Adequacy of Soil Studies in Paraguay, Bolivia and Perú

Adequacy of Soil Studies in Paraguay, Bolivia and Perú

Wo 7 es ources Reports Noversr-December, O FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS :74 r Also issued in this series: Report of the First Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 19-23 June 1961. Report of the First Meeting on Soil. Survey, Correlation and Interpretation for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28-31 May 1962. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 16-28 July 1962. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for South and Central Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,U.S.S.R., 14 September-2_ October 1962. Report of the Fourth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey (Subcommission on Land and Water Use of the European Com- mission on Agriculture), Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 March 1963. Report of the Second Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Rome, 9-11 July 1963. Report of the Second Soil Correlation SeminarforEurope,Bucharest, Romania, 29 July-6 August 1963. Report of the Third Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the World, Paris, 3 January 1964. 0 MACYOFOIl STUDILS IN PADrGUAY BOLIVIA AND PERU. Ileport of FAO Mission, NovemberDeoember 1963 D D AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS ROME 1964 11721 " 80'1 '6" TIIYri H P1 1' A (1 BOldVIA. AND MIRD IYINTIWrlf; Fagc! FCYJi .1)mo0o0.604/A0eoe000m0ou.06006o0.00.00900000000,..0e00000Q eee.m0000mOoeuw,.,voseesoo000040oGem00.4,60000m000000 2. -4! PARAGUAY SUMT Y OF FITT:DINGS AND MCOMMENDATIONS " " o 4- SOURCES OF INFORMATION0000000e00000.10e000000000000000000 7 PRYSIC ("TMI OTERISTICS OF PARAGUAY Location00au0o.0000'00000000,0000.00000000000 7 TOP( aphy and-Landforma00 0400 4000 04044.40 4040 0 * 00 7 Gnology 8 Ca:mate,0e40.0000e0040 om ow« marOneoeceeogo.oee001,0q90.0.9 8 VC) gat ation 000000. 0009000040000009m 0000 0V00 9 Soils in Dnlation to Environmont SO-S AND'HEIR'UTILIZATION Soil Gonesis ( ,jlassification 11 SonFe rtnit 00'.Qà.00400404000004000000000000000p000000040 11 80i-J Co1sorsrabi0A0000000040a0000o0.0000000000m00000000 12 '6and. Uso Capability 12 :Dand Use and Auicultural Jpovolopmont 12 ?Jand Productivity00000000000000000000000000000000000000 14 CURRENT SOIL STUDIES. AND 1UPANSION CONTEMPLATED SOU. SUTVOYS weleeotioogao0eoegOomer as," e04110()061.0,00000000 Soil Fortility Investigations 15 Soil COnsorvation Investigations '0000000.04400400.00000.00000 15 Integra;tod 'Studies Cennectod with. Land Developmont Projects' .... 15 Othor Investigations. 40011000406000 0000000000000000000000 Porsormol ,.,ono,n^,,lae5,o.meb0.00000000Z%00060900%,100DO ,,0,,,0.00000.00.0,v00000000000000000400 V. T FOR FURTHLR SOIL STUDIES CoAo:Pal O1soa'rjoI2J-10,,,,roo0'000000000000000e000000000000 18 (.:4pooffic Obscx7a-LioYw 20 Soil idenlifioation9 genesis9 olassification. and owox.ola-Uor000,0,0*.op 20 Availability of basic information studieu 20 Trai.ftiogof personnel 21 Finsinoial limitation_ S 06000000004214000006 @Go*400000000 22 VI. P,COMMENDATIONS Krpaien and Ro-orientation of Studios 22 initiadon of New Studies and I17!;;euoai Pregraaa4400000 23 Technical !"77sistanco 23 CoordinAiQ cf 'Soil Studios with Mhor Ac-'6ivj.tios 25 (10.0ffIJUTi:, "; PARAGUAY (Conti d. /) Pago REIURANCESseo6660600000 060 600 66600 0606 666006 606.0600 66 0 0 0 0 0 29 :LI BOLIVIA. