Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-15-1966 The Ledger and Times, March 15, 1966 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 15, 1966" (1966). The Ledger & Times. 5307. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5307 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • n 1 '-I ••••••401 —r 4 18 • Selected As A Bed All Round Nentucte, Oommtintty Newspaper Only na._. [ The Largest Daily - Afternoon Circulation Murray And In Both In City Calloway County And In County 4 In Our 87th Year United Press International Murray, Ky., Ttlt day Afternoon, March 15, 1966 104 Per Copy Vol. LXXXVII No. 62 Local People In James Shelton Is • Harry Yoi Barrow Show Partner In Fulton Seen & Heard — Mayfield - Gordon Sampler, Funeral Home Speaker I Clinton. had the Effort Grand Champ- Is Made Around us, iti the on-foot division of the James Shelton Is now a partner West 2- Kenthay Barrow Show and with Win Whitnell in the Whitneli Adult 7 Ca7clus contest held at the Pur- CU. Funeral at Fulton. He and his chase Distsrut MURRAY Fairgrounds The family left today for his new pos- champ:on was a Hampshire. To Send Gemini ition. Taking Grand Harry Young, outstan. inn- Champion honors Shelton is a graduate of the er from Christian Cou.n' the in the carcass contest was a Ramp- Gunton-Jones The National Federation of Inde- College of Mortuary main speaker at the d sirs exhibited by Gordon Samples, Science pendent Business cornea up with a the at Nashville, Tenn., and four adult farmer clin Clint on has been chart which shows in a nutshell associated with the J. H. lcnvay County which a at Other exhibitors from Calloway Churchill Funeral Tomorrow Home in Up Mur- how the US and Russia stack up winning prizes the Lynn Grove School , the and awards includ- ray for the past ten years. as far as busmese and economics ed Ernie Parent-Teacher Association ss ing Rob Bailey, second in The funeral director was cur- is concerned commercial the dinner through the compli- singles and seventh in rently serving as third vice-presi- By AL RO.SSITER Jr. Informed sources reported. how- ments of Hutson Cherrncal Com- carcass class Frankie Cooper in dent of the Murray United Press international ever, that engineers were going At the head of the chart. * the Lions Chili and pany and Ellis Popcorn Company. the Youth Division, won the youth also CAPE KENNEDY -- An a- ahead with plans to get in the (gestation "The economic system vice-president of WOW Camp Young discussed the "Farm Out- singles and 37th in the carcass 592 He is a round-the-clock effort to get Gem- three-day mission Wednesday al- which serves its people best is that member of the First look" including the future of farm- contest. Sieve Cathey also placed Baptist Church, ini 8 ready for launch Werineaciay though a formal decision was being which provides them with a MAX- Murray. ing in the next ten or fifteen years. In the latter division Shelton is neared completion today but pro- are com- IMUM of freedom and opportunity. married to the former withheld until all tests rank Embrey of Radio Station According to Ray Fowler, super- Reva Fairless. Has ject officials reserved a "go-no- and furnishes them with the great- Pictured above is the Cancer Committee children a re pleted. of the Delta De- WHOP Hopkinsville entertained visnr in the Division of Shows and James, Jr., of gr." verdict for later in the day. • amount of material goods at Murray Route Two; Technicians on launch pad 14, partment and workers of the Calloway County He,alth De- the group with a humorous talk Fairs of the Kentucky Department Ronnie, mortician the most reasonable prices either apprentice. Mur- The decision on whether to send little more than a mile south a the partment as they mapped strategy for the "Pap" Smear and folk of Agriculture. over 200 animals ray; Mrs. Ronnie In terms of money or nine work- singing, Like of Murray: astronauts Neil aril-Wrong and Gemini firing stand, finished re- clinic. The class teacher, W H. Brooks, from 9 counties were entered in Freddie, sophomore at Murray High David Scott on the action-packed pairs and tests on the Atlas boost- made a short talk along with Bil- the show and carcass contest. Har- School; and Timmy who attends rendezvous and spacewallc flight er for Gemini's Agena target satel- ly Smith representing the lan Ritchie, Michigan State Uni- Kindergarten. le 1961, America with a popula- The following is the second in nurses contributing their time. The Hutson Wednesday, or wait until Thurs- lite during the night. Chemical company and versity, was the on-foot judge. Dr. The Sheitons will tion of 