Abbe , C. , Jr., 1899 , A gene ral re port on the physiography of Maryland : Maryland weather Service , p. 41-21€. Discusses physiography, landscape evolution, and drainage evolution of the Appalachians of Maryland . Abbe , c. , Jr., 1902 , The physiography of Garrett County, Maryland, in Garrett County, Maryland: Baltimore , Maryland Geological Survey , p. 27-54. Discu�ses physiography and structural control of landforms . Abrahams, A. D. , 1S85, Lithologic control of bedrock mea'lder dimensions in the Appalachian Valley and Ridg� province : A comment : Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 10, p. 635-638. Braun's finding that the wavelength of bedrock meanders decreases as rock hardne5s increases is reconciled with Hack 's and Tinkler's finding that meander wavelength is greater in bedrock than alluvial channels. In populations of alluvial or bedrock channels, bank resistance cor.trols meander wavelength via its influence on channel shape and is negatively correlated wlth meander wavelength. In contrast, in mixed populations of alluvial and bedrock c�els, bank resistance controls meander wavelength through its effect on the recurrence interval of the channel-forming discharge and channel size and is positively correlated with meande r wavelength . Abrahams, A. D. , and Flint, J., 1983, Geological controls on the topological properties of some trellis channel networks : Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 94, p. 80-91. It has been assumed, but never quantitatively demonstrated, that the topological properties of trellis channel networks are strongly influenced by the unde rlying geology. In this study , the topological properties of 7 trellis networks unde rlain by a plunging syncline are analyzed and compared with those of 45 deneritic networks. The geological controls are shown to have a pronounced effect on the topological properties. Acker, L. L. , and Hatcher, R. D., Jr., 1970, Relationships bet\�en structure and topography in northwest South Carolina: South carolina Geologic Notes, v. 14, p. 35-48 . The control of drainage orientation by joint patterns is demonstrated. Thr�e erosion surfaces are described and an example of stream capture is given. Adams, c. C. , 1901 , Baseleveling and its faunal significance, with illustrations from the southeastern United States: American Naturalist, v. 35, p. 839- 852. Concern is with manner in which landscape evolution affects faunal distribution. Author says that the time of maxirm.un roughness in the topography coincides with greatest isolation of faunas . As base level is approached, fauna become more widely distributed . Cites examples of faunal distributions which hP believes due to shifting of divides and other landscape change;. 4 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3744468/9780813759197_backmatter.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 Adams , G. I., 1901 , Physiography and geology of the o�ark region: u. s. Geological Survey Annual Report, pt . 2, v. 2�, p. 69-94 . Pages 69-75 provide a brief description of the physiography of the Ozark region. Adams , G. I., 1923, The formation of bauxite in sink hole&: Economic C�ology, v. 18, p. 410-412. Suggests that ba\�ite deposits result from the ac�lation and alteration of clays in sinkholes . Adams, G. I., 1928, The course of the Ter�essee River and the physiography of the southern Appalachian region: Journal of Geology, v. 36, p. 481-493. Suggests that the lower portion of the Tennessee River acqui red its present course by extending its course over the land emerging after the Mesozoic submergence . says it made a sharp bend near Guntersville, incised its valley into the unconsolidated Cretaceous sediments, and developed its valley in adjustment to the unde rlying Faleozoic rocks as they were re-exposed. This interpretation avoids the problem of how the river was diverted across Walden Ridge . Adams , G. I., 1956, Upland surfaces alon� the Atlantic coast of the united States, in Eighth report of the Commi ssion for the Study and Correlation of Erosion Surfaces around the Atlantic, IV, Researches in North America: Rio de Janeiro, International Geographical union, p. 22-27 . Add resses 5 basic problems : 1) How may dissected peneplains be identified? 2) Are peneplains really pediplains? 3) How may marine and estuarine terraces be identified in the Coastal Plain? 4) How may multiple erosion levels be identified in regioLs of intense deformation? 5) How may erosion surfaces be dated? w. , Adams , H. s., and Rhoades, R. 1976, A description of vegetation on the south slopes of Peters Mountain [Abstract ): Vi rginia Journal of Science , v. 27, p. 53. Lists tree species as a function of topography and elevation. Ahnert , F. , 1970, A comparison of theoretical slope models with slopes in ��e field: Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie Supplementband, v. 9, p. 88-101 . Measured thickness of surficial mar.tle on gneiss hillslopes in North carolina with refraction seismograph . Found that thickness varies positively with distance from the top of the slope and r.egatively with the sine of the slope . Alexander, w. H., 1938, The physiographic history of the Little Kanawha valley, We st Vi rginia [M.A. thesis): Cincinnati , university of Cincinatti, 48 p. Speculates on original dr�inage pattern of the Allegheny Plateau and describes geomorphic history in terms of erosion cycles. Drainage evolution is also discussed. Ande rson, D. G. , 1970, Effects of urban development on floods in northern Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper, v. 2001-C, 22 p. Graphical andmathemat ical relations are presented to estimate the flood-peak magnitudes having recurrence intervals ranging up to 100 years for drainage basins wi th various degrees of urban or suburban development . 