Package ‘scholar’ July 13, 2021 Type Package Title Analyse Citation Data from Google Scholar Version 0.2.2 Maintainer Guangchuang Yu <[email protected]> Description Provides functions to extract citation data from Google Scholar. Convenience functions are also provided for comparing multiple scholars and predicting future h-index values. Depends R (>= 3.4.0) Imports R.cache, dplyr, httr, rvest, stringr, xml2, tidygraph, ggraph, ggplot2 Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, prettydoc, roxygen2, testthat (>= 2.1.0) VignetteBuilder knitr License MIT + file LICENSE URL https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/scholar BugReports https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/scholar/issues RoxygenNote 7.1.1 Encoding UTF-8 NeedsCompilation no Author Guangchuang Yu [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6485-8781>), James Keirstead [aut], Gregory Jefferis [ctb], Gordon Getzinger [ctb], Jorge Cimentada [ctb], Max Czapanskiy [ctb], Dominique Makowski [ctb] Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2021-07-13 09:30:05 UTC 1 2 author_position R topics documented: author_position . .2 compare_scholars . .3 compare_scholar_careers . .4 format_authors . .4 get_article_cite_history . .5 get_citation_history . .5 get_coauthors . .6 get_complete_authors . .7 get_impactfactor . .7 get_journalrank . .8 get_num_articles . .9 get_num_distinct_journals . 10 get_num_top_journals . 10 get_oldest_article . 11 get_profile . 11 get_publications . 12 get_scholar_id . 13 get_scholar_resp . 14 plot_coauthors . 14 predict_h_index . 15 set_scholar_mirror . 16 Index 17 author_position Get author order. Description Get author rank in authors list. Usage author_position(authorlist, author) Arguments authorlist list of publication authors author author’s name to look for Value dataframe with author’s position and normalized position (a normalized index, with 0 correspond- ing, 1 to last and 0.5 to the middle. Note that single authorship will be considered as last, i.e., 1). compare_scholars 3 Author(s) Dominique Makowski Examples library(scholar) id <- "bg0BZ-QAAAAJ&hl" authorlist <- scholar::get_publications(id)$author author <- scholar::get_profile(id)$name author_position(authorlist, author) compare_scholars Compare the citation records of multiple scholars Description Compares the citation records of multiple scholars. This function compiles a data frame comparing the citations received by each of the scholar’s publications by year of publication. Usage compare_scholars(ids, pagesize = 100) Arguments ids a vector of Google Scholar IDs pagesize an integer specifying the number of articles to fetch for each scholar Value a data frame giving the ID of each scholar and the total number of citations received by work published in a year. Examples { ## How do Richard Feynmann and Stephen Hawking compare? ids <- c("B7vSqZsAAAAJ", "qj74uXkAAAAJ") df <- compare_scholars(ids) } 4 format_authors compare_scholar_careers Compare the careers of multiple scholars Description Compares the careers of multiple scholars based on their citation histories. The scholar’s career is defined by the number of citations to his or her work in a given year (i.e. the bar chart at the top of a scholar’s profile). The function has an career option that allows users to compare scholars directly, i.e. relative to the first year in which their publications are cited. Usage compare_scholar_careers(ids, career = TRUE) Arguments ids a character vector of Google Scholar IDs career a boolean, should a column be added to the results measuring the year relative to the first citation year. Default = TRUE Examples { ## How do Richard Feynmann and Stephen Hawking compare? # Compare Feynman and Stephen Hawking ids <- c("B7vSqZsAAAAJ", "qj74uXkAAAAJ") df <- compare_scholar_careers(ids) } format_authors format_authors Description This function convers first and middle names to initials Usage format_authors(string) Arguments string a character vector of names get_article_cite_history 5 get_article_cite_history Gets the citation history of a single article Description Gets the citation history of a single article Usage get_article_cite_history(id, article) Arguments id a character string giving the id of the scholar article a character string giving the article id. Value a data frame giving the year, citations per year, and publication id get_citation_history Get historical citation data for a scholar Description Gets the number of citations to a scholar’s articles over the past nine years. Usage get_citation_history(id) Arguments id a character string specifying the Google Scholar ID. If multiple ids are specified, only the first value is used and a warning is generated. Details This information is displayed as a bar plot at the top of a standard Google Scholar page and only covers the past nine years. Value a