Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

1 Professor Sir Ghillean Prance F.R.S., V.M.H. BOOKS EDITED: 1. "Extinction is Forever". Proceedings of a "Symposium on the status of Threatened and Endangered Plants of the Americas" The New York Botanical Garden 1977 (co-editor T.S. Elias). 2. "Biological Diversification in the Tropics:" Proceedings of the 5th ATB Symposium, Caracas, Venezuela 1979, Columbia University Press, 1981. 3. "Ethnobotany in the Neotropics" Advances in Economic Botany Vol. 1. 1984 (Co-editor J. Kallunki). 4. "Amazonia" Key Environments, Pergamon Press, 1985 (co- editor T.E. Lovejoy). 5. "Tropical forests and world climate" Proceedings of an AAAS symposium, Westview Press, 1986. 6. "Biogeography and Quaternary History in Tropical America, Oxford monographs on biogeography 3. 1987, Clarendon Press, Oxford (edited with T.C. Whitmore). 7. "White Gold". The diaries of an Amazon rubber tapper. Synergetic Press, 1989. 8. New Directions in the Study of Plants and People. Advances in Economic Botany Vol. 8 1990 (co-editor M.J. Balick). 9. Reproductive Biology and Evolution of Tropical Woody Angiosperms. Mem. New York Botanical Garden 55. 1990 (co-editor G. Gottsberger). 10. Missionary Earthkeeping, Mercer University Press, 1992 (co- editor C.B. Dewitt). 11. Ethnobotany and the search for new drugs. Ciba Foundation Symposium 125, John Wiley & Sons, 1994 (Co-editors D. Chadwick & J. Marsh). 12. Changes and disturbance in tropical rainforest in South-East Asia. Imperial College Press, London, 2000 (Co-editors D. M. Newberry & T. H. Clutton-Brock). BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS 1. Dichapetalaceae: Flora Neotropica 10, 84 pages. 1972. 2. Chrysobalanaceae: Flora Neotropica 9, 409 pages. 1972. 3. Caryocaraceae: Flora Neotropica 12, 75 pages. 1973. (with M.F. da Silva). 4. Arvores de Manaus. 312 pages. INPA Manaus. December 1975 (with M.F. da Silva). 5. Algumas Flores da Amazonia. Manaus. 1976. 56 pages. 6. The Actinomorphic-flowered New World Lecythidaceae. Lecythidaceae-Part I. Flora Neotropica 21: 1–270. 1979. (with Scott A. Mori). 7. Leaves: The formation, characteristics and uses of hundreds of leaves found in all parts of the world. Crown, New York. 244 pp (with photographs by Kjell B. Sandved.) Honorable mention: The New York Academy of Children's Science Book Award, April 30, 1986. 8. Manual de Botânica Econômica do Maranhão. Grafica Universitaria UFMA/CORSUP. 253 pages, 1988. 2 9. Wild Flowers for all Seasons. Crown, New York (with illustrations by Anna Vojtech).208 pages.1989. Reprint, The New York Botanical Garden Press, 1999. 10. Chrysobalanaceae: Flora Neotropica 9S, 267 pages. 1989. 11. The Zygomorphic-flowered New World Lecythidaceae. Lecythidaceae - Part II. Flora Neotropica 21 (2): 1–376. 1990. (S.A. Mori and G.T. Prance). 12. Out of the Amazon. HMSO (with photographs by S. Cunningham). 1992. 13. Bark: The formation, characteristics and uses of bark around the world. Timber Press, Oregon. 174 pp. (with Anne E Prance and photographs by Kjell B. Sandved). 1993. Best Reference Book Award, American Library 1994. 14. The Earth under threat: A Christian perspective. Wild Goose Publications. 1996. 15. Plant Conservation Strategic Plan (In Japanese), 255 pages. Tokyo, Flora of The Earth Project, Kinokuniya Books, 1997. 16. The Biological Monograph, 236 pages. