ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN FORM-28 [see rule 50j LIST OF POLLING STATIONS FOR A CONSTITUENCY OF Election to the Provincial Assembly of the Sindh PS-115 KARACHI WEST-IV In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters assigned to S. No. of voters Number of polling booths No. and Name of Polling polling station Sr. No. on the electoral Station roll in case Census Block Census Block Name of Electoral Areas Name of Electoral Areas electoral area is Code Male Female Total Male Female Total Code bifurcated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Happy Way Public Dehli Dehli Colony 408030101 1 0 537 0 537 - - Dehli Colony Colony 408030102 0 348 0 348 2 0 2 - Dehli Colony 408030103 0 1 Total 315 0 315 - - 1200 0 1200 2 0 2 2 - Dehli Colony Rabia Children Acadmey 408030104 0 559 511 1070 2 1 - Dehli Colony 408030105 0 3 2 Total 313 0 313 - - - 872 511 1383 2 1 3 Dehli Colony 408030101 0 0 402 402 GBPS Mohammad Hussain - - 3 Dehli Colony 408030102 0 0 252 (Old) 252 -0Dehli Colony 3 3 408030103 0 0 239 239 - Dehli Colony 408030105 0 3 Total 0 205 205 - 0 1098 1098 0 3 3 Dehli Colony Gujrat Colony 408030201 0 311 227 4 GBPS Gujrat 538 1 1 2 - Dehli Colony Gujrat Colony 408030202 0 329 254 583 4 Total - - 640 481 1121 1 1 2 - Dehli Colony Gujrat Colony 408030203 0 354 274 5 GBPS Gujrat 628 1 1 2 - Dehli Colony Gujrat Colony 408030204 0 258 171 429 5 Total - - 612 445 1057 1 1 2 - New Kumhar Wara 408030301 0 541 0 6 Dehli Public School 541 - New Kumhar Wara 408030302 0 422 0 422 2 0 2 - New Kumhar Wara 408030303 0 6 Total 273 0 273 - - 1236 0 1236 2 0 2 ot, 6. /i • - Mtlitainntad Asiiidqu Moghai Returning Officer PS-115 4th Senior Civil Judge Karachi West In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters assigned to S. No. of voters Number of polling booths No. and Name of Polling polling station Sr. No. on the electoral Station Census Block roll in case Name of Electoral Areas Census Block Name of Electoral Areas electoral area is Code Male Female Total Male Code bifurcated Female Total 7 Dehli Public School New kumhar Wara 408030304 0 362 259 621 - - New Kumhar Wara 408030305 1 1 2 7 Total 0 300 183 483 - - - 662 442 1104 1 - - 1 2 Mutahid Kachi Kumhar Jamat New Kumhar Wara 408030301 8 0 0 412 412 - - Khana New Kumhar Wara 408030302 0 0 383 383 0 2 - 2 New kumhar Wara 408030303 8 Total 0 0 211 211 - - - 0 - 1006 1006 0 2 2 New Kumhar Wara 408030401 0 275 0 9 - 275 GBPS New Kumhar Wara - New Kumhar Wara 408030402 0 319 0 319 - New Kumhar Wara 408030403 2 0 2 0 331 0 331 - - New Kumhar Wara 408030404 9 Total 0 355 0 355 - - - 1280 0 1280 2 - - 0 2 New Kumhar Wara 408030401 0 0 203 203 10 - GBPS New Kumhar Wara New Kumhar Wara 408030402 0 0 236 236 - - New Kumhar Wara 408030403 0 2 2 0 0 268 268 New Kumhar Wara 408030404 10 Total 0 0 247 247 - - 0 954 954 0 2 2 Gujrat Colony 408030501 11 Babul Ilam Gujrat Colony 0 409 368 777 - - Gujrat Colony 408030502 0 239 0 239 2 1 3 Gujrat Colony 408030503 11 Total 0 419 0 419 - - - 1067 368 1435 2 - 1 3 12 Gujrat Colony 408030502 0 Babul Ilam Gujrat Colony - 0 188 188 - Gujrat Colont 408030503 0 0 - 314 314 1 2 3 Gujrat Colony 408030504 12 Total 0 487 364 851 - - - 487 866 1353 - 1 2 3 13 Arab Muhallah 408040101 0 KMC OFFICE - 209 180 389 Arab Muhallah 408040102 0 210 - 189 399 2 1 3 Arab Muhallah 408040103 13 Total 0 224 137 361 - - (I 4 Urban Health Centre Near - 643 506 1149 2 14 . - 1 3 Arbab Mohallah 408040104 0 KMC Ground - 132 107 239 - Arbab Mohallah 1 1 2 . 