is In war action, a hard-core sion. the previous week. They were expected to result from next Communist battalion of some 500 American casualties last week the lowest since the week end- week's visit to Vietnam by De- men was cut to pieces in the were the lowest in nearly two ing April 2, when 148 were killed fense Secretary Robert S. Mc- Mekong Delta yesterday by months, and those of South Viet- (See VIETNAM, Pg. 3, Col. 8) Neighbors Cautioned by Middletown LIONS AWARD WINNER — John Kinneman, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kinne- Deadline Is Set on Sewer Okay man, 131 Park Ave., Keansburg, who will graduate tonight from Middletown Town- MIDDLETOWN - Three po- dletown in the project, he said.1 The group of more than 25 per- 19 instead of Jan. 1. The township has an option to fhip High School, receives (500 Keansburg Lions Club scholarship last night from tential partners In a proposed At a meeting June 6, here, sons was headed by the presi- "This is the last extension pos- build the treatment plan on the George Brown, right, Lions Club president, as John J. Ryan, a member of the Keans- regional sewer district were giv- Mayor John A. Bahrs of High- dent, James Barrett, 8 Dogwood sible, which is the reason we J. Howard Smith , property east burg Board of Education looks on. Presentation w«s made at club dinner-meeting en until next Tuesday by thelands said his borough and At- Ter., New Monmouth. must know if the Bayshore bor- of Compton's Creek. The option Middletown Sewer Authority last lantic Highlands are seriously! According: to ,Mr. Schumann, oughs will join us In this proj- will be up at the end of July. at Buck Smith's Restaurant, East Keansburg. (Register Staff Photo) night to decide if they wish to considering a two-town regional construction of the collection sys- ect," Mr. Schumann said. Mr. Schumann told the citizens join the project. sewage disposal system with an tern and treatment plant arej "The size of the treatment plant committee that collection sys- According to Howard Schu- ocean outfall. scheduled to begin next spring, and the amount of land necessary tems will be completed in the On Cultural Center Costs mann, president of the Sewer The Sewer Authority explained Tentative completion date for the cannot be determined unless we Bayshore area first, moving south Authority, Atlantic Highlands, several aspects of the proposed project is late 1969 or early 1970.'know if we are in this alone towards Middletown. Highlands and Holmdel must an- sewer district at the request of He added that the federal gov- or with two or three other munic- The Initial service charge per swer by that date or Middletown the Middletown Citizens Commit- ernment has extended the dead-'ipalities," Mr. Schumann add- home for the sewers will be $350. will proceed on its own. tee for Sewers. line the system plans to Marched. (See SEWER, Pg. 2, Col. 4) Hughes Admits Error Mr. Schumann said the dead- line is necessary to comply with TRENTON (AP) —Gov. Rich- widely reported for some time, the parkway in Holmdel Twp. a federally imposed schedule for Million Program Announced ird J. Hughes is nursing a self- he acknowledged, that the cul-Construction is to be complans' . The township would fal inflicted wound he got by shoot- tural center would cost about pleted sometime in October, said behind if it delayed its plans Ing from the hip. $6.5 million. Furthermore, he Louis Tonti, executive director !any lon8er' The shot misfired, an apolo- said his office has been receiv- of the highway authority. I Mr, Schumann added, however, getic Hughes told newsmen yes- ing regular reports about the cul- that Holmdel has indicated it may Water Firm Expansion Set Tontl Shares Blame decide against the project, as terday as he recanted his criti- tural center costs from the New Ton(i admitted that his agen- cism of the Garden State Park- Jersey" Highway Authority, has Marlboro. EATONTOWN — Nearly $13 Newquist held up a tumbler 0] water, however, run 750 miles ol come, he warned, when we can- cy, too must share some blame way's multi-rrlillion dollar cultur- which runs the parkway. r According to Mr. Schumann, Million in new facilities and im- water before more than 300 mu- water mains in Monmouth Coun- not be complacent about our wa- for the brief tempest. In re- al center on Telegraph Hill in "I think it's almost ridiculous Holmdel is negotiating with the provements are planned by Mon nicipal representatives, county of- ty, through which runs pure wa- ter system. Some serious think- Holmdel. to criticize the cultural center sponse to newsmen's questions, county for funds to pay its share mouth Consolidated Water Co. by ficials, and officers and directors ter at the rate of 20 million gal- ing is necessary to plan for its "I'm embarrassed to admit on the basis of the price tag he said the original $1.6 million of the regional sewer district 1980 to keep clean, safe potable, of the utility and its parent com' "ons a day, with the rate doubling expansion to keep pace with the that I made my usual mistake. when you consider it costs estimate prepared by his staff project. The outcome will de- water coming to its 48,700 custo- pany, the American Water Works at times of peak load, Mr. New- imes. I thought old news was newmillion to $10 million for a mile'was premature. cide whether it joins with Mid- mers in the 120 square miles be- 0. quist explained. Fire protection "Better planning and knowhow news," the governor confessed. of highway in certain parts of tiveen Highlands and Shark Riv- "Take a look at this," Mr. New- is afforded the county by 3,106 are needed to utilize and con- Here's the way it happened: the state," Hughes said. er, Oscar A. Newquist, utility quist said! "People have died firfi e hydrants served .bby water ierve the precious commodity we Hughes picked up a newspa- He said the cultural center vice president, announced last for this; men have fought and company lines, he added. lave," Mr. Newquist declared. per over the weekend and disha- s been the target of opposi- night. been killed for this. Yet this We take water service, like po- Hence the planned $13 million covered a front-page story Indi- tion froma "narrow base" ever Speaking at a dinner given at glass of pure water costs only lice and fire department service, xpansion by 1980s. cating building costs of the cul- since it was proposed. Old Orchard Country Club by about half a cent." For granted, the utility vice presi- Three-Stage Plan tural center had jumped from "I hope my remarks today will Monmouth Consolidated, Mr. Behind the half-cent glass of dent went on. But the time has The plan Is in three stages, Mr. an original $1.6 million estimate save it from being mixed up in Newquist outlined. First will to more than (6.5 million. any political attack," he added. come water storage facilities in The governor's office prompt- - Acting Properly Locust, Rumson, Neptune, New ly advised newsmen that Hughes Furthermore, the governor Shrewsbury and Red Hill in Mid- Howard Asks LBJ to Back dletown, plus a new treatment •was "very concerned" about the said he had concluded that the ! cost spiraling and had ordered highway authority has been act- plant at Swimming River and parkway officials to his office ing properly and that the project needed distribution mains for a for an accounting. had his "complete support." total expenditure of $2,305,000. Israel on Jerusalem, Suez Much of this stage will be com- Jumps Gun Designed by the internationally Flanked by parkway officials known architect Edward Durrell By CHARLES A.
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