Continuous MIT News Service Cambridge Since 1881 Massachusetts Volume 108, Number 49 W Friday, November 18, 1988 ---- - ----··-·-·--81- Large tuition hike may be required next year By Prabhat Mehta 1970s where real salaries were on The annual tuition increase the decline, according to Deutch. may be larger than usual next With purchasing power for facul- year due to a projected $6 million ty returning to previous levels, budget deficit for the 1988-89 fis- Deutch noted that increases in cal year, Provost John M. Deutch their salaries would not be as '61 announced at a faculty meet- critical as in the past. ing held on Wednesday. This year's tuition went up by The increase in tuition will 7.3 percent over the previous likely accompany other budget- year, marking a nationwide trend balancing measures, including of tuition increases greater than another increase in the student the rate of inflation. Next year's self-help level and an effort to increase, then, will come as no curb the trend in rising faculty surprise to this year's seniors who salaries, Deutch said. have watched tuition rise from MIT ended the 1987-88 fiscal $11,000 in their freshman year to year with a $200,000 surplus, but this year's $13,400. only after $3 million dollars were Recently, the administration added to the operating budget has made an effort to keep the from a reserve fund. Thus, the self-help level - the amount of Institute actually operated with tuition students are expected to about a $3 million dollar deficit. pay themselves - from increas- While Deutch emphasized that ing. In the early 1970s, MIT's the budget deficit was not serious self-help level had been as high as Mark D. Virtue/The Tech and that "Draconian" methods 1.5 times the average self-help The final countdown. .. Members of the 2.70 class work frantically to finish their would not be needed to bring it level of its major competitors: final project. The contest will begin at 7 pm Monday in 26-100. to balance, he noted that the cur- Harvard, Stanford, Princeton ----· I--- --- --- -L_ --- - -*C ·-PQI- - P --- --- rent expenditure trend would lead and Yale. to the $6 million deficit for the The current level of $4900 has Few students minor in HASS fields current fiscal year and an $8 mil- been maintained since the 1985- lion deficit for the following 86 academic year. By Linda D'Angelo are tied for third with six stu- School of Engineering. The year. As early as last March, when Less than one half of one per- dents each. Science, Technology School of Science has 28.3 per- Deutch emphasized that there the administration announced cent of the student body have and Society, French, German, cent of current minors. The would be "no nicks and cuts this year's tuition increase, there taken advantage of the School of History, Literature, Psychology, School of Humanities and Social across the board" to bring about were signs that self-help would Humanities and Social Sciences and Women's Studies each have a Sciences an School of Architec- a "superficial" reduction in ex- have to increase. Vice President minor program, according to fig- few students. ture represent 9.4 and 3.8 percent penditures. Rather, he cited as a of Financial Operations James J. ures released by the School. The But no student has yet to apply respectively, while the School of possible solution the combination Culliton said last year that after low number is likely the result of for a minor in Archaeology/An- Management has no students of an increase in tuition and self- projections for -the next three lack of-information, said Ikey thropology, Russian, Spanish or 'participating in the HASS minors help and a limit to the trend of years, the self-help level would be Spear, coordinator of the Hu- Philosophy. Spear noted the program. increasing faculty salaries. at $5,300. manities, Arts, and Social Sci- "availability and variety" of These figures will be watched Salaries have steadily increased Deutch could not be reached ences Office. She felt that stu- classes within each minor are closely by the HASS office, for university faculty in recent for comment yesterday on the dents may not yet be aware of the factors in popularity. (Pleaseturn to page 2) years, reversing a trend in the possible tuition increases. program's limited requirements The number of students minor- or its benefits. ing increases with class year. Nine The HASS minor program, sophomores and eleven juniors Forumn addresses housing concerns which began this semester, was have applied to the HASS minor By Anne Samnmis "We plan to submit a report to tories defended the positive as- aimed at "giving recognition to program. But there are 33 seniors About 40 people discussed the Institute in early February. pects of