Booklet No. 5 .27 15c Marriage Quizzes LUTHER Tff^^®»e^SEMINAItf LIBRARY ST-fduX^MifOTA PREACHER BY FATHERS RUMBLE AND CARTY Radio Replies Press, St. Paul 1, Minn., U. S. A. 2,500,000 CIRCULATION 1. RADIO REPLIES 75c 2. RADIO REPLIES 75c MARRIAGE QUIZZES TO A STREET 3. RADIO REPLIES 75c PREACHER LIBRARY EDITION OF RADIO REPLIES $2.95 EACH 1. Is marriage a contract as well as a sacrament? CHATS WITH PROSPECTIVE CONVERTS AND NON- For baptized Christians it is both a contract and a CATHOLICS BEFORE MARRIAGE $1.00 sacrament. THE CLEAN OBLATION $2.75 2. Did God institute marriage or did it evolve from THE FAIR FLOWER OF EDEN $1.00 evolution? THE LIFE OF FATHER PRO $1.00 The Book of Genesis tells us that God said: "it is not good for man to be alone. Let us make him a help FRAGRANCE OF THE LITTLE FLOWER $1.00 like unto himself. Then the Lord God cast a WHAT SAY YOU $2.75 REVISED CATHOLIC CAMPAIGNERS deep sleep upon Adam. And when he was asleep He FOR CHRIST HANDBOOK $2.75 took one of his ribs and filled up flesh for it. And the SUICIDE BENT $2.00 Lord God built the rib which He took from Adam into a woman. And He brought her to Adam. And Adam LETTERS HEBREW CATHOLIC TO MR. ISAACS $2.00 said: 'This now is bone of my bone and flesh of my 40 YEARS AFTER $2.75, BOUND $3.75 flesh. She shall be called woman because she was JEWISH PANORAMA $3.00 taken out of man. Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and THE MASS AND THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS $1.00 they shall be two in one flesh."" (Gen. 2:18.) Out RETREAT NOTES $1.00 of this we see how God instituted marriage and that DEATH OF CHRIST THE WARRIOR 50c marriage did not just evolve from evolution. CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IN CATHOLIC DOCTRINE 50c 3. What is the primary end of marriage, children or THE UNAVOIDABLE GOD 50c satisfaction of the sex instinct? BIBLE QUIZZES 15c PURGATORY QUIZZES 15c The primary purpose of marriage is the procreation of children for the purpose of continuing the human INDULGENCE QUIZZES 15c CONFESSION QUIZZES 15c race; the secondary end of marriage is the remedy of MARRIAGE QUIZZES 15c HELL QUIZZES 15c concupiscence. BIRTH PREVENTION QUIZZES 15c 4. Didn't some Christians believe that marriage wa& EUCHARIST QUIZZES 15c TRUE CHURCH QUIZZES 15c sinful? JUST WAGES AND SALARIES 25c Yes. The Gnostic heretics condemned by St. Paul (Tim. 4.3) forbade marriage on the grounds that it VIRGIN WORSHIP QUIZZES 15c was sinful. But marriage is good and holy when prop­ ARE ANGLICAN (EPISCOPALIAN) ORDERS VALID 15c erly exercised: "Marriage honorable in all, and the bed undefiled." (Heb. 13:14.) 5. Are all bound to marry? No. Otherwise Christ would have given the example by marrying Himself. Read Mt. 19:12 where Christ Imprimatur speaks about the eunuchs, the unmarried, the celibates Joannes Gregorius Murray who make themselves celibates for the kingdom of Archiepiscopus Sancti Pauli Heaven. Copyright 1943 6. What do you mean when you say that marriage by the is a sacrament? RADIO REPLIES PRESS The Sacrament of Marriage is a sacred, sensible sign Printed in U.S.A. instituted by Christ to confer Divine grace on the hus­ band and wife. REFUSING CHILDREN JEWS AND DIVORCE 7. Who said marriage is a sacrament? to give and receive the exclusive and perpetual right We know marriage is much more than a "contract to the marriage debt. (Canon 1081.) The perpetual of secular business" as Luther declared marriage to and exclusive right to the marriage debt means that be, because the Catholic Church founded by Christ it cannot be given only for a period of time, but must says so, especially through the teaching of the Fathers last as long as the marriage, i. e. till death comes to and early Church councils. St. Paul declares marriage one or the other party to the marriage. The exclusive to be a sacrament in Eph. 5:32. The Protestant Bible right to the marriage debt means that it cannot be declares it to be a "Great Mystery," but Luther de­ shared with other persons while the marriage endures. clares it to be no greater than secular business and has no place in the Church. As the union of Christ with 11. Can a woman who is found to be sterile have His Church (a comparison of marriage by St. Paul) sig­ her marriage annulled in order to allow her husband nifies the bestowal of grace on the Church, so the to marry someone else? union of husband and wife signifies the bestowal of No. A marriage is not made null, void, or illicit be­ grace in Christian marriage. Hence among Christians cause of sterility. She will always be his wife until the contract is not distinct from