Page 1 of 22 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists 761 songs, 1.9 days, 3.47 GB Name Time Album Artist 1 American Hearts 4:18 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists A.A. Bondy 2 One And Only 3:57 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists A.J. Croce 3 Come On, Claire 3:10 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Aberfeldy 4 Trash Can Fire 3:50 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Abigail Warchild 5 Sorry 5:21 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Abra Moore 6 shackle 2:45 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Activator 7 P-Katherine 3:21 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Adam Kesher 8 Shooting Star 4:08 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Air Traffic 9 Wishing Well - Final Mastered 3:59 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Airborne Toxic Event 10 electro livin (album version) 3:38 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Akala 11 Phenomena 3:47 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Akron/Family 12 Woke Up This Morning 4:09 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Alabama3 13 Stab You 3:45 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Album 14 Tu Boca Lo Quita 2:58 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Alex Cuba 15 Life in Brookfield 3:05 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Alex Khoury 16 Western Sabbath Stomp 5:24 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Alex Skolnick Trio 17 Half My Kingdon 3:29 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Alina Simone 18 Old Song 3:48 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists AM 19 Real Love 4:20 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists American Princes 20 Coming Home (The Eclipse) 4:01 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Amy Cook 21 Power Supply 2:55 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Anamanaguchi 22 TimeKiller 2:07 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Anavan 23 MISODISKO 7:22 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists aonami 24 Apache Beat - Your Powers Are… 3:07 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Apache Beat 25 Beat of the Double 3:48 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Apes 26 Cooler Than Me 3:14 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Ari Shine 27 Juliet 3:23 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Army Of Freshmen 28 Emo Phillips 3:16 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Arrah and The Ferns 29 Fun Is Near 3:21 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Artifact Shore 30 Give Signs 2:38 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Ash Grunwald 31 The March 3:43 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Astra Heights 32 Circle of Demons 3:26 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists At All Cost SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Page 2 of 22 Name Time Album Artist 33 Young Leaves 3:18 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Attack in Black 34 Julianna 3:44 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Audrye Sessions 35 Schlacht 2:29 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Avatar 36 Ushen 3:50 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists AZA 37 Come Home 4:16 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Back Door Slam 38 999 Buttons 4:06 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Back Ted N-Ted 39 Porno Magazines 2:19 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Bad Rackets 40 First Priority 6:35 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Bad Trips 41 Gold and Warm 3:37 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bad Veins 42 Hi-Q 3:12 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bam Bam 43 Jackson Station 3:51 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Band of Heathens 44 Yes I'm Ready 3:06 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Barbara Mason 45 No Matter How Bad It Gets 3:17 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Barker Band 46 In the Night 3:03 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Basia Bulat 47 Bicycle, Bicycle, You Are My Bicycle 2:06 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Be Your Own Pet 48 Quaint Affarir 4:41 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Beangrowers 49 Bag of Bags 5:52 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bear in Heaven 50 Steven Fucking Spielberg 3:54 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bearsuit 51 If I was a house 4:34 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Beasts and Superbeasts 52 No Weddiing Cake 3:34 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bedroom Walls 53 Give It A Night 3:26 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bella 54 Let Me Out 4:02 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Ben's Brother 55 Judas Ships 4:38 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bible of the Devil 56 Give The Man The Money Honey 1:59 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Big Bang 57 How U Like That 3:21 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Big Red Rooster 58 Pinkies 4:34 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Big Sleep 59 Tenx 10:00 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bildmeister 60 Twurk Central 4:44 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bird Peterson 61 Cinderella (Has Nothing on You) 3:26 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Birds of Wales 62 Dirty Laundry 3:21 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bitter:Sweet 63 Power to Change 4:35 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Black & White Years 64 Fever in My Blood 5:35 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Diamond Heavies 65 Black Angel 4:04 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Earth 66 Any Way You Choose To Give It 3:38 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Black Ghosts 67 Buick Electra 4:12 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Helicopter SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Page 3 of 22 Name Time Album Artist 68 Paisley Pattern Ground 3:29 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Black Hollies 69 Gunpowder 2:08 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Joe Lewis & the Honey Bears 70 sun lips 3:16 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Moth Super Rainbow 