v; ;••'v.;v' V^'V.'•- -^ '-W-.,ivv S<";'V;.' ::f)-,: •* ...-a t 1 *' " " "" • m *•: • . • " . • • V." THE PRESS A Home Town Paper For THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED tN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, CONN. mmmJWlj! FORTY-SIXTH YEAIU-NO. 36. THOMPSONVILtE, CONNECTlCUt, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31,1925 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR—SINGLE COPY 5c .!I 50TH 11 FINAL MEETING • In Trolley How It Will Be North thompsonville ANNIVERSARY OF WW !W . -• • OF CHRISTMAS Next OMORROW, New Year's Day MtW'-i : -,V .DAVIS will find practically every COMMITTEE commercial, .industrial and in i .i Esteemed Local Tagricultural activity suspended Counsel For Bondholders Will Proceed To Act on for the day. The., Post. Office All Matters Connected Substantial Citizens Of That Section of the Town Couple Are Felicitated will observe the regular holi­ With Annual Celebra­ the Suggestion Made Last Summer That the day hours, opening at 6 A. M., Are Aroused Over the "Flaming Cross" Inci­ On Their Golden Wed­ and closing at iioon. There will tion Closed Up At Ses­ ; Receivership Be Terminated and the Road Re- be the regular, morning deliv­ dent On Christmas Eve—Perpetrators Known ding Anniversary Cel­ ery, but all other work but the sion of Committee On -fq organized—Preparatory Survey Being Made. plain handling of mail will be And It Is Intimated That They Will Be Sum­ ebrated This Week, f suspended for the day. All Monday Evening. Following the mandate laid down. civic activities will be suspend­ marily Dealt With. : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis cele­ ed, the town building being The final meeting of the Commun­ last summer that the receivership of! j 1926 NiSefsfg§§ brated the notable event ;of their closed for the day arid all the ity Christmas Committee was held the Hartford and Springfield Street j golden wedding anniversary on Tues­ employes of the town will rest in the Knights of Columbus Home Several of the substantial citizens Railway must end and the road re­ HE local autoists who have day and shared the pleasure of the from their labors. All local ac­ on Pearl street last Monday even­ To-Night of North Thompsonville District have tivities will resume on Satur­ openly expressed their indignation at organized} the announcement was had the foresight to get day. with their numerous friends by ing, and the work of the committee their 1926 number plates, day morning except the plant the "Flaming Cross" incident which made this week of the first move in T opening' their home on Franklin was closed for the season. A report j occurred in that section of the town that direction. It was stated that and who contemplate attending of the Bigelow-Hartford Car­ IRE is unwelcome at all counsel for the bondholders. would any New Year festivity which street from 3 to 5 o'clock in the af­ pet Company, which has been of Financial Secretary William, J. times, but it will be partic­ | on last Thursday evening. The cross make a formal request next week of will keep them out until the ternoon and from 7 to 10 o'clock in closed for the holidays and in­ Hughes disclosed that the total re­ ularly so tonight, especial­ I was burned early on Christmas Eve ventory taking. This plant will F I on the Conchusetts farm property, "wee small hours" of the morn­ ly among the local firemen. State Treasurer Rogers to bring a the evening for the reception of calls. resume work Monday morning. ceipts were $507, while the purchas­ I close to the state line. According to foreclosure action against the re­ ing, need not worry about the An evidence of the very high esteem This is the night in which they eagle eye of the traffic cops on ing committee figures indicated that do their "best" and trip the ;the residents of that section the in- ceiver of the road. When that has approximately the same amount was istigators of the movement are well been granted the Superior Court will their way home. All they have in which Mr. and Mrs. Davis are re­ light fantastic in Wawel Hall. to do is to change their num­ garded in the community was the expended in the Christmas celebra­ A fire at any time from early |known as they have been making a be asked for permission to proceed tion for the 180 children that had .canvas throughout the district in the against the Receiver who by virtue ber plates before leaving home continuous stream of visitors to ex­ evening until breakfast time or which is a privilege that was tend their congratulations during the CHRISTMAS CHEER been provided for this year. thereabouts next day in any ! interest of the Ku Klux Klan move- of his appointment is an officer of The general committee voted to j ment. si the court. 