O NS UN NAT' Dlstr. 'IFD GE{ENAIJ GENERAL A/582r/Add,.L* tO Deeenber IP54 A S S E M B LY ORTGIML: XNGI-,ISH Nineteenth seesion REPOIT OF T1IE SPECIAL COMMITNBE ON AHE POIJCIES OF AIARTHE]D OF THE GOIIER}X'4UIT OF THE RTPUSTIC OF SOUTH AFRTCA*I+ ADDENDUM Repregsive measures agal-nst oppoqgnts of the po].lcles of alartheld Egpgrtegll ldr. Ram c. IIALII0TRA (ivepal ) * A].so lssued. as S /6o711Add..L. t+t+ Iten tL of the pf,orrlsional agenda. -2- corsls{Ts Paragraphs Ptge r.. Tl\mrF)nNmmr.\nr 1-40 4 II. IRTAIS AND CON\IICTIONS OF OPPONENTS OF APASTHETD . t+r - 236 r5 1. The trlat of l"b. NeLson l,land.ela. t.l Ivlr. Wa].ter Slsul-u and otlers (tne . Rtvonla trlal ) q2-oq l-u 2" The Cale [orar sabotage tTlal. of + Dx. ALexand.er and. otherg 96 - rot+ ,o 3. PietennarLtzburg sabotage tr1el of, 141'. BiILy Nair and othbrs . 105 - Ito Z1 4. Porb Alf"ed sabotage.case of . Yrr. I,{lni and. others . rrL - LL8 1t 5. Sabotage trlaLs ln eueenstolo: of Songco Itr. abd others ]-L9 - 129 17 6. [ria1 of aLleged supporters of African . NatlonaL Congress ln Cape Tom Llo * Lfr "A 7. PretorLa Eabotage trla]. of IvIr. I4ashaba. a!d. others lqo - 1(4 40 Johannesburg eabotage trlal of lfr..Sehoon . and othexs ,. ,. ,. .. t 41 9. Trla]. of lvb. Joha Harris 164 - 18, \3 10. Cape To,wn oabotage trlal of Mr. Ed.uard. Joseph Darie] t,t s and. othepe, , ,. .. .. 184 - 202 rl IL. [bla]-e El' . in progress . '. .. r . t ,. , , , _. ! zot - 256 ITI. XIEffi1rITI0NI^I:IffiOUTTRLA! r...... 217 - too 6l 1. Detenttons und.er proc].a&atlon l+OO of L96O . d+o - a\z 2. Detentions und.er Sectlon 4 of the General_ , Lav .Anendment Act of 196, 241 - d+7 6\ 1. Detentlons und.er Sectlon 1f of the.GeneraJ.. Law Anendaent AcN of Ig6t zt8 - 274 l+. So.lltery conflnenent.of prisoners und.e? . detention ,7c - DRz 72 5. Itotests on d.etentions rmder Sectlon .t? of the General tav Arnenilnent A& of A)6J 284 - l,ao 74 -3- ?araAraphs ALT,EGATToNS oF TLL-T.mAIII/ENT AND TORTURI ' IV. B" U-! -H.fLLDUltl-ErllD .. ,. t t t .' .' loL - 154 )+oB too v. BAI{NrI{G ORDEBS AND IIOIJSE ARRESTF r . ,. , .. ,. r .. .. 15, - 1! Sanning ord.er6. ,. ,., /. !. r.. 364 - t+oL ].ol 2. Eouse eJrests 402 - 408 no ANNEX Rev:iew of political- trlal-s ln South Africar' t Septenber 196r-Novexober r96b . , rLz o -lr- I. INTRODUCTfOIf 1. The United NatLons orgaJrc have been gre at\r concexned, durj::g recent years over the regine of repression instrtuted. by the south afrlca," Goverru.ent ir. order to siLence and tntin:idate aLL r-ead.ers of non-'rhlte organizatlons and aIL ni1itant cpponents of the polLcies of apa.rtheid and thus to paral-yse al-l- reslsta'ce to poLicies. its They have expressed. grave concern over such J.eg:islatlon and aetions as t the nass a*ests after the shazpe'lJJ-e a,nd. tanga incidents ll1 1p6o; the proclamation of energency regulations Ln the Transkei ir3 1960; the ba&n' ng of the African $ationar- congress and the paa-Africanlst congress and the pronulgation of the unlawfu. organizatror.rs Act ln p60; the prorrulgation of the Gene"ar- rar'r -Arnendment Act (sabotage Act) In ].962, tbe w:id.e-spread. arrests of a,-leged supr)ortess of banned orgarnizations 1n Lg6t t the promur.gation of the Gene"al- Lalr Amendment Act of Lg61 provid.ing for detention of persons trial' and the 'nithout detentions under this Act of hundreds of persous, includrng werl-knonn leade"s of politlcal- organizations opposed to the policle. 0f apartheid! the institution a J-arge of numbe" of tria'r s und.er the sabotage Act and other represslve legislatton; o'r and the reports of, irr.-treatnent and tort,re of pe,,60ns in gaol. 2. The reporbs the of SpeciaL Comittee in Lg63 gave an account of the mass of repressive 1 leg's,-ation fu south Af3lca and lts i.nrylenentatron.v The present d.ocument covers the developnents slace the report of 15 Septeuber l_963. *l !