180.400.000 had a gross na- a series of articles compiled for a Delta Department will be in charge Herman reside at the' day, hinged on the progress of tests "Everything is ready to go on Kelly Ellis of the Ellis York Varney, University of Ken- funeral home at tional prattuct of $564 Malkin. In Community Improvement Sc rap- of registering the patients and aid Popcorn 408 Endings on the Gemini capsule's repaired the Atlas." a •Space Agency spokes- Company tucky, judged the carcass contest, Street, Fulton. ihe same year Russia with a ptpu- book contest by the Murray Wo- In any way to make these clinics breathing system man said. Brooks said the attendance which was held at the Reelfoot latton of 224.900.000 had a gross man's Club: successful. 4 But the work on the spacecraft high in all four classes which noeet PaofckfienrignitCo.,soriUntrionr2Olt,000y, Z111pre. national product of 8265 billion. took longer. At about 8 am. Len These "Pap" smear clinics were twice a week during the winter the agency reported that the faulty held in the Mall of 1969 and 968 months and that the attendance is MiUMS and awards, the West Ken- National Ballet To Aearpp oxygen device had been replaced, Gress national prOdtIM kk5 the to- It has been expressed by many barrow women were tested for cervical probably the best in the stake. Dur- Lucky Show is one of three but the installation of the pilots' tal of all cravings, investments, different people in many differ- M cancer As a result of these tests 2 ing the summer Brooks visits the shows sponsored each year by the I coaches and final testing still had (Continued on Page Three) ent ways that • partnarehip be- Agricul- women were found to have a poen members while they are working Kentucky Department of to be finished. tweent education and the health n urray Friday. March 18 the "Pap" smear, foliose@ with on their farms. ture. Weather forecasts for a Wednes- profession is essential for improv- Monne', which were diagnosed as Presidents of the classes are Bill day launch were good with scat- ing a community. This is why the One of the pals of the Notional its first National Ballet workshop, cancer of the cervix Suinterts was Ed Hendon. Concord, 011ie Hall, tered clouds and light winds ex- Calloway County Cancer Associa- Ballet Society, which supports the which has since become an annual Field Trial performed inmediatety Several Kinney. Glen Crawford, 4.4.11s Alpha Gamma Rho (Continued on Page Three National Ballet_ the tion, s7m.aored by the Delta De- others were referred for biomes Grove. arid Calvin Compton, Coun- resident com- event. Open to dancers of excep- pany of the nianon's Capital. is "To tartment of the Murray Stiniman's which turned out to be negative; ty wide Young Adults Pledges 100 Per tional merit located east of the maintain a pennanent Held Sunday Club. in connection with the On- however, these wonnn will continue Seventy-f;VC farmers and their Cent To Eye Bank . profenston- Mississippi, it was attended by al Ballet Oompany and School lowsy County Health Department to be examined routinely wives were served the dinner by of some 40 ballet dancers. Only those will continue their project of a the highest artistic standards, especially recommended by their G.B. Scott the PTA oler, Kelso, president • "Pap" tent °bilk These cnxucs will The nielta Department realizes Alpha Game. Pho Fraternity, worthy of the Nation's Capital." teachers were eligible for edam's- • And Monday begin the first Tuesday in March these clinics did not extend long Murray State University. turned In order to build a company, it is inn to the classes. It was an ex- and will continue each Tumdty enough to nisch all women because out to the man to pledge their necessary to seek out constantly hilarating and inspiring experience Dies Monday through March and April Our two of United funds in our cancer as- eyes to the Kentucky Eye Bank. new talent to prepare for the fu- for all who attended. Many had looal gynecologists will conduct sociation. However, our doctors Third Man Is Daniel Heltsley, President of ture and to add to the company. never before had instruction of the these clinics a ith the help of local have Informed us that since our AGE stated that. "All of its felt type offered in some daily classes The Calloway County Feld Trial that such a worth-while cause One of the ways talent is dis- Afternoon clinics in 1963 more women are Some pupal& attending would hard- Club hsid its covered is Amatour Spring Trial corning to thetr office for a "Pap" Arrested In needs all the help it can get.
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