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1998 (H.C.F. Hopkins, C.R. Huxley, C.M. Pannell, G.T. Prance & F. White). 17. Rainforests of the World. Harvill Press, London & Crown, New York, 304 pages, 1998 (with photographs by Art Wolfe). SCIENTIFIC PAPERS 1. The Systematic Position of Stylobasium Desf. Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 35: 435–448. 1965. 2. New and interesting Connaraceae from South America. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 15: 129–132. 1966. 3. A Note on the Identity of the Genus Pleragina Arruda. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 15: 133–135. 1966. 4. Notes on the Chrysobalanaceae of Angola. Bol. Soc. Broteriana Ser. 2, 40: 181–186. 1966. 5. Dichapetalaceae in Steyermark & Agostini, Exploration Botanica del Cerro Patao. Act. Bot. Venez. 2(2): 50–51. 6. The taxonomy and ecology of the Chrysobalanaceae of the Amazon Basin. Atas do Simpósio sôbre a Biota Amazônica 4: 209–228. 1967. 7. The systematic position of Rhabdodendron Gilg & Pilg. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 38: 127–146. 1968. 8. Maranthes (Chrysobalanaceae), A new generic record for America. Brittonia 20: 203– 204. 1968. 9. New and Interesting Dichapetalaceae from Venezuela. Act. Bot. Venez. 3: 301–304. 1968. 10. A taximetric study of an Angiosperm family: Generic delimination in the Chrysobalanaceae. New Phytologist 68: 1203–1234. 1969 (with D.J. Rogers & F. White). 11. Notes on the use of Plant Hallucinogens in Amazonian Brazil. Economic Botany 24: 62–68. 1970. 12. The genera of Chrysobalanaceae in the southeastern United States. Jour. Arnold Arb. 51: 521–528. 1970. 13. New species of Phanerogams from Amazonia. Brittonia 23: 438–445. 1971. 14. Dichapetalaceae: Flora de Venezuela 3(1): 55–74. 1971. 15. An index of Plant Collectors in Brazilian Amazonia. Acta Amazonica 1(1): 25–65. 1972. 3 16. Rhabdodendraceae: Flora Neotropica 11, 22 pages. 1972. 17. Caryocaraceae in: Maguire, B. et al. The botany of the Guayana Highland IX. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 23: 127–131. 1972. 18. Ethnobotanical Notes from Amazonian Brazil. Economic Botany 26: 221–237. 1973. 19. New and Interesting Chrysobalanaceae from Amazonia. Acta Amazonica 2(1): 7–16. 1973. 20. The mycological diet of the Yanomam Indians. Mycologia 65: 248–250. 1973. 21. An ethnobotanical comparison of four tribes of Amazonian Indians. Acta Amazonica 2(2): 7–27. 1973. 22. Chrysobalanaceae in Tree Flora of Malaysia 2: 321–340. 1973. (with T. Whitmore). 23. Phytogeographic support for the theory Pleistocene forest refuges in the Amazon Basin, based on evidence from distribution patterns in Caryocaraceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Dichapetalaceae and Lecythidaceae. Acta Amazonica 3(3): 5– 28. 1974. 24. Supplementary studies of American Chrysobalanaceae 3. Acta Amazonica 4(1): 17– 23. 1974. 25. A note on Couepia cognata (Steud.) Fritsch and related species (Chrysobalanaceae). Acta. Bot. Venez. 9: 119–122. 1974. 26. A new Peruvian species of Chiropterophilous Couepia (Chrysobalanaceae). Brittonia 26: 302–304. 1974. 27. Victoria amazonica ou Victoria regia. Acta Amazonica 4(3): 5–8. 1974. 28. Revisão taxonomica das espécies Amazônicas de Rhizophoraceae. Acta Amazonica 5(1): 5–22. 1975. (Senior author with 11 co-authors). 29. A study of the Floral Biology of Victoria amazonica (Poepp.) Sowerby (Nymphaeaceae). Acta Amazonica 5(2): 5–35. 1975. (with J.R. Arias). 