71 Druganaut 3:48 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Mountain 72 Shockwave 3:38 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Tide 73 Tender 3:42 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Tie Dynasty 74 BlackTopDemon Anthem 3:34 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Black Top Demon 75 Blue Shifted 3:42 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Blacklist 76 Drunken Sailor 2:38 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Blaggards 77 Modern Science 4:59 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Blood Lines 78 Blue Canoe 4:40 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Blue Mountain 79 This Town 3:48 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Blue Rodeo & Friends 80 North By Northwest 4:29 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Blue Scholars 81 Always On Time (excerpt) 6:09 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Blues Control 82 Uncommon Heroes 2:44 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Blunt Force Trauma 83 Blinkandyou'llmissit! 2:32 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bo Pepper 84 The Back End 4:19 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Bo-Keys 85 Wearing You 3:49 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bob Lind 86 The Heart Bionic 3:18 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bobby Bare Jr. 87 Everyday 3:58 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The BoDeans 88 I Guess I'll Forget the Sound, I Gu… 5:41 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bodies of Water 89 Anthem 3:22 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Born in the Flood 90 Badima 4:24 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Boubacar Diebate 91 In Our Talons 3:54 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bowerbirds 92 Mary Jo 3:40 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Brazos 93 13th Angry Man 3:48 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Breakup Society 94 Green 3:50 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Brendan James 95 Waving Flags 4:08 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists British Sea Power 96 Hush If You Must 4:18 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Brooke Waggoner 97 CLANDESTINE 2:54 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Brooklyn 98 Get On, Me 4:01 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Brother Kite 99 Imitation of the Sky 4:03 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bryan Scary & The Shredding Tears 100 62 Miles 3:09 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Bud Melvin 101 Bottom of the Lake 5:04 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Builders and The Butchers 102 In Love 4:01 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Buttercup SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Page 4 of 22 Name Time Album Artist 103 childhood ft. Matisyahu +Kosha Dillz 4:31 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists c rayz walz + kosha dillz 104 Bumpy Road 3:32 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists C-Mon & Kypski 105 I'll Run 4:15 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Cab 106 The Happiest 3:28 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Caleb Engstrom 107 Billion Eyes 3:19 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Call Me Lightning 108 Luchini 3:59 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists CAMP LO 109 Quicksand 2:40 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Camp X-Ray 110 Beige Stationwagon 4:33 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Canada 111 Summer Teenage Girl 4:10 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Canadians 112 Raised By Wolves 4:26 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Cansecos 113 Uncle Sam (feat Slug) 4:33 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Cap D 114 A Liar in Texas in a Green Room i… 3:30 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Capgun Coup 115 Drum St Song 3:17 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Capitol K 116 Voices Underground 3:39 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Capsula 117 I Can't Wait For Summer 4:32 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Captain Ahab 118 City Life 1:56 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Career Criminal 119 Hereby No One 2:47 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Carlis Star 120 Paper Gown 4:31 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Caroline Herring 121 Ghosts 3:57 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Caroline Keating 122 The 1 That Got Away (With It) 4:23 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Carolyn Mark 123 Who You Are 3:38 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Cary Brothers 124 Paper Float 4:13 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Cassettes Won't Listen 125 bhooli bisri 2:09 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Cassius Khan 126 This Is The Early Game 3:12 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Castanets 127 church bell blues 5:10 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Catherine MacLellan 128 Canta El Rio 3:56 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Ceci Bastida 129 Triggers and Trash Heaps 3:15 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Centro-matic 130 One More For All My True Friends 2:30 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Channel 3 131 Dirty Cumbia 3:53 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Charanga Cakewalk 132 Kingston State of Mind 3:54 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Cherine Anderson 133 Get It On 3:26 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Chevelles 134 hello friend 2:38 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Cheveu 135 Laydown 3:34 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Chikita Violenta 136 Ape Along 2:43 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Child Bite 137 Do it 3:57 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Chingo Bling SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Page 5 of 22 Name Time Album Artist 138 Kurima 5:33 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists Chiwoniso 139 The Caribbean 4:02 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Chocolate Horse 140 Red Fox 2:08 SXSW 2008 Showcasing Artists The Choir Practice 141 Waitin Feat.
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