's" E • •E TELE ISION PB OGRA•IS Clifton East Paterson Fair Lawn Garfield Haledon Hawthorne :, .. .. Lodi . Little Falls oun' a•.t View Haledon Paterson Passaic Pompton Lakes •rospect Park Sincjac fotowa Wayne We•t Paterson COSTELLO WINS AWARD MARCH 9, 1958 VOL. XXX, No. 10 ß' .•ii-•'-" 7':-?-". ' :• ß . -,.,:.•..-,..•:::•..•- -•.:;::. :'.-::".;:::- :.;-L•;' "::!'.;: '• -' ..':;.. :-.::..-' "!'.r•' .... -.':':.•':i: .•.'"'"' -' ':::•;'""•'""•' ' ß :"-'::i.':.. :"• • .. - ß. ..':.... :..•..•' ß ..•.•.•:::'½:'-'-'::'":i•:ß ,•,.- .X ...:... ß..... ':!:•.-..'i::::. "%;">" :'.:::'::i:i.:.'- . - -'i.".;:::::.':::-•-.::-"->.. •'!•:i•. ß...... !:[.-..•:>:....-.•;:<.:.... ß: ,.",.:.::.-.-.....::•.-..::...!.:•.:.•.--...... .. ' •"%:i.':::: ß o, ..: < :.+.:r,•'•- ß : ß•:.: : '-.., --: if". -.:"-' ..;•!' ß ':..:...:.......'•..:.. -' : :. CONFIDENTIAl, W'HiSPER- •iii-'•;i.?-'-'::.... ' :'"' ':' ...."" WaahJ.n•on. •. C.- Fozmer President Harry S. •Truman ß- - •$:-:-;'.ß' '" ' "'; ":'::i:;'-'":' seems to be whispering some ROMY VIEWS "LEG WORK" c•nfidential advice into the AT STUDIO - HollYwood, ear of New York's Governor Calif. - Ninetee//-year-old Ge.rman Actress Romy Schneid- Averell Harriman during a AT YOUR SERVICE... $100-A-Plate Dinner in Tru- er admit:es models of Cycl' C..harlse S legs as she visits tnan'-s honor. Truman was the t- • Makeup Department at main speaker at the. aif•ir f,.LG.lVl.Studios. The leg moOø All the Time ! which kicked off the 1958 els were u=cd in the makingof Democratic Campaign, the picture "Silk Stockings" .:.:.:.:.:.: •Vhenyou want a dependablefuel for cooking,for hot water, for re- ._ frigeration,and for dothesdryin[• you want gaa.vAnd Public Service ta on the job 24 houra'a day to .. bring you the dependableaervice ©f t]•e clean,blue gasfinme! •. • - .. ;.... .. ß i ß PIfBLI C SERVICE .> .•,• ß• -. •, -•. ß • ß.,.,. .... .:.......... -...;;.:... '•- .... - ::-:!".:-,::•....•.:•.':•. • ' ' .... '•.'t •,......' ,..,•,••,.:•' :.. .,:•.•:,..,'•'-.d.',•. ...:%.-.- -'--' ,..:...:...' :.•---':!•..: .... ...... '........ - ;.<..:.:.•...%. .,, '"'": .."' ALSTON CHECKS ROOKIE'S FORM- Vero Bea-ch, Fla. - Dodger Rookie Pitching Star Start Williams takes to the mound to show Dodger Manager Walt Alston (kneeling) the form that made him a stand.out with St. Paul-last year. He had a record of 19 wins and ß,. THE IDEAL PLACETO DINE AND WINE seven losses with 223 strikeouts and an earned run average of 3.04, Watchingthe young hurler in action are, left to r/ght' Don Bessent, Roger Craig, Ralph Mauriello, John.nyPodres and Pitching Co•ch Joe Becker. '--' .:.:.:..-.:.--:•...-..:+--.-.•.- .-.:.;.:..:.:...::.:... ... ::......-:. :..:•. .,.,,,.,,,,, ß'.; ....... '...-:.-::"-•.-•;; :•;•:•'-'":'-.:4• ' KITCHEN--..! ...;•;i•.:::•........,.%.....:•!%•;..........•......•......•::E•;..•Ei•;•:•..•.;?...•....*•.:.':'.-..-'•::C.;;i:i'•:i':' ß:-. '•."::+':::::::::-..-:::::""'.:":':::::&::" :::':.================================== '::::-:'::.•::-.::::'":.':-:X..:;.;':!•"'":::i::•::::.":...; .. :": '"'""::.. :'x.':-::{:.• ::'::::::-'.:.'•%: :::::::::::'•:::::::.':.,7"::-'.":.":'-':.':-'::-:.'.':." ."-' SEASPECIALTYFOOD '':";'•• I :':::::::::."::-:.i:':.::...-::':::::':"!:•%::..;":':::":-:."":•:! ..;•::..:-.". >:.:-::'-:.:- -'::-::':":::!