Student view: Russia v. U.S. Ohio votes on minimum wage Changes in C-M law clinic C-M second-year student Issue 2 proposes to The former Community Chuck Northcutt spent raise the minimum Advocacy Clinic is last summer studying at wage from $5.15 to now called the Urban the St. Petersburg Law $6.85. The Gavel Development Law Clinic. Institute. He contrasts columnists debate The Gavel discusses the the personal liberties in whether this issue will reasons for the name Russia with those in the be good for the State of change and student work United States. Ohio. in the clinic. OPINION, PAGE 10 BROADSIDE, PAGE 7 LAW, PAGE 4 THE GAVEL VOLUME 55, ISSUE 2 NOVEMBER 2006 THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER AT CLEVELAND-MARSHALL COLLEGE OF LAW C-M prepares C-M students for building oppose “cocaine” renovations energy drink By Joanna Evans By Tiffany Elmore Trial and Appeal Board against the STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER trademark request for the name In a few months, C-M will “Cocaine” is making headlines “Cocaine.” begin a major renovation and – the energy drink, that is. Professor Davis and C-M expansion project to create new Cocaine is the newest arrival students fi led the Opposition on facilities, large open spaces, and to the energy drink market and has behalf of the Progressive Intel- more accessibility. The total bud- been greeted with public scrutiny lectual Property Law Association, get for the project is approximately Photo by Shawn Romer since its introduction last month. PIPLA, and Americans for Drug $8.8 million. Cocaine, manufactured by Redux Free Youth, Inc., AFDFY. Completion of the renovation Beverages in Las Vegas, is mar- The Opposition states that the and expansion project is scheduled keted as “the legal alternative” to name, “glorifi es and normalizes to take 9 to 12 months. Construc- the illegal drug, according to its the illegal drug cocaine in direct tion is set to begin right after the Web site, drinkcocaine.com. opposition with [the] battle against fi rst of the year and end around the In a September 18, 2006, ABC drug use.” same time next year. online article, James Kirby, found- It further states, “The registra- “The major construction in er of Redux Beverages, stated that tion of the [Cocaine trademark] for terms of knocking down walls First-year law students celebrate at he thought of the name during a a consumable product ignores the or digging foundations probably late-night brainstorming session prohibition of registering a [trade- will be in the March or April time- the Halloween social held at Panini’s and admits the name “is fun.” mark] that consists of immoral or frame,” said Cleveland-Marshall The name has generated public scandalous matter.” College of Law Dean Geoffrey Gateway on October 27, 2006. concern, particularly among the Kirby fi led a request for the S. Mearns. C-M community. On Oct. 10, trademark this past March and re- The largest and most visible The annual Halloween Barbri. Prizes were awarded Professor Michael Davis and fi ve ceived preliminary approval by the aspect of the project includes social was sponsored by the for Scariest, Funniest, Sassiest students filed a Notice of Op- U.S. Patent and Trade Offi ce, ac- extending the law school building Student Bar Association and and Best Overall costumes. position with the U.S. Trademark cording to a Oct. 11, 2006, article See RENOVATION, page 3 See COCAINE , page 3 Ohio votes on smoking issues C-M’s July By Ben Wiborg of Women Voters of Ohio, Ohio their side. STAFF WRITER Asthma Coalition, and the Ohio Supporters of SmokeFreeOhio 2006 Bar On the Nov. 7 ballot, Ohioans United Way. argue that any amount of second- will have the opportunity to vote Smoke Less Ohio’s major sup- hand smoke is dangerous. Accord- on two smoking-related laws, Is- porters are R.J. Reynolds Tobacco ing to a comprehensive report on Passage sue 4 and Issue 5. Company, Cigar Association of the effects of secondhand smoke Issue 4 is known as “Smoke America, Ohio Council of Retail issued by U.S. Surgeon General Rates Less Ohio.” It is a constitutional Merchants, Ohio Restaurant As- Richard H. Carmona, the health 2005 2006 amendment that will allow smok- sociation, and the Ohio Licensed effects of secondhand smoke First Time Overall First Time Overall ing in restaurants, bars, bowling Beverage Association. exposure are more pervasive than Capital: 79% 68% 87% 76% alleys, bingo halls, and many Smoke Less Ohio is a consti- was previously thought. “The scientifi c evidence is now CWRU 85% 81% 86% 82% other buildings where minors are tutional amendment. If both pro- 72% 60% 84% 75% not present. posals are passed the amendment indisputable: secondhand smoke CSU: Issue 5 is entitled “Smoke- will preempt SmokeFreeOhio. If is not a mere annoyance. It is a Ohio Northern: 