Sunday, September 13, 1912 DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY 8800) PART 4, PAGE 5 Malt Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Mole Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted 1 , t BI S GIRLS FREE TO TRAVEL Machine Repairman For cafeteria dining rami davs; no Sun- N'eat young lady, under 24; muat he free days or holiday* Apply Mr Webber, to travel and able to drive. Good pay and Experienced on Attention, Girls Metropolitan Building Cafeteria, 33 John R expense allowance. Apply promptly 9:30 Telephone Service Street. a. m .t Lafayette Bldg. Hydraulic Machine IB IP YEARS OLD 2'» TOOL DESIGNERS WITH OR WITHOUT BICYCLES; GEN ERA L 7”good home? Hhe children, ata> FOR CLEAN HEALTHFUL Is CASHIER* *<>, reference*, $lO. Tylar $-$0», 1 Vital and PLEASANT WORK. DELIVERING Toting *omm who has had reataurant ex Tool Die . launderlng.~eooking Wanted *tai no TELEGRAMS. NO TRAINING Apply Rheaurr.c i Reaiauraoi, GENERA L. ELECTRICIANS private room, good wagea. Unlveralty' NECESSARY BRING BIRTH fertenre2Oft Metropolitan Rid* , 33 J«hn R S« To War Effort WTfh license CERTIFICATE AND SOCIAL SE- candy neat 3-1730 NUMBER cashiers, *iri» i; ap rooking; CURITY SEE MR. Apply Alima Theater, Monday, GENERAL?"*whit#; no' own room ON JIGS A-1 SW'aRTHOUT. ROOM 2<*fi radi atay; sl3. Unlveralty 1-1965. and 5 Makers Tool Makers Carlo*a. at i A-3 No. Western Union Telegraph Co. ! §7* Tsoi)'profit' line GIRLS -For dry cleaning atore; neat ap- -- CHRISYmaI CA*t>B steady EXPERIENCED 33* SHELBY STREET Name Imprint* AO for It. B»x assort- pearance; high wage* to start; j employment. 6633 Orallot. WE NEED & imenta. Everyday, Birthday Etching*. Reh * arner Swasey Experienced Military glotta, card* Include t>. Humnrou* t AND FIXTURES Bakery salesgirls, is tn 30 year* rank. Bonua. 30 page catalog. Approval eld 1 white), high kthool graduate*, for aamnte ho* and k'KKr. eamnie I Screw Machine *OO, U| Jig and Fixture Hamilton section. Grogs# Point* Kenheval E. Rtrotoel A Co.. Dept. E. Fifth Boring Ohio - and section Grand River section East Jeffer- St., Cincinnati. 100 This is a son section Awrey Rakertes, 32*3 Tire COLLEGE TRAINED AIDS GIRLS Commeixial Operators real opportunity Tyler * 'TECHNICAL Inspectors man 37h0 | for municipal poaltlona in aaaeaain*. ar for qualified men looking BAKERY SALESGIRL iwhlte, wanted counting, personnel and other mana*cment Girls for drug store soda foun- Service NEW BRITAIN for downtown location; 1* to 22 yaara and profeaalonal flelda Several vacancies Representatives high graduates. Apply year be tain (white); experience not lor a permanent position old must he school at $1.7)11 per to filled by competi- Grinder Hydraulic Machine! Awrey Bakeries, 62*3 Tlreman. Tyler tive examination. Applicant* mint be be- highest These poattlone require speed, accuracy * necessary. Good hours, courtesy 3700 twen twenty and thirty yeara of age and and In raring for our cus- AUTOMATIC in an expanding plant en- tomers* requirements. Their requests operator high citizen* of the I'nlted State* For full de- years or BEAUTY Immediate!' vary salary. Must be 16 Include orders for changes experienced all talka and application*, write or apply to naw or In on A-1 wages; around. Trinity their present aervict, handling the gaged 100% defense Repairmen 7 4059. the Detroit Civil Service Commuiinn. l*»h over. Apply personnel office, OPERATORS Floor. Water Board Building. 73ft Randolph account and In general follow through Hands BEAITY operator*, good hour# »alarv Michigan, on 1927 Twelfth, near Michigan. to see that our eustomers get the work. A-1 working condi* street. Detroit. or before 10713 Whittier. Arlington *424, Tuxedo September 3*. 1912 kind of service to which they ar* STEADY EMPLOYMENT 2-4*l2* * entitled la every particular. Republic Aircraft tions. Gauge Grinders COMMUNICABLE DISEASE NURSES to RKAUTT OPERATOR Five day week” perform routine nurelng taaka Involved in good salary. .1944 John R TE 1-3*l*. the care and treatment of patients in a Division municipal Cunningham’s Products SKAIjTf operator, steady, good wage** i communicable di***»e hospital Zenith Mill per Borning .170* Fenkell j Numerous vacancies at $1,980 year to 100 N. A. be filled by competitive examination Ap- Aviation Corp. BEAUTT operator, experienced, wanted plicants muet be between twenty-one and Switchroom The Carburetor Operators all round; steady; salary S3O. Lenox fifty yeara of age and citlien* of the *4** United States For full details and applica- Helpers writs to ! GIRLS 5914 Federal BOOKKEEPER; general office tions. or apply the Detroit Pint requires ability to use tools J WOODWORTH work; per- Commlaslon, 16th This work _ _ __ Division manent excellent salary City Window ?Service Floor. Water For Permanent Fountain Sales- (pliers, screw drivers and soldaring Cleaning Board Building, 