Homecoming changes proposed; Charities would rece1ve• money Tom Gora committees, ea,;h to build a his plan would benefit all the float, one for the North Quad students. Financially speaking, Monday 'light the Hall Presi­ area, and one for the main quad Imhoff believes the halls would dents' Council discussed plans area. The fund~: for these two really be losing nothing since the t for the upcoming Homecoming floats would come from the money would now be put to a Weekend with particular focus $3 50 apwopri.ated as prize good purpose. Badin Hall President Buz Imhoff HPC Chairman John Barkett on a proposal calling for a money each year by the Student change in the traditional float Union. The mon1~y that each hall "Something has always struck contest. The new plan, presented usually spent on construction me as being futile about a hall by Badin Hall President Buz costs for the individual floats spending as much as $100 on Erroneous statement Imhoff provides for the joint would then be donated to chari­ something that's of no lasting construction of two major floats ties chosen from a list drawn up value and will be torn down instead of one float per hall. by the HPC. within two days of its comple­ retracted by WSND Imhoff's proposal suggests In stating his Jrationale for the tion," Imhoff said. that the money the halls would Don Capshaw proposal Imhoff explained that Although the Council does within The Qbserver staff. normally spend in float con­ only fifty or sixty percent of the not know exactly how the "Since I felt that it was a. struction be given to a charity or Last Tuesday a John Yerko halls participate: in the float money WOILild be distributed, damned shame for The Obser­ charities in the South Bend area. commentary was broadcast over competition and the interest in they are considering two major WSND regarding The Observer's Included in the plan is provi­ ver to suspend publication due building the floats usually lies in ideas: 1) the individual hall suspended publication. The fol­ sion for the creation of two a few individuals. Imhoff feels to internal friction, I believed would be n:sponsible for dona­ lowing day, a retraction was the commentary was appro­ ting float money to a charity of broadcast by Y erko to coll\Pen-~ priate. However, . when I dis­ 'The Selling of a Senator' its choice; or 2) the money ·sate for erroneous information covered The Observer's problems would be collected by the HPC given \VSND concerning reasons were financially orientated, I felt SPECIAL FROM CHICAGO SUN-TIMES and given to one or more chari­ for the suspension. Seven hippie-types from against law and order legislation.' a retraction was necessary," he ties, as chose:n by the HPC. In his commentary, Yerko cri­ said. Chicago are the stars of a pro- Several other Roudebush ticized The Observer for sus­ Yerko believes that the uni­ posed political television spot in commercials, already on film, The measure passed unani­ pending publication. He blamed which they portray the type of characterize Hartke as "soft on internal troubles for the suspen­ versity needs a campus news­ mously in a preliminary vote by paper. "There are certain things radicals that one Indiana candi- communism" and against law the Hall Pn:sidents and awaits sion. However, in an interview, date for the U.S. Senate claims and order, all of which Yerko said he was given wrong a newspaper can do that a radio one more vote Monday after the station can't and vice-versa," he his opponent supports. Hartke-seeking a third six-year information regarding the rea­ presidents have met with resi­ said. Yerko stated that he knew' Eight hippies originally were term- vigorously denies. sons for the paper's recent prob­ dents of their halls. very little about the actual inside cast for the job. But one quit The hippies were hired about lems. "I received a phone call work of The Observer and he while the film was being shot two weeks ago i:n a North Side The council also discussed a from what I considered a reliable also added that he could not this week in rural northwest Chicago tavern for $75 apiece. proposal designed to give con­ source," said John, "but it understand why The Observer Indiana because, he said, he Kevin Koch, 1944 N. Burling, cerned studemts the opportunity turned out that the information found the commercial repug- quit the troupe during the shoo­ to offer th,eir student football was having financial problems. given was incorrect." Yerke "Whatever the case may be," he nant. ting-without his $75. He said he tickets to th'e Georgia Tech game stated that his source said The The commercial, if used, will found the commercial "distaste­ to underprivileged children from said, "I am glad The Observer is Observer's suspended publica­ back, believe it or not." depict the young men and ful" and added: the South Bend community. tion was due to internal friction women supposedly traveling (Continued on page 6) from state to state to create trouble while committing anum­ Paris Negotiations ber of distasteful or illegal acts. The filming was paid for by backers of U.S. Rep. Richard L. Roudebush (R-Ind), who is seeking to unseat U.S. Sen. U.S. will not abandon Thieu-Ky Vance Hartke, a Democrat, in the November election. PARIS (UPI)--U.S. negotiator Sunday, Bruce told the Hanoe would be a participant in these Mme. Nguyen Thi Binh, chief The intended message of the David K. E. Bruce, on the eve of and Viet Cong negotiators at the meetings," Bruce said. negotiator and foreign minister commercial according to an In­ his departure for consultations 86th session of the Vietnam of the Viet Cong's Provisional dianapolis advertising executive, with President Nixon, told the peace talks their demands for Although official spokesmen Revolutionary Government, said is that Hartke encourages what Communist Vietnamese Thurs­ the overthrow of the ruling for both North Vietnamese and all they heard from Bruce Thurs­ the hippies portray by voting day the United States will not triumvirate of South Vietnam Viet Cong delegations later day "was his old scratched abandon the present Saigon were "unreasonable." characterized the American record, playing the same old leadership in return for an early stand as a "rejection" of the tune." peace in Vietnam. · "It is ~qually unacceptable for latest Communist proposals, BULLETIN your side to demand, as a pre- both U.S. and Saigon officials Emerging from the three and Probing Communist inten- condition to serious negotiation, refused to use the word one half hour session of the CAIRO (UPI) Acting tions for the bst time before the removal of the leadership of "rejection" to describe their deadlocked conference, Bruce Egyptian President Anwar EI conferring with Nixon in Ireland a government which you agreed position. told newsmen: Sadat and former Prime Minister SM h ~ Ali Sabri suffered heart attacks c t • 0 e •d en t "It was the same as usual, no yesterday just as President C~:>n I nues searc r pr Sl departure from the statements G l N ama _asse~ ' ~ f une~a 1 b eg an, Ann· Mane· Tracey, SMC stu- Reportm!~· to a 1 a 11 -sc h oo1 con- They JUdge. each candidate. · on· • and discourse that. .we've . heard the semt-offtctal Carro news- dent body president yesterday, vocation, Miss Tracey explained these criteria: Ph.d. educational bhefore and ~o clanftcaho~ from Paper AI Ahram said: . announced the appomtment· '. of that sr. AI rna, f or~er commt'tt e~ and admmtstratlve. · expenence.. t e other .stde about, therr pro-, T~e. newspaper dtd _not gtve a Sr. Miriam Patrick as new chair- chairman, relinqmshed her _post- Although there is no age limit, posals, whtch wed ask~d for. condthon report on.etther man. man of the presidential search tion becaue: of her other com- the committee prefers younger M The ~roposals, submitted_ by AI Ahram sa1d doctors mt'ttments. t me. Bmh Sept. 17 as an etght app1 Jean s. · t " · T · " ff d exa~ined Sadat and gave hi~ a Sister is also director of the By next Friday the B~ard of pom ?eace llll IatJve, 0 er~ cardto~ram at the revolutJ_on Rome program and acting Trustees has requ~sted that the the _l.Jmted_ Stat~s a _cease fue council headquarters, startmg , · . and Immediate dtscuss10n of the · t f th f 1 d "'t college president. searc_h committee have three release of American pnsoners in pom 0 e unera • an 1 was Besides announcing the candidates to present to the ~~~~~d t~at he lie in bed at the appointment, Miss Tracey also Board. To date, the committee return for a declaration the u mg. briefed the assembly on the ~as interviewed six men for the United States will pull all its committee's actions during the Job. troops out of South Vietnam by MNG. EDITOR NAMED summer. "I am very impressed with the next June 30 and will remove From those people suggested excellent cooperation of the the three top leaders of the Bill Carter· a Senior English as presidential candidates, forty- students while we are earnestly Saigon government-President major from New York City, was fifty nominees accepted searching for a president," Nguyen Van Thieu, Vice Presi­ named late last night by Editor­ appointment to be interviewed commented Sr. Alma. "When? dent Nguyen Cao Ky, and Prime in-Chief Glen Corso to the· by the committee.
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