Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus College Football Programs Football 10-14-1933 Grizzly Gridder Ursinus College Official Football Program, October 14, 1933 Varsity Club Ursinus College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/football_programs Part of the Social History Commons, Sports Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Club, Varsity, "Grizzly Gridder Ursinus College Official Football Program, October 14, 1933" (1933). Ursinus College Football Programs. 4. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/football_programs/4 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Football at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. m (@ 11 111 1£ :II 1\ 111 1£ , 11\ - '~ o F F I C I I ~ I p I R o G R I ~ 10 c VS. T URSINUS ! 1 9 PRICE 25 CENTS 3 3 ttJ~•.. ~ RANGES THE FLOYD .. WELLS CO. ROYERSFORD, PA·. Announclng·' . .... at your Grocer or at your home Now! NEW Schulz NATURAL Vitamin D Bread CONTAINS THE ESSENTIAL FOOD ELEMENTS THAT HELP TO BUILD STRONG BONES AND TEETH October 14, 1933 CONTENTS For a good cleo II The + r oo In or a Page ROMA EDITORIALS - 3 mlis/ying meal, Penalties 4 CAFE Sl Op al Rule Changes. Official Signals 5 Ursinus Grid Mentors 6 Two Bea rs 7 ORRISTOI\' . P ll. Phone (,001 Valley Ursinus-Dickinson Again 8 Our Conference Hopes. Grizzly Forge Gridder Notes 10 Hotel Ursinus Statistics and Schedule 11 Ursinus Lineup 12 Dicki nson lineup 13 Spaghetti NORRISTOWN Dickinson Statistics and Schedule 14 PA. Di ckinson 15 Cooked in 1933 Cross Country Outlook 16 Arthur's Knights Tackle, Caesar's the Real Senators 18 The Gulew(fY 10 Historic ITALIAN WAY rfllley Forge Stories They Love to Tell 20 Conferences of Other Years 22 I ndex to Advertisers 24 College CAMPUS SANDWICH PharlllrHll,cy SHOP Collegeville, Pa. 716 MAIN STREET CHAS. H. FRY, Prop. Phone 117 A/tel' the Game Visit . .. WINKLER'S DRUG STORE COLLEGEVILLE, PA. MEET YOUR OLD FRIENDS AND GREET NEW FRIENDS Jlcndquurlcrs for Drugs and Surgical Supplies, Ice Cream Sandwiches, Soda, Books, Papers, l\logazincs 2 Oc tober 14, 1933 GRIZZLY Our Guest's Leaders D I + C To the left is Joseph H. Mc­ Cormi ck, head coach of the K Di cki nson Gridders. Mr. Me· Co rmick is also director of ath­ I leti cs and coach of baseball at the Ca rlisle institution. This N is his third yea r as director of Dickinso n athletic destinies, S having come there in 193 1. o + N To the right is George Bogar, Di ckinso n's backfi eld coach, wh o learned his foot­ ball at Princeton University. In his underg raduate days he was an outstanding back and graduated from that in­ stitution in 1931. + The lad holding the ball is none other th an the leader of the Red Devils. Hughes, wh o has rece ived his letter for th e past Lwo seasons, is pl aying hi s last year of col· lege football as captain of the Di ckinso n eleven. CRIDDER October 14. 1933 3 hearrie ... t welcome and to tho .. e who hale not been "'0 fortunate GRIZZLY GRIDDER a ll we can say i .. that we wi"h you were here to mingle again with your fellow cla ..... mateo:.. O FFICIAL F OOTBALL PROGRAM FOR ALL We. who are <.till undergraduate .. can only "en"le in a ... mall HOM E GAM ES OF URSINUS COLLEGE measure the thrill that you nUl"'! hale upon greeting your PUBLI S HED B Y old acquaintances and c1a"smaLes, e~pecially those who are not able to return e\ery year. So that YOll might hal e an oppor· V ARSITY CLUB (unit), 10 experi ence again this plea .. ure Old Timer...,' Day i ... nn annual e'ent and i.. now tradition at Ur:.inu .... U RSI N US C OLLEGE C OLL EG E V ILLE. P A. Undoubtedl) the campll~ of today may appear ~Irange to Ihoo:.c of yo u who hale not been bad. recently and 'ice for the Vol. I, No. 2 Oc' o b" r 14. 