Mineralogical Magazine, August 2015, Vol. 79(4), pp. 941À947 CNMNC Newsletter IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) NEWSLETTER 26 New minerals and nomenclature modifications approved in 2015 1 2 3 U. HA˚ LENIUS (Chairman, CNMNC), F. HATERT (Vice-Chairman, CNMNC), M. PASERO (Vice-Chairman, 4 CNMNC) AND S. J. MILLS (Secretary, CNMNC) 1 Department of Mineralogy, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden – [email protected] 2 Laboratoire de Mine´ralogie, Universite´ de Lie`ge, B-4000 Lie`ge, Belgium À [email protected] 3 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universita` degli Studi di Pisa, Via Santa Maria 53, I-56126 Pisa, Italy À [email protected] 4 Geosciences, Museum Victoria, PO Box 666, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia À [email protected] The information given here is provided by the IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification for comparative purposes and as a service to mineralogists working on new species. Each mineral is described in the following format: Mineral name, if the authors agree on its release prior to the full description appearing in press Chemical formula Type locality Full authorship of proposal E-mail address of corresponding author Relationship to other minerals Crystal system, Space group; Structure determined, yes or no Unit-cell parameters Strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern Type specimen repository and specimen number Citation details for the mineral prior to publication of full description Citation details concern the fact that this information will be published in the Mineralogical Magazine on a routine basis, as well as being added month by month to the Commission’s web site. It is still a requirement for the authors to publish a full description of the new mineral. NO OTHER INFORMATION WILL BE RELEASED BY THE COMMISSION DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2015.079.4.05 U. HA˚ LENIUS ET AL. CNMNC Newsletter NEW MINERAL PROPOSALS APPROVED IN the Geological and the Mineralogical Museum JUNE 2015 of the Geological Institute of the Kola Science Centre, Apatity, Russia, No. GIM 7389 IMA No. 2015-012 How to cite: Lyalina, L.M., Zolotarev, A.A., Puninite Selivanova, E.A., Savchenko, Y.E., Na2Cu3O(SO4)3 Krivovichev, S.V., Mikhailova, J.A., Kadyrova, Glavnaya Tenoritovaya (‘‘Major Tenorite’’) G.I. and Zozulya, D.R. (2015) Batievaite-(Y), fumarole, Second Scoria Cone of the Northern IMA 2015-016. CNMNC Newsletter No. 26, Breakthrough of the Great Fissure Tolbachik August 2015, page 942; Mineralogical Eruption, Kamchatka, Russia (55º41’N, Magazine, 79, 941À947. 160º14’E) Oleg I. Siidra*, Evgeny V. Nazarchuk, Evgeniya IMA No. 2015-019 A. Lukina, Anatoly N. Zaitsev, Evgeniya Y. Saranchinaite Avdontseva, Lidiya P. Vergasova, Stanislav K. Na2Cu(SO4)2 Filatov, Natalia S. Vlasenko, Rick Turner and Naboko cinder cone, Great Tolbachik Fissure Gennady A. Karpov Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka *E-mail: [email protected] Peninsula, Far-Eastern Region, Russia Euchlorine group (55º46’06’’N, 160º18’59’’E, 1650 m asl) Monoclinic: C2/c; structure determined Oleg I. Siidra*, Evgeny V. Nazarchuk, Evgeniya a = 17.388(1), b = 9.4009(8), c = 14.404(1) A˚ , A. Lukina, Atali A. Agakhanov, Evgeniya Y. b = 112.039(2)º Avdontseva, Roman A. Kayukov, Lidiya P. 8.058(100), 6.675(19), 6.466(28), 4.398(14), Vergasova, Stanislav K. Filatov and Gennady A. 4.247(17), 3.839(34), 2.853(29), 2.724(15) Karpov Type material is deposited in the collections of *E-mail: [email protected] the Mineralogical Museum, Department of New structure type Mineralogy, St Petersburg State University, St Monoclinic: P21; structure determined Petersburg, Russia, specimen number 19638 a = 9.0109(5), b = 15.6355(8), c = 10.1507(5) A˚ , How to cite: Siidra, O.I., Nazarchuk, E.V., b = 107.08(1)º Lukina, E.A., Zaitsev, A.N., Avdontseva, E.Y., 7.546(87), 6.100(80), 4.829(85), 4.598(100), Vergasova, L.P., Filatov, S.K., Vlasenko, N.S., 3.548(86), 2.932(70), 2.729(66), 2.708(80) Turner, R. and Karpov, G.A. (2015) Puninite, Type material is deposited in the collections of IMA 2015-012. CNMNC Newsletter No. 26, the Mineralogical Museum, Department of August 2015, page 942; Mineralogical Mineralogy, St Petersburg State University, St Magazine, 79, 941À947. Petersburg, Russia, specimen number 19639 How to cite: Siidra, O.I., Nazarchuk, E.V., IMA No. 2015-016 Lukina, E.A., Agakhanov, A.A., Avdontseva, Batievaite-(Y) E.Y., Kayukov, R.A., Vergasova, L.P., Filatov, Y2Ca2Ti(Si2O7)2(OH)2(H2O)4 S.K. and Karpov, G.A. (2015) Saranchinaite, Sakharjok massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmansk IMA 2015-019. CNMNC Newsletter No. 26, Oblast, Russia (67º41’40.4’’N, 36º27’04.3’’E) August 2015, page 942; Mineralogical Lyudmila