ANNUAL REPORTS OF FOREST BIOLOGY RANGERS BRITISH COLUMBIA, 1960 FOREST ENTOMOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY LABORATORY VICTORIA, B. C. CANADA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY FOREST ENTOMOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY BRANCH April, 1961 (This report may not be published in whole or in part without the written consent of the Director, Forest Entomology and Pathology Branch, Department of Forestry, Ottawa, Canada.) TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREST BIOLOGY RANGERS ANNUAL REPORT British Columbia, 1960. Page FOREWORD (R. L. Fiddick) ee•e Deese" 000 "RI •oaaa-oe cratteetkoet,eoaoo 1 VANCOUVER FOREST DISTRICT, VANCOUVER ISLAND SECTION, Introduction (D. G. Collis) SOUTH VANCOUVER ISLAND DISTRICT (D. G. Collis) .................... 5 Introduction ......................................,.......... 5 .s of Insects ,.,. .0.00,0.0 000.,000000000000000000000000o 6 Acleris variana (Fern.) Black-headed Budworm ............ 16 Alelges piceae (Ratz.) Balsam Woolly Aphid ............. 19 Apecthis ontario (Cresson) Fir Coneworm ................ 13 Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote) ..... ..... ..... ....... 19 Dusoma sp. 00400o0O0000,o600000000.e." .......... 00.00 7 Ectropis crepuscularia Schiff. Saddle-backed Looper .... ..,17 Halisidota argentata Pack. Silver-spotted Tiger Moth .... 18 Hyphantria cunea Harr. Fall Webworm ..............,... 18 Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst) Western Hemlock Looper ........... 17 Lambdina somniaria (Hulst) Oak Looper .................. 16 Melanolophia imitata Wlk. Green Striped Forest Looper ... 6,17 Neophasia mena pia Feld. Pine Butterfly .................. 10 Nyctobia limitaria (Stkr.) Yellow-lined Forest Looper ... 17 Platypus wilsoni Sw. Wilsons Wide-headed Ambrosia Beetle 14 Scolytus ventralis Lee. Fir Engraver Beetle ............ 14 Mi scellaneous Insects .................................. 21 Status of Forest Diseases .000 oOts00 0 tre,O000000 ocoo•c. ooeo op oo 23 Arceuthobium campylopodum Engelm. f. tsugensis (Rosedahl) Gill oa..ogoo.e0000000.ocooeoeo 23 Atropellis pinicola Zellar Goodd. ..................... 25 Botrytis cinerea Pears. ex Fr. .......................... 24 Cladosporium sp. 00e0009.00000oopepoOp000O0000Q0O000 24 Gymnosporangium fuscum DC (G. sabinae Dicks. ex Wint.) .. 23 eN, Merulius himantioides Fr. 60,000000000000000000000000000 4_, Peridermium pseudo-balsameum (Diet. Holw.) Arth. Kern. 25 Taphrina japonica Kusano 00000O0o.00p00Opp00.00000000O00 25 NORTH VANCOUVER ISLAND DISTRICT (S. J. Allen) ...................... 25 Introduction oca000000.00000p4.4100e000.o•oop40.b..004,000000 26 Status of Insects .000•00.0.o0 000000000000000 00000000s0o0000000 27 Acleris variana (Fern.) Black-headed Budworm 33 Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) Spruce Budworm 41 Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopk. Douglas fir Beetle 40 Ectropis crepuscularia Schiff. Saddle-backed Looper .....° 37 Epirrita autumnata Harr. Green Velvet Looper 41 Halisidota argentata Pack. Silver-spotted Tiger Moth 41 Lambdina fiscellaria lu gubrosa (Hulst) Hemlock Looper 28 Malacosoma pluviale (Dyar) Western Tent Caterpillar 38 Melanolophia imitata Wlk. Green-striped Forest Looper 27 Neodiprion sp. Hemlock Sawflies 36 Neophasia menapia Feld. Pine Butterfly 36 Nyctobia limitaria (Stkr.) Yellow-lined Forest Looper ..., 37 Olethreutid sp. Hemlock Twig Miner ....... ..... 