September 2018 21 Elul 5778 - 21 Tishrei 5779 Steve Smith’s Summer Vacation - page 29 The Ancient Art of Scribing at KJCC - page 39 High Holiday Section - page 46 Keys Jewish Community Center P.O. Box 1332 • Tavernier, FL 33070 • 305-852-5235 • keysjewishcenter.com Chai-Lights September 2018 1 September 2018 21 Elul – 21 Tishrei Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 S’lichot Pizza & Movie 6 p.m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Barney Coltman Labor Day David & Pat VanArtsdalen 9 10 Rosh 11 12 13 14 15 Erev Rosh HaShanah Rosh Erev Shabbat Shabbat HaShanah Day One HaShanah Shuvah Shuvah Dinner 9:30 a.m. Day Two Beth Hayden Erica Lieberman 5:30 p.m. Tashlich at 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. -Garrett Ocean Pointe 4 Havdalah 16 17 18 19 Yom 20 21 22 Reverse Erev Kippur Tashlich Yom Yizkor, Ocean Kippur Havdalah, Ken Atlas Break- Clean Up 7:30 the-fast TBD p.m. 23 Erev 24 25 26 27 28 29 Sukkot, Sukkot Family Sukkot Havdalah, 1st Day of Service Pot Luck at 30 Sukkot Agler’s Steve Steinbock 7 p.m. 2 Chai-Lights September 2018 2018 - 2019 KJCC Officers and Board President’s Message President Beth Hayden Beth Hayden Executive Vice President Susan Gordon Vice Presidents his year on the even- th Gloria Avner • Michael Kaufman • Medina Roy ing of September 9 by reflecting we will enter our on our failures and successes. Treasurer T Linda Kaplan beautiful KJCC Stanley and This is a time to look inward and reflect on our individual Recording Secretary Jenny Margulies Family Sanc- Arthur Itkin tuary to mark the beginning strengths and weaknesses. As we move into Yom Kip- Corresponding Secretary of the High Holydays as we Joyce Peckman conduct evening services for pur, it is not only that we are not to wear shoes made of an Financial Secretary Rosh HaShanah. Last year at Donna Bolton this time, September 10th, Ir- animal’s skin – we are to wear no makeup, no jewelry, no Directors ma descended on the Florida Ken Atlas • Marc Bloom • Jane Friedman Keys unleashing the full power fine clothing, no perfume – Steve Hartz • Mitch Harvey of a Category 4 hurricane with our fleshly vanities are to be Beth Kaminstein • Erica Lieberman-Garrett widespread destruction and totally forsaken. It is a day of Linda Pollack • Skip Rose • Stuart Smith damage throughout the Keys. such self-abnegation we are Sisterhood The vast majority of us were enjoined not even to wash or Susan Gordon scattered far and wide as we clean our teeth. This is a time Adult Education & Librarian obeyed urgent calls for evacu- in which we are enjoined to Medina Roy ation. Miraculously, the KJCC look deeply inward into who Historian building survived without a we are, what we value, what Mary Lee Singer single scratch and with unin- we want to accomplish – it is a Resident Scholar time of self-introspection from Rabbi Richard Agler, DD terrupted electrical service. KJCC never flinched and went which we should emerge new- Past Presidents Joel S. Cohen on to offer full High Holyday ly recommitted to being a bet- Robert Faeges services with the strength of ter person. Ronald Horn Rabbi Agler and Cantor Most of us in the Keys ap- Lester Nieman Irving Stein Dzubin. preciate the wonderful world Myron Rubin Now, the cycle is again we are privileged to share with Bea Graham George Swartz completed and we look for- other life forms and species. Susan Horn ward to the inspiring thoughts We can all, if nothing else, do Jim Boruszak and traditions that character- more to ensure we protect Joel Pollack Jeff Schocket ize our High Holydays. Rosh and cherish the wonderful Steve Steinbock HaShanah (the “head” of the world in which we are privi- Alan Beth Stuart Sax year) is also called the birth- leged to live. Rabbi Nachman Bernard Ginsberg day of the world. Rosh HaSha- of Breslau wrote the “Da Sam Vinicur l’cha”: “Know that for each nah ushers in the time of the Editor “Eserot Yamei Tshuvah” (ten blade of grass there is a spe- Gloria Avner days of repentance) as we pre- cial song all its own and from Design & Production pare for Yom Kippur. Rabbi the singing of the grasses is Heather Seal Nachman of Breslau suggests created the melody of the CHAI-LIGHTS is the that just as we celebrate heart.” monthly publication of the HaShem’s creation of the I wish for all of us an intro- Keys Jewish Community Center P.O. Box 1332, Tavernier, Florida 33070 world, so we should recreate spective, thoughtful and [email protected] ourselves during this period meaningful High Holydays. ◊ Chai-Lights September 2018 3 Nosh BOOK PLATE Come Decorate Our Sukkah