30. The correct name for Castanha de cutia (Coupia edulis (Prance) Prance ? Chrysobalanaceae). Acta Amazonica 5(2): 39–41. 1975. 31. A biologia floral de Victoria amazonica (Poepp.) Sowerby (Nymphaeaceae). Ciencia e Cultura 27: 1293–1297. 1975. (with Anne E. Prance & J.R. Arias). 32. Introdução a uma série de publicações sobre a vegetação das campinas Amazónicas. Acta Amazônica 5(3): 207–209. 1975. 33. A vegetação lenhosa da Campina da Reserva Biológica INPA-SUFRAMA (Manaus- Caracaraí, km 62). Acta Amazonica 5(3): 225–246. 1975. (A.B. Anderson, G.T. Prance & B.M. de Albuquerque). 34. The history of the INPA capoeira based on ecological studies of Lecythidaceae. Acta Amazonica 5(3): 261–263. 1975. 35. The Ethnomycology of the Sanama Indians. Mycologia 68(2): 201–210. 1976. (O. Fidalgo & G.T. Prance). 36. Tapura (Dichapetalaceae) a genus new to Mexico. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 103: 21–22. 1976. 37. Inventário florestal de um hectare de mata de terra firme km 30 da Estrada Manaus- Itacoatiara. Acta Amazonica 6(1): 9–35. 1976. (with W.A. Rodrigues & M.F. da Silva). 38. Additions to Neotropical Chrysobalanaceae. Brittonia 28: 298–230. 1976. 39. Two new species of Amazonian Lecythidaceae. Brittonia 28: 298–302. 1976. (with A.B. Anderson). 40. Studies of floral biology of Neotropical Nymphaeaceae 3. Acta Amazonica 6(2): 163– 170. 1976. (with A.B. Anderson). 41. The pollination and androphore structure of some Amazonian Lecythidaceae. Biotropica 8: 235–241. 1976. 4 42. Contribuição ao conhecimento da flora do Aripuanã (Mato Grosso) 1. Fanerógams. Acta Amazonica 6(4) Suplemento: 33–41. 1976. (P.L. Lisboa, G.T. Prance & R.L. Lisboa). 43. A new Colombian species of Dichapetalaceae. Mutisia 42: 1–3. 1977. 44. Caryocaraceae. Flora of Panama, Part VI. Family 120. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 63(3): 541–546. 1976. 45. The Ethnobotany of the Paumari Indians. Economic Botany 31: 129–139. 1977 (with David G. Campbell & Bruce W. Nelson). 46. The Amazon forest: A natural heritage to be preserved. Pages 158–194. In: Prance, G.T. & Elias, T.S. editors. Extinction is Forever. New York. 1977. (J.M. Pires & G.T. Prance). 47. The Phytogeographic subdivisions of Amazonia and their influence on the selection of Biological Reserves. Pages 195–212. In: Prance, G.T. Elias, T.S. editors. Extinction is Forever. New York. 1977. 48. Respaldo fitogeografico a la teoria de los refugios selvaticos durante el pleistoceno en la Cuenca Amazonica. Mem. IV Congresso Venezolano de Botanica: 155–157. 1976. 49. Two new species for the Flora of Panama. Brittonia 29: 154–158. 1977. 50. What is Lecythis? Taxon 26: 209–222. 1977. (with S.A. Mori). 51. Chrysobalanaceae. In: J. Lanjouw & A.L. Stoffers, Flora of Suriname. Vol. II Part 2. Additions & Corrections: 524–555. 1976. (with A.R.A. Gorts van Rijn). 52. Floristic Inventory of the tropics: where do we stand? Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 64: 659–684. 1978. 53. Observations on the fruits and seeds of Neotropical Lecythidaceae. Brittonia 30: 21– 33. 1978. (with S.A. Mori). 54. Notes on the vegetation of Amazonia I. A preliminary note on the origin of the open white sand campinas of the lower Rio Negro. Brittonia 30: 60–63. 1978. (with H.O.R. Schubart). 55. Chrysobalanaceae: In Steyermark, J.A. & Brewer-Carias, C. La vegetación de la cima del macizo de Jaua.

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