MARCH 1945 KEEP YOUR R.ED CROSS AT HIS SIDE 3S CENTS 1 Subscription Rate ~NE YEAR $3 MOLDED CHESSMEN FOLDING CHESSBOARDS H1~SE beautiful chessmen. tllO lucu of size most ('ommonly used In the home. genuine T enulte, are Ideal for home The standani set eOilles In nn attractive. T I1se. T he Staunton·type \wtterll is [wo-sel'llon, simulated leather ch('st. The dlstlnctlve and picnsing. !I I ore Important. :<U1dent set. Intended fOl' boanls Wttll }'h" the men arc Intensely pnH;t ical and wjJl or 1 %" s(j uar'cs. is SIlJlplied In a cardboard sHIII(1 hard usage. They [\1'0 made in two box. Both t ypes come in Black and 1I'0l'Y sizes, standard and student. The main or Hed and h 'orl', When onle ring. plea se pieces of the standard size ar(' shown specify which color comblnatloll you above on a board with 2·jnch squares- the "refer. No. 80 ( Black &. Iv ory) or No. 81 ( Red &. Iv ory ) : Co m­ N O, 2OQ....-Standanl <Iuality bOard, CO I'ered ple te set of s t andard size chessme n, fe lted, in durable, two sect ion, s im u lated leat her case. King height 2%"; in brown cloth and with cloth hinge 011 base diamet e r 1 5/16". For use on boa rds w it h 1%" or inside, Chessbofll'(i, green and burr, print- I 2" sq ua res ____ ___ ___ __ ______ _____ ___ ____________ ____ __ _ $6.95 cd on heavy, durable kraft. 2" squares, Ol'e rall closed s ize g I':; "x 16 % "- ON L Y $1 No. 35 ( Black &. Ivory ) or No. 36 ( Red &. Ivory): Com­ plet e set of s tudent si ze c hessme n, fe lte d, in cardboard BEST QUA LIT Y BOARDS box. King height 2%"; base dia met er 13/16". F or use on boa rds w ith l V2" or 1%" square s ____ . _____ ___ _"- ______ _ $3.50 The folding boards listed below are of the !1n e~t quality, COl'el'lng and c hess­ board are full diced grain cloth. Dlvld· ing lines between burr and bl<l ck ~qual"es. Priced unusually low. No. 221 _ ] %" s quares . Closed size 71AH CHESS REVIEW x ]11,4". Unusual va lu e at $1. 50_ EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT No,222 1%" s quares . Closed size 8~ w x J6'h", O N L Y $2. 250 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. No. 223 _ 2 ~" S(IUfU'es. Closed size 9114" x ] 8'h". ON L Y $2.50, • READERS' Readerli are invited to use these columns tor their comments on matters of Interest FORUM to ChC9s players. Vol. 13, No.3 Ma rc h, 1945 PHOOEY! Blsh· Sirs: nut· COVER I bave read t he article by crackers or perha!)3 Donald I NOEX Kenneth Ha rkness "Cbessmen of Duck caugbt In the act ot star· Tomo .... ow .. and have found It gazing; the King i8 a glorified FEAT URE S very Imel"esting l·ell.tHng and a orange·stlck ; while tbe Queen leht llS Do w n Mexico Way ____ 3 well written article. (See Jan­ and Knights are $0 a bsurd as to ISe idma n Wins Mar sha ll Title 6 uary CHESS REVIEW). suggest nothlllg at an. ISoviet Championship Game ••10 Howevel', aHel' carefully look· If we are to make any radical Game s From Recent Events .16 In g over the photographs of cbange in the piece names. let . t hese examples or Surrealis m, me suggest manhall , general, SERIALS I fall to b6 impressed by thfl chief·o [·start, armored corps, a ll" ILet's Play Chess ! ___________ 29 designs which are so simplified corps, engi neer·corps, s I g n a I , Two Kn ights' Defense ______ .28 and severe that there appears to corps, or perhaps the names ot be nothing o[ nolhlng. Smely sucl\ modem equ lp}nent a s untier the di sguise of lhls high tanks, howltze1's, alr·planes and DEPARTMENTS sounding title, art and design hulldozet·s. 01' lhe pieces could IChess Briefs __ __________ __ ~ _ 12 of the future Is going backward simply use the names or va l'l ous Chess. Movies _____________ __ 14 to the point O( disintegratioll milltal'y grades for II. small unlt Game of the Month ____ __ ___ 8 and degradation. To my point of such as a company. hI fact, any Problems ___ ___ __ ____ __ _____ 22 view thero is vory mUe differ· nomencill tlll'e suggestive of a Postal Chess _____ ___________ 24 ence In the designs of the chess· military operat ion would be con· Re aders' Games _____________ 33 men and the drawings, cutouts gruous. Then, of cou1"se, the