Ghairman Hao Gelehrates fiational IIay Hith 58{1,000 frrmyllreil and People in Feking o The people cheer the splendid victories won in the post 18 yeors by Choirmon I MEo's revolutionory line ond the tremendous successes of the greot culturol i revolution. I I Choirmon Mao ond his close comrode-in-orms Vice-Choirmon Lin Pioo, both in radisnt heolth, give their festivol greetings to oll ottending the moss rolly ond ioining the porode. The revolutionory mosses cheer: "Long live Choirmon Moo! A long, Iong life to Choirmon Moo!" . Comrode lin Piqo mokes o very importont speech. rfT HE capital resounded with shouts of "Long live tories of the great proletarian cultural re'rolution per- t Chair-man lvlao! A long, long life to him!" and sonally initiated and led by Chairman Mao, the greatest thunderous applause as half a million People's Libera- Mar'xist-Leninist of the preseni era. It was a cele- tion Armymen, proletarian revolutionaries and people bration hailing the briiliant vietories won in the past of all circles ceiebrated the l8th anniversary of the 18 years by the proletarian revolutionary line repre- People's Republic of China at a rnass rally, followed sented by Chairman Mao. It rvas a mighty demon- by a mammotl'r parade past Tien An Men Square stration against U.S. imperialism, Soviet modern re- on October 1. Chairman Mao, the great teacher, great visionism and reaction throughout the worid! leader. great su.preme commander and great helmsman, Calrf ing recl flags, portraits o{ Chairman Mao and and his ciose comrade-in-arms Vice-Chairman Lin Piao their treasured red-covered Quotations From Clnirman atiendeC the rally and reviewed the mighty army of !r'Iao Tse-tung, the paraders conrzerged from all over paraders. the cit;' on Tien An iL;Ien Square ea.r1y in the morning. It q'as a magnificent celebration at a time when singing rerrolutionar:r' songs and shcuting "Long live the natlon *,as joyousiy acclaiming tire tremendous vic- Chaii'man NIao!'' They read in unison quotatioi.rs from ..r'.. .,ti1.llilii.,j :.::ll::.t::| : :...":.'.,.:r r.::i:r:r:t::i Wiih a huge national er*blera anti a large statue of Chairmau SIao in its rnitlst, the vanguard surges throu8h lien An Mea Sqirare Octobet 6, 1957 -I Chairman Mao as they waited for the happy moment of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist when they would be reviewed by their great leader Party, Members of the Standing Committee of the Na- Chairman Mao. tional People's Congress, leading members of the Chinese At 10 a.m. sharp, Chairman Mao and his close People's Liberation Army, Peking Municipal Revolu- comrade-in-arms Vice-Chairman Lin Piao, both in ex- tionary Committee and various government departments. ceilent soirits and glowing with health, ascended the Mr. Li Tsung-jen was also on the rostrum. Also on the rcstrum on the Tien An Men Gate to the strains of. The rosti:um rvere P.L.A. combat heroes, and activists in the Ecsl Is Red. Tremendous cheers of "Long live Chairman study of Chairman Mao's works. trI::l A long, long life to him!" burst forth from When Hsieh Fu-chih, Alternate Member of the the P.LA men, young Red Guards and revolutionary Po1itical Bureau of the Party's Central Committee, peopie gathered at the square and from friends Vice-Premier and Chairman of the peking Municipal and comrades-in-arms from all over the ',vor1d in Revolutionary Committee, declared the rally open, the reviewing stands. At that moment, the square salvoes boomed out and the national anthem was play- was transformed into a picture of the rising sun as ed. Amid a thunderous ovation, Comrade Lin Piao the 100,000 revolutionaries massed there held up red stepped forward to address the nation. (For fu1l text and gold bouquets. Huge balloons were then rcleased, of the speech see p. g.) five of which, in the form of palace lanterns, bore the After Comrade Lin Piao,s speech, the parade.be- words "Long live Chairman Mao" in five Chinese char- gan. The hundreds of thousands of revolutionary peo- acters, while two others trailed streamers with the ple and P.L.A. coramanders and frghters, who surged words "Heartily wish Chairman Mao a long, long life!" through the square in 140 columns to be reviewed by Like sunflowers facing the sun, the jubilant masses the great leader Chairman Mao, marched briskly, turned their eyes to the great leader, cheering and shouting revolutionary slogans, holding aloft portraits waving their copies of Quotations Frant, Chairman Mcto of Chairman Mao and red banners, and waving their Tse-tung. red-covered Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-tung. With Chairman Mao and Vice-Chairman Lin piao on During the two-hour parade, Chairman Mao and his the rostrum were Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta, Kang Sheng, close comrade-in-arms Vice-Chairman Lin Piao were Chu Teh, Li Fu-chun, Chen Yun, Soong Ching Ling, in high spirits as they greeted the paraders, waving Tung Pi-wu, Chen Yi, Li Hsien-nien, Hsu Hsiang-chien, to them again and again. Nieh Jung-chen. Yeh Chien-ying, Hsieh Fu-chih, Chiang At the front of the parade was a large statue Ching, Yang Cheng-r,vu, Su Yu, Chi Pen-yu and yeh of Chairman Mao, his arm upraised, guiding the Chun. Also on the rostrum were: Comrade Mehmet triumphant march of miilions upon millions of Shehu, head, and Comrade Ramiz Alia, member, of the people. As the marchers carrying huge portraits of Albanian Party and Government Delegation; Comrade 1\4arx, Engels, Lenin, Staliri and Chairman Mao and Le Thanh Nghi, head, and Comrade Hoang Van Hoan, giant models of the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung deputy head, of the Party and Government Delegation filed past, the spectators cheeredi "Long live the in- of the Vietnam Democratic Republic; Comrade Huynh vincible thought of Mao Tse-tung!" Everyone u,as Van Danh, head of the Delegation of the South Viet- overjoyed that the world had entered the new era of nam ldational Front for Liberation; Thakin Ba Thein Mao Tse-tung's thought. The great thought of Mao Tin, head of the Delegation of the Centra,l Committee of Tse-tung has been widely popularized in the great cul- the Communist Party of Burma; yusuf Adjitorop, tural revolution. To read Chairnran Mao's books has head of the Deiegation of the Central Committee of become a must for the revolutir"rnary people. The the Indonesian Communiist Party; John Foulds, head printers in the capiial brought models to the parade of the Delegation of the Communist party of to show the record-breaking number of Chairman Mao's New Zealand; Prime Minister Ambroise Noumaza- works they had brought out. lay, head of the Delegation of the National Revolu- Thirty thousand People's Liberation Armymen, tionary Movement and Government of the Republic of workers, Red Guards and students then marched past as the Congo (Brazzaville); Minister Abdul Rahman Mo- the vanguard. The P.L.A. is a Great Wali that protects hammed Babu, head of the Tanzanian Goodlvil1 Dele- the motherland and the great proietarian cr-ritural revo- gation; Bakara Diallo, Director of the president,s lution. Escorting the national flag and the national Cabinet of Mali, and his wife; Minister Khrvaja Shaha- emblem, the P.L.A. men marched as one man, rifle in buddin, head of the Pakistan Government Goodwill one hand, Quatatians From Chairmsn Mao Tse-tung in Delegation, and his wife; Nguyen Minh phuong, the other. They marched past vigorously to be revierved acting head of the Permanent Mission of the by their great supreme commander Chairman Mao. The South Vietnam National Front for Liberation to vanguard carried large arresting slogans and models China; Anna Louise Strong, noted American ,"vriter; illustrating the tremendous victories of the great pro- Djawoto, Secretary-General of the Afro-Asian letarian cultural revolution. The people greeted with Journalists' Association, and his wife; R.D. Senanayake, exceptional enthusiasm models of the May 16, 1966 Secretary-General of the Afro-Asian Writers' Bureau, Circular on the cultural revolution issued by the Cen- and his wife; Rcbert Williams, American fr.iend, aird tral Committee of the C.P.C. and of the historic big- his wife; and Kinkazu Saionji, Japanese friend. Also character pcster "Bombard the Headquarters" r,vritten on the rostrum were Members and Alternate Members by Chairman Mao. All eyes were turned to Chairman 6 Peking liet:ieu, No. 41 with the slogans "!Vith- out a people's army the people have nothing" and "Learn from the P.L.A., salute the P.L.A." to express the ardent love and sup- port of the people ail over ihe country for the P.L.A. With group dancing and with slogans and mcdels, the paraders ci:mcnstrated how they ll.ere following the great strategic pian charted by Chairman Ivlao by actively taking part in the mass critic- ism and repudiation against the top Party persons in authority taking the capitalist A F.L.A. contingent marehes through the square, carrying a big poster with Vice-Chair- road. There u,ere also ma"r'! Lin Piao's inscription "Long lil'e Chairman Mao, the great teacher, B:reat leailer, lauding the rev- great supreme cGmmander and great helrr,srnan! A long, Iong life to Chairrnan Mao!" slogans olutionary great alliance and the revolutionary Mao on the rostrum as shouts of "Long live Chairman "three-in-one" combination. The cultural revolution Mao!" rang out again al-id again.
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