GENERAL A/582R/Add,.L* to Deeenber IP54 a S S E M B LY ORTGIML: XNGI-,ISH

GENERAL A/582R/Add,.L* to Deeenber IP54 a S S E M B LY ORTGIML: XNGI-,ISH

O NS UN NAT' Dlstr. 'IFD GE{ENAIJ GENERAL A/582r/Add,.L* tO Deeenber IP54 A S S E M B LY ORTGIML: XNGI-,ISH Nineteenth seesion REPOIT OF T1IE SPECIAL COMMITNBE ON AHE POIJCIES OF AIARTHE]D OF THE GOIIER}X'4UIT OF THE RTPUSTIC OF SOUTH AFRTCA*I+ ADDENDUM Repregsive measures agal-nst oppoqgnts of the po].lcles of alartheld Egpgrtegll ldr. Ram c. IIALII0TRA (ivepal ) * A].so lssued. as S /6o711Add..L. t+t+ Iten tL of the pf,orrlsional agenda. -2- corsls{Ts Paragraphs Ptge r.. Tl\mrF)nNmmr.\nr 1-40 4 II. IRTAIS AND CON\IICTIONS OF OPPONENTS OF APASTHETD . t+r - 236 r5 1. The trlat of l"b. NeLson l,land.ela. t.l Ivlr. Wa].ter Slsul-u and otlers (tne . Rtvonla trlal ) q2-oq l-u 2" The Cale [orar sabotage tTlal. of + Dx. and. otherg 96 - rot+ ,o 3. PietennarLtzburg sabotage tr1el of, 141'. BiILy Nair and othbrs . 105 - Ito Z1 4. Porb Alf"ed of . Yrr. I,{lni and. others . rrL - LL8 1t 5. Sabotage trlaLs ln eueenstolo: of Songco Itr. abd others ]-L9 - 129 17 6. [ria1 of aLleged supporters of African . NatlonaL Congress ln Cape Tom Llo * Lfr "A 7. PretorLa Eabotage trla]. of IvIr. I4ashaba. a!d. others lqo - 1(4 40 Johannesburg eabotage trlal of lfr..Sehoon . and othexs ,. ,. ,. .. t 41 9. Trla]. of lvb. Joha Harris 164 - 18, \3 10. Cape To,wn oabotage trlal of Mr. Ed.uard. Joseph Darie] t,t s and. othepe, , ,. .. .. 184 - 202 rl IL. [bla]-e El' . in progress . '. .. r . t ,. , , , _. ! zot - 256 ITI. XIEffi1rITI0NI^I:IffiOUTTRLA! r...... 217 - too 6l 1. Detenttons proc].a&atlon l+OO of L96O . d+o - a\z 2. Detentions Sectlon 4 of the General_ , Lav .Anendment Act of 196, 241 - d+7 6\ 1. Detentlons Sectlon 1f of the.GeneraJ.. Law Anendaent AcN of Ig6t zt8 - 274 l+. So.lltery conflnenent.of prisoners und.e? . detention ,7c - DRz 72 5. Itotests on d.etentions rmder Sectlon .t? of the General tav Arnenilnent A& of A)6J 284 - l,ao 74 -3- ?araAraphs ALT,EGATToNS oF TLL-T.mAIII/ENT AND TORTURI ' IV. B" U-! -H.fLLDUltl-ErllD .. ,. t t t .' .' loL - 154 )+oB too v. BAI{NrI{G ORDEBS AND IIOIJSE ARRESTF r . ,. , .. ,. r .. .. 15, - 1! Sanning ord.er6. ,. ,., /. !. r.. 364 - t+oL ].ol 2. Eouse eJrests 402 - 408 no ANNEX Rev:iew of political- trlal-s ln South Africar' t Septenber 196r-Novexober r96b . , rLz o -lr- I. INTRODUCTfOIf 1. The United NatLons orgaJrc have been gre at\r concexned, durj::g recent years over the regine of repression instrtuted. by the south afrlca," Goverru.ent ir. order to siLence and tntin:idate aLL r-ead.ers of non-'rhlte organizatlons and aIL ni1itant cpponents of the polLcies of apa.rtheid and thus to paral-yse al-l- reslsta'ce to poLicies. its They have expressed. grave concern over such and aetions as t the nass a*ests after the shazpe'lJJ-e a,nd. tanga incidents ll1 1p6o; the proclamation of energency regulations Ln the Transkei ir3 1960; the ba&n' ng of the African $ationar- congress and the paa-Africanlst congress and the pronulgation of the unlawfu. Act ln p60; the prorrulgation of the Gene"ar- rar'r -Arnendment Act (sabotage Act) In ].962, tbe w:id.e-spread. arrests of a,-leged supr)ortess of banned orgarnizations 1n Lg6t t the promur.gation of the Gene"al- Lalr Amendment Act of Lg61 for detention of persons trial' and the 'nithout detentions under this Act of hundreds of persous, includrng werl-knonn leade"s of politlcal- organizations opposed to the policle. 0f apartheid! the institution a J-arge of numbe" of tria'r s the sabotage Act and other represslve legislatton; o'r and the reports of, irr.-treatnent and tort,re of pe,,60ns in gaol. 2. The reporbs the of SpeciaL Comittee in Lg63 gave an account of the mass of repressive 1 leg's,-ation fu south Af3lca and lts i.nrylenentatron.v The present d.ocument covers the developnents slace the report of 15 Septeuber l_963. *l !