Due Diligence Report Project Number: 41509-013 November 2016 PNG: Rural Primary Health Services Delivery Project (Loan 2785 and Grant 0259) Prepared by the Department of Health for the Asian Development Bank. This due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgements as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Papua New Guinea Rural Primary Health Services Delivery Project DUE DILIGENCE REPORT FOR ACQUISITION of the GARASA CHP SITE Morobe Province November, 2016 INDEX Executive Summary Project and Community Health Post Description Garasa Community Health Post Site - Description and Area Scope of Land Use/Purchase Socioeconomic Information Information Disclosure, Consultations and Participation Grievance Redress Mechanism Applicable Policies and Laws Agreements on Land Use Compensation and Benefits Budget and Sources of Funds Institutional Arrangements Implementation Schedule Monitoring and Reporting ANNEXURES (Available Upon Request) Annex One: Reports of Community Consultations Annex Two: Minutes of Landowner meeting Annex Three: Signed Customary Land Transfer Agreement Annex Four: Land survey of site Annex Five: Land Investigation Report Annex Six: Valuation Report Annex Seven: Certificate of Alienability Annex Eight: Deed of Release Annex Nine: Approved Layout Plan for Community Health Post The image on the cover of this Report depicts the area upon which the proposed Garasa CHP will be constructed. It is on the edge of Garasa air strip and village. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Rural Primary Health Service Delivery Project (RPHSDP) is a collaboration between the Government of PNG represented by its National Department of Health and the Asian Development Bank, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the OPEC Fund for International Development, the World Health Organisation, the Japanese International Cooperation Agency and UNICEF. The Project is operating in two (2) Districts of each of eight (8) Provinces. The civil works component of the Project (Output 4) involves construction of thirty-two (32) new Community Health Posts, ninety- six (96) new staff houses as well as providing medical equipment and small vehicles (cars, boats, or motorbikes) to support their operation. It will also install or upgrade sanitation facilities, provide waste management facilities and establish renewable energy supplies for those health facilities. The Community Health Post is deemed a Level 2 Health Facility under the PNG National Health Service Standards, 2011 and is required primarily to provide maternal and child primary health services to remote rural populations. Provision is also made for supervised birthing and postnatal inpatient care, short term paediatric and adult inpatient services and for triage, stabilisation and referral to higher level facilities of critically ill clients. A odest Poedue ‘oo is poided to allo eege ae of taua o seious medical conditions prior to referral and discrete consultation rooms are provided to ensure privacy for clients seeking care or advice for their conditions. The Garasa Community Health Post is expected to provide health services for up to forty (40) people each day. Garasa Village is located in a very remote and underserved area of the Waria Local Level Government area of Bulolo District, Morobe Province. It is thirty minutes flying time from Bulolo township or seven days walking distance from Wau township. Nearby Garaina Health Centre is accessible by a very rough and difficult walking track requiring an eight (8) hour walk. The immediate catchment population for the proposed Garasa Community Health Post is 2554 persons. That includes those people previously served by the Biawara Aid Post but not those living across the Provincial border in an equally underserved area of Oro Province. Demand for maternal and child health services to be offered by the Community Health Post will mostly be derived from the estimated 445 children less than 5 years of age and 540 women of child bearing age living in the immediate area as identified through the 2011 Census. It is anticipated that the true catchment population will be closer to 5000 people once the facility is constructed and commissioned. The nearest Hospital is the Bulolo District Hospital but, because of its poor condition and lack of usable bed capacity, most medical evacuations are directly to the ANGAU Memorial General Hospital in Lae which is a further two hours away by road. Urgent obstetric cases are evacuated by chartered helicopter but other cases are transported by road after the patient is carried to Garaina. There is a scheduled 3 days/week passenger air service to Lae from Garasa. The site at Garasa, acquired for the State by the Morobe Provincial Government, satisfies all of the Projets criteria required for construction