BROOKFIELD MEWS 468 FEDERAL ROAD BROOKFIELD, CT 06801 Presented by Hal Kurfehs 203-241-4346 [email protected] - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 468 Federal Road in Brookfield, Connecticut, is a 10.1 acre property with full approvals for the construction of a 112-unit garden style community consisting of 38 One-Bedroom (33%) and 74 Two-Bedroom Units (66%). Under current approvals 30% of units would be deemed affordable. INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS » Large-scale, fully-approved residential development opportunity on Federal Road in Brookfield, Connecticut. » Brookfield Mews is the last development to be approved by the town prior to a four-year moratorium enforcing the 8-30g State Statute allowing developers to bypass local zoning laws if they build affordable housing. » Federal Road is renowned for its vast array of major retailers including Costco, The Home Depot, Stew Leonard's, Shop Rite, BJ's Whole sale Club, Bob's Discount Furniture, and scores of others. » Desirable location for employees of many major businesses, colleges, and organizations including Western Connecticut Health Networks, Boehringer-lngelheim, Western Connecticut State University and Praxair. » Sought-after suburban community for Danbury commuters located less than eight miles north of 1-84 and the Metro-North train station. » Excellent opportunity for savvy developers understanding an area in need of affordablehousing for employees who can not afford to live where they work. BROOKFIELD MEWS 12 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW P,1ltnN BROOKFIELD, CONNECTICUT Cl11copee Sll.nbr1dge The Town of Brookfield, is an affluent suburban Springfield ® community located 43 miles north of New York City and under eight miles north of Danbury. In 2013, Brookfield ISalisbul)I Enfield was selected by Money Magazine as"the best small town in @, CT." That same year it was also selected as the "26th best 1 0 I s tiaron town to live in nation wide." The neighboring City of _ Cornwall Danbury has a workforce of approximately 78,200 iQrr ng!on employees, many of whom are employed by Hartford f,,tansfleld companies such as Boehringer lngelheim, Western 'psie u WmdhJm Connecticut Health Networks, Cartus, UTC, Brlst01 New Britain . 0 Aerospace Systems, Pitney Bowes and Praxair. \1/ashlngtpn CD 1W N�wMllford I GJ � Waierbury Nor.v,ch ijj Newburgh G M1ddlotow11 NE"Wtcl'tl/n 0 Danoury ijj � N w London Chostcr ® New-Ha9en- ijj ivlndli;o� wonrago l�gdlold Old Sayii1oolo. .op - Harrirna11 Stnte Park Milford ® Briclgepon Delaware ® On,;n1 Water Gap Fairfield Graanpo11 Nat,onal Nor,;alk Recreation-. Sta ford ucsbu,(i Whhe Plains- sgHarl>or .. ijj @) � East Hampron R!verhea!J Pars,ppar,y-TrO)• HaciMlsiown HIiis Commacl. @ Sl�rl11y 1Aom�t0wn @) Newark .on ijjj New'York Hempstead £!Sy Shore nRoOl<�VM , c,(,<11� GI I® s=-,rn1:- .tr1nd iji l'leminot011 PJt.cataway f.dls'o� BROOKFIELD MEWS I 3 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW SITE PLAN rri<:J'Un :,cr,.u:a ,s.-A'ftll.J. �1l.6 11)'1....S- t:<J[Jt ID)��,ty I ........ r-- -----.1 ......� - .,.,.._, ..... ...... 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SM11W� �J.U�QICY.A!IS -----s.11tw1r»a r:::::::�St9tJ SlO�.I(( _.'i[A f.AP.ACC S.•�• C0tl(CT)."tl C0'19SiS ci:­ tlo:A Cl<AI� 10 11cm1co .. \,t1i,1ot -� r-m[�'i=-=== =============��== \IGl/T SQJEDUtE --= 7T s,�,.,. Do n·�r,.ecnwr S2 NO P)l¥_"f/J SCH S3 V.$rT01PA� t� SITE DEVELOPMENT $4 Ql!A>< � l!DlRl�DIC:SYJ PLAN S5 """'°"'="" S8 OO'tt,-0:. :,(N �10� Sftl 17-124 SY1 06/0G/17 BROOKFIELD MHVS I 4 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW RENDERING BROOKFIELDfv/Elll/S I 5 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW RENDERING BROOKFIELD/'v/EVi!S I 6 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW RENDERING ••• • •• BROOKFIELDMfl!11S I 7 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW ELEVATIONS - 2 STORY BUILDING 8" lOlHE Y..'EATHER �------CEMEUllTOUS BOA.RD 375' 0 !!I !!I SECOUO FLOOR 355' 0 !!I !!I FIRST FLOOR 3-45' 0 0 343' FRONT ELEVATION ALTERNATE OPTIOU, SYHTHETIC STONE ClAOOING OASEllENT 334' Ii', '------------------------------- 355'0 ·-····· FIRST FLOOR 334'0 - ····BASEMENT LEFT SIDE ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION ALTERNATE OPTlON. SYNTHETIC STONE CLADDING SYNTtlETIC STUCCO BROOKFIELDMEWS I 8 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW FLOOR PLANS - 2 STORY BUILDING IJULOII-OIYPC.A7 6ULOl«JTY?f . .Aa TOTAL.,• 71J TOTAL a,• 1014 Sll,U,AH TO TYPE.AB $0.t.'lAR TO TYPE.A) l2'-0"J1'J./J'·­ SECOND FLOOR PLAN --- --- ----- ,,-.