Robert BurnsLimited World Federation Limited www.rbwf.org.uk 1960 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Alison Tait , RBWF Chief Executive 2011-2015 The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. www.DDSR.com ROBERT BURNS CHRONICLE THE BURNS FEDERATION KILMARNOCK Price Ss. (Paper bound), 7s. 6d, (Cloth bound) "BURNS CHllONICLE" ADVEllTISEll ~· Drambuie THE PRINCE OF LIQ.UEURS 45 THE LIQ.UEUR OF PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD TBB DRAMBVIE LIQ.VEVR CO LTD EDINBURGH '/• "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER BURNS A Study of the Poems and Songs THOMAS CRAWFORD This brilliant book is probably the best critical study of Robert Burns' poetical works as such that has yet been written. No previous critic of Burns' poetry has made such full use of modern critical methods. All serious students of literature will find this an indispensable book. 316 pages, 30s. ROBERT BURNS Some Poems, Songs and Epistles Edited by JOHN McVIE Illustrated by MACKAY "Humou.r is the essence_ of what Is surely the most attractive of all modern treasuries on our National Bard." Aberdeen Press and Journal "Here you have a hand picked collection, printed in fine large type, cleverly Illustrated, which emphasises the genius of Burn~. and gives us- a wonderful picture of the ordinary everyday life of his time. Every student of Burns ought to possess a copy." Scots Year Book 212 pages, 74 line drawings, IOs. 6d. OLIVE_R AND BOYD Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh, I a "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER AYR is the natural centre for the world's finest HAGGIS and the makers are naturally MITCHELL'S of AYR ESTABLISHED 1848 *WALTER MITCHELL & SONS LTD welcome orders for delivery to any part of the world to maintain its vital work at Home and Overseas For instance HOME FOR TRAINING THE YOUNG DlSABLED SERVICE HOSPITALS WELFARE RELIEF OVERSEAS HOSPITAL UBRARIES and - TROLLEY SHOPS CHIROPODY SERVICE FOR THE ELDERLY - (In 24 Scottish Counties). MEDICAL LOAN DEPOTS Legacies and Donations gratefully received by your LOCAL BRANCH or SCOTTISH BRANCH, BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY, 204 BATH STREET, GLASGOW, C.2 1 "BURNS CHRONICLE ' ADVERTISER Building Contractors • • • THOS. FINDLAY &Sons L~ MAUCH LINE Telephone: Mauchlln• 174/5 GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR BUILDING WQRK OF ALL KINDS JOINERY FOR BANKS, SCHOO~, CHURCHES, HOUSES, HOTE~, Etc. l1tabll1hecl 1879 • • Woodworking Specialists b -, - -... "'!" , r, -· "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER "Long Life to thy fame and peace to thy soul, Rob Bums! When I want to express a sentiment which I feel strongly, I find the phrase in Shakespeare--or t_hee." Thus wrote Sir Walter Scott in his Journal. And to-day, as always, Burns's countrymen find in his songs the expression of their deepest feelings and beliefs. A teacher's work is never more worthwhile than when he introduces the next generation tO this part of our inheritance. For more than seventy years the Burns Federation has helped such work. Now, along with McDougall's, it has prepared The Burns Fedt11'iition Song Book especially for use in schools. This contains twenty songs, the texts of which have been taken from the best sources and scrupulously edited, with glossaries and notes on pronunciation. Some of the tunes are those to which, Burns wrote his words, and others are ones which have become traditionally associated with them. They are all suited to the range of a child's voice, and the accompaniments are straight­ forward and musically satisfying. The Burns Fedt11'ation Song Book is published in two torms: the Pupils' Edition, with staff and sol-fa notation, and the Piano Edition. Each book has the same full glossaries and phonetic pronun!tlations0 together with an introductory note on.Pronuncia­ tion by David D. Murison, the editor of The Scottish ·National ./ Dictionary • The musical arrangements are by George Short, and the songs have been chosen and edited by John McVie. Pupils' Edidon ls. 9d. (3s. pos(free) Piano Edition 6a. 6d. (71. po1t free) THE BURNS FEDERATION SONG BOOK Is p__ublished by McDOUGALL, 30 ROYAL TERRACE, EDINBURGH ~-· "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER When Burns was a boy • • • • . The Royal Bank of Scotland had already been established for more than 30 years when Burns was born and during that time had proved itself to:be an indispensible part of the Scottish scene. Today over 470 offices are operated throughout Scotland, England and Wales by The Royal Bank and 'its Associate Banks, GLYN, MILLS & CO. and WILLIAMS DEACON'S BANK with assets exceeding £413,000,000. THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND INCORPORATED BY ROY AL CHARTER m1 Head Office : ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE SCOTTISH The most complete record of the speech,· literature, folk- NATIONAL - lore and social history of DICTIONARY Scotland ever compiled. Complete In 10 volumes 4 Volumes already lasued £30,000 needed This great work _depends entirely on public support. All loyal Scots at home and abroad can help by DONATION - LEGACY - SUBSCRIPTION The Dictionary costs £30, payable In one sum or In five Instalments FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE SECRETARY Scottish National Dictionary 27 GEORGE SQUARE EDINBURGH, 8 "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER Service• to the [I~~~ There are many ways in which the Bank can help its customers, and the_ Manager of any Branch will welcome the opportunity to furnish full details. CLYDESDALE & ~NeRTH OFSCOTLl..ND bo.V\"'.