-:'::!::i"-;:$$'.":>..... :.:.......::.:.:::.:.;:i:.:::::::.½::;:...:::::::::.:.:.:..:::....::•.: . .-. .: -:.::$..•.:.::::-:.•:.::::•.-.-:::.::. BROILED LOBSTER .-, --DAILY FilOGS' I.EGS - S•.)i.'T St!EI.L C'R,•s.• * BLUEI.'ISH * Rt!i'qBOXV TROUT - ]-iALIBUT - S^LMON - SHRIMPS * SCAbI.,OI'•- '::':::•:•'-'...... ::::.:'::i:->.'i4.-:..•::•i•?!•:-:: '-.½!'- '..... :' - •:!:...... 1-'.::.. -" OYSTERS - CLAM - COD FI•11 - SWOP, D FISH - DAILY DINNERS :?.'}"...:.:.:.::":":'::&......".-'•i.'::!?'".'.-?--:½':..i ' ... ':- ": -::i'.:':•:::'-. .. ,,...:.,'"•..•,.%..•.;;.;:;...::.'&. 168 BELMONTAVE {Cor. Burbank},HALEDON - - - LAmbert5-9885 .......½X':'..ß '...-. ':...:..'i".::.'.... ...:'•:.'•:-. -.-...:"!':'7..:...::.•:, ' ß •: .!. - -...r,=...ß .:.:.. .' ß... t :.... ..- ::... :;.":-'"'-}i?:.:: ;'!:'""":"• ß "<":';::.•z?:'"..:".."-.?•. >;>'-" ß..... ' -'.' '"' '" ß '-..•.?t..:::....j::- -' .. .. ;:•..... -.->,:• ."}:>...:...•: ,,4-...:' .. .. .: :• WHITE and $HAUGER, Inc. ß.;• . .-.- ..... ,. ß A GOOD NAM• TO REMEMBER [o• ---•- '•i.',½.- .-:.;: FURNITURE '-' ß :::::::- . ß . ....:; :. * ,• ..:!;•':%• ..; .... .... Living Eoom Bed Room Dining Eoom ß.- "all,' ..:. .... ß.-... ... •.:;•;... ,•,. RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY. '.!:i':'" :' QUALITY and LOW PRICE NEWSTEAM--NBC News commentators Chet Huntley (left) and -- 39 Years Serving the Public -- _. Dav!dBrinkley are featuredon the "NBC News"program over 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4.7880 PATERSON, N.J. NBC-TVMonday through Friday. Huntleyreports from New York andBrinkley from Washington. Subtitled "The Huntley-Brinkley 240 MAI•• ST. (Carroll Plaza Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-797• R•p.or*" the programhas receivedwide critical accl=i.mfor its news coverage a•d analysis. PA6E TWO The CHRONICLE ßß-i', .-•:•-'t '. +-:•.•- •i".;•":.'•'L::.•" '.';•<.•.',K,::-.• ,-•.:.&..':.-:• •.':-&;•::.•.'- ..:--:'"':••- •:-,•*-.- , 'k- ß , ... %,• ....::•.'-:•: --.-:-';:...:•'.:i.-•:''::x.-:. •...'-' :• -". {..-.•:-;';•!"...•:;'c::,- '.';:':':.?:. ' • ß-'.... • - ..- •.%.... •..$',.; :•-'- .:.'.•/•-...: •'...... -,•:... •..•..,'-'..:-.r- ß --. ' S :. , . ... ,..,, .•. .,....... ,...... .:. ß ß •.-.-,•- •..•.,- -.- '•:?.?-•: ..- -.:.:..,t-.::.%::. , .-% .':-..: •:.. '. v- ..• ......y• --. • ' •' : --•'•' ':: •-•:::::'".-;'.•:..:...:.. 3:'. - " :+ .. ß : .. x• ,•: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::ß :':::/' ........ •....•.•. •l• i•:: ..':'.-.,"' '::"':::::":'' :.:.:' :!•'•:ii..::•:!:i:•i:.3i?.'i{•i'i:' """'"" '" "ß' " '-:'..... :::'...... -.':' :•-;'•:-•z:':?•-:'-:•-.- •'••...................•. •(....•....•.:.•....:,... :.::•-....:....'::.'.".'•"•i•j.'.-::•'...:...:..:...: ..... ;-'..:..:•.:•, --•.•':•::•...x,.:.:, •,. •.'..,.::.-'•.,%...•:• ...•' '-::•.....!.. -.