t ISSUE NUMBER 499 THE INDUSTRY'S NEWSPAPER SEPTEMBER 2,1983 Brandt Joins INS I D E: KROQ As GM KMEL/San Francisco GSM the late '60s and early '70s pro- Harris AM Stereo Michael Brandt has been named gressive radio." Brandt had Off For Three Months? General Manager of KROQ- served as KMEL's GSM for the AM & FM/Los Angeles, taking past four and a half years. A new FCC type acceptance for the com- over from T. Patrick Welsh, who Previously, he held sales posi- York, pany may take 90 days, the latest word will be working with KROQ-AM tions at WNEW-FM/New WMCA/New York, Katz, and has it, and stations can't get Special Tem- & FM owner Ken Roberts in de- McGavren-Guild. porary Authority to continue either. veloping new, entertainment - Page 4 related businesses. Mason Promoted To OM joining Brandt told R&R Concurrent with Brandt's ap- to The Complete Guide KROQ was "an opportunity pointment is the promotion of move up in position and market air personality Scott factor KROQ-FM To Deano Day size. And the overriding Mason to the newly -created itself. the on- was the station It's position of Operations Manager. The KLACILos Ange- in a long ly station I've seen He will have responsibilities on les morning legend is time that catches the feeling of several levels: production, pro- of profiled as never be- excitement and enthusiasm motion, public affairs, public fore, as Lon Helton service, engineering, and pro- exposes Deano's un- grarnming. Mason will report to orthodox radio wizard- PD Freddie Snakeskin. ry to the world. Radio In Upbeat Mood At Page 36 Martin Identifier Confusion Sixth Annual NAB RPC Upped To Mounts Audience Study Draws Fire; MTV, Radio Basics Hot Topics and business- WCLR VP Jhan Hiber explains the intricacies of An optimistic like atmosphere prevailed at WCLR/Chicago Program Di- on assigning credit Arbitron's policies the NAB's Radio Programming rector Dave Martin has been emphasizes for muddled identifiers, and Conference '83 in San Francisco promoted to VP. Prior to join- the importance of protecting your own this week, with most of the ap- ing WCLR 17 months ago, Mar- station. proximately 2000 managers and tin programmed competitors Page 12 programmers in attendance WCFL and WFYR, as well as displaying solid faith in radio's WBZ/Boston. He will retain his Y100 Celebrates Its Tenth future. A strong emphasis on programming duties. knowl- In making the announcement, hard facts and practical NETWORKS AT NAB Participating in a panel called "Building As Y100 extends its dominance over the - President/GM Chet Red- edge characterized most of the Today's Professional Network Programming" at WCLR Audiences With never seen Miami market to ten years, Joel Denver ql.ssions, and a broad survey of the NAB RPC were (l -r) ABC's Willard Lochridge, NBC's Jim Far- path stated, "I've talks to PD Rob Walker about the station's radio audience attitudes provid- ley, CBS's Frank Murphy, RKO's Dave Cooke, Mutual's Glenn anybody have so much visibility enduring success. ed a thematic focus for the con- Morgan, and SMN's Ellen Ambrose. in such a short period of time at Page 24 ference. any company. In this very The survey, entitled "Radio nine audience groups (see story MTV Debate tough competitive environment, his input has certainly helped to People in The WARS: How To Survive In The Page 20). Its overall message Another study, from Jon Cole- Detroit the vast ma- make WCLR what it is today. '80s" and conducted by was cheering, as man & Associates, was present- The qualities that make Dave News This Week research firm Reymer & Gersin jority of respondents felt that ed Sunday morning, with MTV Associates, isolated psychogra- "something very important VP/GM at KTWN its topic. Many of the findings Doug Brown phic characteristics for follow- would be missing from life" if Jerry Reo WGR PD came as good news for the cable ers of each of nine radio for- radio was gone; and the Mon- service, such as the Sam Bellamy resigns from KMET music video mats, and also established at- day morning presentation of the evidence that longtime sub- Paul Cook Sean Coakley, Yeskel, Jeff titude variations within those survey was enthusiastically scribers tend to increase their head Arista AOR received. But at individual for- MTV viewing instead of burning William B. Tanner steps down Rivers New mat meetings, which were out and slacking off. But conclu- Ray Marshall Op. Dir. at WWWE structured around the survey sions that MTV draws viewers Peter Coughlin WCMF's VP/GM findings and featured presenta- more from TV audiences than staff- Gary King PD at KXOK PD At WRBQ tions by Reymer & Gersin radio, and a conciliatory ad- ers, disagreement with some of Doug