1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8265 benefit of the United States, in aid of the By Mr. PATRICK: It would be appreciated if this information prosecution of the· war, and for other pur­ H. R. 7719. A bill authorizing the President is brought to the attention of the Members poses; to the Committee on Patents. to present a gold medal to Kay Kayser; to the of the House of Representatives. I should Committee on Military Affairs. like to also add that there will be no censor­ BILL PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT By Mr. ROLPH: ship of telephone calls. A telephone operator Mr. KIRWAN, from the Committee on H. R. 7720. A bill for the relief of Pacific will put through calls without questioning Enrolled Bills, reported that that com­ Dry Dock & Repair Co., Inc.; to the Com­ the right of the user to use the system. She mittee did on this day present to the mittee on Claims. may, however, request the name and address or position of the person placing the call, President, for his approval, a bill of the but this will be for record purposes only. House of the following title: Sincerely yours, H. R. 3152. An act to suspend restrictions JAMES LAWRENCE FLY, during the present war and for 1 year there­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chairman. after upon the service of certain offi.cers of the Marine Corps in the Marine Corps Head­ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1942 AMENDMENT OF SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT quarters, Washington, D. C. The House met at 11 o'clock a. m., and Mr. SABATH. Mr. Speaker, I call up ADJOURNMENT House Resolution 554 and ask for its was called to order by the Speaker. immediate consideration. Mr. PATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I move Rev. John Compton Ball, pastor of The Clerk read as follows: that the House do now adjourn. Metropolitan Baptist Church, Washing­ The motion was agreed to; accordingly ton, D. C., offered the following prayer: Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to move that (at 3 o'clock and 10 minutes p.m.), under Our Father, we realize this morning as the House resolve itself into the Committee its previous order the House adjourned never before the truth of the expression, of the Whole House on the state of the Union until tomorrow, Saturday, October 17, "Man's inhumanity to man makes count­ for the consideration of the bill (H. R. 7528), 1942, at 11 o'clock a. m.) less thousands mourn." We not only to amend the Selective Training and Service hea oZ wars and rumors of wars but we Act of 1940 by providing for the extension of 1 liability, and all points of order against said REPORTS 0!< COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC know of them and the uncertainty of the bill are hereby waived. That after general BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS outcome of battles with the heart concern debate, which shall be confined to the bill, Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of over the fate of our loved ones. We and shall continue not to exceed 2 hours, committees were delivered to the Clerk plead, therefore, today for victory of to be equally divided and controlled -by the for printing and reference to the proper arms over our foes that the United Na­ chairman and ·ranking minority member of tions may be welded into a solidarity of the Committee on Military Affairs. the bill calendar, as follows: plan and purpose for the preservation shall be read for amendment under the 5- Mr. ELLIOTT of California: Joint Commit­ of the freedoms fought for and handed minute rule. No amendments shall be in tee on the Disposition of Executive Papers. order to said bill except amendments offered House Report No. 2575. Report on the dispo­ down to us by our forefathers as a sacred by direction of the Committee on Military sition of records by sundry departments of trust. To this end "May the words of Affairs or amendments relating to age limits, the United States Government. Ordered to our mouth and the meditations of our and said amendments shall be in order, any be printed. heart be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord, rule of the House to the contrary notwith­ Mr. ELLIOTT of California: Joint Commit­ our strength and our Redeemer.'' May standing. Amendments that may be offered tee on the Disposition of Executive Papers. our boys, on the far-flung battle lines of to said bill under the terms of this resolu­ House Report No. 2576. Report on the dispo­ the world, know that we are bearing tion shall not be subject to any amendment sition of records by sundry departments of except pro forma amendments. At the con­ the United States Government. Ordered to them up in our prayers. May they be clusion of the consideration of the bill for be printed. kept pure and clean in morals and pos­ amendment, the Committee shall rise and