-:-:• ...... Published Weekly by :!::! THE CHRONICLE COMP• 170-172 Butler Street - - - Paterson, New Jersey LAmbert 5-2741 V[NCENT S. PAREILLO, Managing Editor JOSEPH AGOSTINI, Business Manager Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1928, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1899. HAS BEAUTY •D RECORDS - Santa Clara: Calif. - Blonde MARCH 9, 1958 - VOL. XXX, No. 10 14-year-oldChris Yon Salt•a of the Santa Clara SwimClub takes a respite after-breakingsix AmericanWomen's Free Style SwimRe- cords. At the Alametla Naval Air Station Swim Meet, the pretty Single Copy 10 Cents •• $5.00 a Year By Mail aquamaid, an internationaltop rated swimmer,bettered the Ameri- ß can 200 Yard Back Stroke with a time of 2:32.4. She also estab- lished a new Pacific Association Record in the 400 Yard Free . Style in 4:40.6 beating the old 10-year mark set by famed Ann Curtis. ,. CONTENTS ß . ß .• . FEATURES .. - ... •.:•..•-•.,;• . ß.... .. ß':.... ß .;:. ß ..., '•!i.. ..•'!..:•:::•!.•' Chronicle of the Week :,;.•i" '-'-:'.""-..... ': , "::..-•.•:. ......-, ... '.x,.'--. ß '" :i.'•,. .:'- .• a, ß -•,'- .': ß ..!.-,•.. ,'? ..- . • • • '. , Fran Molendyke's Tri-Boro Notebook ß ' .." .. ;":"'::' ß ß . Strictly Suburban 6 : . - .: .- ,r-. American History 15 -.-•.....-: •,•..,:;.,:?- : ..•.: .. '-• ,'•'.•; • .... ß •:: ,' ......... .... '! ,.-•,•c:•.'• ....... •'- : ß • -.:':.. •.•,?_'•:.'-•::',•:'•::^ ..: ß '. ?.:::.:;•....."'•':•.•::•i•:?.'..'.,'..!.•%::ii•.'.?•. •'•"•'• .... •::.-..• ....¾... '";:• .....' -. DEPARTMENTS ß .:5•..:.'-. ::. ß ..::... .,-.•.•. ..::.•, ,, ß . SoCial World 7 MILS.FDR HONORED BY LA•ERS- Chicago,Ill. -Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt receives the Award of Merit of the Decalogue, Society of Lawyers, from Judge Harry M. Fisher, second from Editorials 8 right. Mrs. Roosevelt was honoredfor her distinguishedcontriba- Uons to Universal justice and the fellowship of all mankind. Editor Speaks 8 .. Let's Talk Politics 9 Showcase ................. 10 Complete Television 11-12-13 COVER PICTURE . Comedian Lou Costello receives annual brotherhood award of ._. Kaufman-Harris Post 36, Jewish War Veterans, from Mrs. ß EstherZ. Light,president of LadiesAuxiliary, and Herman K. SPEAI(ING OF SNOW DRIFTS.' - Ontario. Canada- City -Baldinget, post' commander. Presentation took pla. ce at the sissies take note - the white fluff that skiers dreams are made o! is proving to be a nightmare to residents of Ontario, Canada. Com- YM-YWHA last Tuesday. ing in very large doses, in some places fourteen-foot drifts, the -hea.vy snow fails have snowed in villages and towns completely tsolatlng the inhabitants. At Lake Scugog, car-high drifts have al- most completely buried vehicles. One car-owne• points to his bur- Photo by Pankow, Zito Studio. ied auto completely covered except for the roof. The CHRONICLE PA6E THREE i of the week .... ===================== .•,-•.-•-- .. NORTH HALEDON--A "Green ,:. Post 281, will be held Saturday Thumb Sale" will be held March night, March 15, at the post home. I 7by the Memorial ßSchool PTA Mrs. William Strayer.is chairman •n the school cafeteria. The sale of the affair. WILLIAMSON BUYS -- Borough Manager W. T. Williamson of Fa'r Lawn, makes the first purchase of seals in the "Be will be betwee n3 and 5 p.m., pre- ceding and following the PTA Ti•ankful You-Can See" drlve being conducted by the local Ed Saltzman was elected hon- Lions Club. Proceeds oœthe drive will go for eye glasses for meeting that evening. norary president and Herb Feld- the needy', surgical equipment and camps for the blind. man president of the 4th
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