, , 'J REGD. GOA-IS r Panaji, 30th March, 1982 ('Chaitra 9,1904! SERIES II No. 52 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF" GOA~ 'DAMAN AND DIU; EXTftl\O ft[) IN 1\ ftV GOVERNMENT OF GQA, DAMAN, AND DIU Works, Education and Tourism Department Irrigatio';" Department Notification No. CE/lrrigation/431/81 Whereas it appears expedient to the Government ,that the water of the rivers and its main tributal'ies ~dj}~-trt­ butaries as specified in column 2 of the Schedule annexed hereto (hereafter called as the said water) be applied ,:r­ and used- by the Government for the' purpose of the proposed canals, as specified in column 2 within the limits specified in the corresponding entrieo$ in columns 3 to,,6 _of :the said,,-S~hed1:l1e. NOW, .thefe:fore~ 'in' exercise of. powers 'confer~ed' by 'Section 4 of the. Goa. Daman and Diu Irrigation Act, 1973 (18 of 1973) the Adm.:ll'listrator of Goa, Daman' and Diu -,hereby declares that" the said water will be so -appUed and used after 1·7·1982. ". :', '< > SCHEDULE t(:uoe of Village, Taiukas, Du,trict in which'the water Name of water source source is situated :sr. No. and naUahs etc. Description of source of wate!' Village. Taluka. District, 1 2 3 • 5 6 IN GOA DISTRICT 1. Tiracol River: For Minor Irrigatiot.. Work Tiracol river is on the boundary of Patradevi, Torxem, ~\, namely Bandhara at Kiran· Maharashtra State and Goa territory. Uguem, Porosco~ pan!' It originates from the Western Ghat dem, Naibag, Ka· Region of Maharashtra State and ribanda D e U 8, Pemem Goa ~nters in Goa Distrtct at Patradevi Paliem., Kiranpani, village including all .the tributaries, Querim and Tira­ streams and nal.1as flowing Westward col. , till it empties into Arabian Sea near Tiracol village. It covers a distance of 27.5 kms. in Goa District, Union Tenitory of Goa, Daman: and Diu -'and passes along the bOrder' of . Goa Dis­ trict and MaharaShtra State (The river is s'ubject to tidal variations). The main tributaries of the river Ti­ racol are as mentioned below:- 2.a) Tributary No. 1 (TfYI'xem Nalw,): For Minor, _ Irrigation work Torxern, nalla . is a small nalla which Torxem. Peniem Goa namely Bandhara- at Tor-' . emits from nilly areas in western xem. region 'of Maharashtra State and unites with Tiracol River near the village Torxem in Goa. District. It covers a distance of 3.5 kms. in Goa District, - Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu. 658 ' 8ERIE8 11 No, 52- 1 3 4 5 6 l.b) Tributary No. 2 (Khad.shi NaIk): For Minor Irrigation works, Khadshi nalla emits from the Western Mopa, Tamboxem,} namely Baildhara at Khad­ Ghat of Maharashtra State 'and enters Faklrpatto and Pernem Goa_ shi, Torxem. L. I. Scheme in Goa District at Mapa Village and Uguem, '. at Torxem, FB.kirpatto, and flows westward till it joins with river canal. at Tamboxem and Tiracol at Uguem in Goa District, It Uguem and L. I. Scheme at flows through dense forest range of Tamboxem. Mopa and Tamboxem. It covers a dis­ tance of 8,5 kms, in Goa District, Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu . 1.e) Tributary No. 3 (Pernem NaIk): For Minor Irrigation work Pernem nalla is a small rialla, which Pernem Goa namely Bandhara Cum foot· emits from the dense· range of Malpe bridge ~t Gandhiteer. village in Goo.. and unites with Tira­ col river at Karibanda. It covers a , distance of, 3.5 kms. approximately in Goa District, Union territory of Goa, Daman 'and Diu. ' 2. Hannal River: FOr. Minor Irrigation works Hannal river which emits from fairly Corgao, Harmall '. namely Bandhara at Deula­ dense mixed jungle of Corgao hll1y ~ andj Pemem Goa Wada and vehicular bridge­ region in Goa District and flows west­ -cum-bandhara at Varcha­ ward and unites with Arabian Sea at wada Harmal. Junaswada Hannal. IL covers 'a dis­ tance of 11,00 Ions, approxlmately in Goa District. Union terntory of Goa, Daman and Diu. Manclrem river which emits from fairly For· Minor Irrigation works Corgao, NaIkwada, ~ namely Bandhara at Deuton, dense mixed cashew jungles of Corgao Gawdawada, Bj.- -bandhara cum-bridge at As­ and flows westward and unites with da;rbag, ' . Marath:- Pernem Goa kanwada and Toleband and Arabian' Sea at Mandrem covering a wada. JUlU18Wada foot bridge cum.