__..,llV..., BANK LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 30 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow,!C.I ASSETS EXCEED £200 MILLION * Day and Afternoon Tours * Private Hire * Regular Services WESTERN SMT SERVE YOU WELL WESTERN SMT CO LTD Portland Street Kilmarnock Phone: Kilmarnock 940 "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER A Scottish 'tradition since 1783 Since 1783, when THE GLASGOW HERALD was first pub­ lished, these three great newspapers have become renowned throughout Scotland for integrity in daily journalism. - - .THE GLASGOW HERALD EVENING . TIMES THE BULLETIN 65 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW, C.I '"URNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER From the Old Midsteeple DUMFRIES. TO CLUB PRESIDENTS & SECRETARIFS Your Burns Supper requirements are specially catered for by our Robert Burns Department, where you can draw on our 100 years of experience in designing and print:i,ng for Burns Clubs-the world o'er. The Scottish items on display in our bookshop are well worth handling, and for those at a distance·our specially­ printed Bi-centenary 4-page list offers many unique items such as- Paper Table Napktns (30,000 already sold), a special Bi-centenary printing in two colours with the Poet's head and a favourite quotation, packed 250 in a box . for 12s. (postage 2s.), or 42s. per 1,000 (postage 3s. 6d.). TAM o' SHANTER - a Bi-centenary edition - printed with the famous colour plates by John Faed, R.S.A. · (only a few left) at 2s. 6d. each (by post 2s. lOd.). Burns's Head Plaques (7s. 6d), Handkerchiefs (2s. 6d.), Naismith Portraits in full colour, latest editions of the Poems,· and a fine· 'range of Burns Menu Cards with appropriate quotations and tartan ribbon. May we quote you and send our List R.B.B. of Burns Supper and St. Andrew's Night specialities? INWIDDIE'S. of DUMFRIES . PRINTERS, PVBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Established since 1846 by the Old Mi,dsteeple, DUMFRIES (Telephone 1352). r,,,., ',-\, ., ' "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVBR.TiSER ----.- . -~-=:::::-~ =-- -- -~-----, --- BURNS' H 0 USE DUMFRIES * Visitors t<J Dumfries should not fail to visit the old Red Sandstone House in Bums Street, in which the Poet lived and died. The whole House is now open for inspection by visitors and contains many interesting relics of Bums and his family. The H<7Use is situate only one minute's walk from St. Michael's Churchyard, and the Mausoleum where the Poet is buried. OPEN DAILY: May to September, 10 a.m. to 12.30 - 2 to 5 - 7 to 9 October to April, 10 a.m. to 12.30 - 2 to 5 Admission to Hc;>use : Adults 6d. School Children 3d. IF CLOSED, APPLY AT CARETAKER'S HOUSE, 33 BURNS STREET (lmmedlately opposite) "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER THE BRITISH LINEN BANK Incorporated by Royal Charter I 1+6 The Bank offers a complete, efficient and courteous banking service, about which you are cordially invited to enquire at the Head Office or any of the two hundred eranches throughout Scotland. Head Office: 38 ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. Honour'd Shade Edited by Norman MacCaig · ' An anthology of new contemporary Scottish verse published under the auspices of the Scottish Committee of the Arts council in commemoration of the bicentenary of the birth of Robert Burns. · The poems have been carefully selected by Mr. Norman MacCaig for their merit and their variety of style. Accordingly, the book presents a charac­ teristic cross-section of the best of contemporary Scottish poetry, and is a notable and important contribution to the field of modern Scottish literature. 136 pages 12s. 6d. net. (Descriptive leaflet available from the Publishers, 11 Thistle Street, Edinburgh, 2) W. & R. CHAMBERS L TO. "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER BU INS I\ AN A THE POEMS OF All recent books on or by Robert Robert Burns and many early works are available from stock. Burns Our llst of current Burns Cloth binding, gilt title, books will be sent on tinted tops request. Nelson Cla.ssla 6s Enquiries and orders co : Blue Rexine bindings, JOHN GRANT (Booksellers) gilt title, dark blue top LTD. 31 George IV. Bridge, Winche.ster Classics 8s 6d EDINBURGH, I. For Scottish Books, Prints and Maps, new and old -·- Highland AccejJtabl1 Gifts at an~ Dancing time The official textbook of The Shortbread Scottish Official Board of High­ Slab Cakes land Dancing-an authoritative, Black bun .-1 practical and comprehensive manual. It sets for the first Tea ~"' time a universal standard of knowledge, instruction and per­ G~ formance.
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