5 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3744468/9780813759197_backmatter.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 Antevs , E. , !9 32, Alpine zone of Mt . Washington : Aubu rn, Maine , Me rrill & Webber, 118 p. Describes glacial history and the erfect� of frost action. Latter includes movements of debris by frost, patterned ground , solif�uction, stone streams, and planation. Ashley, G. H, . 1930, Age of the Appalachian peneplains : Geologicdl Society of America Bulletin, v. 41, p. 695-700. Based on several lines of evidence, author argues that upl ift of the Kittatinny peneplain began no earlier than Miocene . Ashley, G. H., 1931, Our youthful scenery: Geological Society cf America Bulletin, v. 42, p. 537-545. Argues that mountain ranges in the Appalachians all date from uplifts since the beginning of Miocene time and that all lower surfaces date from still later time . Ashley, G.H. , 1933, The scenery of Pennsylvania, its origin and development: Pennsylvania Geological Survey , 4th series, v. G6, 91 p. Sunmarizes a number of studies by the author on landscape evolution in Pennsylvania. Ashley, G. H. , :;35, Studies in Appalachian mountain sculpture : Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 46, p. 1395-1436 . Concludes 1) that the present surface , though reflecting a single old peneplain, has been lowered by no-c less than 100 ft/illy since the beginning of uplift; 2) that, except near the Atlantic coast and during recent time, all the level surfaces and imaginary surfaces touching the tops of accordant hills and mountains may be accounted for by: a) local base-leveling or district base-leveling; or b) the stripping of flat-lying hard rocks;, or c) as the result of parallel lowering because of uniformity of rock and structure ; 3) that, as a rule, subsequent trenching has been the result of stream capture or other stream adjustment not associated with coastal movements; 4) that the detailed unde rlying geology must be known and taken into account if reliable conclusions about physiographic history are to be drawn; 5) that most physiographic features are much younge r than has been assumed. Ashley, G. H., 1939, How old are the mountains?: C011100nwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Internal Affairs, v. 7-10, p. 11-16. Popular version of earlier work . Ashley, G. H. , 1939, Mountains of Pennsylvania and their or1g1n: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Internal Affai rs, v. 8-1 , p. 8-13. Popular version of earlier work. Ashley, G. H. , 1940, Old mountain theories are challenged by findings : C0111110nwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Internal Affairs , v. 8-2, p. 15-21 . Popular version of earlier work . 6 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3744468/9780813759197_backmatter.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 Atwood, W. w. , 1940, The physiographic provinces of North Americ.'.l: New York, Ginn and co., 536 p. Textbook with chapters on physics Jhy of Appalachians. Baker, V. R. , 1973, Geomorphology and !l)•drology of karst drainage basins and cave channel networks in east-central New York : Water Resou�ces Research, v. 9, p. 695-706 . Free surface streams , flowing through meandering cave conduits , provide links between the upland surface catchme�ts and large karst springs draining into the major river valleys. The cave conduits fonn an integral part of a drainage organization characterized by Horton's hierarchial stream numbe rs, lengths, and drainage areas. The conduits, the highest-order streams in the hierarchy , have meandering reaches with wavelengths directly related to upstream drainage area and contributed runoff. Roth the morphology of the cave channels and the hydrology of the �arst drainage basins are strikingly similar to those observed in surface water stream systems . Balazik, R. F. , 1967, The influence of exposure on valley morphology in western Pennsylvania [M.S. thesi�) : University Park , PA , Pennsylvania State University, 55 p. Studied relationships between valley morphology and exposure by analyzing va�iations in morphology between valleys with different orientations . Tested slope inclination, drainage basin perimeter, drainage basin area, drainage basin length, basin elongation ratio, basin circularity, stream length, drainage density, stream gradient, and stream frequency between valleys with different orientations . Found that northeast-facing slopes are steeper than southwest-facing slo�s .
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