---------;2y.0J··----� --r------------------, r------------------, Y I o.rit.tdRoc:I I I ��JRoof I tUILDIUG t'YPE! AJ CUlLOfUGfYPE: M TOTA.LIS,•712 TOTAL6'• 10M Sll.tlLAA 'TO TYPC A1 SIMI� TO lYPE. Al FIRST FLOOR PLAN BROOKFIELD MEWS I 9 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW ELEVATIONS - 3 STORY BUILDING l/'fOn-Ev.£1\Tt-£H CtMUl'flTOUSeo,&,;;.o !,l"CO,;O HOOR 3!0'0 flR3Tf'\.OOR 3,.1t1'9 PAAIW�o.\AAGE0 lM oom lllffl!l(:.i·;Hmffll· ffil­ ><ale •�l :.: ·: ,· :11: .. -WIWll· ·...: . : � .. il. • ,, - . .. •. ·· •. ;.:. ·-: ·;-,_.• >-<. RIGHT SlOEELEVATION BROOKFIELD MEWS I 10 - PROPERTY OVERVIEW FLOOR PLANS - 3 STORY BUILDING SECOND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN BROOKFIELD MEWS I 11 - MARKET OVERVIEW GREATER DANBURY EMPLOYMENT INDUSTRY The Town of Brookfield is located in the Brookfield Mews is located in the Danbury Labor Market Area ("LMA"). As of July 2019, the total non-farm labor greater Danbury Market area. Danbury is a force with in the LMA was 78,200 with an unemployment rate of 3.0%. The Danbury Labor Market is tailored vibrant residential and economic hub with to the services industries with an affluent, educated and white collar population of which over 40% of the a solid, established infrastructure. The City employment base is employed in services-related industries. of Danbury has developed into a vibrant , :.d EMPLOYEES IN'· I� business center in the Northern Fairfield EMPLOYER INDUSTRY PRIMARY LOCATION FAIRFIELD COUN:f't-:-_, Market due to three primary factors that . -..._.:,c,.:.:,,:.�i:...,:;;:-;t benefit both corporations and employees - Sikorsky Aircraft Aerospace Stratford 9,200 easy access to and from nearby Westchester County, New York (l-684/I-84), southern UBS Securities Financial Services Stamford 4,000 Fairfield County (l-84 and Route 7) and New York City (from Danbury 120+/-minutetrain Danbury Hospital Healthcare Danbury 3,500 ride and from Brewster 161 +/- minute train ride), and significantly lower office rents Boehringer lngelheim Pharmaceuticals Danbury/Ridgefield 3,300 and reduced housing costs in comparison to southern Fairfield County and parts Pitney Bowes Business Services Stamford 3,000 of Westchester. This transportation and RBS Financial Services Stamford 3,000 economic infrastructure has attracted major corporate occupants including Stamford Hospital Healthcare Stamford 3,000 Boehringer lngelheim Pharmaceuticals, Honeywell International, Praxair, PepsiCo, Bridgeport Hospital Healthcare Bridgeport 2,600 Pitney Bowes, the Barden Corporation, GM, and many others. People's United Bank Financial Services Bridgeport 2,100 Danbury srKORSKY .i i•t•aur.t .,,.,1■ ,._.,,,,.,; Hospital .,,,. $UBS As of 2019, Connecticut ranks 10th in the pitney bowes .(�Wi :f!fffff1JPRAXAIR country for states with the most Fortune Yale 500 companies (16). Two-thirds of these Boehrin_ger companies reside within Fairfield County; �Ill�1lll1i/ lngelhe1m New Have,� including Praxair located in Danbury. Health Bridgeport What know-how can do" Hospital BROOKFIELD MEWS I 12 - MARKET OVERVIEW DEMOGRAPHICS Fairfield County is one of the wealthiest counties in Connecticut due to the well-educated, affluent,and largely white collar population. The following table highlights selected demographics for Brookfield Mews. 3-MILE 5-MILE 10-MILE -- • SELECTED DEMOGRAPHICS OVo OVo OVo :i- RADIUS RADIUS RADIUS ......... ..:-�--�..ti...,.1 POPULATION 2024 Projection 28,031 80,180 221,321 2019 Estimate 27,249 78,440 217,651 2010 Census 25,428 74,528 208,110 2000 Census 23,882 70,369 196,993 Growth 2000 - 2010 6.47% 5.91% 5.64% Growth 2010 - 2018 14.10% 11.47% 10.49% HOUSEHOLD GROWTH, INCOME & VALUE 2024 Projection 10,692 28,585 81,303 2019 Estimate 10,389 27,986 79,879 2010 Census 9,699 26,657 76,019 2000 Census 8,741 24,774 70,652 Growth 2000 - 2010 10.96% 7.60% 7.60% Growth 2010 - 2018 18.85% 12.97% 13.06% 2018 OCCUPIE D HOUSING UNITS BY TENURE 27,985 10,389 79,879 Owner Occupied 21,217 75.8% 8,870 85.4% 60,228 75.4% Renter Occupied 6,768 24.2% 1,519 14.6% 19,651 24.6% 2018 EST. AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME $133,364 $118,216 $121,638 2018 EST. MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME $108,606 $93,882 $90,634 RADIUS 1 MILE 5 MILE- - 10 MILE - 2018 Est. Population 27,249 78,440 217,651 Population Growth 2000-2018 14.10% 11.47% 10.49% 2018 Est. Average Household Income $133,364 $118,216 $121,638 BROOKFIELDMEWS I 13 - MARKET OVERVIEW CLASS A RENT COM PARABLES Brookfield Mews Rent Comparables Brookfield Mews Rent Comps The Point at Still Crown Point Total SUBJECT
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