Thursday, May 13, 2004 Volume 10, Number 39 Page 1 of 10 he Skillman, Miller T join the ‘new crew’ Howey Daniels selects both his LG finalists By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis In February 2003, then-OMB Director Mitch Daniels swooped into the Boone County Lincoln Day dinner in Political Lebanon where he gave a speech lauding the virtues of the Bush administration. But the visit was, on the surface, designed to fuel the speculation that he would come back Report home to run for governor. Seated at one of the round tables right in front of the The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink podium was State Sen. Becky Skillman, R-Bedford. She Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is wasn’t in her home county or even her district, but it was if an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the political process in Indiana. she was one display. Asked that night and at other times over the course of the year whether she was interested in LG, Brian A. Howey, publisher Skillman would quietly, respectfully demure. She never was Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington writer a “candidate” like her colleague, State Sen. David Ford, who Jack E. Howey, editor put out a press release this week suggesting his van was tail- ing Daniels RV1 on the Lincoln Day circuit. The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 PO Box 40265 Fax: 317-968-0487 But Skillman was there, always on every LG short Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265 Mobile: 317-506-0883 list. She occupied a conspicuous pocket in Hoosier [email protected] Republican politics. She was a former Lawrence County www.howeypolitics.com clerk and recorder for 16 years, so she had geography and local government experience. As assistant Senate majority Washington office: 202-775-3242; Business Office: 317-254-0535. caucus leader, she had clout, particularly with Senate President Pro Tempore Robert D. Garton. That set her apart Subscriptions: $350 annually via e-mail; from any other female in GOP politics. She possessed sound $550 annually including the HPR Daily conservative credentials: pro-life, pro-gun. She sat on com- Wire. Call 317-254-1533 or 254-0535. mittees dealing with the budget, finance, local government, © 2004, The Howey Political Report. All rights regulatory affairs and commerce. She was seen as a team reserved. Photocopying, Internet forwarding, faxing or player, quietly working toward her objectives, never grand- reproducing in any form, in whole or in part, is a viola- standing. tion of federal law and is strictly prohibited without When Daniels called this week to invite her to consent of the publisher. “Mr. Speaker, despite the horrendous acts of a Ticker Tape: Bush sags in Pew poll p. 2 few American soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison, Regenderfication of Indiana politics p. 4 we are winning the war in Iraq.’” Borst twists in recount winds p. 5 Horse Race: Koch, Beal eye SD51 p. 7 - U.S. Rep. Mike Pence Jobs, gas eclipse Iraq scandal p. 8 Columnists: Zogby, Colwell p. 10 Thursday, May 13, 2004 Page 2 of 10 become the first female Indiana fundamental problem, and state govern- Republican lieutenant governor candidate ment's fundamental failure, is the econom- in history, Skillman fit so many of the cri- ic decline of our state. We will not solve teria that it seemed almost like a slam our other problems, such as state govern- dunk. ment's bankruptcy, until jobs and income grow strongly. Since that is the reason I PEW POLL SHOWS BUSH Two finalists for LG became a candidate for governor, I do not SUPPORT WANING: “Indiana's challenges are larger plan to delegate the task to anyone, but President George W. Bush's rather to make it the job of everyone in job approval rating fell to 44 than ever, so I've been searching for percent, a 4-point drop, fol- someone with larger capabilities and state government, and to oversee it per- lowing revelations that U.S. broader experience than any recent occu- sonally.” soldiers abused Iraqi pris- pant of the lieutenant governor's office,” Daniels explained further that oners, a poll by the Pew Daniels said in Fort Wayne Wednesday “one of my two finalists for the position Center for the People and morning. “Ultimately, my statewide of lieutenant governor is especially well the Press shows. The per- search for the very best among us led me suited for executive leadership of the centage of Americans who to two finalists, who between them pos- state's economic growth initiatives. And think the nation is headed in sess all the qualities I had in mind. I have so today, I am announcing not only my the right direction is at 33 lieutenant governor nominee, but also the percent, an eight-year