OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNDERGPADUATES OF MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY VOL. LXXIII NO. 16 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1953 5 CENTS I I li Resolution On Searches Author Will Speak Pan atensive¥ Cet Seling On Topic Of "Man" Debated By Committees I L. Campaisn ForAtlTech Dance At their weekly meetings this past Wednesday, the Baker, At S. C. Lecture Burton, and East Campus House Committees debated a resplution The Lecture Series Committee willI which outlined the conditions under which entry and searches of present on Tuesday, April 21 the Featuriang Wad May 9 dormitory rooms could be accomplished. The resolution was con-I famous author and conservationist, I sidered simultaneously in each House Committee. William Vogt. The topic of his lec- The resolution was submitted because of protests by many ture is "Man Against Himself" and Tickets for the Institute's first All-Tech Dance in several dormitory residents. It was felt by some students that the con- will be held in Room 10-250 at 5 p. m. years will go on sale Tuesday in Building 10. Plans to conduct ditions for room-search should be definitely stated. A statement with admission free. an intensive selling campaign through all the living units were had been previously included in the Mr. Vogt is author of the book, formulated by the dance committee at a meeting Wednesday af- proposed dormitory rules as outlined The respective actions taken by the "Road to Survival," which presents ternoon. in Dean of Students E. Francis Bow- House Committees were: in a vivid manner the dangers in- Admission price is set at $3.00 per couple, after considerable ditch's memorandum, but was later East Campus Approves volved in the waste of natural re- discussion by the committee. At this price more than 1000 tickets deleted. S deleted. East Campus unanimously approved sources and over population. This will have to be sold for the dance to '' -F ".-.::. ' to break even. Text> of Resolution the resolution with an amendment to book sold over a half million copies, The proposed resolution reads as the effect that the personal effects and was a Book-of-the-Month selec- ~¢-'aka.Wald ~,; ,.; ~ Orchestra Featured follows: followsmentioned refer only to personal ef- ~??~| Ma~~ Jerry Wald, whose orchestra will f WHEREAS:ectsin permanent Institute property tion, and aroused acclaim and con- WHEREAS: troversy across the nation. be featured at the All Tech Dance on May 9 has just finished an engage- Numerousresidents of the dormi- (bureaus, desks, etc.) and not to suit- Standard Maintained by Resources .. tories and members of the House cases, trunks, clothing and other ar- Our high standard of living, Mr. ~~ .' niment at the Paraamount Theatre in New York. Committees feel that the subject of titles of this nature, which should Vogt points out, is maintained by a r" entry and scrutiny of dormitory not be subject to search. Baker House favorable balance of our natural re- t Wald entered the band field several rooms should be clarified and stated defeated the resolution. In Burton sources-water, timber, grasslands, years ago at a time when Harry Hinouse,written theform, proposal was discussed but I l~inwritten form, soil, minerals. If we continue to draw James, Glenn Miller and Tommy Dor- no vote was taken, rather it was de- sey all were playing in New York, be it therefore cided that the whole issue should be upon our resource capital, we too ti I may find ourselves in the situation p and landed a two week engagement RESOLVED: left unstated as it now is. The Burton of That the entry of occupied rooms other countries who suffer from over- at the Roseland Ballroom. Music ex- =in the dormitories for purposes other House Committee felt that its opinion population and lack of resources. It perts gave him little chance of sur- could be summrred up in the following I vival in view of the competition. ,than cleaning, maintenance, and safe- culd be summed uP in the fwilauing is when this occurs that peoples fall - However, Wald played out his two ty (fire, explosion, etc.), unless per- resolution, hich unanimouslyas prey to demagogues who promise I nittedthe residents, by be pr bited, approved on a roll call vote: them a better scale of living through weeks and was extended for ten ad- u except "Resolved: ditional weeks. He later followed communism, fascism, or other false i exc1IftepDrrto Cmite"That the Burton House Commit- Harry Janies into 1ilIf iv the Blue Room of the Dormitory Committee ideologies. Mr. Vogt reminds us. Il i President, member Dormitoryof Ju- tee places its trust in the gentlemen's the Hotel Lincoln. Has Held Many Posts IF dicial Committee,House Chairman, agreement between the administration ,I, ias Often Appeared on Broadway a House Committee member author- and the student body relative to enter- Mr. Vogt has held many important Since then Wald has appeared at ized by one of these persons demands ing and searching roonis, feeling that positions and honorary awards. In I the Hotel New Yorker, Paramount entrance because of suspected viola- nothing unreasonable will be done." 1937 he wvas editor of "Bird's Lore" Theatre, Roxv Theatre, Strand Thea- Motions of,4 Open~ House~ Ruleso or othere L aiand published the edition of Audu- $udent Convention tre and State Theatre. He has ap- dormitory regulations, except to . 