14 Total 408040105 0 213 178 391 tao,c, ftilogha1 - - - 345 285 630 Returreini iii ..ti PS-115 Shujahat Colony Mir Alam . - 4th Senior Civil Judge 408040202 0 440 0 Rood 440 if4rahi West Shujahat Colony Mir Alam - 408040203 15 New Jilanai Puplic School Rood 0 55 0 55 Shujahat Colony Mir Alam 2 0 - - 2 408040204 Rood 0 196 0 196 In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters assigned to No. of voters Number of polling booths No. and Name of Polling polling station Sr. No. on the electoral Station Census Block roll in case Name of Electoral Areas Census Block Name of Electoral Areas electoral area is Code Male Female Total Male Female Total Code bifurcated Shujahat Colony Mir Alam - - 408040205 0 Rood 584 0 584 15 Total - - - 1275 0 1275 2 0 2 Shujat Colony 408040201 0 276 178 454 - Shujat Colony 16 408040202 0 0 297 297 New Mani Public School - - Shujat Colony 408040203 0 0 39 39 1 2 3 - - Shujat Colony 408040204 0 0 138 138 - Shujat Colony 408040205 16 Total 0 0 425 425 - - - 276 1077 1353 1 2 3 - Hussain Nagar Rashidabad 408040301 0 194 142 336 - Hussain Nagar Rashidabad 408040302 0 17 !gra Model Eleentary School 123 92 215 2 1 3 Hussain Nagar Rashidabad 408040303 0 184 136 320 Hussain Nagar Rashidabad 408040304 0 218 155 373 17 Total - - 719 525 1244 2 1 3 18 GBPS School Sarhad Road - Rashidabad 408040401 0 384 215 599 - Rashidabad 408040402 2 1 3 18 Total 0 747 0 747 - - - 1131 215 1346 2 1 3 19 GBPS Sarhad Road Rashidabad 408040403 0 650 0 650 - - Rashidabad 408040404 2 0 2 19 Total 0 665 0 665 - - - 1315 0 1315 2 0 2 Rashidabad 20 408040402 0 0 460 460 GBPS Sarhad Road - - Rashidabad 408040403 0 0 423 423 0 2 2 Rashidabad 408040404 20 Total 0 0 424 424 - - - 0 1307 1307 0 2 2 1.--•••• - Rashidabad 408040501 0 379 0 379 01 • - Rashidabad 408040502 0 195 0 195 21 Kamran Academy - Rashidabad i 408040503 0 181 0 181 uhammad Ashfacu Moghal - - Rashidabad 2 0 2 408040504 0 175 0 175 Returning OfficerPS-115 Rashidabad 408040505 0 207 0 207 4th Senior Civil Judge - - Rashidabad 408040506 21 Total 0 259 0 259 Karachi West - - - 1396 0 1396 - Rashidabad 408040501 0 0 304 304 Rashidabad 408040502 0 0 153 153 - - Rashidabad 408040503 0 0 129 129 A 1 , In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters assigned to 5. No. of voters Number of polling booths No. and Name of Polling polling station Sr. No. on the electoral Station Census Block roll in case Name of Electoral Areas Census Block Name of Electoral Areas electoral area is Code Male Female Total Male Female Code bifurcated Total Ct. 1.01111 all 1.14.0,1,11ry - Rashidabad t/ /- 408040504 0 0 154 154 - Rashidabad 408040505 0 0 150 150 - - Rashidabad 22 Total 408040506 0 0 195 195 - - - 0 1085 1085 0 2 2 - Rashidabad 23 408040601 0 952 0 952 GBPS Jama Masjid Noorani - Rashidabad 408040602 0 257 169 426 2 1 3 - - Rashidabad 23 Total _ 408040604 0 0 193 193 - - - 1209 362 1571 2 1 3 - - Rashidabad 408040604 0 274 0 274 24 GBPS Jama Masjid Noorani - Rashidabad 408040605 0 256 145 401 Rashidabad 2 1 3 408040606 0 343 256 599 - - Rashidabad 24 Total 408040607 0 149 99 248 - - - 1022 500 1522 - 2 1 3 25 AL Shoaib English Sec School - Rashidabad 408040601 0 0 467 467 - Rashidabad 1 2 3 25 Total 