data frame giving the number of citations per year to work by the given scholar 6 get_coauthors get_coauthors Gets the network of coauthors of a scholar Description Gets the network of coauthors of a scholar Usage get_coauthors(id, n_coauthors = 5, n_deep = 1) Arguments id a character string specifying the Google Scholar ID. If multiple ids are specified, only the first value is used and a warning is generated. n_coauthors Number of coauthors to explore. This number should usually be between 1 and 10 as choosing many coauthors can make the network graph too messy. n_deep The number of degrees that you want to go down the network. When n_deep is equal to 1 then grab_coauthor will only grab the coauthors of Joe and Mary, so Joe – > Mary –> All coauthors. This can get out of control very quickly if n_deep is set to 2 or above. The preferred number is 1, the default. Details Considering that scraping each publication for all coauthors is error prone, get_coauthors grabs only the coauthors listed on the google scholar profile (on the bottom right of the profile), not from all publications. Value A data frame with two columns showing all authors and coauthors. See Also plot_coauthors Examples ## Not run: library(scholar) coauthor_network <- get_coauthors('amYIKXQAAAAJ&hl') plot_coauthors(coauthor_network) ## End(Not run) get_complete_authors 7 get_complete_authors Get the Complete list of authors for a Publication Description Found as Muhammad Qasim Pasta’s solution here https://github.com/jkeirstead/scholar/issues/21 Usage get_complete_authors(id, pubid, delay = 0.4, initials = TRUE) Arguments id a Google Scholar ID pubid a Publication ID from a given google Scholar ID delay average delay between requests. A delay is needed to stop Google identifying you as a bot initials if TRUE (default), first and middle names will be abbreviated Value a string containing the complete list of authors Author(s) Muhammad Qasim Pasta Abram B. Fleishman James H. Conigrave get_impactfactor Get journal metrics. Description Get journal metrics (impact factor) for a journal list. Usage get_impactfactor(journals, max.distance = 0.05) 8 get_journalrank Arguments journals a character list giving the journal list max.distance maximum distance allowed for a match bewteen journal and journal list. Ex- pressed either as integer, or as a fraction of the pattern length times the maximal transformation cost (will be replaced by the smallest integer not less than the corresponding fraction), or a list with possible components Value Journal metrics data. Author(s) Dominique Makowski and Guangchuang Yu Examples ## Not run: library(scholar) id <- get_publications("bg0BZ-QAAAAJ&hl") impact <- get_impactfactor(journals=id$journal, max.distance = 0.1) id <- cbind(id, impact) ## End(Not run) get_journalrank Get journal ranking. Description Get journal ranking for a journal list. Usage get_journalrank(journals, max.distance = 0.05) Arguments journals a character list giving the journal list max.distance maximum distance allowed for a match bewteen journal and journal list. Ex- pressed either as integer, or as a fraction of the pattern length times the maximal transformation cost (will be replaced by the smallest integer not less than the corresponding fraction), or a list with possible components get_num_articles 9 Value Journal ranking data. Author(s) Dominique Makowski and Guangchuang Yu Examples ## Not run: library(scholar) id <- get_publications("bg0BZ-QAAAAJ&hl") impact <- get_journalrank(journals=id$journal) id <- cbind(id, impact) ## End(Not run) get_num_articles Calculates how many articles a scholar has published Description Calculate how many articles a scholar has published. Usage get_num_articles(id) Arguments id a character string giving the Google Scholar ID Value an integer value (max 100) 10 get_num_top_journals get_num_distinct_journals Gets the number of distinct journals in which a scholar has published Description Gets the number of distinct journals in which a scholar has published. Note that Google Scholar doesn’t provide information on journals per se, but instead gives a title for the containing publication where applicable. So a journal here might actually be a journal, a book, a report, or some other publication outlet. Usage get_num_distinct_journals(id) Arguments id a character string giving the Google Scholar id Value the number of distinct journals get_num_top_journals Gets the number of top journals in which a scholar has published Description Gets the number of top journals in which a scholar has published. The definition of a ’top journal’ comes from Acuna et al. and the original list was based on the field of neuroscience. This function allows users to specify that list for themselves, or use the default Acuna et al. list. Usage get_num_top_journals(id, journals)
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