Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin: May 12, 1956. 1956 [s.l.]: Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 1956 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/ZAOLYFQ6AKUOX87 Copyright 2008 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu a | | CO | | Regular Board 5/12/56 - 2 | | - Upon motion of Regent Watson, seconded by Regent Werner, it was os | VOTED, That the gifts and grants listed in EXHIBIT A, attached, be ac~= ~ | cepted; and that the Vice President of Business and Finance be authorized to sign | | the agreements. - | | SO a | oo | | a Upon motion of Regent Renk, seconded by Regent Steiger, it was | a - VOTED, That the Actions by the President, since the April 7, 1956, meeting | of the Board of Regents, covering resignations and terminations, appointments, 7 | | leaves of absence, changes in status or salary of personnel, and resignations to ac- | cept other U.W. appointments (EXHIBIT B attached) be approved, ratified and con= > firmed, | Oo | — | OO President Fred reported that The Benjamin Smith Reynolds Award for Excel- | 7 lence in Teaching of Future Engineers was awarded to Professor Raymond J. Roark at | the Engineers Day dinner on May hs and that the Kiekhofer Memorial Teaching Awards 5 which are awarded to outstanding young teachers, were awarded at the University | So Faculty meeting on May 7 to Assistant Professor Israel Abramowitz of the School of | : Commerce and Assistant Professor E. James Archer of the Psychology Department. : | | Vice President Peterson presented the recommendation and report of the Pe - - Vice President of Business and Finance, | ae : : ‘Upon motion of Regent Jensen, seconded by Regent Steiger, it was - | OO - - VOTED, That the Reports of Actions Taken numbered I., II. and III., listed ss under the Recommendation and Report of the Vice President of Business and Finance ns (EXHIBIT C attached) be approved, ratified and confirmed. | | re | oe Vice President Peterson presented, for the information of the Regents, Actions by the State Building Commission Affecting the University (see Item IV, of | the Recommendation and Report of the Vice President of Business and Finance, _ | EXHIBIT C attached), | | oO | | — | | “ ee | | OO Regular Board 5/12/56 - 3 © a oo | The Vice President of Business and Finance presented the report of budget _ | transfers for April, 1956, for the information of the Regents. (See Exhibit D ap- | | | pended to EXHIBIT C attached) | | | | | : | Upon motion of Regent Jones, seconded by Regent Wanvig, it was | | oe | VOTED, That Recommendation No. VI., listed under the Recommendation and | | Report of the Vice President of Business and Finance (EXHIBIT C attached) be adopted. _ | OO The Secretary reminded the Regents of the invitation which they had re~/ ceived from the Committee on Arrangements for the Dedication Ceremony for the Cafap ‘Randall Memorial Building on Friday, May 18, 1956, at 3 P.M. oe Op ao | | President Gelatt presented the report of the Executive Committee. | | Upon motion of Regent Watson, seconded by Regent Steiger, it was - | - - VOTED, That the following actions of the Executive Committee, approved , we since the April 7; 1956, meeting of the Regents, be confirmed: , | a That Widconsin University Building Corporation be authorized to ac~ | | an cept the offer of the Wisgonsin Alumni Research Foundation, dated pes ‘April 2h, 1956 (copy on file), to guarantee bank credit loans to Wis- CO , consin University Building Corporation in the aggregate amount of OO $3,000,000 for the interim financing during construction of University i | dormitories; and that the appreciation of the Regents be conveyed to | | the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation for this generous offer of a | assistance to the dormitory construction program of the University. - | | ®, That Wisconsin University Building Corporation be authorized to ac= tits oo | cept the offer of First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee to make = oe loans to Wisconsin University Building Corporation under a revolving a De bank credit of $3,000,000, in accordance with the terms and conditions | rn sof the offer dated March 22, 1956 (copy on file), which loans are to _ ma | _ be guaranteed by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, for the pur=- | a | pose of interim financing during construction of dormitories for about | 500 men to be located south of the Kronshage Dormitories and for such > — a other University dormitory projects as subsequently may be approved; _ - cae oe - | | Oo Regular Board 5/12/56 -h oo _ subject to the approval of such dormitory projects by the Regents | and by the Coordinating Committee for Higher Education, and subject | to the approval, for each project, of the