-'yryr'-' 'S'''1:^:'-!K^''% **^-t'C':V:••'-• 'r;;i.VH>^-,;:?i^^irr':':;: " '• ' ]'• •' • k Official Organ of the Atlantic and Gulf District, Seafarers International Union of North America Vol. VII. NEW YORK. N. Y.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1945 No. 42 SlU Backs Dockmen Against CP Putsch SIU-SUP BEGIN ANTI-COMMIE DRIVE Calls For Relentless Fight To Drive Communist Finks From The Entire Waterfront Condemning the communists as finks and "exposed sabateurs of the entire labor movement," a special meeting of the New York Branch of the SIU voted unanimously to support the eastern AFL longshoremen in their fight against the attempted infiltration by the NMU and the CIO longshoremen under Harry t- Bridges. longshoremen was branded A rank and file committee as an excuse for an organization­ elected from the floor was di­ al raid on the ILA to gain con­ rected to work with the Branch trol or to drive the members into officials in determining strategy Bridges outfit. to drive the communists from the Meanwhile, more and more waterfront. longshoremen returned to the Simultaneous action in the docks as the communists move for same direction was taken by the domination became more clear. The leader of the "rank and file NEW YORK — Mounted police of them vaded" Beaver Street, where SIU New York Branch of the SUP, protect communist demonstrators work. The SIU and SUP went in­ and their representatives were longshoremen, William Warren, headquarters are located. They was charged by the union offi­ as angry members of the Seafar­ to action after the communist added to the strategy and plan­ made sure, however, that they cials as not being a longshore­ ers International Union and Sail­ dominated unions injected them­ kept the mounties between them ning committee. Harry Lunde- man at all. or's Union of the Pacific surge selves into the affairs of the In­ and the Union Hall. ' berg. President of the SIU-SUP forward in the first clash of the ternational Longshoremen's As­ pledged his support against the It was pointed out that Warren Further SIU cmti-commie ac­ had not paid dues to the ILA for SIU's . campaign to drive the sociation — AFL. in another at­ attempted communist putsch in a tion has been planned by a rank more than a year, thus showing commies from the waterfront. tempt to gain control of the New telegram to the eastern leaders and file Strategy Committee no concern for the welfare of the The action took place in front of York waterfront for their pal. of the ILA-AFL. elected from the floor at a special organization, and could not even the WSA offices on Broad Street. Harry Bridges. meeting. PROVEN FINKS be considered a member any Members of the NMU. MEOW Apparently assured that La- A resolution denouncing the The strategy committee of the longer. In addition. Warren was and MC&S and other non-mari- Guardia's police department commies as scab herders and proven to have been a CIO or­ lime communists sought to pro­ would protect them from the union busters who sabotage SIU-SUP is working very closely with a committee of longshore­ ganizer sent into an independent long the strike of longshoremen, wrath of SIU and SUP seamen, workers' wages and working con­ utilities union for the purpose of 'despite the fact thai the majority the commies had previously "in­ ditions Weis unanimously adopted. men elected off the docks, and a series of demonstrations were swinging it into a commie-domi­ planned to show once and for all nated CIO union. that the waterfront is not under TRYING TO STAMPEDE communist domination — and Common Mao Still Takes A Mine Strike Ended more, that the waterfront yv^ork- The longshoremen of the East ers themselves do not want these Coast are demanding the right WASHINGTON — In a sur­ to work without communist in­ prise move. John L. Lewis sent proven finks around. Beating—Maybe He Loves It terference. The so-called "rank his men back to the mines. They Discussion at the meeting and and file" revolting against the had been called out. as a safety the resolution passed unanimous­ The "Common Man," that old Man is getting his teeth kicked longshoremen and trying to stam­ measure when the mine fore­ ly by the five hundred members pede them into striking are friend of the politician, is still in. Not that it's a new exper- men had struck for union recog­ present made it clear that, no working on a well-laid plot to nition. getting knots raised on his rump ience; it happens so often and matter what the differences were penetrate the dockers organiza­ •regularly and often—and by his so regularly that no one really It was made clear that this within the ILA, these differences tion, long a dominant factor in move was not final, that the ^old friend (you guessed it), the pays any attention to it. But it's must be settled by the longshore- opposing the communists on the men had gone back only tem­ shoremen themselves. The sup­ waterfront, and bring it under politician. It happens so often worth while looking at some of porarily. Lewis gave no ex­ <v posed concern of the commies in the things that have happened to communist control. ^ , that hardly anybody takes notice planation why this step was the NMU and the CIO longshore­ Repeatedly the communists pOi it—not even that old football (Continued on Page 3} taken. men about the "rights" of AFL have raised false issues and tried himself, who continues to lick the to sabotage the gains of the In­ shoe that boots him. ternational Longshoremen's Assn. The competent columnist of the which has won for their mem­ '•rs- Labor Press Associates, Ben Dor, Reports From Ships Say Log Gets Around bers in New York and on the East Coast conditions second to devoted an article to the beating Postcards acknowledging re­ Delegates Yetlow, H. Goodine, SS Thomas MacDonough, Al­ none throughout the world. that the Common Man has taken ceipt of the Log aboard ships in Syhura. coa: Delegates Halcome, Nichal- transit continue to arrive at the Their attempts are now being in recent weeks, and came • up MV Yaquina Head, Moran Tow­ son and Ward re-distributed the office. Ship after ship report pushed through Thomas Ray and with quite an indictment of the ing: Bosun J. Joy i-eceived Log Log to Merchant Navy Club, that, after their copies had been Joe "Stack of the National Mari­ politicos who "represent" us in delivery and is holding them for Trinidad. thoroughly read by the crew, time Union who are both well Washington. Let us turn ^he the new crew, the old one hav­ Even more important are the they were re-distributed to other known for their following of the stage over to Brother Dor and ing payed off. postcards notifying the office that places where seamen of all na­ Communist Party line. read the score on what's' been SS Tumacacori, Pacific Tank­ the Log has not been delivered tionalities, and unions would ers: Delegates Carter (SUP), aboard. This condition is being The Seafarers International done to the Common" Man in the have a chance to read them. Union experienced the tactics of ^t couple of weeks: Kreuger, and Clark. remedied, but the only way we Among the ships that received the communists in their own strug­ •".Tt SS Monarch of Seas, Water­ have of knowing about it by re­ NOTHING NEW the shipboard deliveries are the man: Delegates Close and Endi- ceiving the postcards. gle to build the SIU, the resolu­ :"Don't look now, unless you're following. cott. The Log was re-distributed SS John Milledge, South Atlan- tion passed at the meeting de- worried, too—^but' the Common SS Chas. Nordhoff, Alcoa: at "other ships and bars." (Conthnted on- Page 12) (Continued on Page 3) mm Page Two HE SEAFARERS LOG Friday. October 19. 1945 m\, MOVING IN Soak-Tbe-Poor Tax SEAFARERS L Sent To The Senate . Published Weekly by the WASHINGTON (LPA) — Only 10 members of the Houe of flep- SEAFARERS INTERNATIONAL UNION resentatives, out of the 453 vot­ OF NORTH AMERICA ing, opposed the new tax bill which organized labor contends Atlantic and Gulf District will favor the rich and profits Affiliated tc-ith the American Federation of Labor swollen corporations. at the ex^ pense of the nation's workers. At 51 Beaver Street, New York 4, N. Y. Passed by the House, the new tax bill promises corporations.- HAnover 2-2784 tax reduction next year of at least two billion dollars, and was! ^ % X sent to the Senate for confirma­ HARRY LUNDEBERG ------- President tion. Both AFL and CIO have lOJ Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. protested the new schedules'' which were clearly written along JOHN HAWK - -- -- -- - Secy-Treas. the lines dictated by anti-labor lobbies representing industry and P. O. Box 25, Station P., New York City big business. MATTHEW DUSHANE - - - - Washington Rep. The bill which the Senate will consider has been exposed bj^ 424 5 th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. labor economists as a "rob-the- Entered as second class matter June 15, 1945, at the Post Office poor, fayor-the-rich" measure. in New York, N. Y., under the Act of August 24, 1912. Treasury estimates indicate tha^ the nex tax plan, a revision of 4;he >267 program proposed to Congress by Treasury Secy. Vinson, will pro­ vide several billions in handout^ to U, S. corporations. Even after Waterfront Control the proposed taxes, corporations will end up with net profits of The obscurity which shrouded , the activities of the more than seven billion- National Maritime Union and other communists in the New York waterfront struggle has lifted sufficiently for the public to'share with trade unionists the true picture WITH THE SID IN GJUHADA of what is behind the longshoremen's "strike." Even now, some of the press is of the opinion that this is a AFL-CIO struggle for control of the city's millions By GENS MARICEY of workers.
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