Ii.i 128 ",,,2.5 I~ ~I~~ 1.0 w .~ w = ",,'2.5 Ii:~ 2.2 ~W II:.l II:.l ... ~ ... Ii& ILl l1.li :; ~ :; ~ 1.1 ........ ~ 1.1 .. .... ~ -- IIIII~ -- 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 111111.25 111111.4. 111111.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART MICROCOPY rlESOLUTION TEST CHART N~JIONAL BUREAU OF STANOARDS-1963·A NATIONAL BUREAU OF SlANOARDS·1963·A .... '1 U DI\/"\(\ I Uvl- v ''-' l(f; (.,.:"0 ClIMENtS STACKS -~~ [United States 'I Department of ~ ~cultur~ Effect of Temperature Agricultural Research Service and Photoperiod on _Technical Bulletin/' Number 1660 the Biology of Blue Alfalfa Aphid, Acytthosiphon kondoi Shinji -U.,'\VEI1s1TI OFCI~\Llfo'NII-\ I. D?\V\S SEP 7 1982. ~!'\~PT rN'S. - UBR~R'{ J l.-------- UIJ'.J • uu.J --­ Kodet, R.T., M.W. Nielson, and RD. Kuehl. 1982. Effect of Con&ents Page Temperature and Photoperiod on the Biology of Blue Alfalfa Aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji. United States Introduction. .. 1 Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin Number 1660, 10 p.,illus. Materials and methods .......................... Abstract Resu Its and discussion. 2 The developmental and reproductive biology of the blue Developmental biology. 2 alfalfa aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji, was studied under 15 temperature/photoperiod regimes. Five Stadia. .... .... ............. ....... .. ..... 2 temperatures (10°,15°,20°,25°, 30°C) and three photophases (8, 12,16 h per 24 h) were utilized in con­ Nymphal stage. 3 trolled environmental chambers. Temperature played the most significant role in the Nymphal survivorship. 4 development and reproduction of the aphid. Optimum temperatures for development ranged from 20° to 25°, Reproductive biology . 5 and the upper survival temperature ranged from 25° to 30°, depending upon the photoperiod. The lethal Adult parturition phases. 5 temperature was 30°. Higher survival and total fecundity occurred at low temperatures (10° to 15°) :-ather than at Adult longevity ............................. 6 high temperatures (20° to 25°). Daily fecundity. 6 There were significant temperature by photoperiod inter­ actions on the rates of nymphal development, fecundity, Total fecundity. 7 longevity, and generation time. The changes in these rates were most prevalent at low temperatures. Generation time. 8 Shorter generation and doubling times, and a greater in­ trinsic rate of increase by A. kondoi, may account for the Net reproductive rate ........................ 8 early dominance of this species over A. pisum in the spring in the U.S. alfalfa fields. Doubling time .............................. 8 Keywords: Blue alfalfa aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi Intrinsic rate of increase. 9 Shinji, alfalfa, biology, temperature effect, photoperiod effect. Conclusions ................................... 9 Literature cited ................................. 10 Trade names are used in this publication solely for the purpose of providing specific information. Mention of a trade name does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or an endorsement by the Department over other products not mentioned. June 1982 Effect of Temperature and Photoperiod on the Bioiogy of Blue Alfalfa Aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji By R.T. Kodet, M.W. Nielson, and R.O. KuehP Introduction regimes. Temper~ttJre and photoperiod, however, did af­ The blue alfalfa aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji, com­ fect alary polymorphism. In general, apterae were monly found throughout eastern and southwestern Asia predoml'lantly producad at high temperatures (20° and on legume species of Medicago, Trifolium, and Melilotus, 25°C) and at all photoperiods (8-,12-, and 16-h photo­ was introduced into the United States in 1974 (Sharma et phases per 24 h); whereas, alatae were predominantly al. 1975).2 From California, where it was first found, the produced at low temperatures (10° and 15°) at these aphid spread rapidly into Arizona, Nevada, and Utah photoperiods (Kodet and Nielson 1980). (Nielson and Kodet 1975, Cooperative Economic Insect Report 1975). By 1978, it was reported in New Mexico, A significant biological phenomenon was observed that Kansas, Oregon, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Idaho, Texas, was not induced by temperature or photoperiod but may Washington, and Wyoming (Cooperative Plant Pest be an inherent survival mechanism (Kodet and Nielson Report 1976, 1977, 1978). Recently, the aphid was 1980). The aphid switched from the production of one reported in Argentina (Luna 1977), N!1w Zealand alary morph early in the reproductive period to the pro­ (Aphidologist Newsletter 1977), and Australia (Matheson duction of the opposite morph later in the reproductive period at all temperature/photoperiod regimes except and Baldwin 1978). 