WE ARE PROMPT jtm we it ssy WELLINGTON COAL Yu or Truck PACIFIC TRANSFER HALL A WALKER 117 Cormorant St Phones MS. Mt lilt Government St Phone M Be if l« Stored. H. CAL WELL. Prop. %Wt% NO. 145 VOL. 48 VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1916 TWO MORE TOWNS IN MISHIN GREECE' HARDEST FIGHTING GERMAN EAST AFRICA REPULSED SOU KOLOMEA CAPTURED PUT OUT; NEW GOVERNMENT MUST _ OCCUPIED BY BRITISH OF BERRY-MC CANADIANS YET HAD London. June 11.—The allied BY RUSSIAN TROOPS force# which are operating to con­ quer German East Africa, are con­ MEET WITH APPROVAL OF ENTENTE Winning Back of Positions on tinuing their advances successfully. German Troops Made an Un­ It was announced officially to-day Ypres Salient Great­ that the one of Lieut.-Gen. Smuta’s successful Attempt North­ KALEDINES ADVANCES columns which moved from British est Test East Africa Into the northeastern west of Rheims Constantine Discussed With Zaimis To-day Formation of region of the German colony, has New Administration; Allies Do Not Propose to Allow In­ occupied Handeni. Another col­ umn. advancing from the south, has Forces in Bukowina Have Moved On and triguing by Greek Government and German Agents WOUNDED MEN ARE taken Alt Langenburg. at the head BROKEN BY FRENCH of Lake Ny&ssa. Taken City in Galicia; Gen. Kaledines’s .............to Continue Any Longer; Pressure Exerted - REACHING ENGLANI0 .. CURTAIN OF FIRE Through Blockade Proves Successful Ara y Driving Toward Wiadintir- i WolynskH Czar’s Troops Captured The Experiences of Priv’rivale ClIMR Artillery Duels on Banks of Athens, June-01.—The Neon Asty eaye "pwuur ufllllu WEWBE Meuse; No Infantry that the resignation of the cabinet of lnet. Thomas Jones, of 172,484 Up To Thursday Last Premier Skoitlondts probably will be M. Zalmls was at the head of the Moo'se Jaw Actions announced to-day. Greek government for a brief period following the resignation of the Venl- BY ITU TROOPS Petrograd, June 21.—Capture by the RauUn armies of Kolomea, London, June II.—The Greek cabinet, zeloe cabinet. Ills cabinet resigned and fi,—An attack on the in Galicia, and ft «m*btng advance by the «ray of Gen. Kaledin* headed by Premier Skouloudls, has re­ was succeeded by that led by M. Bkou- Iiondon, June 20.—A large number of «SOiSiOwl e7 the*(îaR4i«liFa m««l4 a w«l RHe* Mill 104, south of | toward Wladiinir-WolyesM. on the Sokal line, both of which were an­ signed. according to a Reuter dispatch îreudm: Took Position Tn Poslna Val­ The present situation In Greece Is the reached England to-day. Some of these Berry-&u-Bac, northwest of Rheims, nounced by the war office to-day, indicate that a giant scissors motion received here to-day. Klitg Vonstan- men received their wounds as late as result of the anti-entente efforts of ley; Advanced "North of was made by German troop# last night, tlne Is reported to have asked former German agents in Greece. For some four days ago, when the Canadians, is rapidly gaining impetus to wrest Lemberg again from the Teutons. Premier Zalmls to form a new cabinet. time past these agents have been busy having regained the positions on the Frenzela Valley according to the statement Issued this trying to bring about by Intrigue what Ypres salient temporarily lost to the afternoon by the war office. The at­ No details hare been given ont as yet as to how Kolomea fell, but Athens, June It.—King Constantine their country could not do by force of enemy, were consolidating them afresh. tack was repulsed by the French ar­ the capture of that city marks an important advance westward along has taken up the question of changes _ arms against the entente armies In the The stories told by some who had tillery fire. Ha Ion lea region. Skouloudis and his the Pruth river and the Stantslau-Stryi railroad toward Lemberg, In the ministry as a result of the con­ been at the front eln«'e the first Cana­ REPULSED AUSTRIANS The Germans exploded two mines be­ ! supporters were fully a Ware of these dian troops went to the battleline In­ which'practically isolat* all the Austrian armies in Southern Buko­ tinuation of the blockade by the allies. 1 Intrigues and made ho effort to stop fore launching their Infantry against Former Premier Alexander Zalmls has dicate that the Dominion's soldiers SOUTHWEST OF ASIAG0 the French trenches. Their repulse wina from contact with the Teutonic fore* to the north. The Kolo- them. As a result of their attitude the never had such an ordeal as during the been asked to try to form a cabinet efforts of the Germans resulted In anti­ was due to the effectiveness of the past two weeks, either in the way of French screen fire. mea force is the point of the southern nipper which is moving to which will be acceptable to the en­ entente demonstrations before the en- ■ tente legations In Athens about a week the remomeleea character of the Ger­ In the Verdun sector no Infantry ac­ crush Lemberg. » tente. It Is understood here that the Rome. June 21.