Solitaire Chess __________ ____ 34 or clay mOd els made by the aver· several pieces would be rede' age First Grade 0 1" Kindergarten signed to symbolize tile newly pupil In school. adopted names, thus ellmhlating PhO/b h, Holm P"hn f~r CHESS REVIEW Is It sU Pllosed to be Art, this the arChaiC cl·owns. m itres and EDITORS & PUBLISHERS nlghtmal'e ot S\l rreallsm - the castles as well M the horses. KEEP YOUR RED CROSS 1. A. Horowitz, Ken neth Har kn e ... wlld hall ucination called "King now that tbe cl\valry haa been AT HIS SIDE POSTAL EDITOR of Chess", or the drab, depress· almost wholly motorlsed. Jack Straley Battell lng, mela ncholy " Chess Land· L. W. FAHNESTOCK Cover photo was taken at the scape" by Leon Kelly? A game Miami, Florida Army Air Force Convalescent ASSOCIATE EDITORS of chess does not affect me that Reuben Fine, Irving CherneY, Hospitnl, Pawling, N. Y., where way. T his sort of art should be many of tbe pa.tients and person· Albert S. Pinkul, J. W. Collins, C<ln fi ned to the Insane asylums Sirs: Kenneth S. Howard lIel are keen cbessplayers. Jane or better stili, to the second Your article Is interes ting but C. Sickler. Assistant Field DI· htt nd junk dealers. We are · not I\ot cOll vlncl ng. All Improve­ rector of the American Red CHESS REVIEW II J)U blll h @d all mOI"()ns to tall tor this stuff. ment o f lasting value grows by monthly O<.:lober to M.a y. lJl · Cross, Is shown playing with King ot Chess - Phooey! e\'olulioll , not drastic change. Tj Sgt. Louis BaITY. The Red mon thly J une to Septem bil r (tola l If Brahms hnd tried to build of ten IU Uel!I pCI' year) by e ll " SS JOHN ALBRIGHT Cross furnishes all bospitals and REVIEW. 250 W'lIt 57 th Stroot. Richmond, Indiana his musical house by starUn g New York U , N. Y. Entere d u at the chimney top and working rest centers with chess equi p' Se<:ond Clan matter May 5, 1844. down. Instead ot building on ment so that servicemen can ~t the .xu t ornee at New York. Sirs : enjoy the mental recreation of N. Y •• under t h e . Act of March 3. Far be it from me to interfe re the toundatlons so well and t oe Royal Game, 18"U. with any change In the vehicles truly la\(\ by Bach and Bee· of chess that would bring t he thoven. IllS work would be tor­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES nomenclature or the game more One year $3.00, two yean ,,5.50, gotten by now. So with chess· three yean 57.50 in the United Into sympathy with our present men. Staunton's pattern ob· Si rs: Statu, U. S. Pon en lon. , Mexlce. 01' future surroundings. But, in tained ull iveraal recognition be· Those silly looking · pictures Central &. South Ame r lc~. Olhe r suggesting' or advocating such cause it wa ll founded upon the c~unldu, Including Can;tdai U.50 of the new style chcssmen In per year. change, let us be logical. Chess sets then in \llle - AND was the ~ Ja l\ ual ' y issue of your fine Is essentially a military engage· fo und to be better. When some magazine commands my aUeu· CHANGE OF ADDRESS mellt III mIcrocos m. Therefore, genius can evolve a bolter set tlon for tile moment. As a nov· Four week" notice required for by aU means let the change re· than StauntOIl 'S, hl$ will find a cbange of addreu, Plea,. give both elty of cottl'se, they become at· old and new addre.. " . Cha ngu fl ect the mlHtary trend and not s imila r recognition. My apol· tractive. but fOl' (lI'aclical chess· cJnnot be made without Ihe old simply be a nlgbtmare of some ogles to ;0.'11". Ernst, but that set men give me the good old address a. well al Ihe new one. so·called artist, who bappens to has not yet appea l·ed. His pieces Jacques, Staunton Pattern In MArLING OAT ES be a present day vogue of a mor· a re interesti ng, though, Jl n d genuine box wood and ebony. At ten IIS UII 3re publl,hed pe r onl c IU·t·C Ult, frozen into absurd would look well III II. show cab· Imagine the American Type year, mailing dJt.. a re . paced forms, just to be differen t. I inet. As lor t he boa rd, why stop l<' oundel"S making chess type in approxima tely flve week, apa rt.
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