20°C/16 h when no switching occurred. The aphid is a serious pest of alfalfa, Medicago sativa (L.), causing severe stunting and marked leaf chlorosis In this publication, we present data on the effects of within 2 weeks after initial infestation (Nielson and Kodet temperature and photoperiod on the developmental and 1975). Recovery is slow and regrowth is so retarded that reproductive biology of the aphid under 15 tempera­ an additional 2 to 4 weeks are required before plants can ture/photoperiod regimes. The information should serve resume normal growth. Many plants are killed after pro­ as a predictive model for field populations so that the longed infestation. Damage caused by A. kondoi is much population dynamics of the species can be better under­ more severe than that caused by the pea aphid, A. pisum stood. Where possible, the data are compared with those (Harris), a species c!osely related taxonomically and available on the pea aphid to show the relationship be­ biologically. tween these taxonomically close and ecologically asso­ ciated aphid species. The sudden appearance of the blue alfalfa aphid in wide­ ly separate regions of the world within a relatively short time is unprecedented in the annals of insect pandemics. Materials and Methods Moreover, the establishment of the pest in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres is of biological and ecolo­ This study was done at the USDA-ARS Forage Insects gical significance; that is, these populations may Research Laboratory in Tucson, Ariz., from September possibly represent new biotypes, thus giving greater 1975 to June 1977. Acyrthosiphon kondoi was rear8d in plastiCity to the species heretofore unknown. four Percival E-54U environmental chambers in a factorial arrangement of five temperatures (10°,15°,20°,25°, Biological and environmental factors that precipitate ex­ 30°C) and three photophases (8-,12-, 16-h per 24 h). plosive outbreaks of insect populations are often Temperatures were controlled to ± 1.5°. Relative humidi­ peculiar to the species. Its pandemic activity cannot be ty ranged daily from 60 to 100 percent due to lamp heat explained by the little we know about the biology or the during photophase. Chambers were divided into two effect of environment on the biology of A. kondoi. Sexual levels by a wire rack. Data on reproductive biology forms are not known to exist, and experiments by Kodet (adults) were collected from the upper level; whereas, and Nielson (1980) failed to produce such forms after data on developmental biology (nymphs) were collected subjecting the aphid to 15 temperature/photoperiod from the lower level. Ught intensity averaged 2655.25 lux (range: 2257 to 3225 lux). IEntomologist, Northern Division, Bruce Church, Inc., P.O. Box 599, Salinas, Calif. 93902; research entomologist, United States Host plants, Melilotus officinalis Lam., were propagated Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 2000 in the greenhouse from a single plant. Rooted cuttings East Allen Road, Tucson, Ariz. 85719; Professor of Quantitative were transferred to 14-cm-diarneter plastic pots contain­ Studies, School of Agriculture, University of Arizona, Tucson ing equal parts of earth, sand, and sphagnum peat moss. 85721. Plants were used when four lateral shoots had developed 2The year in Italic, when It follows the author's name, refers to over 10 cm in length. Literature Cited, p.1O. 1 Aphids from greenhouse cultures were preconditioned Table 1-·Mean squares for data on the effect of tempera­ for two generations to all temperature/photoperiod treat­ ture, photoperiod, and the temperature by photoperiod ments in the chambers prior to data collection. Individual interacton on the developmental biology of aphids were confined in 7.5-cm-long No. 36 dialyzer tub­ Acyrthosiphon kOlldoi ing. The tubing enclosed lateral shoots of the host plant and was stoppered with foam plugs. Mean- squares In the experimental design, each of four aphid cages per Variance Stadia Nymphal source plant was considered an observation and each or five d.f. H III IV stage plants per treatment was considered a replication. Con­ Temperature 3 1108.5 1152.8 1152.1 1342.0 12813.5 sequently, there were four observations in each of five Photoperiod 2 12.7 16.5 13.8 '15.2 197.6 replications for each treatment. Data on reproductive and Temperature by 6 12.7 16.7 19.5 117.6 1124.4 developmental biology were replicated four times at photoperiod Error 47 .8 .6 10°C/12 h due to nymphal mortality and two and four .4 .5 1.9 times at 10°/12 hand 25°/8 h, respectively, due to adult 'F test of mean square, statistically significant at the 0.05· mortality. percent level of probability. The data for developmental and reproductive biology Temperature, photoperiod, and their interaction had were subjected to various statistical analyses that best significant
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