000008900 42 Orgyia a. badia (Hy. Ed.) Antique Tussock Moth . 34 Pissodes sitchensis Hopk. Sitka Spruce Weevil 38 Scolytus ventralis Lec. Fir Engraver . ........... 40 Vespamia secquoiae Hy. Edw. Sequoiae Pitch Moth 41 Zeiraphera diniana Gn. Spruce Tip Moth 41 Miscellaneous Insects ......................... ...... 43 Status of Forest Diseases 44 Armillaria mellea (Vahl ex Fr.) Quel. OOODOODOO ....... DO 46 Atropellis pinicola Zeller and Goodd. OODOODOOODoO00 44 Caliciopsis sp. 0 0 0 •00000000000000000•004 46 Chrysomyxa ledicola Lagerh. ..... DO*000000000000000000000 46 Cronartium comptoniae Peck. OODODooDoOtooDODOOD ...... DOOD 46 Cronartium ribicola J. C. Fisch. 0000.00 •00000000000000000 44 Darluca filum (Biv. Bern. ex Fr.) Cast . ..... DOODOODODOODO 45 Exotic Plantations .............—... — —............. 45 Forces igniarius (L. ex Fr.) Kickx. ...................... 46 Peridermium pseudo-balsameum (Diet. Holw.) Arth. and Kern. 000000OOD0D*0000 45 Polyperus perennis L. ex Fr. 0000000000000000000000000 46 VANCOUVER FOREST DISTRICT, MAINLAND SECTION, Introduction (D. H. Ruppel) .............. 00000000 0000000 0000 47 SOUTH VANCOUVER DISTRICT (D. H. Ruppel) Introduction 0000 ..... 00000000000000000000000000•0000000090000 49 49 Acleris variana (Fern.) Black-headed Budworm .... 00000000 55 Adelges cooleyii Gill. Spruce Gall Aphid ....... .000•000 49,57 Adelges piceae (Ratz.) Balsam Woolly Aphid...... ........ 53 Archips rosana Linn. A Small Leaf Rolling Insect Dopy" 56 Cephalcia sp. A Web-spinning Sawfly ........... 00000000 58 Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) Spruce Budworm ......... 49 Dendroctonus , engelmanni Hopk. Engelmann Spruce Beetle .... 59 Dendroctonus monticolae Hopk. Mountain Pine Beetle ...... 58 Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopk. Douglas-fir Bark Beetle . 58 Halisidota argentata Pack. Silver-spotted Tiger Moth .... 57 Hemichroa crocea (Fours.) Alder Sawfly .................. 55 Hyphantria cunea Harr. Fall Webworm ....... Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst) Western Hemlock Looper 900 OOOOOO 000 50 Malacosoma, disstria Hbn. Forest Tent Caterpillar 55 Malacosoma pluviale Dyar Western Tent Caterpillar 55 Melanolophia imitate Wlk. Green-striped Forest Looper 52 Miscellaneous Insects 61 Nepytia phantasmaria (Stkr.) Phantom Hemlock Looper 58 Neodiprion sp. A Sawfly OOOOOOOOOO ........ OOOOO 58 Orgyia antique badia (Hy. Ed.) Antique Tussock Moth ...... 58 Phloeosinus punctatus Lec. Western Cedar Bark Beetle OOOOO 53 Pissodes sitchensis Hopk. Sitka-spruce Weevil 59 Rhyacionia buoliana (Schiff.) European Pine Shoot Moth 57 Sternochetes lepathi (L.) Poplar and Willow Borer 53 Vespamia, sequoia, (Hy. Ed.) Sequoia Pitch Moth 58 Zellaria haimbachi Busck. Pine Needle Fascicle Miner, 57 Status of Forest Diseases 63 Aleurodiscus amorphus (Pers.) A Canker of Amabilis Fir 64 Arceuthobium sp. Dwarf Mistletoe 64 Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. Lodgepole Pine Dwarf Mistletoe 63 Armillaria sp. A Root Rot 60 Caliciopsis Fitzp. Twig Cankerseudotsugae p 64 Cytospora, sp. Canker and Dieback Fungus 64 Dieback of Weeping Willow . 