73ft Randolph street, De- Ironl. WOMEN Company, 44* East Columbi* troit, Michigan, YOUNG with mechani- MECHANICS 696 HART until further notice work in our East and West Side cal experience or mechanically inclined Motor trurk experience; excellent working CAPABLE girl for general; plain cooking, readily adapt themselves to this t>p* of ewndman#, good wag*# COMPANY For no laundry Call University 2 Stores. Must be at least 16. Federal Motor *349 I work. TVuck Co.. V>o East Forest ? i COMPTOMETER” Apply 100 Oakman Blvd., near; MEN 1241 WANDA, FERNDALE Designer CLERKS WANTED OPERATORS Hamilton, 8:15 to 11 a. m., ex- ' Tool War Work cept Saturdays. TO WORK IN MILK DEPOT 70 THE J. L. HUDSON CO. Out Woodward Ave., Turn FIRST CLASS Per Week For Night Shift Ra# opening In the following Office Telephone several Eaat an Nine-Mile Road, Turn Apply Employment .5 P. M. to 12:30 A. M. FRED departments: DRAFT EXEMPT * 1-3 Months SANDERS Operators SHIPPING South on Wanda ¦ U. S. NAVAL s2l Must present proof of citizen- AND Per Week BOTH RECEIVING ORDNANCE PLANT ship. Apply in person. TO HANDLE GIRLS (18 to 40) LONG DISTANCE WAREHOUSE Employment Qpei Process Men NINE MILE AND MOUND ROADS 3-6 Months... .$25 LARGE RESTAITRANT Office • jU.S. RUBBER CO. AND LOCAL CALLS DAY ORDERLIES FIRST CLASS OPERATED BY Per Week ORGANIZATION Applv Employment floor, 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. SUNDAY AUTO 6600 East Jefferson Good Salary—More Later between * to « n<l 11 W • m MONItOE HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO. 6-9 Months $26 .do Telephone Calls DAILY from 7:30 A. M. to 6P. M. CO. Steady Work—No Layoffs Experience te unnecessary for the EQUIPMENT Per Week COOK and waitress: good wages and living positions. You paid Office days above will be while Monroe, Michigan Employment condltlona: ft per week: no liquor Unlimited Opportunities learning. The surroundings are pleas- 9 .$27 •old; atrtctlv American. Address Bo* 112 UNIFORMS FURNISHED; FOOD ant and vour associate* are people with Evening* 9 P. M. Mo. or more. Chelsea, stating experience age Men I 8 to 30 Years THOSE NOW IN DEFENSE TOOLMAKERS Open Until Mich., and ALLOWANCE whom you will enjoy working. Per Week COOK—General for lunch room; no Satur- APPLY 9 A. M. OR LATER With et/ Ir deliver telegram# Mu#t have LATHE HANDS 10 A. M. 5 P. M. goon * WORK CANNOT On Sunday, to IN PERSON | daye, Sundavs or nights. Canteen, 3017 driver record ant] telephone at home BE ' 100* WAR WORK APPLY WHITE TOWER Oaqd pay and steady work. See Mr Weet Grand Blvd. IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT PERSON* NOW’ WORKINO ON WAR 8456 CASS AVE. •wwrthcHit. Room joa CONSIOEREft AUK NO DETERRENT COOKING-”!*other's helper; white; beat AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE IN A Weatern Union Telegraph Co. LINCOLN BRASS WORKS. INC. , WORK CANNOT BE CONSIDERED Detroit Dairy wage*: no laundry; etay. Niagara 8724 20*7 12TH ST girls Ac GIRLS Vital War Activity si* sHKi.RY street rot’NTBR for HARICH S Ham 18 TO 23 SEE MR. ELLISON Depots burgers; part time or full; $23 week. For light office work. Permansnt. Ne. ex S»q warren. perlenc* training accessary. Opportunity WANTED—Cook, W*et or TRUCK DRIVERS counter man and kitchen for advancement to operating position* SUPERVISOR Highway mtitt be experienced In help 36616 HARPER WITHOUT TRADES driver*; ror rafeterla Call Pontiac 2*ll COUNTER GIRLS Night work at drat. Rating 36 per hour to for chain reetaurant organisation Rinat handling both semi trailers and « wheel b*i».*n 2 and t p. m. Ask for Mr Rudd int aeruritv work A P. S.—Must be High School atart. Apply 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Men will he have car exceptional opportunity for am- with exoeritnce on Michigan high- No necessary; 2 In good paying position* through traliei*. willing work experience bitiou* man exempt from Immediate draft wav* Bring birth certificate and refer- COLORED- Good salesman to Graduate. food Western Union Telegraph Co. The Michigan n a* auxiliary military police. full or part time ran make money In Must have good salary Apply Monday afternoon, 1319 ence# to U. S Truck Co., 224*0 Twenty- weeks training period, $lB Traffic Dept.. Room 210. New Telegraph RapidaNadvanrement f«>r men intere»ted In a Street lively real estate office. Apply at once Henry fourth Handlers' Card. Must be Building. Congress ana Shelby Street* with th>a *r>eriat>xiag in plant Robt. *l2 E. Vernor Highway. weekly, after 2 3 career firm or Johnson wks. S2O, mo. Bell Telephone Co. *i*e' lav protection Writ# or call In pereon STRUCTURAL STEM. metal Janitor; more than 18 years of age. out and set-up men Apply person MECHANICS COLORED couple. maid and GIRLS~(WHITE), LAUNDRY INDUSTRIAL GUARD SERVICE i In TRUCK , I apartment and aa!ar>.
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