11bon's "Birds of America." In 1943 he peared for the New York Dept. of search personal effects. imee L i xe n e received a Guggenheim fellowship. He Parks at many dances and has often was Associate Director of Science and )Wil Discuss U. N. drawn as nimany as 25,000 people. i2-If two members of the Dorni- The Eighth Annual Intercollegiate tory Judicial Committee demand en- T T Education in Rockefeller's office of the Coordinator of Inter- American Af- Institute on the United Nations, Played At Famed Places E trance to inspect the personal effects o R *· u eniors ( bringing college students from every (drawers, trunks, boxes, etc.) of resi- fairs, and more recently Chief of the He subsequently played at famous Conservation Section of the Pan- section of the United States for a spots like the Palladium in Holly- dents because of suspected violations r ( week's a or ES*t a rt (O)PF Dty intensive study qf the UN, I -of the dormitory regulations. American Union. He has traveled all wood, Steel Pier in Atlantic City, the over this hemisphere studying will meet in Ne wYork City the week Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans and i 3-These persons shall not be de- Colonel Baish, head of the Armny and urging conservation. of June 14-20. The Institute, known Pleasure Pier in Galveston. nrnied entrance, but must state for R.O.T.C. program at the Institute, t to be the oldest student leadership whom or what they are looking, and has announced a change in the Arrny In a typically strong statement, Mr. Both Columbia and Decca records Vogt says, "The ravages of over ex- conference on the United Nations, is have recorded Wald's music. His or- .they may not enter unless one resi- phasing procedure toward graduating sponsored each year by the Collegiate indent of the room is present. seniors, the acceptance of their com- ploitation are catching up with us, chestra has been featured in Colum- and now, while there is still time, we Council for the United Nations, col- bia pictures and has appeared on all ;and missions, and the choice of dates for lege affiliate of American Association .That violations of these conditions, beginning active duty. nust turn our attention and our ef- of the major radio and TV networks. forts to preserving the strength and for the United Nations, and will be leither on the part of the student body, Under the previous system, Seniors held at Finch Junior College, East istudent government or representa- in the R.O.T.C. program were given productivity of our still lusty and fruitful land." 78th Street, New York City. itives of the administration, shall be up to three months before they had The Institute is open to any college THE TECH wishes to thank -considered serious infringements upon to report for active duty. If they student interested in the United Na- 'the rights of every individual. Stu- wanted to enter -I everyone who submiltted material active duty imme- Itions, with preference given to stu- ~ident violators shall be referred to diately they could report one month dents returning to college. Registra- for the Literary Supplement. Those who would like to have their manu- Athe Dorimtory Judicial Committee and after having graduated. The one Plan Science Fairtion fee and room and board will I scripts may pick them up in the 'be subject to severe judicial action. month delay was to permit processing amount to $42.50. Application blanks offices of THE TECH in Walker .iViolations by representatives or em- of requests for extended time and and further information may be ob- For April 24-26 Memorial any Wednesday or :ployees of the administration shall be for protecting seniors entering the tained from the Collegiate Council Sun- day evening between 8:00 p.m. .referred by student government to Graduate School. for the United Nations, 45 East 65th I and I1I:00 p.m. !{the Dean's office with recommenda- Time Limit Extended In Rockwell Cage Street, New York 21, New York. w-tions that specific action be taken. Under the new system, officers or- About 275 high school students All Students Eligible land dered to duty will be permitted to f rom all parts of Massachusetts and UN delegates, Secretariat members, That a dormitory regulation incor- designate the month in which they epresenting public, private and pa- and international experts will lead in- porating these suggestions be enacted want to enter i active duty up to one r ochial schools will compete in the formal discussions on vital UN issues.
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