6530 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1888. In Parliament.—Session 1889. junction with the conduit or line of pipes Bristol "Water. No. 2 authorized by " The Bristol Water- (New Works in the County of Somerset; Addi- works Act 1888 " (hereinafter referred to as tional Water; Abandonment of Certain the " Act of 1888 ") at a point at Lower Works authorized by "The Bristol Water- Langford at which such last-mentioned works Act 1888 " ; Breaking-up of Public and conduit or line of pipes crosses the road Private Roads: Power to Lay Pipes; leading from Churchill to Bristol by way of Purchase of Lands Mines and Minerals and Red Hill and terminating in the parish of Easements Compulsorily and by Agreement; Blagdon in the pumping station hereafter Additiojial Lands; Superfluous Lands; Agree- described; which conduit or line of pipes will ments with Land Mill and Mine Owners and pass from through or into the several Public Authorities; Powers to Prevent parishes townships or extra-parochial or Contamination of Water of the Company; other places or some of them that is to Additional Capital; Incorporation Repeal and say Churchill, Burrington, Wrington, Blag- Amendment of Acts.) don and Butcombe; JVJ OTICE is hereby given that the Bristol (/.) A conduit or line of pipes (No. 2) com* JL i Waterworks Company (hereinafter re- mencing in the parish of Burrington by a ferred to as " the Company ") intend to apply junction with the conduit or line of pipes to Parliament in the ensuing session for leave to No. 1 authorized by the Act of 1888 at or bring in a Bill for the following or some of the near the junction of Ashey-lane with Emley- following among other purposes (that is to lane and terminating in the parish of say) :— Blagdon in the said pumping station; which 1. To authorize the Company to make and said conduit or line of pipes will pass from maintain wholly in the county of Somerset the through or into the several parishes o£ following works or some of them or some part Burrington, Blagdon and Butcombe or some or parts thereof (that is to say) :— of them; (a.) Areservoir (to be called the YeoReservoir) (<j). A branch pipe (No. 3) wholly in the said to be formed by means of an embankment parish of Blagdon commencing by a junction across the valley of the river Yeo extending with the last-mentioned line of pipes at a from the said river 12 chains or thereabouts point about two chains west of its aforesaid in a northerly direction, in the parish of termination and terminating in- the said Butcombe and 10 chains or thereabouts in a reservoir near the south end of the said southerly direction in the parish of Blagdon embankment; and at a distance where it crosses the said (A.) A conduit or lines of pipes (No. 4) wholly river of 5 chains or thereabouts measured in the parish of Blagdon commencing in in a westerly direction from Park Bridge the said intended reservoir near the centre The said reservoir to extend from the said of the embankment thereof and terminating embankment in an easterly direction to a in the said pumping station; point at or about 10 chains to the westward (y.) A double conduit or lines of pipes (No. 5) of Ubley Mill in the parish of Ubley which commencing in the said parish of Blagdon said reservoir will be situated in the parishes at or in the said pumping sfca.'ion and of Butcombe, Blagdon, Nempnett-Thrub- terminating in the parish of Chew Stoke by well, and Ubley; a junction with the existing North Hill (6.) A diversion (No. 1) wholly in the parishes Tunnel of the Company at the southern end of Blagdon and Butcombe of the existing thereof; which double conduit or lines of road leading from Blagdon to Butcombe by pipes (No. 5) will be situate in the parishes way of Westencl Town commencing in the of Blagdon, Ubley, Compton Martin and said parish of Blagdon at a point 26 chains Chew Stoke; or thereabouts measured nlong such road in (fe.) A pumping station and other works con. a southerly direction from -Park Bridge and nected therewith to be situated near to and terminating in the parish of Butcombe at a on the west side of the said embankment point 27 chains or thereabouts measured partly in the parish of Blagdon in the along such road in a northerly direction from field numbered 147 on the -jj-gVo ordnance the said bridge; surrey sheet of that parish and belonging (c.) A diversion (No. 2) wholly in the parish of or reputed to belong to Benjamin Panes Blagdon of the existing road leading from and in the occupation of John Davis and Blagdon by way of Eastend Town into the partly in the parish of Butcombe in the before-mentioned road leading from Blagdon field numbered 300 on the same sheet and to Butcombe commencing at a point 3 belonging to or reputed to belong to and chains or thereabouts north of Dark-lane in the occupation of Samuel Edward Baker. and terminating by a junction with a 2. To enable, the Company from time to time diverted road No, 1 at a point 11 chains or to construct and maintain all such cuts channels thereabouts measured in a southerly adits catchwaters aqueducts culverts tunnels direction from the said point on the river drains sluices bywashes weirs gauges reservoirs Yeo situate 5 chains or thereabouts west of wells (but jnot for taking underground waters) Park Bridge; water-towers filter-beds tanks banks walls A diversion (No. 3) wholly in the said approaches engines machinery and appliances parish of Nempnett-Thrubwell of the road as may be necessary or convenient in connection leading from Ubley by way of Rugmoor with the before-mentioned works or any of Farm to West Town such diversion to com- them. mence at a point about 34 chains (measured 3. To enable the Company to deviate from the along the said road in a westerly direction) lines and levels of the proposed works to any from Ubley Mill and to terminate at a point extent defined by the Bill or prescribed by about 54 chains (measured along the said Parliament. road in the same direction) from, the said 4. To enable the Company by means of the Mill; said culverts or lines of pipes reservoir pumping (e.) A conduit or line of pipes (No. 1) com- station and other works hereinbefore described mencing in the parish of Churchill by a to take collect divert impound appropriate and.
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