'f' "Jj; ~,'0 -'" ADDRESS REPLY TO 4'THE ATTORNEY GENERAL-­ AND REFER TO (NITIALs AND NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON. D. C. 146-23-1941 August 25, 1949 ,·';-r- __, -; !.:.;\;<"i~;) Fl'anJ..: J. Helli"1.essy, Esquire United States Attorney San Francisco 1, California Dear ike. Hennessy: Refel'ence is made to your letter (~ated AU{;1..,-st 20, 1949, in the, above ca.pticned r:!8. tter. A search ha.s been made of the United Sk.te S II. Hild:::-ej, Gill<J.rs files in the C101'1::! S o::fico of the D:"strict C01.;rt for the DistTict of Columbie.. .Ho'.-;-ever, t~lG special ::'i~1dil"lgS 811b­ Bitted to ~c.:l.e jm'Y do i:Jot a~.)Lieal~ therein. I run tolcl tll,['.. t tl'lese findinGs ue:ce i11 tIle IOl-':Gl of c. list of the a-vert acts -,.'ith Guilty and Not Guilty typed. l.mclGl' e::Lch overt (lct. Re~pectful"l;Y , For the Ati?orney Genel'al .. ~-.---~~ .--:.. ....,.. 10 \ ':,-,-,. '- \ l, j ALEYJU.]DER E. Cfu:,[YBELL Assistant Attorney Genel'Etl \ :- , './ i /;/ j / F ; 1 I J " ,'- ( / ) ( (' ADOR£S8 REPl.Y 1"0 ··TH&: .... TTORNEY Gf:NERAL" , ~NO REtrER TO INtTIA.L5 A.ND NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON. D. C. Al>1C:WEF:am 146-28-1941 July 25, 1949 AIR MAlL SPECIAL DELIVERY CONFIDEN'f'IAL Tom E. De~volfe, Esq. c/o United States Attorne;)rts Office San Francisco, California Dear Mr. De\iolfe: Re: Iva Ikuko Toguri D'Aquino, ,-.ras. Treason There are transmi tted ,herewi th for your informe.tion two Feder~_ Bureau of Investigation memoranda, dated July 19. 1949, concerning the above case. Respectfully, For the Attorney General F \ LED BY RR DEC 8 1953 On ---- Assistant Attorney General Enclosure No. 97391 i '." ;c" Q~'; Oc.-i_'?-\ J3.~_1_-=-= ... ~~~_A'O~"S~~~"'--'~-'-'~"'&1c.~~--- ......... r t ' ADDRESS REPLY TO HTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL·' r c' AND REFER TO INITIALS AND NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON. D. C. July 19, 1949 Am :M"AIL - :BPECIAL DELIVERY James vr. Knapp, Esquire c/o U. S. Attorney San Francisco, California Dear Jim: I have just returned fro);t a trip to Eevrarlc, Ne"fl' Jersey and am informed thcct during L1Y absence you telephoned long distance r'31ative to an~" ,-,ier"oranda of la-VI I may have prepared coverinG the admissibility of expert testimony, or Yfritten transcriptions of inaudible recordinGs. ./ Inthe Gillars case the appellant stipulated the; accuracy of the TJritten transc1.--:Lpts of a.ll the recordings involved and it 'was not necesfiary to try to prove by expert 1l1istenersll l'!liat the recordine;s said. I did make some brief study of the la'.'[ but did not prepare anYthinz in Trri tten form. The only case I foun_d di­ rectly on the subject was United States v . .schanernan, 150 F.,2d 9L!.L We obtained the briefs in this case but the point was not tl'p.ated at any length in the briefs and they shed no further liGht on the subject. I do not think this case vnil help you but you nay find it of interest. 