—A report given out ago. man artillery fire or of thé terrific ex­ tion waa reported, but a mutual bom­ princ ipal person In the present cabinet The blockade of the ports of Greece perience of winning back the sector, by the war office to-day eayei bardment was maintained fluring the lo the north Gen. Kaledlnes* advance Kininst whom the opposition of the ai­ was made much tighter a souple of on which high explosive# had destroyed "At the head of the Poslna valley nlghL Is equally rapid. His forces have ad­ everything. Mere, for instance, Is the vanced 12 miles toward Wladtmlr- lle* Is directed Is Demetrtos Gounaris, | weeks ago by the allies. Should this detachments of our Alpine troops cap­ The text of the statement follows: minister of the interior. blockade be continued the Greeks very record of Private Thomas Jones, of FRENCH’S TRIBUTE Wolynekl in 48 hours. This Is taken j "South of the Somme, before Mau- King Constantine received former soon will And-them selves facing a most Moose Jaw, who had been IS months at tured a strong position southwest of to Indicate that the Austrian resistance court. a detachment -of the enemy Premier Zaimis to-day and discussed i serious food shortage. the front and whose battalion was In Moqte Pu re he. Engagements on the in that section Is smashed and that the trenches almost continually, both western slope of Monte Ongio resulted which was attempting to approach our TO EARL KITCHENER the Teutons are retiring rapidly, during the German attack and later, In favor of our Infantry. lines was dispersed by our rifle fire. fighting only rearguard actions. when the Canadians counter-attacked : "Southwest of Aslago.^on tbs night of ‘Northwest of Rheims the' German» Sweeping down from the north, Gen. Reserves to Lina. June 19, three succe*srt’e surprise at­ after exploding two mines, delivered an Kaledina's army has become the point GERMANS DUG OUT GOV.-GEN. REVIEWED attack against our trenches at Hill No. of the nippers clutching at Lemberg, “When the attack started w# were In tacks against our positions at Monte Magnad and Oschia were repulsed. 168, south of Berry-au-Bac. Checked Field Marshal ayd Lansdowne and unless Its advance should suffer reserve on the canal bank." he said. by our curtain of fire, this attack was a serious check, the retreat of the “We soon moved up to the dugouts on North of the Frenzela valley we con­ Speak in Lords of CANADIAN SOLDIERS HOOPS IN DOWNPOUR tinued yesterday our difficult advance defeated completely. Teutonic forces on Prseraysl Is certain the railroad. This was early tn the soon to be forced. morning, before daylight. The Ger­ across rough ground. 'On both banks of the Meuse (Ver­ Dead Leader mans were sending tear’ shells all the "Hostile aircraft dropped bombs on dun front) our artillery and that of the 172,484 Taken. time—not things which get Into your our lines of communication, wounding enemy were rather active during the Petrograd, June 31.—The war office nlghL" Helped on Ypres Salient March Past at Niagara Car­ lungs, but those which act on your a few persons and causing slight dam- London, June IL—Field Marshal Vis announced to-day that the number of eyes. Hquadrons of our Capron 1 and men captured by the Russians in the count French, commander of the arm­ offensive in Vdhynla, Galicia and Through Fear, a Canadian ried Out Under Adverse We moved with other reinforce­ Savola aeroplanes. In which were 84 93273^77 ies In the United Kingdom, eulogised Bukowina up to Thursday of last week ments across the field» Day came on machines, bombarded the aviation sta­ Private Thinks Conditions was 171.434 while we wore moving, German obser tion at Pergjne, at the head st the his former chiefs Field Marshal Earl vallon balloons were out. and _____ MWier w* engaged By Kitchener, ta tha Hsusn-bf Lords yes­ The official announcement says that every movement of our reinforcements a squadron J: r* enemy, hut returned terday after the Marquis of In a severe engagement on the Stok- London. June It.—Private Feenle, No. NIsgsra-OtvThe-Lake, June II.—Die and so were able j*» signal where cur­ safely after bringing down three hos­ COMMITTEE PLANS down# had spoken of the great loss hod river, German troops which made tile machines." an attack In massed formation were 411,671, who was one of a party hand­ agreeable weather transformed the tains of fire could be directed on us.
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