Lane WCII PD KOPA/Phoenix PD Steve dress from MTV VP Les Gar- the study's conclusions did sur- Austin Vail, Kimo Akane upped at Rivers will exit that First Media land, did not prevent a lively CHR outlet to become the new face (particularly in Country effect on ra- KKUA & KOMO debate over MTV's Program Director at Harte- and CHR circles). NAB/See Page 21 he is transcend the unilat- Page 3, 21 what Hanks's WRBQ-AM & FM eral `brain trust' programming (QM) /Tampa in mid -Septem- 1 sue. He is a spectacular Format Leaders ber. Rivers has been PD at (MGC Promotes Two In leader, beloved by everyone at Showcase KOPA since the format debuted the station. We are very lucky five years ago. He previously Programming Department to have him here." WKZE-FMICape Cod, MA; WVAFIChar- served as PD of WAPE/Jack- Nicholl Named OM, Schell To PD; Martin told R&R, "I'm truly teston, WV; and WVEEIAtlanta are the privileged to be part of Bonne- ratings success stories of the week. See Dowe Set For Mornings ville International Corporation, the A/C and Black Radio sections for the In twin programming promo- has created. It's going to be a which is undoubtedly one of the scoop. tions at KMGC/Dallas, PD good marriage." finest broadcasting companies very Page 35, 40 Steve Nicholl has been elevated Discussing next week's debut in this country today. I'm to the newly -created position of of new morning personality Ken fortunate to have great leaders Album Stickering Operations Director, while Pro- Dowe (R&R 8-26), Small con- like CEO Arch Madsen and motion Director Jack Schell tinned, "Ken's arrival at KMGC Chet Redpath, who set the tone Pros And Cons moves up to PD. KMGC/Continued on Page 21 for winning at the top." KMGC President/GM David For record companies, stickering albums Small commented, "Steve has with the message "As Heard On WXXX" always been very strong in the Network To Geffen sounds like a perfect promotion - but the analysis and formatics of the Al Coury's Network Records Capitol before founding Net- backlash from competing stations some- station, and this just gives him has signed an agreement with work in 1981, commented, times makes it more trouble than it's worth. sonville and WGNG/Provi- the opportunity to focus on that. Geffen Records, with forthcom- "What convinced us that Geffen Page 33 dence. We really try to concentrate on ing albums and singles by Net- is the place to be is their multi- WRBQ-AM & FM VP/GM the personal strengths of our work artists Irene Cara and media approach, a philosophy Michael Osterhout told R&R, managers and have them Moving Pictures to be released in which I firmly believe. We "We are very fortunate to have dedicate themselves to these on a joint logo basis through have a lot of friends at Geffen someone of Steve's caliber join- areas as much as possible. Geffen in North America. and are looking forward to a S3 SC Single Copy ing our team, helping us to Now, Jack's strengths are in Coury, who formerly headed long and prosperous relation- carry on the winning tradition. working with people and being RSO Records and served as ship on Page 21 RIVERS/Continued on Page 21 able to implement what Steve Senior VP/Promotion for NETWORK/Continued www.americanradiohistory.com "KRAK and KEWT: tough turn -grounds:' J üm LJ U e 1J Lr "I'd had a chance to work with The Research Group in another market where they helped us find a hole and soar from a 2.3 to an 11.2 share. It was a great success. But here in Sacramento the situation was dif- ferent. At KRAK - an AM country station be- ing attacked by a "more music" country FM - and KEWT -a beautiful music FM which had fallen off to a 5.5 - we were dealing with two tough turn -around situations. The Research Group - and our good team of people here at the stations - worked as usual: hard and smart. Today, we're coming back pretty nicely. KRAK is up from a 4.8 to a 6.7 (beating the FM country) and KEWT is #1 in Sacramento with an 8.2. We couldn't have done it without good peo- ple ... and The Research Group." John Winkel Senior Vice President and General Manager KRAK and KEWT In almost every field there is a company that has earned a reputation as the leader. The Research Group Radio's Strategic Research Team 2517 EASTLAKE AVENUE EAST SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98102 206/328-2993 www.americanradiohistory.com BROWN APPOINTED KTWN VP/GM Sunbelt Acquires KTWN, R&R's Ratings Report Is Here KRAB For $7.8 Million In separate transactions, Sunbelt Com- Brown departs his Malrite post after nine The 1983 R&R Ratings Report (Vol II), covering munications has agreed to purchase Class C months in Denver.
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