'This action is in keeping given them by an act of the receiving hours. The home was very part of the district would des­ last general assembly. This act attractive with a profusion of flow­ extend a vote of thanks to the Leh- troy several perfectly good i It is said that some of the district with the suggestion made by/ Judge mann Bakery, the Sullivan Bread officials are involved, and it is in­ Brown of the Superior Court in a does away with what has al­ ering plants and cut flowers, con­ FOR 47 FAMILIES suits and otherwise mar the ex­ J ways been an annoying feature spicuous among them an orange tree, Shoppe, the Enfield Players, the cellent time which the "fire timated that a meeting of the North letter last summer to the bondhold­ teachers and other ladies who assist­ ; Thompsonville Fire Department will ers protective committee urging a of the annual change of num­ with its golden fruit. Besides many laddies" and their friends have ber plates. The new rules floral gifts, and a shower of cards BY WOMAN'S CLUB ed at the exercises and those who ;be held shortly to take action against termination of the receivership and a took part in the entertainment pro­ at the annual firemen's ball. ;some of its members that are held- • reorganization of the railway com- m^kes it easier, providing of and felicitous messages Mr. and Mrs. It is needless to say that the course you have the number Davis were the recipients of several vided for the children on Christmas j directly responsible for the erection pany by foreclosure proceedings. , Annual Christmas Dis­ Eve. The usual committee, consist­ local fire fighters urge extra | and burning of the cross. The names The receivership which is about to plates. If not the auto author­ hundred dollars in gold and many precaution against their com­ ities advise staying at home. ing of Messrs. Brainard, Potter, Sul­ ; of these men and others who are said be terminated began in 1918, at other tokens appropriate for the oc­ tribution Reported At livan, Phelps and Van Doren were mon enemy so that they can | to be connected with the affair are which time the road\had liabilities of casion. In the dining room where "dance the whole night long" appointed to be custodian of the bal­ undisturbed. ; openly mentioned by those who are $85,000, and no credit with which to the guests were served, the table Meeting Held Yester­ ance on hand for the coming year ; discussing the proposed action. One meet it. Attorney Harrison B. Free-, was adorned with a centerpiece of day—Interesting Talk with authority to use the same in any of the leading citizens in that sec- . man was appointed receiver and has | roses in a silver vase and four yel­ emergency which might arise in the ;tion expressed his contempt for the ; acted in that capacity for the past i THOS. F. D'ARSEY low candles in silver candlesticks. In On Mexicp Is Feature. community that involved the welfare I whole situation this week in no un- seven years. At that time the rail-! the afternoon Mrs. Clarence E. Tib- of children. I certain terms. way property was said to have been! betts poured and was assisted in Before the final adjournment of SPRINGFIELD CO. PASSES AWAY serving by Miss Catherine P. Cope The Woman's Club of Enfield met | "This thing of making this part of valued at $1,800,000. Another sur- i y at the home of Mrs. George S. Phelps the committee Chairman George S. I the town the subject of continuous vey will be made to ascertain its' and Miss Mary Duff. Mrs. John K. Phelps took occasion to thank the j ridicule," he said, "must be stopped, present value in anticipation of the jf Bissland and Miss Madge Carr serv­ on Enfield street yesterday after- representatives of the various organ­ TO PERMANENTLY j We have a few half-baked residents foreclosure proceedings. The road is j-r LAST FRIDAY ed the guests. Friends and relatives on. The large number present izations for the manner in which ! of this district that are' responsible said to have improved somewhat | __ — attended from Hartford, Springfield were treated to a rarely interesting they attended the committee meet­ jfor the silly incident the other even- since the installation of the bus sys- W KnOWn Citizen and and Agawam. Mrs. Henry S. Pease ings during the. preliminary work LOCATE IN TOWN ell of Springfield, sister of Mrs. Davis, program, which was replete with the j ing, and are the cause of all the tem as a part of the service, but up | n warmth and the color of the South­ preceding the event, and also the ! trouble that has occurred up in this to that .time it had made little prog- i f Ormer r5llSlI16SS Man and Miss Lora Pease of this village, townspeople in general for their fi­ 'section for years.
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