408040603 0 616 397 1013 - - - 616 864 1480 1 2 3 - - Anjam Colony 408050101 0 314 0 314 - 26 GBSS Anjam Colony Baldia - Anjam Colony 408050102 0 368 0 368 - Anjam Colony 2 0 2 408050103 0 386 0 386 - - Anjam Colony 26 Total 408050104 0 380 0 380 - - - 1448 0 1448 2 0 2 - Anjam Colony 408050101 0 0 273 273 27 Junnah garah Turk Hall Anjam Colony 408050102 0 0 343 343 - Anjam Colony 0 2 2 408050103 0 0 328 328 - - Anjam Colony 27 Total 408050104 0 0 316 316 - - - 0 1260 1260 0 2 2 - - Makkah Colony 408050201 0 327 257 584 28 Ali Clidren School Campus II - - Makkah Colony 408050202 0 137 129 266 - - Makkah Colony 1 2 3 408050203 0 239 235 474 - Makkah Colony 28 Total 408050204 0 0 186 186 111 - - - 703 807 1510 1 2 3 - - Makkah Colony 408050204 0 225 0 225 Pil hammad Ashfaau Moghal Anjam Colony 408050302 29 GBPS Gujrati School 0 273 0 273 Returning Officer PS-115 - Anjam Colony 408050303 0 398 0 398 3 0 3 4th Senior Civil Judge - - Anjam Colony 408050304 0 282 0 282 Karachi West - Anjam Colony 29 Total 408050305 0 446 0 446 - - - I 1624 0 1624 3 0 3 - Anjam Colony 408050301 0 194 167 361 In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters assigned to S. No. of voters Number of polling booths No. and Name of Polling polling station Sr. No. on the electoral Station Census Block roll in case Name of Electoral Areas Census Block Name of Electoral Areas electoral area is Code Male Female Total Male Female Code bifurcated Total Anjam Colony 30 408050302 0 0 206 206 Shafia Grammer Sec School - - Anjam Colony 408050303 0 0 312 312 1 3 4 Anjam Colony 408050304 0 0 232 232 - - Anjam Colony 30 Total 408050305 0 0 315 315 - - - 194 1232 1426 1 3 4 - Anjam Colony 408050401 0 299 258 557 - - Anjam Colony 31 408050402 0 188 159 347 GBPS Mehbob Bi - - Anjam Colony 408050403 0 184 0 184 2 1 3 - Anjam Colony 408050404 0 278 0 278 - - Anjam Colony 31 Total 408050405 0 225 0 225 - - 1174 417 1591 2 1 3 - Anjam Colony 408050403 0 0 145 145 - - Anjam Colony 408050404 0 0 246 246 - - Anjam Colony 408050405 0 0 32 Patni Grammer New Anjum 197 197 Patni Mohalla 408050501 0 267 0 267 2 1 3 Patni Mohalla 408050502 0 304 0 304 - - Patni Mohalla 408050503 0 212 0 212 - Patni Mohalla 32 Total 408050504 0 300 0 300 - - - 1083 588 1671 2 1 3 - Patni Mohalla 408050505 0 292 33 Patni Gramer New Anjam 0 292 - Patni Mohalla 408050506 0 307 290 597 2 1 3 - - Patni Mohalla 33 Total 408050507 0 255 223 478 - - - 854 513 1367 2 1 3 Dilawar Mohalla 408050501 0 0 219 219 - Dilawar Mohalla 34 408050502 0 0 222 222 Urban Health Center - - Dilawar Mohalla 408050503 0 0 179 179 0 3 3 Dilawar Mohalla 408050504 0 0 248 248 - Dilawar Mohalla 34 Total 408050505 0 0 230 230 - - - 0 1098 1098 0 - 3 3 Dilawar Mohalla 408050601 4L• 0 384 0 384 r,) 35 Daoowd Children School - - Dilawar Mohalla 408050602 0 569 0 569 - 2 Dilawar Mohalla 408050603 0 0 2 th 172 0 172 hammad Ashfau Moghal - - Dilawar Mohalla 35 Total 408050604 0 226 0 226 Returning Officer.PS-115 - - - 1351 0 1351 2 0 2 4th Senior Civil Judge - - Dilawar Mohalla 36 408050605 0 415 0 415 Karachi West Dawood Children School - - Dilawar Mohalla 408050606 0 255 220 475 2 1 3 - - Dilawar Mohalla 36 Total 408050607 0 286 232 518 - - - 956 452 1408 2 1 3 In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas Number of voters as igned to S.
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