rna July 8,1981 Vol. 10, No. 1 Published by Univers~tyRelations Sangamon State University Springfield, IL 62708 BOR approves new faculty The lllinois Board of Regents, Good has been named assistant meeting JuneI8 at Sangamon State, professor of communication and approved the appointment of five public affairs reporting. She has new faculty members for the Uni- held teaching positions at Florida versity. They are: David E. O'Gor- International University, Southern Credit for man, Gary L. Trammell, Sherrie lllinois University and Ball State prior learning Good, Jack Van Der Slik and Phyllis University and has worked with a Walden. number of campus newspapers as workshop set O'Gorman will join SSU as a pro- well as with the Miami Herald. She fessor of business administration. helped establish an internship pro- Since 1972 he has been associated gram in broadcast news and print Persons interested in receiving" with Husson College, Bangor, Me., journalism at the Hollywood (Flor- college credit for prior learning are an institution which focuses exclu- ida) Sun Tattler. invited to attend a workshop and sively on business administration Van Der Slik, who will be profes- reception at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, programs. At Husson he served as sor of political studies, is a former July 15, at Sangamon State. The assistant to the president, director consultant to SSU's Legislative Stu- workshop, sponsored by SSU's In- of admissions, coordinator of long- dies Center as well as to the public novative and Experimental Studies range planning, director of infor- information committee of the Illi- Cluster, will be held in Brookens mation systems development and nois Constitutional Convention. He 41 1. dean of graduate studies. has also served the lllinois General The purpose of the workshop is He has been involved in market- Assembly as a research fellow with the introduction of a program of ing for Bristol Myers and the Mara- the Legislative Studies Council. credit for prior learning which will thon Oil Company, and at the Uni- Van Der Slik taught at Southern begin at Sangamon State in the versity of Pittsburgh co-directed an Illinois University-Carbondale, Spring Semester of 1982. Alison educational leadership project where he was acting chairperson Bernstein, associate dean for in- which was a consortium of 23 col- of the Department of Political Sci- novative and experimental studies, leges working to improve educa- ence, and at Calvin College and said that this concept is very impor- tion in inner-city schools. O'Gor- Michigan State University. He is tant to the University. "Our stu- man also worked as a Peace Corps the author of five books and nu- dents are older - the average age volunteer in Panama. merous articles. is 29 - and they come to the Uni- Trammel1 was named assistant Walden, assistant professor of versity with different preparation professor of chemistry. He comes experiential learning, was previous- and diverse education ex~eriences. to SSU from Mobay Chemical Cor- ly involved with several innovative not all currently recognized," she poration's Agricultural Division, programs, including posts as coor- said. where he was senior chemist. He dinator of the Cleveland Center, Bernstein added that the credit formerly held research positions Capital University Without Walls; for prior learning concept is in ef- with St. Louis' Monsanto plant, continuing education center pro- fect at hundreds of schools across with Vulcan Materials Corp. in Wi- gram coordinator at Minnesota's the United States. chita, and with the University of College of St. Benedict; arts field People interested in attending Kansas. researcher in Minneapolis; and fa- the workshop may call Leroy Jor- He has been on the faculty of culty adviser to more than 50 Ph.D. dan in the Applied Study Office at the University of Hawaii, Miami candidates in an interdisciplinary Sangamon State, 786-6640, for more University and the Oregon State program at the Union Graduate information. The worksho~is free Correctional Institution. School. and open to the public. Foss named interim VPAA Dennis Foss, associate professor the University of New Hampshire. of sociology/anthropology and a fa- He has been part of Sangamon Sangamon arts culty associate in the Office of the State's faculty since 1975, teaching Vice President for Academic Affairs and conducting research in the institute held (VPAA)at Sangamon State, has been areas of sociological theory (both named interim VPAA at the Uni- modern and classical), theory con- The second annual Sangamon versity. struction, the sociology of death lnstitute in Arts Administration will Foss will assume the duties of and the sociology of the family. be held on the campus of Sanga- VPAA Aug. 1 and will remain in the He has published two books: mon State UniversityJuly14through position whilea nationwide search The American View of Death: Ac- 25. According to Jonathan Katz, is conducted to find a replacement ceptance or Denial?, which