Mr. ELLIOTT of California: Joint Commit­ sess a spiritual morale that shall lead to report the bill to the House and such amend­ tee on the DiSposition of Executive Papers. the achievement of their goal, namely, ments as may have been adopted, and the House Report No. 2577. Report on the dispo­ a victory complete and final for the peace previous question shall be considered as sition of records by sundry departments of of the whole world. In the name of Thy ordered on the bill and amendments thereto the United States Government. Ordered to Son and to Thy glory we ask it. Amen. to.final passage without intervening motion, be printed. except one motion to recommit. Mr. SABATH: Committee 0n Rules. Reuse , The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Resolution 554. Resolution providing for terday was read and approved. Mr. COLE of New York. Mr. Speaker, consideration of H. R. 7528, a bill lowering I make the point of order that a quorum the draft law to 18 and 19 years, and for EXTENSION OF REMARKS is not present. other purposes.; without amendment (Rept. <Mr. CELLER asked and was given per­ The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum No. 2578). Referred to the House Calendar. mission to revise and extend his remarks is not present. in the RECORD.) Mr. RAMSPECK. Mr. Speaker, I PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PRIORITIES FOR URGENT LONG-DIS­ move a call of the House. Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public TANCE TELEPHONE CALLS A call of the House was ordered. bills and resolutions were introduced and The Clerk called the roll when the fol­ severally referred as follows: The SPEAKER laid before the House lowing Members failed to answer to their By Mr. RAMSPECK: the following communication from the names: H. R. 7716. A bill to authorize heads of de­ Chairman of the Board of War Com­ [Roll No. 118] partment s and agencies to delegate to sub­ munications: Allen, Ill. Duncan Kocialkowskl ordinates t he authority to employ persons for BOARD OF WAR COMMUNICATIONS, Angell Edmiston Kramer duty in d epartments or the field service; to Arnold Elllis Lambertson Washington, D. C., October 15, 1942. Baldwin Englebright Landis the Committee on the Civil Service. The Honorable SAM RAYBURN, H. R . 7717. A bill to place the office of the Barnes Faddis Lesinski Speaker of the House, Barry Ford, Leland M. Ludlow Secretary of the Territory of Alaska under Blackney Gilchrist Mcintyre the classified civil service; to the Committee United States House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Bloom Granger McKeough on the Civil Service. Brown, Ohio Green McLean By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: MY DEAR MR. SPEAKER: There is attached a Bupkler, Minn. Hall, Maas H. R. 7718. A bill to establish in the En­ copy of Order No. 20 of the Board of War Buckley, N.Y. Edwin Arthur Magnuson listed Reserve Corps of the Army of the Communications which establishes a system Byron Hancock Mason United States a section to be designated the of priorities for urgent long-diStance tele­ Capozzoli Hebert Mills, La. phone calls which require immediate or Chapman Hendricks Murray Women's Army Auxiliary Corps; to the Com­ Cochran Hook Norton mittee on Military Affairs. prompt completion for the national defense Coffee, Wash. Houston O'Brien, N.Y. By Mr. GUYER: and security, the successful conduct of the Cole,Md. Hull O'Connor H. Res. 555. Resolution making H. R. 974 a war, or to safeguard life or property. The Collins Jarrett O'Day special order of business; to the Committee persons entitled to use telephone toll prior­ Copeland Johns O'Leary Creal Johnson, Okla. Oliver on Rules. ities, where such a call is required in the Crosser Kean Osmers manner and for a purpose specified in the Crowther Kee Pierce PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS order, are listed in paragraph 2 and include Cullen Keefe Rankin, Mont. the President of the United States, the Vice Dickstein Kennedy, Reed, Ill. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private President, Cabinet officers, Members of Con­ Dies Martin J. Robertson, Dingell Keogh N.Dak. bills and resolutions were introduced and gress, and other governmental and civilian Domengeaux Kerr Rockefeller severally referred as follows: agencies. Douglas King Rockwell 8266 ' ~ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE OCTOBER 17 - Romjue Shanley Sweeney Mr. GIFFORD. Mr. Speaker, will the reduction in the draft age limit. I quote Sanders Shannon Tenerowicz Satterfield Sheppard Thill · · gentleman yield? from the speech which I made on the Sauthoff Smith, Pa. Tinkham Mr. SABATH. I yield. floor on August 31, of this year: Scanlon Smith, Wash. West Mr. GIFFORD. The gentleman said Schaefer, Dl. South : Willlams Mr. Speaker, in 1940, yes; as far back as Schuetz Starnes, Ala.
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