the sacrament, for the he or she dies. sacrament is nothing but the contract raised to the dignity of a sacrament; "Christ our Lord raised to the 12. Your literature on marriage speaks frequently dignity of a sacrament the contract of marriage be­ of unity and indissolubility. tween baptized persons." Canon 1012 also says, "Where­ Unity means that marriage can take place only be­ fore between baptized persons there can be no valid tween one man and one woman, whilst indissolubility contract of marriage without being a sacrament." Mar­ means that this monogamous union must last till the riage therefore is a sacrament when validly entered bond is sundered by death. into by two baptized persons, whether they are Cath­ 13. Is unity and indissolubility demanded by a posi­ olic or Protestant. tive Law of God? Yes. That positive law was revealed to mankind by 8. Do Catholics and Protestants who marry in mortal Christ when He said: "For this cause shall a man leave sin receive the sacrament? father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and They receive the sacrament but not the grace. They they two shall be in one flesh. Therefore now they are commit sacrilege. The presence of mortal sin shuts not two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath out the bestowal of grace. If they make a good Con­ joined together let no man put asunder." Mt. 19:6. fession and repent, later on the grace of the sacrament revives in the soul according to the common teaching 14. How then do you explain that the Patriarchs had of theologians. many wives and the Jews were allowed to divorce and marry again? 9. Does the priest marry a couple or do couples After the deluge the unity of marriage was suspended marry themselves? by God for the benefit of the Patriarchs in order to The couple marry themselves, for the parties to the increase the human race. Moses permitted the Jews marriage are the ministers of the sacrament and the to practice divorce "because of the hardness of their priest is the necessary and authorized witness of the hearts." Marriage today has been thrown back by Church. the Reformers to what it was before it had been cor­ rected and reformed by Jesus Christ. The non-Cath­ 10. Can people marry who refuse to have children? olic attitude today is no different than the Jewish at­ If by refusing to have children you mean a refusal titude which was certainly rebuked by Christ. Christ to give and receive the perpetual and exclusive right pointed out that the Mosaic sanction was a concession to the marriage debt, then those who marry with this which was contrary to the original institution of mar­ intention are not married, because they exclude the riage, for He revoked both concessions when He said essential object of the marriage contract. But if by "from the beginning it was not so." refusing to have children you mean a refusal to bear more than one or two, the marriage of such a person 15. Does not Christ allow divorce for fornication as is valid, on condition that the right of the other party mentioned in Mt. 19:9? to the marriage debt is not thereby excluded. In No. Protestant scholars today deny the interpretation order that marriage be valid it is absolutely necessary given to this text by the Reformers. Christ did not UNABLE TO AGREE make fornication, or marital infidelity, a case^ for into by their wedlock). A ratified and consummated divorce, but only for separation. He specifically says marriage is one which has been validly contracted be­ here that a husband divorcing his wife for adultery tween two baptized persons and the parties thereto and marrying another "commits adultery," and the have exercised the marriage debt, entered their wed­ second man who marries that divorced woman is not lock or, in other words, have become "one flesh." married to her at all, for he too, is committing adul­ tery by living with the wife of another man. Where 19. By what power does the Pope dissolve a merely would the sin of adultery come in if marriage is not ratified marriage? indissoluble and were the separated parties not still He does so by the power of the keys, "Whatsoever man and wife? you shall bind upon earth shall be bound in Heaven, 16. But Protestant Churches teach today that this etc." text allows absolute divorce. 20. Why can a merely ratified marriage be dissolved,, How can this text be so interpreted when Christ but a ratified consummated marriage cannot? was so clear about it that the Jews replied to Him: Because Christ was speaking of those who had be­ "if the case of a man with his wife be so, (i.
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