TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12. 1916. PAGE FIVE wear .nrm ,. n mi h mi M 1 .jkmt. i M h vii;i ('unnns ha m home this mon re she hail been vls- - iting lor aevera at ML--8 Maflflm Burgess, who has mm ' Willi in The THEATRE in ii visiting relatives Dalles fur the past few 'lays, li lt PROGRAM for Sea-sid- Sunday and Monday SATURDAY'S Miss Sarah Bmltb will arrive In the 5 mm n UK from Berkeley, Cal., to be a OLIVER MOROSCO PRESENTS houat guest Of, Mrs. Charles Heard. "THE LION'S NEMESIS" Miss Smith Is en mute to her home Grande. 2 Acts, Margaret Gibson, William Clifford and the Bostock Animals.. in I.a Otto Serrell, prominent' Vansycle Edna Goodrich Car- "JERRY AND THE MOON- - "THAT GAL OF BURKE'S" Bud Fisher's Comic In rmer. came in this morning on the SHINERS" toons, N. P. train. With a Cast of Unusual Excellence, in Laughable comedy with Western drama. Anna Little MUTT & JEFF THIRST and Frank Borzaga. QUENCHERS." i Charles W. Mi-I- han, former local George Ovey. newspaper man. arrived In Pendleton today from Salt Lake, joining Mrs ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 5c Me ghan who Is visiting her parents, The Making Mr. and Mrs. John Haihy, Jr Miss Juste Reed of Walla Walla, SUNDAY'S PROGRAM was in the city yesterday. of Maddalena j W. Kollons, division superintendent! i ii William Fox Presents of the ., Is in the city. EDNA GOODRICH well-know- Minnie Kinnear of Walla Walla, THt CLIVtfl MO" '.f 0 PHOT0rt--t CO A Thrilling Picturization of the n Play. wan here over niKht yesterday. B W. Kellogg of Oregon City, wesi registered at the Hotel Pendleton ! Farnum in y William Mrs. Louis Schull. Jr., of Echo, has Hippodrome Vaudeville bean in the city today upon a Uriel, visit. John L. Barker is down from Mia- - Princess Blue Feather ham lotiay. only of King J. itolhciiild, representing the filial The descendant the great Aztec in America, in her own exclusive act entitled, "THE LONELY OUTPOST OF A DYING RACE." The of marts of Tilly's Punctured Jiomance, is ai The only woman in the Bat visitor. world doing genuine war-be- ll and torn torn dances. $1000 costumes, carrying Mrs. U. C. Curtis of Curvallis, wasj special scenery. among the out ol town visitors in tr city yesterday. 6 thrilling story of the sea taken on Catalina Island, Cal. C. Acts. A Don Brownell and Robert' THE GREAT SHIRLEY will be seen in this thrilling picture. The i BrownsU were Visitors here last night The most realistic shipwreck ever filmed irom Umatilla. WORLD'S GREATEST SAXOPHONE MARVEL" of Uvea during the taking. 0 actors were in great danger their Mr. and Mrs. Erie Zoph and Mr. ami .Mrs. L. M. Springfield! FARNUM IS HIS NEW LEADING LADY, EDNA FLURRY. Hruer of ASSISTING composed a nioturing party which' Adults 15c COME EARLY. Children 5c K passed last night in the city The Today Hippodrome Vaudeville M its era) to Spokane. play has a happy ending, the wronged leading woman, but through the iishennan finally winning his first "PIO'S love ex- HAWIANS" Try?. plots the villain the story and the Villain being properly NAM Ai of of the riirl does not rpallze the capacity of iled irom their iiies. 9UPKTUECT his love until the end of the play. Pastime Sunday and Monday, Incidental to the story, which was & Featuring THE WORLD'S enacted on Catalina Island, off the Alia iicai r Sunday ami Monday. Singers instrumentalists GREATEST STEEL PLAYER California coast, there is a shipwreck Forrest Stanley is presented in a Pastfcae Showing I nun IHkIi Claw Ull.l.l M FARNUM ATK A In which both Mr. Farnum and Miss new role in the Morosco Paramount DANIEL FROHMAN PRESENTS program Today. MAN W DBTBSUONATIOir' Kurry figure. The excitement as pro- 1 hotoplay, "The Making of Madda-lena.- " HOI.K IN NEW iXX FILM duced on those viewing the picture Is coming to the Alia theater for Featured I Margaret Qlbson and no less than that of the actors, who Sunday and Monday. William Clifford, assisted by th cele- powerful Drama of seaooast Ufe d were in real personal danger during His cultured poise as "George ' brated BoatOCk wld animals in "The hy ;rct Actor Supported the making of this part. The he- Hale, the favored son of wealthy Lion's Nemesis." n thrilling and spec by Strong 4'awt of FuvoriK. roine's other lover becomes a sniug- - parents ll most impressive. The Evil tacnlST story of Jungle life. "Battle of Hearts." starring the gler Of the coast, and the plot When George Hale becomes