Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Istorie, Anul XXV, Nr. 1(37)/2020 CONTENTS STUDIES AND ARTICLES Oleh Pylypchuk, Oleh Strelko, COUNT A.P. BOBRINSKY (1826-1894), THE THIRD MINISTER-REFORMER OF RAILWAY MANAGEMENT IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE ... 7 Stoica Lascu, COMPONENTS OF THE MODERNIZATION OF DOBRUDJA WITHIN THE ROMANIAN STATE (1878-1916) (II) .................................................................................. 21 Marilena Rizescu, ILLUSIONS AND REALITIES: THE FIRST STAGES OF ROMANIAN EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AT THE END OF THE 19TH CENTURY ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Laura Oncescu, ROMANIA AND ITALY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR: FROM AN ALLIANCE TO ANOTHER (1914-1915) ................................... 61 Veli Kryeziu, Bujar Dugolli, THE CHANGES THAT FOLLOWED THE FIRST WORLD WAR AND THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN KOSOVO ACCORDING TO THE ALBANIAN PRESS ........................................................................................................................... 71 Sultan K. Zhussip (Aqquly), Dikhan Qamzabekuly, Sagymbay Zhumagul, Karlygash Aubakirova, Nurzhan Konrbayеv, THE FAMINE OF 1932-1933 IN KAZAKHSTAN: GENOCIDE OR ETHNOCIDE? ..................................................................................................... 83 Marusia Cîrstea, DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO THE DIPLOMATS IN THE ROMANIAN LEGATION IN LONDON, REGARDING THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION (JANUARY-JULY 1940) ............................................................................................ 95 Vasyl Ilnytskyi, Mykola Haliv, STRUCTURE AND ACTIVITIES OF ROMANIAN INTELLIGENCE AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE BODIES IN TRANSNISTRIA (1941-1944) (BASED ON SSA SSU) ...............................................................................................107 Kanat A. Yensenov, Bekmurat R. Naimanbayev, Ualikhan S. Ibrayev, Bauyrzhan B. Yensepov, Krykbai M. Aldabergenov, HISTORY OF GERMAN DIASPORA IN KAZAKHSTAN (ХІХ-ХХІ) ...........................................................................................................................................125 Moussa II Lissou, THE GEOSTRATEGIC AND ECONOMY IN THE GULF OF GUINEA .............................................................................................................................................137 BOOK REVIEWS Radu-Ştefan Vergatti, Ştefan Ciobanu. Un savant profesor luptător neînfricat pentru unirea Basarabiei cu Regatul României [An Academic Professor Fighter Fearless for Union of Bessarabia with the Kingdom of Romania] (Fundaţia Europeană Titulescu. Coll. Centenar No. 4), Bucureşti, Editura Semne, 2018, 318 pp. + 46 pp.; ill., facsm. ISBN 978-606-15-1108-2 (Stoica Lascu) ...............................147 Gabriel-Octavian Nicolae, Valentin Ciorbea, Comunitatea Musulmană din România în ilustrate (1898-1940). Kartpostallarda Romanya Müslüman toplumu (1898-1940). The Muslim Community in Romania in Illustrated Postcards (1898-1940). [Traducerea limba engleză: Conf. univ. dr. Nicoleta Stanca. Traducere limba turcă: Eugenia Mihaela Şahin], Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România, 2017, 216 pp.; ill. ISBN 978-606-8636-38-2 (Stoica Lascu) ... 149 Mănăstirea Măxineni. Album monografic. Tipărit cu binecuvântarea Înaltpreasfinţitului Părinte dr. Casian, Arhiepiscopul Dunării de Jos [Măxineni Monastery. Monographic Album. Printed with the Blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Dr. Casian of the Lower Danube Archdiocese] (Arhiepiscopia Dunării de Jos), Galaţi, Editura Arhiepiscopiei Dunării de Jos, 2018 /288 pp.; ill./. ISBN 978-606-8890-06-7 (Stoica Lascu) ...................................................................................150 5 Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Istorie, Anul XXV, Nr. 1(37)/2020 Horia Dumitrescu (coordonator), Contribuţia Elitelor la Întregirea României [The Contribution of the Elites to the Entire Romania]. Volumul cuprinde comunicările prezentate în cadrul Sesiunii Ştiinţifice Naţionale „Contribuţia Elitelor la Întregirea României”, desfăşurate la Focşani în zilele de 28-29 septembrie 2018 (Consiliul Judeţean Vrancea. Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România. Muzeul Vrancei. [Centenarul Primului Război Mondial]), Focşani, Editura Pallas, 2019, 220 pp.; maps, ill., facsm. ISBN 978-973-7815-77-4 (Stoica Lascu) ....................................152 Revista de istorie a Moldovei [Chişinău], Number 1-2 (117-118), January-June 2019, 198 pp; Number 3-4 (119-120), July-December 2019, 176 pp. ISSN 1857-2022 (Stoica Lascu). ............155 Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Series on History and Archaeology, Volume 10, Number 1, 2018, 120 pp; Number 2, 2018, 144 pp. ISSN Print 2066-8597; ISSN Online 2067-5682 (Stoica Lascu) .........................................................................................................................................158 6 Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Istorie, Anul XXV, Nr. 1(37)/2020 STUDIES AND ARTICLES COUNT A.P. BOBRINSKY (1826-1894), THE THIRD MINISTER-REFORMER OF RAILWAY MANAGEMENT IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE Oleh Pylypchuk*, Oleh Strelko** Abstract The article highlights the activity of Aleksey Pavlovich Bobrinsky on the post of Minister of Ways of Communication, who is famous for his reform efforts in the sphere of railway transport and also in the construction of ports and water channels. It shows how knowledge and experience gained by A.P. Bobrinsky in England at the construction of channels and during his participation at international forums, were later successfully used in his practical activities in the Russian Empire. The analysis of sources allowed finding out that A.P. Bobrinsky took an active part in reforming a number of important issues of railways management like receiving concessions for the construction of railways, the process of setting up joint-stock railway societies, as well as the construction of waterways of the country through the direct implementation of dredging works and different hydrotechnical measures. It was found that the activity of Count Alexey Bobrinsky as the Minister of Ways of Communication had a significant influence on the processes of development of railway transport, ports and water channels of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century. Being a manager of the Ministry, A.P. Bobrinsky established the Interim Statistical Department, which resolved a long-standing and a very important issue of a clear and scientific organization of the procedure of collection, processing, verification and presentation of statistic data on the condition and operation of ways of communication, which were an extremely important matter for the further activity of the Ministry. His achievements include the beginning of the construction of the Maritime Canal from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt and the construction of the St. Petersburg and Kronstadt ports. A large amount of remedial works, for example, on the Neva river made it possible to increase its depth. That is why A.P. Bobrinsky, who was well versed in such experience, became a staunch supporter of using the technology of dredging works on navigable rivers and theoretically justified the possibility and feasibility of using dredgers to provide transit depths required for navigation. Thus, thanks to the actions of A.P. Bobrinsky, foreign experience was used by domestic railway engineers and specialists of water transport in the practical direction of their activity. It is shown that an authority of A.P. Bobrinsky as the Minister-Reformer in different activities was recognized not only by the Ministry of Ways of Communication of the Russian Empire but also among the international scientific and administrative communities. Key words: A.P. Bobrinsky, railway transport, water transport, reforms, joint-stock railway societies, evangelical Christianity in Russia * Associate Professor habil., PhD, Department of Ecology and Life Safety, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, 9 Kyrylivska St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04071, Phone: +380968820760, Email: [email protected] ** Associate Professor habil., PhD, Department of Transportation Process Management, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, 9 Kyrylivska St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04071, Phone: +380971292471, Email: [email protected] 7 Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Istorie, Anul XXV, Nr. 1(37)/2020 Introduction On September 2, 1871, in connection with illness of V.A. Bobrinsky (1869-1871), the 2nd Minister of Ways of Communication of the Russian Empire, (Kislinsky, 1902: 89), as a manager of the Ministry, his cousin, Count Alexey Pavlovich Bobrinsky was appointed (Zenzinov, 1995: 48). The genealogical tree of the Bobrinskys originates from the illegitimate son of Empress Catherine II, born from her lover Grigory Orlov (http://www.topauthor.ru/ chto_sdelal_dlya_rossiyskoy_imperii_rod_dvoryan_bobrinskih_3a95.html). It is known (http://wikiredia.ru/wiki/Бобринский,_Алексей_Григорьевич), that Alexey Bobrinsky (Figure 1) was born on April 11, 1762, shortly before his mother ascended the throne. These data, according to (Bobrinsky, 1890: 507), are given in his own letter to Empress Catherine II dated April 2, 1781, which is held in the family archive of the Bobrinskys (Figure 2). In another letter of the same date (Bobrinsky, 1890: 508), the Empress presented the coat of arms (Figure 3) (https://gerbovnik.ru/arms/27.html) to Bobrinsky. Immediately after the birth, Catherine
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