Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1972 Daily Egyptian 1972 5-25-1972 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 25, 1972 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 53, Issue 152 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 25, 1972." (May 1972). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1972 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1972 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Senate to hold poll on paying I. for damages fJai1y 7igyptian After more than an hour of dt>bate, thE' Student St>nate voted 15 to 6 WE'd­ ltu"IdIIr, ".., 25, 1m - Val. 53. NIl. 152 nl'Sday night to hold a campus referen­ dum Tul.'Sdav to determine whE'thE'r or not thE' St>naie should assume full finan­ cial rl'Sponsibility for damagl'S sufft'rl'd by Carbondale merchants during rt'Cent antiwar demonstrations. \\) ThE' same bill called for Carbondale Mayor Neal Eckert to assume full resPonsibility for calling a curfew on Thursday May L1 . which indirectly rl'Sulted in the arre t of nearly 70 tudents, by using his full persuasive wer LO have chargl'S dropped against all those arrl'Sted on that day. Eckert. who was prl'Sent at thE' m('('ting, told thE' senators hE' called thE' curfew that Thursday night bt'cause ,~ s tuden~ were blocking thE' interst'Ction of .S. 51 and Campus Drive and that it wa - reported to him that a por­ tion of th crowd were talking about "trashing thE' town." " Basing m. decision on what ha~ pened Wednesday night," Eckert said, "1 decided to call a curfew. WhethE'r it wa a mistake or not I don't know and I probably never will. But I do know this-our police were not in a very good state of mind at thE' tim :. Jim Peter. tudent bod. vice prl'Sident., told the mayor hE' felt thE' niversity and the city both hould a ume full r ponsibility and should trv to have th charg dropped. He pOinted t t.hat many persons were for­ ced to break thE' law wher thE'y wouldn't ha\'e if th :urfew hadn't b('('n called. \~ hen a ked by one S('nator ju t what , he ould do to hav the charge dro~ JX-'d. Eckert replied " n Ihing horl of a public ann unc mt'nt." He added thaI h \ a -n'l too impre ed wi lh th rock thrower . Ow n Ballerton. niver 'Ily Park enaLOr. challen ed Ih mayor and aid he w Id n I vote for the ludenl enate I. 10 pay f r damage un.1 the mayor promi ed to try and have the charge dropped. Karen Marasco. spokeswoman for a 9rOUP of women who invaded the Daily EgwJtian I i " 1 won' l do it:' r('plied Eck('rt. " I LilIP rlII",1 ('h id, Wednesday. flings a chicken in the direction of stanled reporterS. thus illustrating. she ! don' t believe in thaI kind of bargain. said. the difference between "chicks" and women. (Photo by John Lopinot) You' lI have to make up your mind." I WOlnen attack Gus Bo(le statements (L~ 'sexist' Eight worn n rt'l aed a Iiv(' chicken ever articlt>. The words ~rs . and Mis per<::epuons of tbemselves as women). David L. Mahsman, new staff mem­ in the I)ailv Egyptian n w room Wed­ will 'no longer b(' u ed. Ms. Roll (who i - married but prefl'1'S bt'r, explained to thE' group that lhE' nE'Sday III a pr te I again t whal thC'y " AI o. thaI an apology be madl" Ms. a - the form of address for herSl'ifl general rule in regard to uS(' of Ms. is to enid r . eXist" tatemt'nts bv u - pecia/ly to thE' gay women on campus lold the group that thE' statt'ment wa ask women whose names a re to appear .~B ~ . in r f rence to Ul" Rolr tateml'nl intended to -how thE' absurdity of on£' of in news storil'S which form f referenc They also Ihrew raw pie e - of Ihat ' not all woml'n in women's the common misunderstanding about thE'y prefer-Miss. Mrs. or M . M . also 'hlcken nlo de k -. libl'rauon are fru trated lesbians: SUl" the naturl' of the women's libt>ration is u ed if a woman' marital tatus is " Th t' ar(' 'hick-: ' th y dl.'Clared. Roll's statement help ' 10 perpetuat{' tht' movt'ml"nL nOI known. "",'e are u'oml*n.. ·· . divi ion bel ween Iraighl and gay A thE' woml'n left thl' newsroom, T h(' pr It t wa ' aimed at IWO r<-cent wo me n within Ihe