M. Lyalina*, Andrei A. Zolotarev, Magazine, 79, 941À947. Ekaterina A. Selivanova, Yevgeny E. Savchenko, Sergey V. Krivovichev, Julia A. IMA No. 2015-020 Mikhailova, Galiyabanu I. Kadyrova and Jo¨rgkellerite 3+ Dmitry R. Zozulya (Na,&)3Mn3 (PO4)2(CO3)(O,OH)2·5H2O *E-mail: [email protected] Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Arusha Region, Rosenbuschite group Tanzania (2º45.7’S, 35º54.8’E) Triclinic: P1¯; structure determined Anatoly N. Zaitsev*, Sergey N. Britvin, Anton a = 9.4024(8), b = 5.5623(5), c = 7.3784(6) A˚ , Kearsley, Thomas Wenzel and Caroline Kirk a = 89.919(2), b = 101.408(2), g = 96.621(2)º *E-mail: [email protected] 9.145(17), 7.238(36), 4.350(23), 4.042(16), New structure type 3.745(13), 3.061(30), 2.991(100), 2.819(16) Trigonal: P3¯; structure determined Type material is deposited in the collections of a = 11.201(2), c = 10.969(2) A˚ 942 NEWSLETTER 26 CNMNC Newsletter 10.970(100), 5.597(15), 4.993(8), 3.659(4), Co-type material is deposited in the miner- 3.234(6), 2.796(14), 2.724(20), 2.189(5) alogical collections of the Natural History Type material is deposited in the collections of Museum, London, registration number the Mineralogy Department, St. Petersburg State BM.2015.3 and the Museum Victoria, Australia, University, St. Petersburg, Russia 199034, registration number M53452 catalogue number 19640/1 How to cite: Grey, I.E., Betterton, J., Kampf, How to cite: Zaitsev, A.N., Britvin, S.N., A.R., Price, J.R. and MacRae, C.M. (2015) Kearsley, A., Wenzel, T. and Kirk, C. (2015) Penberthycroftite, IMA 2015-025. CNMNC Jo¨rgkellerite, IMA 2015-020. CNMNC Newsletter No. 26, August 2015, page 943; Newsletter No. 26, August 2015, page 942; Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 941À947. Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 941À947. IMA No. 2015-026 IMA No. 2015-024 Alfredopetrovite 4+ Andychristyite Al2(Se O3)3·6H2O 2+ 6+ PbCu Te O5(H2O) El Drago´n mine, Antonio Quijarro Province, Aga mine, Otto Mountain, 1 mile NW of Baker, Potosı´ Department, Bolivia (19º49’15’’S, San Bernardino Co., California, USA 65º55’0’’W) (35.27215ºN, 116.09487ºW, 320 m asl) Anthony R. Kampf*, Stuart J. Mills, Barbara P. Anthony R. Kampf*, Mark A. Cooper, Stuart J. Nash, Brent Thorne and Georges Favreau Mills, Robert M. Housley and George R. *E-mail: [email protected] Rossman New structure type *E-mail: [email protected] Hexagonal: P6¯2c; structure determined New structure type a = 8.818(3), c = 10.721(2) A˚ Triclinic: P1¯; structure determined 7.63(55), 6.22(55), 5.37(26), 4.398(40), a = 5.322(3), b = 7.098(4), c = 7.511(4) A˚ , a = 3.404(100), 2.783(50), 2.606(22), 1.661(26) 83.486(7), b = 76.279(5), g = 70.742(5)º Co-type material is deposited in the collections 6.71(16), 4.76(17), 3.274(100), 2.641(27), of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles 2.434(23), 1.674(17), 1.588(21), 1.513(15) County, Los Angeles, USA, catalogue numbers Type material is deposited in the collections of 64111, 65578, 65579 and 65580, and the the Mineral Sciences Department, Natural Museum Victoria, Australia, registration History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 number M53004 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Mills, S.J., Nash, 90007, USA, catalogue number 65577 B.P., Thorne, B. and Favreau, G. (2015) How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Cooper, M.A., Mills, Alfredopetrovite, IMA 2015-026. CNMNC S.J., Housley, R.M. and Rossman, G.R. (2015) Newsletter No. 26, August 2015, page 943; Andychristyite, IMA 2015-024. CNMNC Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 941À947. Newsletter No. 26, August 2015, page 943; Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 941À947. IMA No. 2015-027 Ciriottiite IMA No. 2015-025 Cu4Pb19(Sb,As,Bi)22(As2)S56 Penberthycroftite Esperance superiore tunnel, Tavagnasco mine, [Al6(AsO4)3(OH)9(H2O)5]·8H2O Tavagnasco, Torino Province, Piedmont, Italy Penberthy Croft mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, (45.5416ºN, 7.8134ºE) England, UK (50.1414ºN, 5.4269ºW) Luca Bindi*, Cristian Biagioni, Bruno Martini Ian E. Grey*, John Betterton, Anthony R. and Adrio Salvetti Kampf, Jason R. Price and Colin M. MacRae *E-mail: luca.bindi@unifi.it *E-mail: [email protected] Closely related to sterryite Closely related to bettertonite Monoclinic: P21/n; structure determined ˚ Monoclinic: P21/c; structure determined a = 8.178(2), b = 28.223(6), c = 42.452(5) A, a = 7.753(2), b = 24.679(5), c = 15.679(3) A˚ , b = 93.55(2)º b = 94.19(3)º 3.641(100), 3.595(35), 3.238(82), 3.208(57), 13.264(46), 12.402(16), 9.732(100), 7.420(28), 2.936(54), 2.928(37), 2.800(36), 2.043(78) 5.670(8), 5.423(6), 3.598(6), 3.562(6) Type material is deposited in the mineralogical 943 U.
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