63 Drought 63 Exotic Plantations 63 Melampsora epitea f. sp. tsugae A Needle Rust of Hemlock 64 Melampsora, occidentalis Jacks. A Needle Rust ... 63 Phaeocryotopus gaeumannii (Rohde) Petr. A Foliage Disease of Douglas Fir .......... 64 Rhabdocline pseudotsugae Syd. A Needle Cast of Douglas Fir 64 NORTH VANCOUVER DISTRICT (K. Jardine) 65 Introduction. 65 Status of Insects 65 Acleris variana (Fern.) Black-headed Budworm ........ 69 Adelges cooleyii Gill Spruce Gall Aphid 69 Adelges piceae (Ratz.) Balsam Woolly Aphid 65 Dendroctonus monticolae Hopk. Mountain Pine Beetle .... ! 68 Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopk. Douglas Fir Beetle 68 Hemichroa crocea Fourc. Alder Sawfly ... .......... 67 Hyphantria cunea Harr. Fall Webworm r 70 Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst) Western Hemlock Looper 69 Malacosoma pluviale (Dyar) Western Tent Caterpillar 70 Melanolophia imitate Wlk. Green-striped Forest Looper 69 Neodiprion spp. 67 Phloesinus punctatus Lec. Western Cedar Bark Beetle 69 (-)4 gatagisau ipsualguA Schiff) European Pitle Shoo Moth ..... 68 fitttnaolgima 12211111 CL.) Poplar and Willow Borer a Y a a a a a a 68 lonthredintd sp. 044144044bib440o11444,444 0440404#444444 67 us of Forest DiSeaSe8 o4yoo.0o.04moo 0000440oo 74 ler a mellpa (Vahl ex Fr.) Quel ..................... 76 Aroevlobilpl qempylOwdium Englm. Dwarf Mistletoe .„....... 75 AtraDellie ninitala Zellar Goodch Branch Canker o444.444 74 Attgallig pinivhila (Wier) Lohman and Cash 74 Rigy tAbbastIL arekonenols Goodd., Branch Canker * obow4044 76 rclampelatl eoltei Thum. Rust on Willow 4o444060 76 Fuckel Canker on Sitka Spruce ....., 76 ReitAnO0Y0111 gliYaceug AllaldaglAft.i oseudotsugae Syd. Needle Cast a ............. 75 IpshElm popoli-laljoim Mix Rust on Willow p4Oolt0000f 77 PRINCE UP EM Fear DISTRICT, introduction (E. Harvey) •••••• ad 78 SOUTH PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT (D. S. Ruth) ....... ••••••••••• 0.0 79 Introduction .0.006 ao ••••••009Vse•e yee••orssapoW 79 Status of Insects .. eo•••••••;•••••••••••••• .• • 0400.1.0• 79 Acieris vartm ) Black-headed Bndworm ............. Adam ,poolayti, Gill Spruce Gall Aphid 82 Ageless tsuaae l, (Annand) Hemlock Aphid 83 Cboristoneurt famiferana (Clem.) Spruce 1udworm .....,..,. (Schiff ' ) Saddle-backed Looper miti f etrid •••••aa aaaas•1600600666•6 • blobius warrepti Wood, Pine Root Weevil .................. Lamtgla Zocellarti loeubrose. (Hulst) Western Hemlock Looper ........... 81 tate Wlk. Green-striped Forest Looper 80 Sawflies ................................ 83 gEgEll (Hy. Edw.) Antique Tussock Moth ..... 82 Mamma spp. 3pruce Sawflies ........................... 83 Ittshmitil Hopk. Spruce Weevil 82 Miscellaneous Insects 6•041444000404044•011 4440 84 8q 86 Status of Forest Diseases • e • .046 a 044400ll 86 AdvmennhaprO crieonenmis Goodding, Canker Disease of Red Alder ... • I 87 Lialgla DOM. Sooty Mould a•••••6066 6066 86 Nelamomo A Lau Thumb * Rust on Willow ............... 86 Phaeoorrotooue(Rohde) Petro Douglas fir Needle Cas o4d 4 4 87 WEST PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT . E. Alexander) duotion •aidiaaaa as 4666 dOoo4a a • ••••••di ••• Site Status of Insects ...... .. a a eitaivooloildif•ad • Maori' YAXIADA (Fern
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