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND 1L,S;.)1V.).1flaf.DATIONS "....." I. SOURCES OF INFORMATION0,A90000000000000069000%400000000000 33 H. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF 'BOLIVIA Goographical Location 33 Topography and' Landforms. 00 o o 0! oo o oo'.e.o.0 '0'. ..0. 33 Goolog-y-'O'Op4'0000.00.0000000.000049000%000.000040001Oe'00'0.0'1, 40 0'0 0 'T 'II 00 p Climate 11 0'4 9'0'0'0'9'0'0'e' 'e 0.0 00 0'0 0 , 'to'r .40 o'? 40 VO6OtlitiOne0is04.0.000000900000000904o000000000006000911900 40 SOILS AND.THEIR UTILIZATION Soil Genesis and Clas-sification 90 O' 0 0000 0000 0000 0409 41 soil FOrtilitY00'0000.0pepom0400000.00000.,0.0.0'0000 42 Soil Consor-vs,tion000950000000900905000019000000009009 42 Land Uso CaPabilitY04.404060004eN0P,,0000GO0n00.000.0.000 42 Land U20 and Agricultural Do-volopmont 42 LandProductivity.09...0....0....0...00900000000000s0 45 CURRENT SOIL STUDIESAND EXPANSION CONT:iMPLATED Soil Surveys 0004905900000000000000090000000000900990040,00 46 Soil Fertility Studios 000004000000 900100 09.0 .0'0 '0 '0'000.0 .0 '0 '0'0 46 SOil Consorvation Invostieation 0000090000010000000000900 46 Intogratod Studios- Connoctod withLandD.ovolopmont Projects' .00 0ne'0'0 46 Porsonnolea9eA0000004.0y.00000000000400'0.0 47 Training Programs 000000 0000 0 0 00000800000 009 0900904000 e 0 09 47 NEED FOR FURTINIR SOIL STUDIES General Obsorvations 0000004000000. 48 Spooific ObsorvaLions: Soil identification, 6,,onosis, classification. and oco .-1-..(21 V. ou Availability of basic -i.riRoAno.tiou :COT' ;;Lvíli. 0E1". ' TrainAng of Personnolcooeeeoveoe000ec000Of0000teftecoO VII. RECOMMENDATIONS Expansion and Rooriontati,- .of .Soi1 3.: , 54 Intiation of Now Studiov Ltograto'd T., Luau' . 54 Toohnical Assistanoo .,, 54 Coordination of Soil Stud* s h _l0oqq,0 55 CON' PNTS BOLIVIA (Cont'd./) Pago REFMENCES0 0000000 000 000000 000000000 0000000000000090000000000000 56 LT.T OF FIGURESG.00000000000 000600000000000000000 060090000000000 57 ?)::''ZT:11I1:4.r. PERU SUMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 58 SOURCES OF IN1'0i .ION 60 II* PHYSICAL CHARAGT:aISTICS OF PERU GoographicLocation004O'go.0.411'd61%.. ..0.O.O.0 60 Topography and 60 Natural Rosourcos 0 so 0010 000 01900000(0011 60 SOILS AND THEIR UTILATION Soil Genesis and Classificatjon 61 Soil Fertility Investigations'0.00' 61 Soil Conscrvationos'o'so'soo'ss'o's'o's. 'oC. 61 Land Uso Capabilityb000p0900opOomeoW,.0010O'Se0%O.4 62 Land Uso and Agricultural. Tovolopmont'..44...444'a. 62 Land Productivity .."........... 64 CURRENT SOIL CONTMPLATED Soil Survelsj_ 64 Soil Fertility Invostigations000o0.e0.'00.41.010 65 SO Consorvation Invostigations 5009 CC s'o 66 Personnol 0 o 4,0 00'0.00'0 00*O0 w'0.0 0..0 Oto'00.000.0'0'0110'0,'S 11**09.0'0 67 Training Programsesoosesssesosossssompososomso 67 NEED FOR FURTHER SOILS STUDIES. Gonoral Observationso o 0000064o oes 68 Spocific Obsorvations Soil idontification9 gonesis, classification awl correlation 69 Availability of basic information for soil' studios' '.' 