L·k:`·;-CX`-;" _ ,4 , _ ·ib · s: - ii.. ·wi ;'C -···:·· - · ' ;1 t 1 U s. se -s I - · I - '- -- ' - · PC I_ -- --- · -- ------- -- -- I art, - . b-9 F i. f TECCU S'' .I~ VOLUME XX. NO. 2. OCTOBER II, 1900. I , i rll·CI"--srBCI1I L -I -- I , ii Inr"M -raoe ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,17 M Oak Grove Creamery Company, I = - DAIRY LUNCH ROO1 =- I 445 BOYLSTON STREET, COR. BERKELEY, ' "I . Opp. Y. M. C. A. Bsilding, I e Ma Where can be had M e 0 Sandwiches of all Kinds, Soups, Tea, Coffee, and Regular Dairy Lunch. EVE =- yT"H I NI F1 AST L.A"SS. $6.00 Check for $5.00. Pure Milk and Cream. All Kinds of Meats. NE LSON L. MIARTIN. HATTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. Jackson 4; iz 4 ' :., Hatters and Furriers. Sole Agents in Boston for the celebrated Dunlop & Co. New York Hats. 126 Tremont Street, opposite Park St. Church, Boston. W. H1. HOLLOWAY, Proprietor. -- I MARKS COfPANY, HIBBARD & MASON Merchant Tailors, (INCORPORATED) 6 BEACON STREET, (Opp. head of Somerset St.) Tailor S5 WE CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO PLEASE EVERYBODY.r 414 Washington Street, YOU WILL FIND, ON EX- A few doors north of Summer Street. AMINATION, THAT WE CARRY A FULL LINE -- OF THE Exhibit specially selected fashionable materials suited to the requirements of those who LATEST AND MOST dress in becoming clothes. EXCLUSIYE DESIGNS r FALL AND WINTER, AND THAT WE ARE THEREFORE ABLE TO I900. SUIT THE MOST FASHIONABLE AND FASTI- DIOUS TASTES. Overcoats a Specialty. DISCOUNT TO TECH STUDENTS. OUR PRICES $25.00 AND UP. Telephone 579 Oxford. In writing advertisers kindly mention TIHE TECH. ,1 Wr" M i r e1M(_ 1 " iii111 Men's Outfitter. om .m · * THE .-. We call the attention of students to our select line of Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear and Pajamas. E. & W. COLLARS and CUFFS. WESTMINSTER, A discount to students mentioning this book. Agent for the Cambridge Laundry, THE NEW HOTEL IN work called for and delivered promptly. COPLEY SQUARE. A. COHEN, 329 Columbus Ave., Boston. Wilbur, Campbell, Stephens Company, A P HIGH-GRADE Factories o. o- SHIRTS, TROY and i II COLLARS and ALBANY, 9 CUFFS. en* N*. Xr EUROPEAN HARRY L. BROWN, BOSTON OFFICE: ,4.X PLAN Manager. 24 Kingston Street. The Official Tec-Qh PFin. Gold Plated on Silver, $1.00. Gold, $2.50. Silver 75 cents. Manufacturers of HAM- oiStudents Will Find..n E&MERAND TONGS, and 3 other Society Pins. S U F=M IF I (C3 IF 433 Washington St., cor. Winter St., BOSTON. Drafting Instruments, Drawing and Blue Process Papers, SCIENTIFIC BOOKS Scales, Triangles, Curves, DAITIRELL & UPHAII, The Old Corner Bookstore T Squares, Colors, Etc., 283 Washington St., Boston. AT THE MANUFACTURERS. TE QATERING CO., Wadsworth, Howland & Co., INCORPORATED. lRestaurant anb 218 CLARENDON STREET. 2Luncbh Counter. Main Office: 82 & 84 Washington St., Boston. MEAL TICKETS. MODERATE PRICES, Factories: Malden, Mass. Catering in all its Branches. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. Choice Candies and Confectionery. JOSEPH LEE, MANAGER. In writing advertisers kindly mention THE TECH. I iv iv m~~~~~~~'T E Oc t,I - I Gifts for All... IE U U U ... Occasions. UU Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays. Gold, Silver, China and i Novelties. The Class Engraving. Raglan, For "Bowler," "Topper" or Opera Hat. Athletic Prizes . It is an overcoat for morning, afternoon or evening, if made out of a dark or medium grey. The Raglan is the best evening coat on the market. It behaves itself in all kinds of weather, and does not--like the Inverness-- cleani cab wheels, and on windy, cold nights, wrap up your I. Stowell $I 0o., 1ncorporantd. head. Choose the Raglan and you will wear no other. 24 W11nter St. OAK HAL4LS, Washington and Elm Streets. 1900 TECH MEN! 1901 a *-thO 'e1 1(3eryldar - 11% r I -L -L tel flP10 .0 am=-~-- IN V v COLLEGE.OEAAKR S Co~a 2a eV For your Shoes and Rubbers. i i 79 TREMONT STREET, Tremont Building, Boston, and Harvard Square, Cambridge. In writing advertisers kindly mention.TE TECH. 'r"M mc::;H v Charles A. Hoyle, = = 1O FCTI"TFAI =TS. · . ; Specialty In Platinums .... Official Photographer for Tech'99. - ,. 288 BOYLSTON STREET, Opp. Subway Entrance. -- EAT AT OUR RESTAURANT.C MEADOW BROOK FARM CO., 202 DARTMOUTH STREET, Near Copley Square and Ba -k Bay Station. Good Food and Service at Moderate Prices. --------- Tech Students To E. Interested in Photography will find our Moseley special Developers and 'Ioning Solutions absolutely the- best on the market. Co. PHOTOGRAPH IC Chemicals and Supplies AT LOWEST PRICES. We operate our own Dark Room for Developing and Printing, and are pre- pared to give- you Ai work at short notice if required. Le Finest Line at this price in Boston. PINKHAM & SMITH, Others at $5.00 and upwards. Between Temple Place' OPTICIANS, 145 Tremont St., and West Street. 