/ al]d Add.l-. ^/5\%-s/j)+26 -5- PrlnclpaL repressive Legislatlon 1. The prtnci?al leglslatlon lrhich thousand.s of persons have been trled ancl con'ql" cted. Eay be rece,Iled: (a) the Suppregslon of Comuul1se Act of LgJo t as anended, " cormuolsn" 1g deflned not onlf as. 1t is conmon\r und-erstood but al-so as any doctrLne rt rrvhich or B chene ains at bringlng about any polltlcaL, lndustrlal, social or econonlc cbange stthin the BepubJ.i.c of South Afrt ca by the promotlou of i dlsturbance or dlsorder, by unlawful acts or onlsslons or by threats of such acts or omlsslons oT by treans vhlch lnclud e tbe pronotlon of dlsturbance€ ttrqhlch or, or such acts or on1.ssl ons or threatstt or aims at the encou"age4ent of feellngs of bostlLlw betveeD the European and non-European races of the Unlon the consequences of vhlch are calcul€ted to furtber the achievement of a::y obJect" lnd.lcated earller ln that sectlon. As ltlr. Gerald Gardlner, Q.C. (nov Lord. Gardlner, Lord. Chencellor of the Unlted Kingdon ) observed.: t'ft ls not lnapproprlate to coment that if the Gover@ent passes a l-av vhlch crlnlnates agalnst non-Europeans, that ls not tcomu:rism', but 1f anybody protests against that 1aw 1n a rnanner vhi ch ttconrxunlstt' causes, that Ls t conmunlsn"t.i/ The defluitlon of a a person'who is d-eemed by the State ?resid.ent to be a CcmmuuiBt or1 the ground that he had., at any tfu,e, befo"e or after the conmencement of thLs Act, ad.vocated, ad.vl6ed' d.efended. or encouxag€d the achievement of any of tbe objects of Colmunlsm or aDy act or onl.sslon whlch l-s caLcul-ated to t'So fi:rther the achlevement of a;ny such obJect. X{r. Cardlner com.ented: 1f you eere a Cc@unlst forhr years ago, you are a Conm;nlet today. Ard, vhetheT you are a Conrxrrnlst or not, you axe a CornnuJ1lst lf the Governo"- zl )' I GeneralZ/ 6ay6 you arett.r/ (l) llhe Uula\t-ful Organlzations Act, of J-!60, under whlcb several organl zatl ons, lncluding the two leadlng Afrl can poLltlcal- oxganlzations, the Afrl can 2/ Ouoted. bv the Internatlonal Comlssion of Jurlsts ln South Afrlca and. the - zuIe of lav, (ceneva, 1960), pp. 50-5I. f/ mow " state ?resld.ent". a fbld., p. 51. I Natloral. Congress and the ian-Afrlcanist Congress, were berufed, provldes severe penal-tle. fo? belonging to banned organlzatlons or furtherlag thelr obJects. (.) The General- I-e,w Anendment Act, of Lg62 created a ne.w crlme of fsabotage,,, plrnlshabl-e by minlnr-m a sebtence of flve years r rrr;l rl s oraent and a n.xl@ue of death. Ibe d.eflnltion of sabotage ls so lrid_e that 1t includes any wrongful and. u:iJ-ful act vhere\r the accused. danagee or tampers any property or person any or the state. The burden of the proof 16 shifted to the accused.: he ts gull_tf of sabotage ull_ess he can prove that hLs offel.ce I,,aB not comnltted to furbher or encourage the obJect speclfled. tn vague tenas i'n tbe Act' Tbe internatl.nal co,^ission of Jurist' conmented. that the "rilnlster provlslons'r of thls Act " to n1nd .sin' lrovlsrons lntroduced u.nd-er the totalttarlan reglee of Nazi Gernary" .2/ Actlon by Unlted ]Vatlons orga]]E 4. Conside"lng guch thet relressLve meesures are txot oaltrr contre,ry to the fundamental prC.nclples of huean rLght' and. Justlce, but deny aL1 avenues of peaceful change and lncrease the danger of a yl.r-ent conflrct i.n the courtry, the General and the Securlty Coulxcil- have ca]-led. on the South Afrl can Govel.ment to end. represslon agalnst the opponent' of the poucles of apartheid and to seek a Beacefur e olutlon 1n consultatlon e-itb the representatlves of arl the peopJ-e of south r,r'lth Afrl ca abd the asslstance of the unlted lr&etlons . B3r resolutlon 5. l76f. (XVJI ) of 6 Novenber Lg6Z, ttre Genera]. Assenbfy strobgly d eprecated' the aggravatlon of raclal lssues by the south Afrl can Government w enforclng measures of lncreaelng ruthlessaess ll]vol-rdng r,.iolence and. bl_oodshed. 6' 3y resolutio! s/5t86 of T August Lg6?., tioe securlw councr.r. carled. upon the south Afrlcan Government to Ltberate a1r persoos lmprlsoned, 1Dte"ned. or subJected. to other "estrlctlons for baving opposed the of apartheld. 7. By on (XvfU "esolutl 1881 ) of LL October L96r, adolted. on the eve of trlals of a l-arge number of polltlcal read.ers arbr-'brary rsws prescrlblng the death sentence, the Generar Asserrbly cond.enned. the south Afrlcan Govem.Bent for Its i' or ru"lsts, statement on |;lillt;ffi] iffi""ton rhe south Arrlcan I fallure to eonply w1th the repeated resolutions of the General Assernbly and the Secud-ty councll cal-ltng for an end to the represslon of lersons opposing apartheid., and requested lt to aband on the arbltrary trlals then ln progress and fortbwtth to grant uncondj,tional rel-eaee to atI politl cal prlsoners and' to all opposed persons 1mp?lsoned, lnterned.

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