70 Training of Forsonnol-11:0'0'00'0:000.410'000071.00,6,0 70 Financial .Limitations 70 RECOMMENDATIONS Expansion and Ro-oriontation of Studios 70 Initiation of Now Studios and. Intogratod Programs' TochnicalAssistanco Coordination of Soil Studios with other activitios 72 REFERENCES0000000000000000000000e ee,e000eageeeeoGeoGICee0Gooda00 73 LISTOF FIGURES 11041 be aeo oO o oo got, poem o 00000000 74 The ficet meotinoo Soil Survey, flerIvJatien and Interpretation for Latin America,i, whir-h was hold in Rio de Janeiro F):oia 28 to 31 Mar, 19621 and was attonded by deloce,Uos frofileleven LeJein Amol7ican countries,requeste4 D. Geroeal of FAO Io "desiewiaLe a mi ionorspecialists whose oh:Joe-We. e wend bo an approjeal of the adequooy of the soil studies actuall:v: bein6 ueii.exe;,a17.en by the various oountion of tho Region tu relation to their needs, nob ferward ae,egeotious and r000mmenciatione". This request to the 1)ireoter-Oeneral PAO ounstitutes the Lems of reference of the Mission whose finding: w.. hero 70ene-eted. In oomplianeeultb 1).1020(11it,the World Soil Resou.eces Offioe of Y.Jand andWe,te:e PavoloTTflen jn 000peration with bile Soil Survey aud Fertility %ezeb, aud Lana Use and Fa:m Managomen b Branoh organized the firstMISHi01.1 1;0TiElitParaplay, 'Aolivia and Peru during November and December 1963. Thou° qlreo eountrios Reziou whioh have veoeived comparatively little technicalassistance from PAO in tic field of soils. The Mission was comprised of the following membersz- A.C.S. Wright, FAO Soil Specialist, Mission Leader, Luis de Leon, Professor of Soils, University of Uruguay Rafael Pacheco, Instituto Nacional de Colonización,, Quito, Ecuador W.G. Miller, Land Use Planning Specialist, FAO, Romea In addition to the aforementioned. duties, the Mission was requested to carry out an exploratory study of the major soils of the leSs known regions of the countries visited, in cooperation with the Governments con cerned. This is the first of two reports and deals with the Mission's findings on the enquiry into the adequacy of soil studies in the three countries visited, in relation to their needs. This report contains a number of suggestions and recommendations which are of paramount importance for the countries' development program. Some Expanded Program of Technical Assistance and Special Fund projects are herein defined. It is hoped that as a result of this Mission a closer cooperation in the field of soils w11 be established between the countries concerned, FAO, EPTA and the United Nations Special Fund in order to obtain the most urgently needed information on soils which is required for the efficient utilization of the countries' land resources. The Mission acted as an experimental "task force" and endeavoured to speedily obtain information on the distribution of.the major soils from areas where very little soil information existed. The second report will discuss at length the technical and scientific facets of the soil studies undertaken by the Mission. The success of the Mission was largely due to Professors de Leon and Pacheco, the Latin American 'members of the Mi7sionand tho excellent cooperatioh,and,holp.recetved froth thQ Soil Scion-Aes in the three countries. On behalf of FAO, I can assure them of Our deep Lp:at5tudo for ifho cuporionee they contributed. FAO is alo indebted o the governments of Paraguay., Bolivia and Peo:u2 for their gll,Drous hospitaliiy and cooperation and to the FAO and TAB Resident Representtives who g.voany helped to make the Mission a success. D. Luis Bramao 'Torld Soil Resources Report No 2, Chief, World Soil Resources Office,' Land and Water Development Division 1 TT ThIs report is a combination of throaA)0ZOpu;L; t)0A0W;Iltilt2; tho stato of soil studios.

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