/ al]d Add.l-. ^/5\%-s/j)+26 -5- PrlnclpaL repressive Legislatlon 1. The prtnci?al leglslatlon und.er lrhich thousand.s of persons have been trled ancl con'ql" cted. Eay be rece,Iled: (a) Und.er the Suppregslon of Comuul1se Act of LgJo t as anended, " cormuolsn" 1g deflned not onlf as. 1t is conmon\r und-erstood but al-so as any doctrLne rt rrvhich or B chene ains at bringlng about any polltlcaL, lndustrlal, social or econonlc cbange stthin the BepubJ.i.c of South Afrt ca by the promotlou of i dlsturbance or dlsorder, by unlawful acts or onlsslons or by threats of such acts or omlsslons oT by treans vhlch lnclud e tbe pronotlon of dlsturbance€ ttrqhlch or d.isord.er, or such acts or on1.ssl ons or threatstt or aims at the encou"age4ent of feellngs of bostlLlw betveeD the European and non-European races of the Unlon the consequences of vhlch are calcul€ted to furtber the achievement of a::y obJect" lnd.lcated earller ln that sectlon. As ltlr. Gerald Gardlner, Q.C. (nov Lord. Gardlner, Lord. Chencellor of the Unlted Kingdon ) observed.: t'ft ls not lnapproprlate to coment that if the Gover@ent passes a l-av vhlch d.ls crlnlnates agalnst non-Europeans, that ls not tcomu:rism', but 1f anybody protests against that 1aw 1n a rnanner vhi ch ttconrxunlstt' causes d.l-sord.er, that Ls t conmunlsn"t.i/ The defluitlon of a lncLud.es a person'who is d-eemed by the State ?resid.ent to be a CcmmuuiBt or1 the ground that he had., at any tfu,e, befo"e or after the conmencement of thLs Act, ad.vocated, ad.vl6ed' d.efended. or encouxag€d the achievement of any of tbe objects of Colmunlsm or aDy act or onl.sslon whlch l-s caLcul-ated to t'So fi:rther the achlevement of a;ny such obJect. X{r. Cardlner com.ented: 1f you eere a Cc@unlst forhr years ago, you are a Conm;nlet today. Ard, vhetheT you are a Conrxrrnlst or not, you axe a CornnuJ1lst lf the Governo"- zl )' I GeneralZ/ 6ay6 you arett.r/ (l) llhe Uula\t-ful Organlzations Act, of J-!60, under whlcb several organl zatl ons, lncluding the two leadlng Afrl can poLltlcal- oxganlzations, the Afrl can 2/ Ouoted. bv the Internatlonal Comlssion of Jurlsts ln South Afrlca and. the - zuIe of lav, (ceneva, 1960), pp. 50-5I. f/ mow " state ?resld.ent". a fbld., p. 51. I Natloral. Congress and the ian-Afrlcanist Congress, were berufed, provldes severe penal-tle. fo? belonging to banned organlzatlons or furtherlag thelr obJects. (.) The General- I-e,w Anendment Act, of Lg62 created a ne.w crlme of fsabotage,,, plrnlshabl-e by minlnr-m a sebtence of flve years r rrr;l rl s oraent and a n.xl@ue of death. Ibe d.eflnltion of sabotage ls so lrid_e that 1t includes any wrongful and. u:iJ-ful act vhere\r the accused. danagee or tampers rd.th any property or person any or the state. The burden of the proof 16 shifted to the accused.: he ts gull_tf of sabotage ull_ess he can prove that hLs offel.ce I,,aB not comnltted to furbher or encourage the obJect speclfled. tn vague tenas i'n tbe Act' Tbe internatl.nal co,^ission of Jurist' conmented. that the "rilnlster provlslons'r of thls Act "bri.ng to n1nd .sin'r.ar lrovlsrons lntroduced u.nd-er the totalttarlan reglee of Nazi Gernary" .2/ Actlon by Unlted ]Vatlons orga]]E 4. Conside"lng guch thet relressLve meesures are txot oaltrr contre,ry to the fundamental prC.nclples of huean rLght' and. Justlce, but deny aL1 avenues of peaceful change and lncrease the danger of a yl.r-ent conflrct i.n the courtry, the General Assenb.ly and the Securlty Coulxcil- have ca]-led. on the South Afrl can Govel.ment to end. represslon agalnst the opponent' of the poucles of apartheid and to seek a Beacefur e olutlon 1n consultatlon e-itb the representatlves of arl the peopJ-e of south r,r'lth Afrl ca abd the asslstance of the unlted lr&etlons . B3r resolutlon 5. l76f. (XVJI ) of 6 Novenber Lg6Z, ttre Genera]. Assenbfy strobgly d eprecated' the aggravatlon of raclal lssues by the south Afrl can Government w enforclng measures of lncreaelng ruthlessaess ll]vol-rdng r,.iolence and. bl_oodshed. 6' 3y resolutio! s/5t86 of T August Lg6?., tioe securlw councr.r. carled. upon the south Afrlcan Government to Ltberate a1r persoos lmprlsoned, 1Dte"ned. or subJected. to other "estrlctlons for baving opposed the poll-cl.eg of apartheld. 7. By on (XvfU "esolutl 1881 ) of LL October L96r, adolted. on the eve of trlals of a l-arge number of polltlcal read.ers uld.er arbr-'brary rsws prescrlblng the death sentence, the Generar Asserrbly cond.enned. the south Afrlcan Govem.Bent for Its i' or ru"lsts, statement on |;lillt;ffi] iffi""ton rhe south Arrlcan sebots.se I fallure to eonply w1th the repeated resolutions of the General Assernbly and the Secud-ty councll cal-ltng for an end to the represslon of lersons opposing apartheid., and requested lt to aband on the arbltrary trlals then ln progress and fortbwtth to grant uncondj,tional rel-eaee to atI politl cal prlsoners and' to all opposed persons 1mp?lsoned, lnterned.
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