of the proposed Community Health Post to proceed: The land is in Bulolo District of the Morobe Province The Provincial Health Adviser of Morobe Province has endorsed the concept plan, the site plan and the final design of the Community Health Post after consulting with the local communities that it will serve. Landowners of the area have been consulted extensively about their healthcare needs and voluntarily offered land for the project in order to secure a Community Health Post within their village. The Poies “tategi Health “eie Deelopet Pla, 5-2020 eoeds construction of a Level 2 Community Health Post in the village of Garasa to serve the health needs of the people living in the immediate area who are presently served only by the local Aid Post, staffed by a volunteer for the past 15 years. That Plan has been endorsed by the Provincial Administration. The Provincial Administrator is prepared to enter a Memorandum of Agreement with the Secretary for Health confirming the availability of recurrent budget for operation of the facility The Provincial Health Adviser has nominated the three staff members to be assigned to the facility and those staff have undergone extensive upskilling in maternal and child health service provision. The nominated Officer in Charge has completed the Rural Health Facility Management Course delivered by Divine Word University. The Community Health Post design has been certified by the Manager, Health Facilities Branch of the National Department of Health as consistent with the National Health Service Standards, 2011 The Environmental Management Plan was endorsed by the relevant officers of the Asian Development Bank on 22nd September, 2016. The former customary owners of the land consented to sell their land to the State by agreement acknowledged in the Land Investigation Report dated 5th December, 2014. The Land Investigation Report also confirms the extensive process involved from consultation with the customary owners and listing them according to clans, topography to the assessment and valuation of the land existing structures and crops. The land offered has been cleared in the past and is now covered with tall, lush savannah grassland which was used for grazing livestock until 2002. It consists of fertile, black well drained clay and loam. It is known locally as Takerekoko and registered as Portion 50C, Milinch of Garaina, Fourmil of Salamaua, Bulolo District, Morobe Province. The Land Investigation Report indicates that thee is suffiiet lad aailale ad thus the oes a affod to sell the lad. The lad as oed ees of the Hadzo Basi and the Keruba Clans and had been acquired eeship ad heitage ith oth Patilieal and Matrilineal land holdig sstes. Their rights to the land are not contested. Mr. Aubeta Kairo, Mr. Kapi Gauba, Mr. Dzabiro Eriba, Mr. Orama Gaitu, Mr Porago Gotubia, Mr. Abesa Ataisa and Mr Ebane Ataisa representing each of the Clans and sub Clans having an interest in the land ae aed i the “hedule of Oes, “tatus ad ‘ights to the Lad setio of the Lad Iestigatio Report as Agets possessig complete rights to transfer/Lease to the Administration and to execute any documents and to accept payment in connection with such Transfer/Lease on behalf of the oes to the ights i that lad a ipoeets theeo. The extent of the site was determined by the customary owners and the owners of adjoining land in the company of the Surveyor prior to survey on 5th December, 2014 and is quantified at 0.84 hectares by him. The boundaries are clearly marked and are consistent with the decision of the local landowners. The owners of contiguous land have also declared that they have no interest in or rights by native custom to the surveyed land. The site was selected by the customary owners because it is central to the surrounding villages of Wakaia, Korepa, Muniba, Peqira, Posaro and Qau and other isolated villages further to the south and to the east whose villagers have limited access to other health services. It was also selected because of the availability of the scheduled air service. The unimproved value of the land provided for the Community Health Post was assessed by the Valuer-General to be K29,400.00. The Certificate of Alienability was issued by the Secretary of the Department of Provincial and Local Government Affairs on 9th day of May, 2017. Payment of K29,400.00 was made to the authorised agents by the Morobe Provincial Government on behalf of the State in Garasa Village on 4th Februray, 2017. The Deed of Release and the Sale and Transfer documents were signed by the Agents in the presence of a Customary Lands Officer of DL & PP. The process of obtaining the Title on behalf of the State is now complete and tenders have been invited for construction of the proposed Community Health Post.
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