-bandhara at distance of 8.75 Ions, .approxlmately in and Mandrern. Madamaz at Mandrem. Goa District, Union territory of uoa, Daman and Diu. 4. OhaJpora River: For Major, Medium & Minor 'Chapora river which emits from the IbrampUl', Jl,jcrna. I· Irrigation Work, namely western Ghat region of Maharashtra Tallorna, Vajiri, Bandhars. at Agarwada.. State and enters Go~ District at Dhargal, Maksan, \ Ibrampur village including all the Arabo, .Agarwada, , Pernem Goa tributaries, streams and nallas, and Chopd~m. Verna! :flows yvestward till it empties . into and M6rgim.' i Arabian Sea at Chapora village. It covers a distance of 31.5 kms. in GoG1. " ,District, Union territory' of Goa, Daman' and Diu. The river is subject to tidal interferences upto the village Sal. The main tributaries. of the river Chapora. are mentioned below: 4.a) Tributary NO.1 (Sal nallaj: For Minor Irrigation Works Sal nalla originates' from Maharashtra. Sal, Dumacem.l namely L. I. Scheme at Sal o::>ta'te and unites with Chapor.a rivel.' Mencurem and ~ BichoUm Goa. at Ibrampur and at Aloma near village Sal. It covers a, distance Vadaval. 1 and bandhara cum - foot­ of 6.5 Ions, in Goa District, Union terri­ -bridge at Dumacem. tory of Goa, Daman and "Diu, , Chandel, Colvale, 1 Chicali, Vagall, f Bardez Goa Oxel and Siolim. j . 4.b) Tributary No. 2.(Kalna River): For Minor Irrigation Works Kalna river which emits from Western Assapur. Kristan-\ namely L. I. Schemes at As­ Ghat of Maharashtra State and enters vadi, BaIlP.ur,·. sapur (3 nos;) and at Kut· in Goa District near village'> Assanur Kutwal, . Kessar­ Pernem Goa wal. Bandhai:a. at Bailpur and flows southward and unites Cha~ .wape, 'Murya. ( and L. I. Scheme at Chandel para river .at· Taramas. The river is' vaddi and Tara- J and at Nagzar. subject to tidal intederences upto mas. Bailpur village. It covers a distance of 9.5 kms.. in Goa District, Union t~i­ tory of Goa. Daman and Diu. , s(jrrNM:A~aH;1982 (OHAITRA 9, 1904) W' I ( 1 2 a 6 I 4,C) Tributary No, S (Virnoda Nalla): For Minor Irrtga~ion Work _Virnoda nalla emits from Malpe hilly ,Vlrnoda, :M:aIpe, Ti- 1 namely Balldhara'?,t OXeI.: ; , region of Pernem and flows southward .' vad,e, Dhargal, ~ Pemem and unites with river Chaj>ora ',at Tuem and Arabo. J Ambo. It covers a dlstaneeof 9.1i9km8. approximately jn G98-. P,istrlctj .union territory of Goa; Daman and'Diu.' , 4.d) Tributary No . .f. (Parce,n Rs- 1JeT): For :Minor Irriga.tion Work Parcem river emits from Chiraya village Chiraya, Tuem, Par- 1 ~ely Maus Bandhara at in Pernem and jOins with Chapora ri­ .em and Agar-} Pernem, Goa Nalnginwada Pars em.. , ver, at Agarwada. It, covers a distance wads" J of, 7.00' Ions. approximately in Goa Dlsb!lct, Union Territory of Goa, Da- .. '. man 'and Diu. Baga River: For Minor llT1gation Work Baga River emits from dense mixed Assagao, Anjuna,' :namely Bandhara at Baga. jungles of Asaagao area in Bardez Ta­ Arpora and Baga. Bardez Goa luka and flows towards westward' till it unites with Arabian Sea at Baga. It covers a distance of 10 lons. approxi.. mately in Goa District, Union territo­ ry of Goa. Daman and Diu. A small stream also joins with the river at Al'pora which emits from SaJigao hilly area. .- 8, .Handoui Bsuer: (Also called as :Madei River Mandavi river emits from the mounta­ Kodal, Bona!, Kun­ at the head of flow). For neous Western Ghat region and den­ tol, ~udnem, Vel­ Major, Medium and Minor se forest of Kanlataka. -State. (North guem, Nanus, Irrigation works namely L. I. West Region) Including all the tri­ Khadki, Sawar­ Scheme at caranzol, Sonal, butaries, streams and nallas flows ahem, Bhironda, Satari Goa Khadki, Sa~arshem,_ Bhi­ westward till it empties in Arabian. Dhamsem, Guleli, ronda, Nanuz, Padeli and Sea covering a distance of 81.00 Ions.' PadeU and Van- vantem and 1. I. Schemes in Goa District, Union territory of tern. .. at Dhamsem, sawarde, Vel­ Goa. Daman and Diu,. The river is guem and Kud!hem.' subject to _ tidal- interferences upto Ganjem. Nanus­ Ganjem village. It flows through Sa­ wada, Kumbhar­ tari, Bicholtin, Ponda, Bardez and Tis­ wada, Usgao, Va­ wadi Talukas. The main tributaries of gunnem, Savol­ Ponda Goa the river llandovi are mentioned -Verem, Betqui, below: Khandola and Tones.. .Ambe.shl, Rumawada, Ambegal'} Co- tombi, Majem, BichoIlm Goa Amana, Sarmanas, Piligao and Naroa. '\ Divar, Chodan, Old- ~ -G 0 a. Ribandar, Panaji and Ta­ Tiswadi Goa " leigao. Britona, Betitu-Ve- 1 rem, Nerul and t' Bardez Aguada. Sa) T1"ibutary No. 1 (NaflO<ie River): {Also called as Surla River at Nanode river emits from dense jungles Surla, Kodal and the Head cf flow). For Ma­ -of Western Ghat of Surla and Concom­ Nanode. Satarl Goa jor, Medium- and Minor Irri­ bi Zone and flows southward till it gation works, namely :Man­ joins with Mandovi ~iver at Nanode. davi Irrigation Project; It has got two main streams' called Bandhara at satrem and· as Handrich! Nadhi and Deuchi Nadhl. caranzol. It covers a distance of 20 luns. In Goa District, Union Territory of Goa, Da­ man and Diu. S:b) Tributary No. ! (Kumbtoi River): For Minor: Irrigation Work Kumbhtol river emits from dense jung­ Caranzol namely Bandhara at Kumbh­ les of Caranzol area and flows north­ Kumbhtol.
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