The Cannabis FREE Newspaper of Record www.WestCoastLeaf.com ISSN 1945-221X • Volume 4 No. 1 Spring 2011 New Directions Big jump in cannabis legislation nationally State lawmakers nationwide Hawaii, Illinois, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia) are considering bills to ‘decrimi- weigh marijuana reform nalize’ possession of small amounts of By Morgan Fox, Marijuana Policy Project marijuana, and at least one more state leg- One of the biggest victories for cannabis islature is expected to consider a similar last year was the sheer quantity of publici- proposal during the 2011 legislative ses- ty in the media. After the discussion sur- sion. All the bills would replace possible rounding Props 19 in California, 203 in jail sentences with fines for a modest Arizona, and other major devel opments amount of marijuana (ranging from less around the country, reform is in the lime- than an ounce to up to two ounces). light. More importantly, it is finally being While many argue that marijuana treated as a legitimate policy issue. decrim does not go far enough, it would be This exposure has had an impact in a a tremendous step forward for states like number of state legislatures this session. Texas with Draconian penalties, where More states are considering cannabis more wide-reaching reform is still years Kristin Peskuski addressed a Medical Cannabis Conference held at the senior community reform measures now than ever, and there off. Any step to help keep marijuana users Laguna Woods City Auditorium on Jan. 22. The image behind her depicts super-magnified and is a real possibility that we will see some out of jail deserves support. colorized trichomes, or resin glands of the cannabis plant, which contain cannabinoids. More about the conference and more photos by Michael Guerrini on page 5. substantive changes in the near future. Perhaps even more significant is that Seven states (Arizona, Connecticut, Please turn to page 11 Leno bill would protect patients’ jobs Medical marijuana under attack Employment rights bill in employers a right to discriminate against more than 400,000 qualified patients. By Russ Bellville, NORML stash.norml.org Since medical marijuana was legalized California legislature Leno’s bills have been in direct response to Fifteen states and the District of Columbia in 2004 until 2009, teenage use dropped By Kris Hermes, Americans for Safe Access that ruling. have enacted medical marijuana laws. Will 28.7%, Montana’s crime index declined California Senator Mark Leno (D-San “The people who voted for Prop 215 there still be 15 of these by the end of the 15.8%, fewer people died in auto fatalities, Francisco) is moving legislation to protect never intended to force law-abiding year? Two states – Montana and New gross domestic product outpaced national the employment rights of patients. In late Please turn to page 7 Mexico – face unprecedented calls for out- averages, workplace injuries and fatalities January, Leno introduced SB 129, a bill he right repeal of their medical use laws. both dropped, overall marijuana use fell, said “simply establishes a medical The GOP lawmakers who dominate the and fewer people attended rehab claiming cannabis patient’s right to work.” Montana legislature are circulating a prop- marijuana as their “primary substance.” The bill is similar to a Leno bill passed aganda essay entitled, “Why Montana’s Regardless, Montana’s House Speaker by both houses of the state legislature in Medical Marijuana Law Should Be Mike Milburn (R) remarked that, “Voters 2008, AB 2279, and vetoed by then- Repealed.” Montana NORML’s John did vote for the [compassionate use] initia- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both Masterson said it was created by the state’s tive but it wasn’t for what happened.” A bills seek to clarify the intent of the legisla- coordinator of drug courts. front group, Safe Community Safe Kids, is ture when it passed SB420, the Medical The essay says the state medical use Please turn to page 23 Marijuana Program Act (MMPA), in 2003. program has led to increased “criminal The MMPA states that, “Nothing in this involvement … intoxicated driving crashes THC content up, CBD down article shall require any accommodation of and fatalities … use of marijuana by their any medical use of marijuana on the prop- children … lost productivity by their state’s in confiscated cannabis erty or premises of any place of employ- workforce … unsafe working conditions … By Paul Armentano, NORML ment or during the hours of employment.” amount of drugs consumed on a regular Levels of the cannabinoid CBD (cannabidi- Unfortunately, the state Supreme Court in basis by each user … and the need for more ol) are declining in marijuana, according to 2008 ruled in Ross v. Raging Wire AWARD GIVEN — California State Senator psychiatric and addictive disease treat- a review* of over 5,000 samples seized by Telecommunications