bOCUMENT RESUME ED 131 181 95 CE 007 055 - AUTHOR . Niemi, John AO,. Ed.s; And "others _ TITLE Research aad Investigation in Adult Education: 1976 Annual Register. INSTITUTION Adult Education Association of U.S.A., Washington, D.C.: Northern Illinois Univ., De Kalb. ERIC Clearinghouse\ in-Career Education. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, PUB DATE Jun 76 ,-.-- NOTE , 347p. HMIS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$18.07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS ',Adult Education; *Annotated Bibliographies; *Continuous Learning; Research; *Resource Guides; vocationallEducation \ \ . ABSTRACT , This annotated bibliography includes 787 items of . relearch or investigation in adult education, mostly dated from 193-75. They cover information sources;\ philosophy, policies, general objectives; legislation; finance costs; studies and planning--state, regional, and national; history; adult education as a field of study; adult educationresearch; discemination; adult learning characteristics; high school e\quivalency tests and certificate; program planning and adminIstration; learning environments; instructional methods; ma s nedia; rsonnel and staffing; : communications--instruction'al devices; It6 I evaluation; education of special groups;\program areas: curriculum; continuing education ir the professions; technical/education; management, supervision; labor education;\career. education; occupational education--industrial trainin4;liberal education; healtih, mental health; home, management, cOnsumereducAion; family, parent education; arts, craftsrecreation-Conservation education-outdoor education; crossailturalAtraining;" lifelong learning, recurrent education, educationpermanente;ynstitutional\ sponsors; and international perspective. Authorand/t*Ubject_indexes are included, along with information forordering original docume or full text reproductions.(Author/WL) 1 \ / , \ -1 _ **************************************i******************************** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal ,unpublished *. * materials not-available from other sources.,ERIOmakes,everyeffort-* * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheleisiiteie ,of 'marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered andthis*fects the quality * ---1*-0f-the microfiche_ and hardcopy /reproductions ERIC makes available- *. via the-ERIC Document ReproductionService,(EDRS)\.,EDESas not * responsible_for_the qualiti of the original document.,Reproductions *. * supplied by EDRS arethe-bet-that_canijbe made-from ,the original., ,*- RESEARCH AND dNVESTIGATION IN ADULT EDUCATION REGISTER r: 0 'S.::rtiffIPOILIVIVINST COO AlkIONAt. REPRO" DOCUME°1/41CkliCISSEAN ItAls ,17:1.::::1051:471141;tt.D:ofr EP O oiX,CiEPDGE::,11:).00:1:CNIC)NORIISC)Rt°4GEACNI.NE r POSIIION VUCAltON Editors: John A. Nieind., Stanley M. Grabowski, and Elizabeth-A.-Kudsisto -- ERIC CLEARINGH0USE-1W:CAREER EDUCATIOW- 204 Gabel-Hall: . Northern Illinois UniVersity. DeKalb, Illinois60115 ApULT EDUCATION ASSOCIA iN OF THE.U.S.A. 810 18th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 4 The material in this publication was prepared pursuant,to a contr4ct with the National IAstitute of Education,JJ.S. Department of Health, 'Education and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under gnyernment sponsorship- are encouraged to express freely their judgmentfin professional and technical matters. .Prior to publication,/the manuscriPt was submitted to Northern Illinois UnWersity Faculty ConsUltants in Adult and Continuing Education and the staff/of the Adult ,ucat/ ion Association of the U.S.A. for critical review and determination-of/Professional competence. This publication has metisuch standards. Points of vidw or opinions, however, do not necessarily represent the official view or opinions of either the consultants or the National Institue/of Education. ERIC CLEARINGHOUSE IN.CAREER EDUCATION 204 Gabel Hall Northern IllindiS-Mniversity' DeKalb, Illinois 60,115 THE ADULT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S.A. A national organization for individuals as well as institutions dedicated to the development of unity of purpose in the adult educational movement; the production of available knowledge about adult education for the membership; the continuous effort to alert the nation's key leaders and the general public to the need for continuing education; the establishment of a home base for those who make adult education their chosen life's work, - PUBLICATIONS Adult Leadership is a national magazine publiShed monthly, except July and August, specifically for-all adult educators, and for persons interested in adult-education. It provides a reservoir of ideas-and-. techniqUes in continuing edu on through articles, special sections and regular features. , _- Adult Education is anational magazine published