R/O. "It's important for students who have gone beyond in this program. changes to the current Residence/ The UA wants to be sure that the first year students to begin devel- the HASS requirement," Dean Orientation system at the Under- Institute committee gets the aver- oping friendships and support Education Course VI has the most appli- for Undergraduate graduate Association Housing age MIT student's perspective on systems as soon at they come to Margaret L.A. MacVicar '65 said cants for HASS minors. These 13 distributed among Committee Forum on Tuesday. the housing issue." MIT," Garrett Love '91 said. at a faculty meeting last year. By students are six of the 15 available minors. This UA group was formed in re- The forum opened with discus- "Not only would delayed R/O completing six subjects in a mi- Institute Housing sion about freshman dormitories. be more difficult and expensive HASS With eight students, spanning sponse to the nor and taking three more Committee charged to evaluate The proposal of mandatory on- for the fraternities and ILGs, but or School of Architecture classes, five different minors, Course Courses freshman housing at MIT. campus residence for freshmen the freshman would be in limbo student would receive recogni- XVI is a close second. a tie for third with According to Stacy Segal '90, was supported by those question- for an entire year," Love added. tion of the field of study on his VII and XVIII Pro- each. Thir- the UA committee chairperson ing the validity of a three day According Molly Potter, diploma. four minor applicants of teen of the possible 21 majors and forum moderator, there was rush. fessor in the Department The minor program differs a need for direct student evalua- A few students pointed out Brain and Cognitive Sciences and from the concentration require- have between one and three stu- who are currently minoring tion of the housing system to that freshmen may be better able head of the IHC, freshman dor- ment since two or three more dents necessarily and the remaining four disci- complement the findings of the to make a decision regarding mitories will not be classes are required in the field of IHC] plines (Courses XI, XIII, XV, Institute committee. "The lHC housing given a year to explore. formed. "What we [the specialization. Minoring is an need to concentrate on is the and XXIV) have none. has only four MIT students, and Members of fraternities and in- "opportunity for students to get they were chosen by the commit- dependent living groups who are problem at hand. The demo- more depth than a concentration Fifty-eight percent of those minoring are enrolled in the tee," Segal said. opposed to the freshman dormi- graphics at MIT are changing: while avoiding the rigor of pursu- how will that affect housing? ing a second degree" Spear said. Maybe the solution lies in more Among the 53 students who ARA pizza suspected in student sickness coed or single-sex female hous- have applied to the program, the By Darrel Tarasewicz of symptoms within a few ents for pizza are made in large ing," Potter said. most popular HASS minor is What was originally suspected hours," he noted. batches at Lobdell, and if infect- Potter maintained that the IHC music with 12 applicants. Eco- Once the biohazard assessment ed, would have affected a much has made no decisions and plans with eight, follows close- to be a case of food poisoning at nomics, out office received word of this case, greater population. to study not only possible solu- ly. Political science and writing Lobdell Dining Hall turned not to be the case, according to the Lobdell kitchen and the pizza Both students have recovered, tions to the housing problem but Kim Murphy, assistant biohazard were screened for disease-causing but neither Fink nor Murphy also the consequences of those assessment officer. Food poison- agents. Both proved to be nega- were certain what was the cause solutions. ing bec-aie suspect wherl two stu- iuvc IVIUI Vy saiu. ringers of Of tlll UisordUl er. StooUl SaIpCS? dents developed gastroenteritis Lobdell workers were also tested from both students proved to be in the Undergraduate Academic after eating pizza at Lobdell two and proved to be negative. negative for any biological patho- Support Office, also addressed MIT's responsibility to the frater- Professor Philip A. Sharp weeks ago. Fink explained that the ingredi- gen, Murphy said. The two students, who are nity system. "The development shares 1988 Lasker or support of more coed indepen- Award. Page 2. roommates, became ill sequen- tially and one of them went the dent living groups should be an to MIT infirmary, Murphy ex- important issue considered in an plained.
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