that the language gives Mark Leno received an award from California ment.” None of this is true, according to law enforcement in California. The review NORML Jan. 29 at the Berkeley conference. Photo by Mikki Norris Montana statistics. appears on the website of the journal Drug Medical cannabis regulation and Alcohol Dependence. Investigators at the RAND Corporation bills in Cal legislature Overflow crowd turns out for forum to discuss in Santa Monica assessed changes in the By Dale Gieringer, Director Cal NORML median THC and CBD levels of can nabis California Sen. Lou Correa (D-Anaheim) ‘Next Steps’ for marijuana reform in California seized between 1996 and 2008 and found has introduced a comprehensive Medical Cal Norml hosts conferences Alliance pointed to a global debate that that THC levels rose during this time peri- Canna bis Licensing Act to provide a “com- Prop 19 initiated in 2010 and the more od while CBD levels fell. “[M]edian THC By Chris Conrad plete, functional, licensing scheme” aimed favorable voter turnout expected in 2012. potency has increased from 4.56% in 1996 An overflow crowd came from around the at fulfilling Prop. 215’s mandate for a “safe Cal NORML Director Dale Gieringer to 11.75% in 2008,” they reported. “The state to Berkeley Jan. 29, 2011 for a and affordable” distribution system. guided the conferees through a series of increase in THC was far more dramatic in California NORML conference to assess Senate Bill 847 would require produc- panels and presentations. non-border areas (from 4.18% to 13.95%) ‘Marijuana Reform: Next Steps for ers, distributors and sellers to be licensed than in border areas (from 4.52% to 6.84%). California.’ Another conference is set for A second room was opened to handle by the Dept. of Public Health, with licenses … The median level of CBD dropped from March 19 in Los Angeles (see canorml.org). the overflow crowd. During the last panel renewed each 12 months. It also establishes of the day, that room became an open- 0.24% in 1996 to 0.08% in 2008.” At the Jan. 29 event, State Senator Mark an indicia program under the Board of microphone forum so everyone had a The authors speculated that the shift Leno and Assemblyman Tom Ammiano Equalization, to require traceable, secure chance to speak on the future of reform. was because “growers are making greater indicia of licensure to be placed on medical agreed that with Jerry Brown as state gov- All agreed that legalization reached use of plant strains that favor THC produc- marijuana, require a product testing pro- ernor the prospect of getting meaningful tion over CBD production.” reform passed and signed into law is new levels of acceptance in 2010. Dale Sky gram and a facilities inspection program, Cannabidiol is a non-psychotropic enhanced. Leno said he is introducing Jones of the Yes on 19 campaign said this and authorize assessment of related fees. cannabinoid that is believed to temper the SB129 to protect the jobs of qualified was a major goal of the campaign and that On the whole, SB 847 is surprisingly psychoactive effects of THC. In preclinical patients who use cannabis medicinally. a new initiative committee is in its develop- well drafted (especially given that Correa mental stages. “The question isn’t whether trials, CBD has demonstrated the ability to Oakland City Councilwoman Desley has the worst record of any Democrat in cannabis will be legalized, it is determining both treat symptoms and modify the Brooks and Mendocino Supervisor John the legislature on medical rights). It puts what form of legalization will take place.” course of various diseases. A recent review enforcement in the hands of the Dept. of McCowen spoke of devising workable Throughout the day, a plethora of ini- in the journal Trends in Pharmacological Health and Board of Pharmacy; explicitly solutions at the local level in the face of tiative ideas was discussed by the panels Sciences reported that CBD has over a exempts licensees from charges for sales, erratic federal intervention. Surprise guest Please turn to page 7 dozen separate therapeutic properties — Please turn to page 10 speaker Ethan Nadelmann of Drug Policy Please turn to page 24 Spring 2011 Page 2 West Coast Leaf Bill to make some cultivation less serious offense Assembly bill creates wobbler charged as a misdemeanor, but growing West Coasterdam Report any amount of marijuana must be charged as felony or misdemeanor as a straight felony punishable by prison.” By Quintin Mecke “This change is long overdue and is Patients attended the Assemblymember Tom Ammiano intro- Oregon Medical simply common sense,” said Ammiano. Cannabis Awards 2010 duced AB 1017, sponsored by Mendocino “Allowing marijuana cultivation to be a event at the World County District Attorney David Eyster, to Famous Cannabis Café misdemeanor will save the state money, in Portland on Dec.
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