288 Boylston St. 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT TO TECH. In writing advertisers kindly mention THE TECH. vi viTM4 1 OM -· -s I I - - r - Il I __--- C 81 Young Men... I Will find our Stock replete with HAWKES, - Latest Novelties in . IIU RAIN COATS U U Tailor, FANCY V ESTS REVERSIBLE 71 BEACON STREET, TUXEDOS II SUITS Full Line of OVERCOATS. I Our Special Hat, Style 2525 iI Fall and Winter I IMPORTATIONS $2.00 I is equal to most hats sold for i Tel. 1387=3 Hay. Opp. Pub. Garden. three dollars . Successors to D. Toy & Co. *U Continental Clothing House, ----_,, L I - I -- _L Is - - JL -- Washington and Boylston Streets. I I l U U G U_ U E _ THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FOREIGN WOOLLENS SHOWN IN BOSTON. CO-OPERATIVE. In writing advertisers kindly mention THE TECH. FP T HE T IcW VOL. XX. BOSTON, OCTOBER 14, 4900. No. 2. THE TEcH Institute is held by her students, and the Published every Thursday, during the college year; by students showing must be representative of the school. of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Institute Committee is to act as a medium between the students and the committee in HEVNRY HODGMAN SAYLOR t I902. Editor in Chief. JOHN CLYDE FRUIT, 1902. Assistant Editor in Chief. charge of arrangements. The inauguration WALTER H. FARMER, 1902, Secretary. H. S. MAXSON, I90o. is to be held on the twenty-fourth of this ROBERT WHITE, JR., 190I. month, and THE TECH will give a full I. R. ADAMS. I9o2, C. A. SAWYER, JR., r902, account of the proceedings. K. W. ENDRES, I903. ALBERT E. LOMBARD, 1902, Business Manager. ITH this week's issue of ARTHUR S MORE, 1902, I A saislant Busness MAanaget s. HARRY C. STILES, I9o3, THE TECH a change in I OFFICE HOURS: the editorial staff will be Editor in Chief, Monday, Io-II A. M. noticed. The editor-in- Business Manager, Saturday, I2-I P. M chief-ship has passed to Forthe benefit of students THE TECH will be pleased to answer Mr. Henry H. Saylor, all questions and obtain all possible intformation pertaining to any department of the College. and the assistant editor- Contributionsare requestedfrom all undergraduates,alumni, and officers of instruction. Nro anotnymt-ous tanuscriptcan be accepted. in-chief-ship to Mr. J. Clyde Fruit. Mr. Adams and Mr. Sawyer's resignations are due Subscription, $2.00 per year, in advance. Single copies, Io cts. each. to the extra pressure of work on Technique. Entered in Post Office, Boston, Mass., as Second-Class Matter. Company. Press of Lounsbery Nichols &Worth , ,iilHE TECH regrets exceedingly that the Sophomores should OR the coming inaugura- have started again the tion of our new President practice of " rushing" the the wish has been ex- Freshmen in the corridors pressed both by him and of the Institute buildings. by the committee in Every member of the class charge of arrangements to make the affair as knows that it is a thing successful and as representative as possible. distinctly disapproved of by According to the present arrangement the the Faculty, and a thing which has brought entire floor of Symphony Hall has been much trouble upon classes which have tried reserved for the undergraduate body and the it previously. It is a thing that can not be instructing staff. The seating capacity of stopped by the officers and a few members of the hall being- about twelve hundred, it is the class passing resolutions, because it is a important that the undergraduates attend in fact, and THE TECH is sorry that it is so, full strength. ' It is really to be an auspicious that some of the officers of the class were as occasion, and one- which will show in strong much interested in creating a disturbance as relief the interest and regard in which the I any of the -rest. It must be stopped by each i"MB TraIb: I individual member of the class pledging him- Requirements for Voters. self to cause no such disorder in the future. Professor Ripley has been besieged by If " rushing" must be done, the lower class- students this fall who wished to know whether U men should at least be gentlemen and wait they could vote in Boston or would have to I I until the Cane Rush, which is provided for return home in November to cast a ballot for just that purpose. For the honor of the class, their Presidential choice. He has asked THE I at least, the Sophomores should not create TECH to publish a statement of the require- I the impression that they are trying to find ments. Mr. C. S. Ward, '72, a counsellor at new fields for disorder, when they should be law here in Boston, has kindly furnished the I doing their best to efface the results of last desired information.
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