low, decided to enlist them both.” person who I will name as Indiana's first and 61 percent said they are That was Skillman for LG, and dissatisfied with how things Vera Bradley CEO Patricia Miller to head secretary of commerce, the highest rank- are going, according to the a new post Daniels intends to create, sec- ing person in my cabinet, and the person Pew survey. In an election retary of Commerce. “First and foremost, who will be the chief operating officer of match-up, Democratic presi- of course, I wanted someone who could our economic development initiatives.” dential candidate and four- step in credibly if necessary to the role of Daniels said, “These first two term Massachusetts governor,” Daniels said. “More than any- members of our new crew signal the kind Senator John Kerry leads thing, this requires a knowledgeable and of quality we plan to bring to state gov- the president by 50 percent experienced leader who is well known and ernment. We intend to raise the bar of to 45 percent. `It is a close leadership ability across the board. Becky race, and at this stage it is trusted on both sides of the political all about feelings about the aisle.” Skillman is the best possible choice for incumbent, and Bush has Daniels said Skillman and Miller the constitutional post of lieutenant gover- been hurt by recent events bring to the equation, “The ability to pro- nor. She brings experience in the General in Iraq,'' Carroll Doherty, vide leadership in pushing the most ambi- Assembly, whose cooperation we will editor of the Pew poll, said. tious legislative agenda in decades need to effect real change. She brings a ``Until there is some good through the General Assembly; a record of wealth of knowledge about local govern- news in terms of organizing genuine business achievements that would ment and its pivotal role. She knows the a government, or the casu- enable the state's economic point person small cities and towns that have been alty count goes down, this to speak directly as a peer to business ignored by this administration, and which thing is going to be a major problem for the president.'' leaders nationwide; the ability to provide must no longer be forgotten but must be leadership in the operational restructuring included fully in Indiana's comeback.” KERNAN WELCOMES and ethical reform of state government; Daniels said he wants a “Lt. Gov. SKILLMAN TO THE RACE: and the ability to develop effective growth Skillman” to “be the leader of our annual Joe Kernan issued the fol- strategies for the agricultural sector of the program in the General Assembly, starting lowing statement regarding economy and for the small towns and with the passage of the economic growth the selection of Sen. Becky rural parts of our state.” package that we will send to the legisla- Skillman as the presumptive Daniels explained, “Which brings ture next January. She will also spearhead Republican nominee for us back to Fort Wayne this morning. On a key elements of the economic develop- lieutenant governor: “I’ve Saturday morning last August, right here ment agenda: tourism, agriculture, com- enjoyed the opportunity to work with Sen. Skillman in in Fort Wayne, I expressed an intention, as munity and rural development.” governor, to take personal responsibility He called Patricia Miller “one of Continued on page 3 for economic development. Our state's the great business success stories in our Page 3 of 10 Thursday, May 13, 2004 state. With $500 and a dream, she and her bill that redirects some state tax revenue best friend created a company known to economically distressed counties. She nationwide. She understands business also has drafted a number of recent elec- issues from the business side of the table. tion-law changes, including a ban on She's no staff person. She's no bureaucrat. gaming companies donating to cam- Indiana cannot be well represented by paigns. She opposes gaming and voted someone who's never run a business or against the casino in French Lick. my role as lieutenant gover- met a payroll. She can help me sell Skillman pointed to four areas of nor on many of our recent Indiana to business leaders across the challenges: education, infrastructure bipartisan efforts, such as country and around the world. She can needs, health care for the needy, and pub- tax restructuring and help existing companies to grow and lic safety. “To make progress, we need Energize Indiana. Those inspire the formation of more new ven- action,” she said. “We have a very aggres- efforts are making a differ- tures. She can run a large organization. sive legislative agenda. Now that’s an ence as we’re seeing Indiana coming back and She can help us get all of state govern- understatement.
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