1933 25 Cents fir~l time Ihe marked change:. that are everywhere in e,idence h WING E. SUTIN, '3· ~ . Ma"aging Editor about yOll . Bul we do not ha\e to comment further on the:--e II Allin 1". BnlAN, '35, Associate Editor p r ogre~ ... i,·e changes for they speak for themselve... Yet there i .. one thing that ha .. not undergone change and that is the D W IC HT L. CU EGOltY, '3-1, A ssociate Editor trad itional fig ht ing l r~ in lls spirit that yo u were part of. 11 exists today a .. much as it e\ er has and is now a pari TH E CONFEUEiVCE OUTLOOK (If your alma mater. You alumni hal e a righl to be proud of the l fl; inlls of yo ur day and you 01"0 have a ju ... t reason to "O will win ,he Confe rence this yea r P. & M., Oicl..­ be prolld of the "greater Ursinus" of loday. W ill tio n, Cettysburg. ~ l lIh l(' nb e rg, or Llr~ illll "? \",\fh ul a Thi ~ afternoon we are meeting a foe on the gridiron thai prohl em for any footba ll do pt'~ler! many of you old timer.., have cro ...... ed swords wit h. T hey, fOU f lO P La<; t year tcams e nded lip in a deadlock. for honor .. , too, nre e,·ery bit U'" good as they were when you faced them ull appa relltl y t've nl y mUl ched. Only Di ck in "o n fai led to ~ h ow a nd we assure YO Il of a n interesti ng game today. A da nce d HlInpi o n ~ h i p form througholll the sea'-O ll and was Ihe one will follow the foo tba ll contest this evenin g and we hope that ('o ll ege nol in the funn ing. Thi .. yea r, howc\cr, our ,j ... il or ... you will attend and make your day a complete success. Again, of loday will he vt,'ry mu ch in the thick of the champion .. hip we "liy, welcome, homecomers! fi ghl , a nd $incc the strength of the other four teams in the Conference ~('e lll '" to be every bit as formida bl e as last yenr. + + thl' Confe rell ce ... hould be u fi ve-way fi ght all through the "eo lion. URSINUS vs. DICKINSON As for the B CHr ~' chnnees for the eo,'eted crown. not a n T i .. 38 yea rs ago this fall si nce l rsinll s met Di ckinson overly ulIl ount cnn be said nt present. What Ursinus d oe~ I on the gridiron for the ini tial conl est - Ihe fir ~ 1 e ncounter today on the gridiron is most likely indicati,e of what t<he taking place in 1896. Since that time we hale battled in· will do throughout her Conference sched ul e. Last week's mittently fo r grid honors and ha'·e engaged in 22 combats 20-0 defeat of St. Joe's proved that the s urpr i~ in g tie with lip to this date. \ ilhlllO'U the preceding week wa ~ no Auke. The Crizzlies Marked changes a rc evident in Ihe games of today as com­ undoubtedl y huve strength ; whether this strength can be pa red with those of yesteryear a nd at Ihe pre .. ent lime both utilized properly in each of the four stiff Conference tests that schools are members of the Eastern Pe nn::.)'h ania Confer· are to come i ~ a question. e nce. Therefore we have more at stake tha n just a game. for Every team in the Confere nce has an even cha nce for the our Conference hopes will eilher be strengthened or weak­ ClIl) this year. All fOllr rivals are hoping to wrest it from the e ned by t he results o[ today's combat. Bears' c1ul che:.. On the other hand, the Bruin will be fi ghting Football prophets before the opening o( the current sea­ desperately to re tain it - starting with today's bailie with son had virtuall y conceded both Di ckinson a nd lIrsinus as the Red Devils from Dickinson. cand idates (or last place. But the udope" has already been Let's go, Bears ! Keep that Conference title ! upset a nd both the Bears and the Red Devils loom as likely champions. Coach Joseph McCormick d escribes the Dickin· + + son aggregation as ua fast, light, hard driving team wilh all the spirit in the world." And as for the Ursinus crew, well, WEL COME, llOIIfECOMERS! their record speaks for it self. And we might as well decide ODAY is OJd Timers' Day, the occasion for the r etliTi. now that Patterson Field will be the scene of a great football T of graduates to the Ursinus campus. To those of you battle this afternoo n a nd with it will go the hopes and aspira· who have been fortunate enough to get back we extend our tions of two fin e gridiron teams. 4 October 14. 1933 GRIZZLY Penalties Ursinus College + Supply Store Loss of Five Yards Failure of substitute to report.
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