an art in Itoo student "Dan Burke's flaj." a highly inter- ni.d onillan nrniim t th. eludes some thrilling adventures of a luxurious studio in i Lome because girl esting wwtern drama, has as lta first filmed story of sea life present- he mule star with the seacoast out a dared him to do it, Forrest Stanley s is i stara Anna Little and Frank Horsage. ed by William Fox. the maker of vi- laws on the rocky cliffs of Catalina. portrayal A POWERFUL MORALITY DRAMA, WITH banuUU treat. "Merry the Moonshiners" ' tal feature films. In this picture, Just The scenes of the little fishing vil- and Then as Ceorge grown sober of a laughable comedy with released, Mr. Farnum acts the part lage are most accurately portrayed. Hale the title with experience a village was built for the pur- and suffering, the rK (Seorge Ovey and then Bud Fisher's of noble sailor character, brave and The Forrest Stanley of known dramatic romlr cartoon of Mint & Jeff. "Thirst capablt at great salt imrriflrn He la pose by Director osciir C Apfel. and ability, which has placed him m Quenchers, finishes Ihi.- - delightful In love with ii sea captain's daughter, the fisherman and fishermen are many successes, brings program n purl taken bv Kldn Furry, 'his new shown true to type, The picture the stirring picture lo a triumphant ending. FRANK LOSEE II API l. ADMITS UK GETS ox Ell Siiioii.onu In Motion LOB AXQEUGa, Cal. Charlie Pictures Chaplin, highest paid movie actor in the world, returned to work at a Hol-I- ) wood studio. mrm "its all true," he said. "1 will 1(70,000 a year, turning out one picture a month." LOCALS ir J Kroni the above, the B&Bt iireKon- - iun Clfurlng fiend rinds that Mr. (Paid Advertisement.) i Typewriters Repaired j Chaplin draws 155. 433.33 for a Responsible party wants to rent 5 month's "ialuir," $1J,S!4.62 lor a ur 6 room house. Inquire at the Hub. OVERHAlTIiED AMI ADJUSTED BV TWO EXPKKT 4 week s 3 f 6 4 J tor a day, $76. an Wanted Boy H or 15 years old to TV PFTWHITER MM'IIAVUX NEW 1'I.VTKNS AMI d hour, or 1..'7 every minute, whether work in country Phone 8F21. f. PARTS si PPIilED 1X111 Alii M A K FS. A lie is working or r4 Sunday and Monday not. Prom this wc Wanted Lnrgc, young, sound and opine lhal wolf will camp CALL .v KOKI the not on handsome well bred driving mare.. iXR STR.TTON Mr. Chaplin's door for some to T PENDIiETOX lloTEU time Address C. C. Mason. Ore. come. Hermiston. I And you'll say "He's worth thel Auto II for Hire money" you see hi:ii lit the Cosy to-- 1 City or country trips. Phone D- B KM vWRMAMnSiBBiajaja da) and tomorrow. vVaffle. Residence 2S4M; office 130 Why DiD TliU is a special return encasement and we confidently present this Mast-- er Keystone fttnfaat tor laughing Cluunbcniuild Wanted. purposes only. 1 pay and good home for right In "The iron Claw will he presented ,,iiT, country hotel. If married. permanent work on Sunday with Chaplin on Honda! husband can secure W. .is usual also. Address or call E. Brown. Casey Striki Oregon Hotel, Hermiston, Ore Adv. CUT YOUR GROCERY COSTS REALLY Bill Morn: Ladies. HIT A HOME RIM work, call Ulc Famous Tiiiingic ODmedita For residential (it Hair Dressing and Manicure is FUled witii woe Because Che phone 45 Pendleton Hotel Adv Camera Doesn't prove it. lAAf Tragedy in comic guise recently as- With CONROY'S sailed tie w'oif Hopper, in connection Boost the Round-C- Out? w with his new Triangle picture, "Casey Pendleton boosters ho wish to let at the Hat," to be seen nt the Temple their friends and relatives know Round-Up- . You've read of the mighty battle between Mudville and 4W' v2I Sunday and Monday Let him tell it about the can do so by Frogtown for baseball supremacy, of the terrible struggle himself: using Round-I'- p envelopes with type CASH PRICES to win the cherished pennant, and you know "Of course Casey has to make a and illustration printed in beautiful that the colors. These envelopes may be se- mighty Casey struck out at the critical moment but did home run and he has to strike out. 1 he lalter was easy, but the first did cured In any quantity at the East you ever know why he struck out? Oregonian office for one cent each. Our prices are the lowest in Pendleton not seem well quite so simple. every we rented a little hall park out Adv. day of the year and when we in Lankerthlm and the local folks srive a "Special" it makes them all sit De Mao-abees- .
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