leases, contracts, sched- | : ules of costs, and other necessary documents, by the Regents and by | the appropriate state officials as required under Section 36.06(6),_ | | | Wisconsin Statutes. | | eo a : | 3, That the bid by the Madison Moving and Wrecking Company, Madison, | _-—-s Wisconsin, to raze the old University YMCA Building and the Gymnasium ~ - | | Annex for a consideration of $4,000 to be paid by the University be _ | accepted, and that the Vice President of Business and Finance be auth~ — oe orized to sign the contract subject to the approval of the Governor =~ 7 ) and the State Chief Engineer and to charge the cost to the allotment | previously made by the Regents for lower campus improvements. Be - i. That the offer of Mrs. J. B. Allen, Marshfield, Wisconsin, to pay , | the University $200 for the old superintendent's residence at the 7 | - Marshfield Agricultural Experiment Station be accepted. = : / 5. That not to exceed $600 be appropriated from Anonymous Trust Fund In- - come to pay approximately one-half of the cost of traveling expenses | | oe incurred by the School of Music in connection with the participation | | of the University Band in two free concerts and the May-Day-USA Way ; oe observance to be held in River Falls, Wisconsin, April 28-28, 1956. oe oo (The remaining one-half of the cost will be charged to the Knapp Fund | budget. ) | | ee a | | a | a Regent Laird presented the report of the Educational Committee. 7 | --——s«sYpon motion of Regent Laird, seconded by Regent Werner, it was | VOTED, That Professor Rudolph E. Langer be appointed Director of the | ‘Mathematics Research Center for the United States Army, effective January 10, 1956, _— - ab an annual salary of $17,500, twelve months! basis, chargeable to funds provided | by the Government under the terms of the contract; and that Professor Langer be con— | 7 tinued as Professor of Mathematics but that he be released from other duties in the . College of Letters and Science as of the effective date of this change of status. | oo Upon motion of Regent Laird, seconded by Regent Renk, it was | os | | VOTED, That Rita L. Youmans be appointed associate professor of education, © : | - School of Education and Wisconsin High School and home economics (education), Col- — | lege of Agriculture, for the academic year 1956-57; salary for the year $7,000; to es | : 7 Regular Board 5/12/56 -5 ‘be distributed as follows: $4,000 = Department of Education, $1,600 - Wisconsin a High School, $1,1:00 - Home Economics; charge $5,600 to 1A-1B Instruction, School of | , | Education, salaries and wages, 1956-57 budget, and $567 to balance on salary of | | - Ruth A. Henderson, on leave, and $833 to Teaching Asst. (Foods), fund 20-2, home | economics, College of Agriculture. 7 | ae | oe | Upon motion of Regent Laird, seconded by Regent Watson, it was | | ‘VOTED, That the resignation of Graham B. Hovey, associate professor of journalism, be accepted; to take effect at the close of the academic year 1955-56. | | | | | Upon motion of Regent Laird, seconded by Regent Werner, it was a | VOTED, That the following recommendations of the Educational Committee be adopteds | | a | | | 4, That the retirement of Preston E. McNall, professor of agricultural > | economics, be approved, to take effect May 31, 1956; and that he be © | granted emeritus status. ae | Qe That the retirement of Arlie M. Mucks, professor and assistant direct | re or of agricultural extension, be approved, to take effect June 30, | 1956; and that he be granted emeritus status. 7 a wee | ‘Upon motion of Regent Laird, seconded by Regent Jones, it was So VOTED, That the following recommendations of the Educational Committee be : | adopted: | | a _ : | | | | - 1, That William 5. Stokes, professor of political science, be granted > 7 _ leave of absence, without pay, for the period September 1956 to Sep- wo tember 1958. | ae | | , | oe ee oe 2, That William F., Eberlein, associate professor of mathematics, be | | | granted leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1956-57, 8B That the leave of absence granted Fred A. Clarenbach, professor of | oe political science, be extended, without pay, through the second sem= — ha | ae ester, as well as the first semester, of the academic year 1956=57. | | ik, That Ruth A. Henderson, professor of education, Department of Educa- — | | | tion and in Wisconsin High School, School of Education, and home | economics (education), College of Agriculture, be granted leave of ab-= a oe sence, on summer session trust fund basis for the academic year 1956- | | _ a 573 salary $2,134 — Department of Education, $853 ~ Wisconsin High | School, $74.7 - Home Economics, and $2,836 ~ Summer Session Trust Funds.
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