/5. DOCUMENT ?gismo ED 213 617 SO 013 638' A TITLE Quality of Life: An Orientation to Population Education. Abstract-Bibliography,Series 2. INSTITUTIOti United Natibns Educational, Scientific, and Cultural, Organizatibn, Bangkok (Thailand). pegional Office for Education in Asia and the'Pacific. SPONS AGENCY United Nations Fund for Population Activities, New Yorke N.Y. PUB DATE 81 NOTE 78p. AVAILABLE FROMUNIPUB, Box 433, Murray Hill Station, New York, NY 10016. EDRS PRICE MEDI Pl'usPostage. PC 'NOt Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS 4 Adult Education; Annotated Bibliographies; *Comparatiim Education; Education; Employment; Environment;,rood; Health; Houbing4 Instructional .Materials; Taws; Migration; Natural Resources; Nutritionr=*Population Education; *Quality of Life; Religion; Social Values; Urbanization IDENTIFIERS Asia; Pacific Region ABSTRACT This annotate4rbibliography cites materialls dealing with the issue of-quality of lifeas an orientation to population education. Sixty-four percent of the 63 publications cited deals with Asia and the Pacific while the restare from other regions of the world. The time Span 6f the publications, is 1971t1980, Since,quality of life-encompasses every:part of livings the publicationsare organized into ten comprehensive clatsificatioos. Theyare: defining and measuring quality of life; ,general; fbod pi9duction;_health and nutrition; education; environmen and resources; migration, urbanization, human settl9ment klousing; labour, manpower, employnient; values, religron,/e ics, psychological ;actors, and laws; and population education cptriculum and-instructional , materials. Th9 source of each publication is provided. (Author/RM) e ******************!*******************************************t******** * 'Reproduckions supplied by= EDRSar.e the best that can ,be made * * AO, ...from the original document. * ***************************.******************************************** Qualityof life:A9 .Oriefitation C4 eto Population Education Abst,ract - Bibliography Series 2 U.S DEPARTMENT EDUCATION a k "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS NATIONAL INSTITUTOESDUCATION MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY EDUCATIONAL RESOURPS INFORMATION HAS B EN GRANTED BY CENTER IMCI Thrs document has eenr4ilsreAutetilkas aria/ at)ciiiitkra. receneed horn t, sort or orgentzahon ongesaung Mnssr changes have to ,mprove reproduchon ctuaLty TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES PO,,ts of yew or op-rt s stated o ?Ns docu INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) trent cso not necessartrepresent offr:4311E cos4xx-t obtrcy _. e 7,4 _2 , -4 4 r _ 0 Population Education Programme Service UNESCO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EDUCATION IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Bangkok, Thailand, 1981 2 Sr. Li -AD 10> Unesco 1981 - Published by the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and Oceania with funding support from the United Nations Fund fcir Population Activities P.O. Box 14:25, Bangkok C.P.O. Bangkok, Thailand Printed in Thailand pinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily coincide with offi- cial views of Unesco. Na' expression of opinion is intended herein concerning the legal status or the delimitations of the frontiers of any country or territory. The material printed herein may reproduced in small part onli by sending thref vouclr copies of the reproduction to the Population Education Clearing House,. o, Bangkok, at the address above. If it is desired to reprint an entire . either in. Englisli or in translation, permission must be obtainM from the Director of Unesco, Bangkok. EIKPItit 1OP/100-1600 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Preface Introduction 1 Section 1 : Defining and meauiuring quality of life (,QOL) 8 "tative approaches to quality of life 8 les in measuring QOL 9 nilnum standards .10 hysical plus spirituaLneeds fo Section2 : General .. 12 - Encouraging the simple lifek 12 - Providing basic hurrian needs 13 1 - China: Controlling population growth ----, 14 - Malaysia: QOL of minorities r 15 - Population education and.Q0L -. 16 . - QOL among Malaysian children by, - 17 Integrating population factors with nutrition 18 - How population can affect QOL 19 4 - Self-reliance in improving quality of life 20 A , /Section3. : Posed producti .t, : ),, 22 - Balancin od supply and population growth in Bangladesh..22 - Population increases with fb production . 22 - Alternative models for riving food problems 23 t --= Impacts of the world Mod situation 24' Section 4 :Health and nutrition / , ...,,26 - Nutrition and children-bearing . 26 - The importince of nutrition / ... 27 - Health services for settlementnareas 28 - Fertility and health - `2'9 Section 5 Education 31 - Population and quality of education 31 - Declining fertility aids goal attainment ± 31 - New policies to match lowir growth rare.... ......32. - Education resulti in smiler families- 405 -33 - Savings from educational expenditures. 