quarterly and designed for the interests of the professional worker in adult education. It- deals'primaxily with research and theory ih adult education. Other Publications - AEA/USA publishes many timely books, pamphlets, newsletters and bulletins throughout the year in special zed areas of adult-education. Ail publications-are sold to membiat reduced \ prices;- two examples of AEA/USA publiaftions currently available are Last Gamble on Education and'New Learning. for Older Americans. Also available are reprints of articles and special sections of the national publications, Adult Leadership and Adult Education. For special Publicatibns Brochure, write to: Adult Education Association,of the U.S.A. 610 18th St. N.W. - Washington, D.C. 20006 For a -partial list of our moSt:poPUlar-publications, turn to last page. ABSTRACT An annotated bibliography including 787 items of research or; investigation in adult edutation, mostly dated from 1973 -.1975.. They cover information sburces; philosophy, policies, general C.- objectives; legislation; finance costs; studies and planning, ; state, regional and national; history; adult education as a field of study;. adult education research; dissemination; adult learning characteristics; high school equivalency tests & certificate; program planning and administration; learning-environments; instruc- tional tethodsi mass media; communications - instructional devices; personnel and,staffing; evaluation; education of spe;.ial groups; .program areas: Curriculum; continuing education in the professions; technical education; management, supervision; labor education; 'career education; occupational education - industrial training; liberal education; health, mental health; home, managemente consumer education; family, parent education; artsL.crafts, recreation'7 conservation education - outdoor educationi--cross cultural training; lifeli5ng learning, recurrent education, education permanente;\ institutional sponsors; and international perspective. Included is an author index. -In addition, there is an order blank for the ERIC Document Reproduction Service. TABLE OF. CONTENTS Iniduction Subjact Index vitt 1 Abstracts 1 Author Index 317 EDRS Order Blank 331 a , INTRODUCTION- This publication, Research and Investigation in Adult-Education, , has been made available through the joint efforts of the Adult Education Nssociation of the U.S.A. and the ERIC Clearinghouse in Career Education. The volume, which encompasses three years of research and data-gathering investigations in adult education, follows earlier annual reviews. From -\1955 co 1967, eaci: Summer issue of Adult Education carried the review. From 1968 to 1972, the research appeated in a separate publication issued yearly by the Adult Education Association.of the U.S.A. in co-operation with the former ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult Education. Future plans call for this appear eVery two years. This volume contains 787 entries. The policy of virtually eliminating doctoral dissertations, which was initiated in the 1972 Annual Register, has been continued. The decision was intended to keep the volume manageable in size and reasonable in cost. In rany,event, not all of those' dissertatiOna appear in the ERIC data base. The entries are classifiedby a set of categories used for sorting- . documents in the former ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult Education by Roger DeCrow and Stanley Graboigski, editors of the previous volumes...;Each category,: which appears as a Section, is identified:by a four-digitlnumber. Each. entry ,f is numbered in a sequence. Cross-references are made to other closely re- . lated Sections scattered throughout the volume. 7 All''the documents in this volume have been reported in the two monthly catalogs of the ERIC system, Resources in Education and Current IndeX to.Journals in Education: These offer the best means Of keeping up:to date the-researdh Id development literature in all areas Of edueation. The cr.talogs obtained by writing to the folloWing addresses.: Resources in-Education Superintendent of Documents U.S. bovernment Printing Office WashingtOili,D.G. .204-02 ($42.70, domestic; $51.413. outside U.S.A 'Current.Index to Journals in Education Macmillan Information 4 866 Third Avenue - -New York,_New YorkH. 10022 ($56.00,domestic4O-Utside y.S.A:, Oats e EXtra).. We have tried to give reliable sources for all documents, some of which can be obtained only from original sources. Many other documents can be obtained in microfiche or hard copy reproductions from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). Please follow these instructions when ordering: Orders from ERIC DocumentAteproduction Service (EDRS) Only those doduments Identified by an "ED" nuMber may be Ordered from EDRS. The following information should
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