women' "The rl"marit about ll'Sbians was nOI taking thE'ir chicken with tMm. 00(' of s . tements b Gu ' Bode. n of which mo\'enwnl. meant LO be derogatory to thE' gay thE' group rt'marited, " We thought that rei erred 10 ~ ' o men a chIck . n tht' (Tht' talemt'nl appeared in the May movement," !l(' said. " . think that was $Oml' people didn' t undl'rstand thE'dif­ u lt'r ·talemenl. a comment n article 20 aturday l\1agazlIlt' of the Daily clear by thE' statement in thto article ference bt'tw('('n chicks, chickens and ab UI the womt'n' liberation Eg. ptian in an arucll' by taff writer and so I . ~on · t think an apology is women. So we thought we would m(\t'menL Gu said: " If God had Sue Roll on contemporary women' new nl'Cl'Ssary. demonstrate. .. c: m ant for women to b equal. h(' d havt' made . em men:' Jo;nl orl,;1 ~'" for 1975 Dougla M. AlJen. a controversial a ISta nt pr f - or in phil ophy in wh e supp rl Ill(' ommitt to D fend the Right to peak wa . formed. arrived U.S., Russia sign space agreement and lefl with the group. H sat quietly off tu line id whil th w men madl' M W (AP -Pr sident Nixon attention ~' a paid to European paCI was haping up this way: one sec­ their demand '. and oviel leaders ig ned a n agreement problems." tion, in treaty form subjt'Ct to Senate The eighl women. led by P ychology Wedn sday 10 PUI .S. and Soviet Indications were that thE' focuSl'S ratification, would limit thto deployment ·It,J£'nt Karen Marasco. d manded lhat pacem n into rbit togl"thE'r by 1975. W(' I'{' Europe, a lop priority item for of defensive missiles, reportedly to two .. UII.' . tateml"n bt> r£'lrdcted. then the Pre ident and Communi t Kremlin leaders, and Vietnam, curren­ sitl'S in l'ach country. Th y also d mandt>d: parI. chief L<'Onid I. Brezhne\' did Ily Of)(' of Nixon's prime problems. A S('parate executive agreement, not " Thal Ih w rd 'chlck' no longl"r b some fac ~t()-fac bargaining in a long Nixon wa accompanied to thE' dacha u: ed in ref renCl' to woml"n. Women nighl l'S ion. by national security adviser Henry subjt'Ct to St>nate ratification. would cover offensive land and seabased arl" n I urry. yell " oft animal . W Thl' leadl"rs hope LO ign by the Kissingl"r and S('veral ml'mbt'1'S of his ar not poultry and will n t bl" lreatl>d w(.oei<end a pa t limiting thE' nuclear staff who specialize in European and missiles. Land-basE'd missile sites a uch. mlS iI trength of b th nations. Asian affairs. would bt' frolen at present levels but " That tht>f!)Da Egyptian use ~b . in The daylime talk and igning As the total time of thtoir meetings thto Soviet would bt' oormitted LO catch ceremoni~ took pIa e behind thE' red passed thE' IS-hour marit thto leaders up in the numbt'r of submarine-based t brick walls of thE' Kremlin, but Nixon Wl're reported close to final agreement launching platforms. on a strategic arm limitation accord. GU" and Bream \' moved with close ad­ Present missiles on land and sea vi l'rs 10 a st'Clud<'<i . uburban dacha for Thl"Y have fixed Friday as tM targ('l could be replacl'd with more l ~I Bot/p furtht'r nl'gotialjons ov r dinner. ThE' date for a igning ceremony. ThE' first in a probable seril'S of trade sophisticated models a technology per­ Presidenl did not return 10 his Grand mIts, but total numbt'rs could not be in­ agreements wa expected Thursday. I, Kre mlin Palact' 'uilR until aftl"r mid­ Cl't'aSl'd above agreed-upon levl'ls. ff6" nighL . S. spokl'Sman Ronald L. Ziegler . offi ials would not say whal was said thE're had been " no extensive, ex· Each country could proceed with dl :u Sl'd at tl.e night se ' ion. at about wnded talks" yel on Vietnam. development of mUltiple warheads. five hour thE' long I 0 far. ThE' Soviet Zi('gll'r also insisted that final Some sources said there would be ; ? - . n'w ag ncy Ta said in reporting on agreeml'nl had nol been reached on pectfic provisions for thto use of n.'(:flll­ the WednE'Sday talks that "considl'rable arm ' limitation, but it was learned thto nalSS3nce satellites to police the pact.
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