34 I 071 TABLE -OF CONTENTS front . -35 Section d : Environment anaresources ._, I . Limiting births and individual consumption 35 Population grov11: environmental decline .,.. 35 ,DeveIcrpment vs. \the environment 38' Water an essential1-eplieTent for agriculture, fisheries and industry 37 0 ,' Jr Section7 :4Migration, urbanization, human settlements and housing' 39 Building livable localities r, 39 Urban migrants in three capitals ' 40 Migrants' idjustmenN,o cities 41 What's happening to cities? 42 Stockholm: the htiman environment 43 45 Section 8 : Labour, manpower, employment .Population growth and employment 45' EMployinent and popblation planning ts 46 PopulatiOn and manpower planning ;4 47 Y 48 Section 9 : Values, religion,,ethics,psyChological factors, latvs . * Clothing .tici self-image . :-..48 Why people want children 49. Ethics and population . 50 ..1-.. Islam and family planning ,....50 Sri Lanka: Law and living 51, I .Stress from population growth 52 Making decisions about population 53 54- Attitudes and values regarding fertility 4- eople and values ..'., 55 1 How many people can we have A 56 Self-control in population 58 'Population and social justice 59 Thiland: Preferred sex in children' 60 61 ion 10: Population education curriculum and instructional materials HOme economics and population 61 Bkngladesh: Curriculum for population *educatiqrt 62 Indian workbook emphasizes quality of life 62 Population growth and quality 'of life - 63 . Republic of Korea: Leviing units .. 64', Malaysia: Selflearning.in population education 66 Population education in Pakistan ri. 67 Papua New Guinea handbook , 68 Philippines: Population growth 69 How people use resources in Sri Lanka i 69 Lifpexperiences: Thailand 70 Curriculum materials for, the region 70 ii 5 4 -4 I PREFACE -. This issue- is the second ina series of phabetieally by author, instiaition...orother abstract bibliographies dealing with various main entry within each dlassification'The concrete issues and probleMs raised; by general format includesa list of descriptors population education workers in the course whichare derived from the IBE and the of undertaking population educationpro- Carolina Population center Thesauri and _grammes..Transmitting information is 'One thd addresses of the sources of thema- . of the many ways by which population terials. education specialists deal with their needs ,and this series is intended to provide them This second seriel is devord to the with a means for knowing what informa- issue of quality oflire, an orientation tion is available 4nd where it can be found. to /population education or as the main More thanthii however,thisabstract - concern of other develoment programmes. bibliography Presents stimmailes of major There are 63 publications selected and issues, argumts, results and conclusions abstracted for this series with 64 per cent of allthepublications.included inthe related to 1 Asia and the PacificWhile the series. The aim, is to condense the original' rest are from other regions of ttlt world. publicaiiOn Miksch detail that itcan if heed The time-span of publidationsis1971- be replace the original (as it h often diffi- 1980. Sinci 'quality of. life'encompasses cult for the readers, to actjuire the orliginal every -part ,of living, the publication's have , ,. ublication). beengroupedintotencomprehensive - classifications that include the topics of . food,healthandnutrition,education,. a Secondly,thematerialshaves been selected and prganized" in sucha way that envirpnment, housing, employment, values relevant and related materials pare grouped 'and ethics, and others. together and analysed to show alterriatige, AcknowledgMent is due to Professor solutions to a problem` or sub-problems. Jayasuriya, former Unesco Regipnal The materials a first, classified according. .Population Education Adviser,for pre- to the various -aspects or subjects. surround-- paring this series and writing an analytical (.... trig a pro'hlem or an issue. Under each syhthesis of all the publications reviewed classification, the entries are arranged al*-,.., 7 and abstracted. L .10 1 INTRODUCYION, As is to be expected in connection with Section1: Definingandmeasuring a newly developing field of study, thecon- quality of life ceptualizatiOn of population educationhas Section 2: General been in a _gradual state of evolution. Start- Section 3: Food ing with aYoncepttialitation thatregarded population as a problem, and population Section 4: Health andmutrition, eirationas an important response on the Section 5: Education part of the educatioiial system to it, popu- Section k Environment and re-, latkon educators havenow veered towards sources regarding quality of lifeas their primary, Section 7: Migration,
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