he co- professor of arts administration and for Sue Dezendolet, who has re- authored in 1972, and The Value director of the Institute, it is de- signed to accept a similar post at Controversy in Sociology: A New signed to address the professional Columbus College in Columbus, Orientation for the Profession, re- development needs of arts admin- Ga. leased in 1977. In addition, he has istrators. In announcingtheappointment, published nearly a dozen articles "We offer well-rounded profes- SSU Pres. Alex Lacy said, "The com- and papers dealing with sociology. sional development geared to ing year will be a most important In conjunction with Foss'appoint- practicing arts administrators," said one in the University's history, and ment, W. Williams Stevens, Jr., as- Katz. The lnstitute attracts arts ad- we hope most sincerely that the sociate professor of child, family ministratorsfrom all over the coun- University community will use this and community services, was named try. new appointment as an opportuni- faculty associate to the vice presi- The two-week institute will con- ty to work cooperatively toward dent and Leon Cohen, associate sist of workshops on a variety of achievement of those educational professor of political studies and topics, including: management plan- goals to which we are all commit- director of grants and contracts, ning, marketingdevelopment, grant ted." was named faculty associate for the application planning and research, Foss graduated with honors from budget. Stevens'duties will include and the legal aspects of arts admin- Bates College in Maine where he assisting the Vice President's Of- istration. received the bachelor's degree in fice with planning and resource al- sociology in 1970. He holds the location and Cohen will work with M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from budgetary issues. Huard joins tennis team Sheila Huard, Penticton, B.C., Canada, has become the third re- cruit to sign for Sangamon State's 1981 women's tennis team. Huard played club tennis for a city team in her home town and was an intramural player at Van- couver Community College. She also worked as a youth instructor at a club in Calgary, Alberta, while she attended the University of Cal- gary. Since Huard has never com- peted in intercollegiate tennis she will have four years of eligibility at SSU. "Sheila is very tennis-wise in both singles and doubles," said SSU Coach Sue McCain. "She's an Ten-year-old Robin Sams, member of by the Clayville Folk Arts Guild and excellent athlete with a strong the West Side Christian Church Girl Sangamon State University, the free serve." Scout Troupe, tries one of the old-time event willalso feature craft demonstra- Huard will enroll in August in tin whistles made by tinsmith George tions by blacksmiths and silversmiths. the Economics Program. She joins Castles for Clayville's annual Metal Clayville is 12 miles west of Springfield JanaGriffin of Pana and Linda Bucci Workers Day, to be held from 10 a.m. on Rt. 125 near Pleasant Plains. of Oak Forrest as additions to SSU'S 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, luly 72. Sponsored '81 team. campus Men's tennis Sidney Burrell, associate professor work at WSSR, where she was in- awards of social justice professions; Doris volved in production,engineering, Franklin, assistant professor of teach- continuity and on-the-air work. presented er education; and Gail 1. Lutz, di- rector of University Relations, were among the judges for an oratorical Wilma Scott Heide, professor of Bo McLaughlin, Most Valuable contest held as part of the 1981 women's studies and innovative Player on the SSU men's tennis Baptist General State Convention and experimental studies, was the team, and Mark Mosbach, the of Illinois, Inc. The convention met keynote speaker at the sixth annual team's Most lmproved Player, were in Springfield. Illinois NOW convention, held re- among those honored at a recent cently in Milwaukee. Heide's topic athletic awards dinner held at the was "Feminism is our Destiny." home of SSU Pres. Alex Lacy. Dianna Kirby-Clark,former student She served as national president Men's Tennis Coach Dave at Sangamon State and currently and chairperson of the National McCain presented McLaughlin and trafficdirector for radio station WIL Organization for Women from 1970 Mosbach with their awards. Other in St. Louis, was one of five national to 1974 and is currently a member awards made at the dinner included officers selected during the 39th of the group's national Media Com- presentation of varsity plaques to annual convention of Alpha Epsilon mittee. each member of the men's team Rho broadcasting society, held re- and the presentation of a Prairie cently in Nashville. Stars wristwatch to McCain in ap- Kirby-Clark, who was elected Jeffrey A. Chesky, assistant profes- preciation of his volunteer coach- vice president for regional devel- sor of gerontology, gave a presen- ing services.
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