7[e have been r0ce~ Vlng excellent reports about the pro­ gress of the Tokyo Rose trial and expect at the conclusion to Dea:;:­ of her conviction. Keep up the good world -RcopeetfuD:y', ~~. -;r~ J. FR<iNK Cm:IUEGHAI:[ , ' \J \ ( (/ . (' ASSISTANi ATTORNEY GENERAL WASHINGTON ALEX CAMPBELL Dear Mr. Hennessy: Thank you very much for your letter of July 9, 1949, and I am very pleased to have your report. It is perfectly agreeable for Mr. Knapp to assist you in every way possible. Please give my kindest regards to Messrs. Tom DeWolfe, Hogan, and your staff. Sincerely, Frank J. Hennessy, Esquire United States Attorney San Francisco 1, California ;\/ { ADDRESS REPLY YO , ··THE ATTORNEY GENERAL.·· AND REFER TO INITIALS AND NUMBER OEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON. D. C. AJ.'1C : ,IFe : e jvr July 11, 1949 O:~~~C .. : c.:: . .'. t,:;:\ r--:. .AIR rAIL JUL 1:3 1949 .... / .,J\ REfEknLV ." J '7.', '. I Frcmk J. Hennessy, Esquire · [< \ t, D United States Attorney San Francisco 1, California v)/~~\ Dear I.lr. He'11lessy: Comp1;:.r2.nr:; Tii th yo~.'.l' roque st. of JlL!-y 5, 1949, there is transr:ntt.ed herevil th a photostat copy of the instructions and charGe given by Judge Curran in the case of United states v.l:i1dTedE. (Sisk) Gil1ars. Hespectfu1ly, For th9 Attorney General II· ,,< ", " ;-t; i . t ,/ Ene. 203037 /1'/' " /f ,IF I :-.' :~'.' ! i ~ . -' ./ c· AMC:mkn lL~6-28-l941 July 13, 1949 ;.. De&r .:i.i.r. Hennessy: Thank you very much for your letter of July 9, 1949, and 1 am very pleased to have your report. It is perfectly agreeable for Mr. Knapp to assist you in every way possible. Please give my kindest regards to Messrs. 'Tom ueV!olfe, Hogan, and your staff. 0incere1y, ALEX M. CAMPBFLL Frank J. Hennessy, Esquire United States Attorney 0an trancisco 1, l.-alifornia / v..--" cc: Records! Chrono. ./ t ADDRESS REP1...Y TO ( /' '.THE ATTORNEY GeNERAL·' AND REFER TO INITtALS AND NUMBER UNlTED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE AMC: HAS :rir___ ,_ WASHINGTON 2.5. D. C. l46-28-l94l July 7, 1949 i~IR MAlL S:?ECIAL DELIVERY :lP- Thomas E. LJeilolfe, .c;squire c/o Frank J. Hennessy, Esquire United States Attorney San Francisco, CaliforQta Dear Mr. De'{{olfe: Re ; Iva Ikuko D I Aquino, was. Treason. There is transmitted herewith for your information the following doc,uments relating to the above matter: One Bureau memorandum dated June <30, 1949, to Assistant Attorney Ueneral Alexander M. Campbell. One Bureau memorandum dated July 6, 1949, to \ Assistant Attorney General Alexander M. Campbell. \'-:~;!'i: It is suggested that you answer the Bureau's request in their memorandum of July 6, 1949. Respectfully, For the E. CAl;!PB LL Attorney General Enclosure No. --." 146-28-1941 July 5. 1949 AhR MAtL .;,< Thomas E. DeWolfe, lhq. c/o Un1ted Staten Attorney's Offioe San Francisco. California fie: United States v. Iva Iknko Togttri IT'Aquino; 'f'reason. 'iran~1ttoo. here\lith are two ll1enJ.orenda of the Federal ~UrBau of Investie.ation regrlro.ing ml-bject indlvid.u.al; one to Hr.. Peyton E'ord.. dated June 2fl. 1949: and the othor to Ass! stant ~ttorney Gen~ral Campbell. also dat~ June 27. 