In Memory of Susan Gordon promises new fruits to deco- rate with this year when we gather at our KJCC Louis R. Coltman Meditation Garden. Bring children and be part of the creative mitzvah of making a Sukkah. It's al- by Barnet Coltman ways a good time, a way to deepen friendships and, of course, there will be refreshments. Sun- day, September 23rd is the date; 11:00 a.m. is the its last years and days. time. We'll gather gratefully in the Alan Beth and But life, especially Jewish life, has a way of cre- Candy Stanlake Parents' Memorial Pergola to ating and focusing on cycles. Think of Ecclesiastes’ create our eight-day festival shelter, and on Fri- "a time to be born, a time to die." Think of the day night, the 28th of September, we will shake round loaf of challah we say HaMotzi with on our lulav, sniff our etrog, say our blessings and Rosh Hashanah. The roundness implies circularity, share an Oneg, eating a mini-meal under the with no beginning and no end. Out of a consum- stars after Shabbat services are concluded. ing fire rises the phoenix. Almost immediately after the rabbi's last ser- September's Book Club Meeting mon, a series of connections, coincidences and Thanks to a devoted core of readers, discuss- lucky breaks set a chain of events in motion that ers and enjoyers of social lunches, the KJCC Sis- brought new meaning to the Iowa closure and terhood book club has not missed a monthly new light to a small Jewish community in Para- meeting since it began. Impressive. September's guay, South America, where a newly formed con- meeting will take place on Monday the 24th of gregation in a very small town, meeting in an old September at noon, in Islamorada's Marker 88 house, needed a Torah. Long story short, sunset Restaurant. The book is called “The Fortune in Iowa led to sunrise in Paraguay. The new con- Teller's Kiss,” written by Brenda Serotte. For gregation has a Torah now, donated and flown details, see Poster on page 26 or contact Randi from Iowa to Paraguay, where the first Bat Mitz- Grant at [email protected]. Thanks for shep- vah with their new Torah was celebrated in July. herding this so well, Randi. They also decided to re-name their congregation, taking the name of the Torah’s Iowa donors. At A Heartwarming "Good/Bad" It's always sad when a synagogue has to close its doors for the last time. This phenomenon, called sunsetting, is what happened to Congrega- tion B'nei Jacob in the small town of Ottumwa, Yahrzeit Plaque Iowa, this past June. It had been a vibrant com- munity for over 100 years, established in the Leonard Weiser early 1900s by Jewish immigrants from Russia, but membership and attendance had plummeted Forever in our Hearts and their story was ending. That was the bad. October 21, 2001 The 40-year-old Rabbi gave a moving last speech Andy & Randi Grant about how appreciative she was for having been able to pour love and blessings, just as Jacob blessed his children, into this fading community in 4 Chai-Lights September 2018 this New Year, we honor the new Congregation B'nei Iacob in Paraguay and the generous Jewish September Anniversaries people of Ottumwa, Iowa. May they all be in- Years scribed for a good and rich life. 7th Jay & Nancy Hershoff……………... 19 9th Neal & Cathy Rakov………………. 34 Havdalah on Shabbat Shuvah 9th Steven & Barbara Smith…………… 40 On Saturday evening, September 15th, we 27th Gary & Lyn Sherman round our day, and Shabbat Shuvah, with a Hav- 30th Marsha & Tom Garrettson………... 28 dalah service in one of KJCC's favorite settings – Linda Pollack's bayfront home. We'll watch for three medium stars from her rooftop and then prepare to sing, light our woven candle, drink Luck dinner and celebration, on Saturday, Septem- wine and smell spices. There will be refresh- ber 29th at 7:00 p.m.There will be lulav and etrog ments. Linda's house is in Pirates Cove (approx. blessings, some olive eating in the sukkah, home- MM 98.6, bayside) address 107 Long Ben Drive. cooked food by our mishpocha, and Rabbi Agler RSVP to Linda at (305) 587-7429. We may be will lead us in the sweetest, and shortest, of all returning to the secular from Shabbat but we will services, Havdalah, as we say goodbye to Shabbat. still be going forward spiritually, to the last of the Food contributions will be coordinated by Erica days of awe. Lieberman-Garrett, by e-mail or phone: [email protected] or Reverse Tashlich (305) 393-1162. Usually we throw bread bits and bagels into the ocean to give ourselves a clean slate for the A Grand Addition to KJCC New Year.
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