84% 70% 81% 70% FreeOhio.” SmokeFreeOhio is a Smoke Less Ohio is passed it will serious health hazard that can lead to disease and premature death in OSU: 90% 90% 84% 83% proposed statewide law that will overturn around 20 local smoking 83% 76% 83% 74% prohibit smoking in most public prohibitions. children and nonsmoking adults,” Akron: places including restaurants, bars, Succinctly, Issue 4 mostly al- the report stated. Cincinnati: 88% 83% 93% 92% bowling alleys, and bingo halls. lows smoking in public places, and According to a newsletter re- leased by SmokeFreeOhio, Tracy Dayton: 81% 78% 78% 74% SmokeFreeOhio is supported Issue 5 mostly prohibits it. Pro- 81% 76% 93% 84% by 562 organizations including the ponents of either SmokeFreeOhio Sabetta, co-chair of SmokeFreeO- Toledo: American Cancer Society, Ameri- or Smoke Less Ohio have made hio, believes that the U.S. Surgeon strong arguments in support of can Lung Association, League See SMOKING, page 2 THE GAVEL Page 2 LawLaw November 2006 Dean urges attendance at Speaker advises 2Ls on bar application speaker series Margan Keramati check to the National Council of ist begins to process it. treatment for a short time. CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bar Examiners, creators of the “An application has to have Supreme Court of Ohio By Geoffrey Mearns Here at C-M, there are many ways to Lee Ann Ward, Admissions multi-state portion of the bar. major errors with it for it to be Justices become involved in the enrich your educational experience. There Manager at the Supreme Court The Supreme Court requires returned to an applicant,” said application process only when are lots of courses and seminars from which of Ohio, spoke to C-M students an additional $150 for applica- Ward. “If you make those major an application is recommended to choose. There are several clinics, which on Oct. 5, about the two-step tions sent after Nov. 15, and mistakes, then you don’t meet for disapproval or when the ap- enable you to gain valuable practical ex- process necessary to sit for NCBE charges an additional the filing deadline.” plicant is a convicted felon. The perience. And there are many externships, Ohio’s Bar Exam, specifically $50. Processing by the bar admis- vast majority of applicants are which offer you a chance to learn about the about “character and fitness,” To take a July exam, a stu- sions office takes about a month, approved, Ward said. practice of law in the “real” which is the most complex por- dent must be registered by the Ward said . Afterwards, an ap- Students’ most common world. tion of the application. preceding Jan. 15, and to take plication is forwarded to NCBE questions concern the detailed But there is another re- To be admitted to Ohio’s bar, a Feb. exam, the student must for verification, background information requested in the source available to you, our an applicant must be twenty-one register by the preceding Aug. investigation, and reference character questionnaire. students: the public lectures years of age, hold a B.A. from 15. checks that can take between “We realize we are asking that we offer here. From my an accredited college, have a A character and fitness appli- two and four months. for detailed information, but personal observations, I don’t J.D. from an ABA law school, cation is considered “on time” NCBE’s report is returned we ask you to make an attempt be approved of character and as long as each component of to an applicant’s local bar as- to find the information,” said The think enough of our students take advantage of these edu- fitness, pass the MPRE, pass the application is received by sociation admission committee. Ward. “If there are things you Dean’s cational opportunities. So, I the bar exam, and take an oath the Supreme Court of Ohio by The admissions committee can’t find, we ask you to tell us Column am devoting this column to of office. Nov. 15, not postmarked by contacts applicants for personal you can’t find it because if you a brief description of these offerings in the The bar exam is offered Nov. 15, Ward stressed. interviews. leave gaps or blanks, we don’t hope that it will prompt you to come listen, twice a year in July and Febru- The packet that needs to be The interviews are conduct- know if you forgot to fill in the ask questions, and learn. ary. sent to Columbus includes the ed by at least two members of information, or you can’t get the Each year, our Visiting Scholar Program The deadline for the char- character questionnaire, signed the admission committee. information.“ offers our students and the legal community acter and fitness portion of the and notarized, a certified copy After the interview is com- “The character and fitness an opportunity to meet and hear some of bar application is Nov.
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