1949. Reapectfully. For the 4ttorney General '-'." ~~ AI. .11:XANUER 14. CAAPHi!:LL Assistant Attorney General 2nclo sure Ho. 33914 cc: ~tJFC;ejvt July il, 1949 Am M!IL /lti ~i.~s~l~ tAl1.te.d.State~ Attorney san Frai1c1troe l, OaJ.1fortti.a ~: gw.,~ S'b.l:t6s y. l3'A~ .. ~$7n C~ with your reqqaatQf' Jub"'J 19h9, ~ is transmitted herewith a ~atat ~¢W at tba ~<ttts and ~ gl:ven by ~ ~ ~ the oase or thlted States v. 1lU.dred E. (S~) G111A~. < Reapeotfull:y$ ~ ~ i ~'Pl.m. M. GAMWELL Assistant Attomay 0enera1 Chrono U.ss Ha;;}Jj.n :iss 3rooklc:y \. "i· .... JFCUImi n;h::.r;1 .:.~ .. ~:~~~:~ \.~ '.?~ -:<~. ...... 1 hl.Y,-1949 w. Artl.l:u.r Garrity. Jr •• »&4- • .Aaehtant Un! ted St&te. Attorney. noston, Massachusetts B.e: Y,nited Stat,es v. D';A4U!no - nea&en Tllie it; to aakno-wlad.ge l'6cd.pt of the cor!:{ ot Govet"nUlE;lntf EI ae<flasted. !AG,tl."1lOti~s in. the ynif;~ Stat,et!l v. !lOl.l.f¢..as 0hallt11a.l', treasQn prosecUtion, which 1mt 1'1et'$ ldndeti01igh to forward. in Meordanae nth f!tY telegrGLl to yon on 29 Juce 1949. ~~ ·rou ye17 nnt.eh. for haying g1 Ten. thtl requ.Ht yanr 1rmMdiate Attention, r a.m, : ;,:-, --- L M ,r -----~ i:/ ;:'/' / / '_....--- Y\ia \ ,-\.: \, . cD . ~: ' b. /D ( .... 1_t.. ~ ( ( , ~ i 3 I ;,... ASE 500 SF WAY IJ-DI ; ... --. vJASHINGTON 6-29-49. 205P . -'-:~jf r ( L [VI 1 ;. TOM DE WOLFE U S ATTORNEYS OFFICE ; ..l _. :2 1 • "'.i. 1 -..!Q:-ld ,_ ,_ SF LITURIC JUNE 28 UNITED STATES V. D- AQUINA, SOLICITOR VETERANS ADMINISTRATION DESIRES THAT YOU SUBPOENA MERRITT PAGE DIRECT FROM PITTSBURGH FOR EXPEDITIOUS REASONS. '_. ALEXANDER M CAMP~ELL ASST ATTORNEY GENERAL ,'.\ \ ASF20S'P 28 I f i A ,lC: HAS: :n..\{:n ~j', . \ 1l;.6-28-i9 hi !~ ~\ .. :.: . " . -\- :)- TOM: DE WOLFE c/o UNITED STATES ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SAN FRANCISCO, CftLIrURNIA LITURGIC JUNE 28 UNI'J'}1;D STATES v. D-At.UINA, SOLICITOR VETERANS AlJlINISTRATION DE-SIPJ'"s TBiT YOU SUBPOEru ;'!ERRITT PAGE DIHECT' FOOM PITTSBURGH FOR EXPEDITIOUS HEASONS. hLE;1.ANDER '1. CA.I.ct?BE'LL \ i ASSISTJ:,.NT AT'l'OHNI<;Y' GENRJRL \ i j ~! ....... /' cc: Records Ch ro no Stearns ,/ ~ ,J . \. I 1201 SYMBOLS CLAss OF SERVICE 1 " -- L " J.. DL-DaT l.c«« This is a full-Tare C' CESTB~N Tdegnm or Cabk- V' NL -Niche l.c«cr ~m unless its de.... erred character is in- ( 05· L. ... LC .,pc/aced C'~bk- . dieatc:d by a suitable ~T.:;'C.blc NIo:"e Lcq~ symbol above or pre- I 0 N' ?~\ '"\.""ding the add ress. UN '2'"S Ship R.d_ 1', w. P. MARSHALL.. PRESIDENT \Qi,C) >.\ ") ''to r .I , ' , c· The Iiling time .mown 1.0. the date lin.. on telegn.ma tUld day letters Is STANDARD TIME at POUlt of ortgUl. Time of reoelpt ... STANDARD TIME ... t poUlt 0 4e:!t.irul.tion . ,GT GT'.SFA181 GOVT PD=WUX SAN. FRANCISCO CALIF:.23 1(5"8P= THOMAS E DEWOLFE l-ST CARE OF FRANK J :>- U S ATTORNEY PO BLDG= THE REQUESTED MATERIAL FORWARDED BY ORDINARY MAIL ':1 __..:, .• r =ALEXANDER. M CAMPBELL JUSTICE.
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