University of Plymouth PEARL https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk 04 University of Plymouth Research Theses 01 Research Theses Main Collection 1998 THE DETERMINANTS OF VOTER TURNOUT IN ENGLISH LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS DOWNE, JAMES DANIEL http://hdl.handle.net/10026.1/1647 University of Plymouth All content in PEARL is protected by copyright law. Author manuscripts are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author. THE DETERMINANTS OF VOTER TURNOUT IN ENGLISH LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS by JAMES DANIEL DOWNE A thesis submitted to the University of Plymouth in partial fulfilment for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Politics Faculty of Human Sciences March 1998 LIBRARY STORE REFERENCE ONLY Item No, Soo 3605158 Date 'i JUN 1998 Class No. Conli. I'Jo 90 0360515 8 This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise thai its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the theins iand no information derived from it may be published without the author's prior consent. Signed: J. ho^^ Date: Izjhjn Table 5.28: Correlation coefficients produced between the socio-economic variables and turnout in the shire districts (1986-1992). Table 5.29: Explaining the variation in turnout using the political and structural variables in the London boroughs. Table 5.30: Explaining the variation in turnout using the socio-economic variables in the London boroughs. Table 5.31: Explaining the variation in turnout using all the independent variables in the London boroughs. Table 5.32: London boroughs with 'deviant* levels of turnout in elections between 1978 and 1994 (five elections). Table 5.33: Explaining the variation in turnout using the political and structural variables in the metropolitan boroughs. Table 5.34: Explaining the variation in turnout using the socio-economic variables in the metropolitan boroughs. Table 5.35: Explaining the variation in tumout using all the independent variables in the metropolitan boroughs. Table 5.36: Metropolitan boroughs with 'deviant' levels of tumout in elections between 1978 and 1994 (twelve elections). Table 5.37: Explaining the variation in tumout using the political and structural variables in the shire districts. Table 5.38: Explaining the variation in tumout using the socio-economic variables in the shire districts. Table 5.39: Explaining the variation in tumout using all the independent variables in the shire districts. Table 5.40: Shire districts with 'deviant' levels of tumout in elections between 1983 and 1991 (three all-out elections). Table 5.41: Shire districts with 'deviant' levels of turnout in elections between 1983 and 1991 (eight third elections). Table 5.42: Comparison of the determinants of tumout at the local authority level. Chapter 6: Explaining turnout variation in London wards. Table 6.1: The averages and range in the level of tumout in London wards by year of election (1978-1994). Table 6.2: List of London wards that appeared in the top ten ward tumout rates in each election between 1978 and 1994. Table 6.3: The socio-economic make-up of two high turnout wards in London compared to the average census figures for the data-set and the average census figures for the high tumout wards. Table 6.4: List of London wards that appeared in the bottom ten ward tumout rates in each election between 1978 and 1994. Table 6.5: The socio-economic make-up of two low tumoui wards in London compared to the average census figures for the data-set and the average census figures for the low tumout wards. Table 6.6: Deviation of turnout at the ward level within the London boroughs Table 6.7: The top ten cases of the highest range of tumout at the ward level in a London borough election. Table 6.8: The level of tumout according to single- and multi- member wards in London. Table 6.9: The level of tumout according to the size of the electorate in London wards. Table 6.10: The level of tumout according to the elector-councillor ratio in multi-member wards in London. Table 6.11: The level of turnout according to the number of major parties in London ward elections. Table 6.12: The level of turnout according to the Labour party share of the vote in London wards. Table 6.13: The level of turnout according to the Conservative party share of the vote in London wards. Table 6.14: The level of turnout according to the Liberal Democrat share of the vote in London wards. Table 6.15: The level of turnout according to the previous marginality of wards in London. Table 6.16: Cross-tabulation between turnout and previous marginality in London wards. Table 6.17: Correlation coefficients produced between political/structural variables and turnout in London wards. Table 6.18: Correlation coefficients produced between socio-economic variables and turnout in London wards. Table 6.19: Explaining the variation in turnout using the pohtical and structural variables in London wards. Table 6.20: Explaining the variation in turnout using the socio-economic variables in London wards. Table 6.21: Explaining the variation in turnout using all the independent variables in London wards. Table 6.22: The residual wards more than +/- two and a half two standard deviations away from the line of best fit. Table 6.23: The residual London wards with a rate of turnout furthest above the predicted level in every election. Table 6.24: The residual London wards with a rate of turnout furthest below the predicted level in every election. Table 6.25: The London wards that make more than one appearance as a residual between 1978 and 1994 (five elections). Table 6.26: Actual and predicted levels of turnout in the St. James' ward (Kingston-upon- Thames). Table 6.27: Actual and predicted levels of turnout in the Parkside ward (Wandsworth). Chapter 7: Explaining turnout variation in metropolitan wards. Table 7.1: The averages and range in the level of turnout in metropoUtan wards by year of election (1980-1994). Table 7.2: List of metropolitan wards that appeared in the top five ward turnout rates in each election between 1980 and 1994. Table 7.3: The socio-economic make-up of two high turnout wards in the metropoUtan boroughs compared to the average census figures for the data-set and the average census figures for the high turnout wards. Table 7.4: List of metropolitan wards that appeared in the bottom five ward turnout rates in each election between 1980 and 1994. Table 7.5: The socio-economic make-up of two low turnout wards in the metropolitan boroughs compared to the average census figures for the data-set and the average census figures for the low turnout wards. Table 7.6: Deviation of turnout at the ward level within the metropolitan boroughs Table 7.7: The top ten cases of the highest range of turnout at the ward level in a metropolitan borough election. Table 7.8: The level of turnout according to the size of the electorate in metropolitan wards. Table 7.9: The level of tumout according to the number of major parties in metropolitan ward elections. Table 7.10: The level of tumout according to the Labour party share of the vote in metropohtan wards. Table 7.11: The level of tumout according to the Conservative party share of the vote in metropoUtan wards. Table 7.12: The level of tumout according to the Liberal Democrat share of the vote in metropolitan wards. Table 7.13: TTie level of turnout according to the previous marginality of wards in the metropolitan boroughs. Table 7.14: Cross-tabulation between turnout and previous marginality in metropolitan wards. Table 7.15: Correlation coefficients produced between pohtical/structural variables and tumout in metropolitan wards. Table 7.16: Correlation coefficients produced between socio-economic variables and tumout in metropolitan wards. Table 7.17: Explaining the variation in turnout using the political and strucniral variables in metropohtan wards. Table 7.18: Explaining the variation in tumout using the socio-economic variables in metropoUtan wards. Table 7.19 Explaining the variation in turnout using all the independent variables in metropolitan wards. Table 7.20: The residual metropoUtan wards with a rate of turnout furthest above the predicted level in every election. Table 7.21: The residual metrojwUtan wards with a rate of tumout furthest below the predicted level in every election. Table 7.22: The metropoUtan wards that make more than two appearances as a residual between 1980 and 1994 (eleven elections). Table 7.23: Actual and predicted levels of turnout in the Kew ward (Sefton). Table 7.24: Actual and predicted levels of tumout in the Todmorden ward (Calderdale). Chapter 8: Explaining turnout variation in district wards. Table 8.1: The averages and range in the level of turnout in district wards by year of election (1983-1991). Table 8.2: List of district wards that appeared in the top 20 ward tumout rates in the elections of 1983, 1987 and 1991. Table 8.3: The socio-economic make-up of two high tumout wards in the district councils compared to the average census figures for the data-set and the average census figures for the high turnout wards. Table 8.4: List of district wards that appeared in the bottom 20 ward tumout rates in the elections of 1983, 1987 and 1991.
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