PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY VOL. XXVI—No. 5 TACOMA, WASH. JANUARY - 1956 2 BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society Pierce County Medical Society 1956 OFFICERS President __________ Gerald C, Kohl Preliminary President-Elect____ Hillis F. Griffin Vice-President_____ Burton A. Brown Secretary-Treasurer . Arnold J. Herrmann Announcement T R U S T E E S 'i . Burton A. Brown " Louis P. Hoyer, Jr. • --Walter GrGanrerorr— Gerald C. Kohl ■—‘ « Carlisle Dietrich S. Robert Lantiere » 'I Philip Grenley Glenn G. McBride 1 The Annual Dinner Dance - Hillis F. Griffin Fay Morris Nace Arnold J. Herrmann Warren F. Smith n D E L E G A T E S of the Jesse W. Bowen, Jr. Arnold J. Herrmann Walter C. Cameron Frank R. Maddison Philip Grenley Pierce County Medical Society ALTERNATE DELEGATES Louis P. Hoyer, Jr. Charles E. Kemp Murray L. Johnson William J. Rosenbladt Will Be Held Saturday, February 11 Warren F. Smith COMMITTEES Ethics at the Charles H. Denzler, Chairman S. Robert Lantiere William H. Goering Grievance Tacoma Country and Golf Club Walter C. Cameron, Chairman Miles Parrott Jess W. Read House and Attendance Philip C. Kyle, Chairman Rodney Brown Mills Lawrence Glenn G. McBride L ibrary Fay Morris Nace, Chairman Robert R. Burt Joseph O. Lasby Ralph H. Huff Program John J. Bonica, Chairman Carlisle Dietrich Hugh A. Larkin Rodger Dille Stanley W. Tuell Wayne Zimmerman Public Health Charles E. Kemp, Chairman Cecil R. Fargher Louis P. Hoyer, Jr. Merrill J. Wicks Public Relations Haskell L. Maier, Chairman Samuel E. Adams Wm. W. Mattson, Jr. Herman S. Judd Warren F. Smith Civil Defense Murray Johnson, Chairman Daniel Hunt, Admiral, U. S. Navy, retired Paul E. Bondo Richard B. Link J. Robert Brooke James D. Lambing D iabetes Robert E. Lane, Chairman Joseph B. Harris G. Marshall Whitacre Entertainment Jesse W. Bowen, Chairman L. Stanley Durkin Charles P. Larson James M. Mattson Frederick J. Schwind Geriatrics J. Benjamin Robertson, Chairman Hollis Smith John L. Whitaker Legislative Douglas P. Buttorff, Chairman Homer W. Humiston Wendell G. Peterson Dumont Staatz Mental Health Committee William H. Todd, Chairman Treacy H. Duerfeldt Harlan P. McNutt George S. Kittredge F. E. Shovlain School Committee R. A. Norton, Chairman NOTICE Lester S. Baskin David T. Hellyer Woodard A. Niethammer Traffic Safety John Theodore Robson, Chairman Check back page of Bulletin for calendar Don Francis Cummings Robert A. Kallsen Louis M. Rosenbladt of special meetings Bulletin Staff E d ito r ....... .... -William Mattson, Jr. Business Manager ........ Shirley lmeson Auxiliary News Editor . —Mrs. Becky Bonfield BULLETIN o f the Pierce County M edical Society 3 (J a JU l t t ional support Each Theragran Capsule supplies: Vitamin A .... 25,000 U.S.P. Units and Theragran gives (synthetic) therapeutic results Vitamin D .... 1,000 U.S.P. Units Thiamine Mononitrate.... 10 mg. Riboflavin ...................... 10 mg. Niacinamide .................. 150 mg. Ascorbic A c id ................ 150 mg. THERAGRAN lo r more capsules daily THERAPEUTIC FORMULA VITAMIN CAPSULES SQUIBB bOttleS Of 30, 100 and 1000. S q j j ib b ’ THEftAQRAK* IB A SQUIBp TRADEMARK BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society ierce County Medical Society 1956 OFFICERS sident .......... ............. Gerald C. Kobl Preliminary sident-EIect .........................................................Hillis F. Griffin e-President ......................... Burton A. Brown retary-Treasurer ....... Arnold J. Herrmann Announcement TRUSTEES 'i . Burton A. Brown " Louis P. Hoyer, Jr. • - Walter G.-Cameron—• Gerald C. Kohl ---------------- Carlisle Dietrich S " ' ' T — 1 <t >»- _ * ----------- 1 7 Philip Grenley G D an ce Hillis F. Griffin F Arnold J. Herrmann V DELEGATE? Jesse W. Bowen, Jr. A Walter C. Cameron F Philip Grenle; 1 Society ALTERNATE DELI Louis P. Hoyer, Jr. C Murray L. Johnson \ W arren F . Sra ebruary 11 COMMITTEI Ethics Charles H. Denzler, I S. Robert Lantiere ' Grievance Walter C. Cameron, O Miles Parrott ] 2 House and Atten Philip C. Kyle, Ch _Q Rodney Brown ! O Glenn G. McB) Library Fay Morris Nace, C Robert R. Burt Ralph H. Huff V Program £ John J. Bonica, Cl Carlisle Dietrich rt Rodger Dille 2 Wayne Zimmej Public Heal Charles E. Kemp, ( Cecil R, Fargher Merrill J. Wi Public Relati Haskell L. Maier, ( Samuel E. Adams Herman S. Judd Civil Defen Murray Johnson, ( Daniel Hunt, Admiral. U. o Paul E. Bondo J. Robert Brooke 2 c _o D iabetes Robert E. Lane, C b -1-1rt Joseph B. Harris L,ra <L> L- Enter tainmi _o £ 1) Jesse W. Bowen, I * m a W L. Stanley Durkin h James M, Mattson J O Q Geriatrics t» J- Benjamin Robertson, Chairman Hollis Smith John l . W hitaker Legislative Douglas P. Buttorff, Chairman Homer W. Humiston Wendell G. Peterson Dumont Staatz Mental Health Committee William H. Todd, Chairman Treacy H. Duerfeldt Harlan P. McNutt George S. Kittredge F. E, Shovlain School Committee r , „ „ ,R- A. Norton, Chairman Lester S. Baskin David T. Hellyer NOTICE Woodard A. Niethammer Traffic Safety John Theodore Robson, Chairman Check back page of Bulletin for calendai □on francis Cummings Robert A. Kallsen Louis M, Rosenbladt of special meetings Bulletin Staff William Mattson, Jr. ew M anager _____ Shirley Imeson iary News Editor -Mrs. Becky Banfield BULLETIN o f the Pierce County M edical Society 3 MMBEM Each Theragran Capsule supplies: Vitamin A .... 25,000 U.S.P. Units and Theragran gives (synthetic) therapeutic results Vitamin D 1,000 U.S.P. Units Thiamine Mononitrate.... 10 mg. Riboflavin...................... 10 mg. Niacinamide .................. 150 mg. Ascorbic A c id 150 mg. THERAGRAN 1 or more capsules daily THERAPEUTIC FORMULA VITAMIN CAPSULES SQUIBB bottles of 30,100 and 1000. S q j j ib b 'TKERAQRAH' IS A SQUIBp TRADEMARK NEW! ACHROMYCIN OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT with HYDROCORTISONE (Tetracycline 1% , Hydrocortisone 1.5%) Lederle’s versatile broad-spectrum antibiotic and P a c k a g e : % oz. hydrocortisone, an established anti-inflammatory agent, collapsible tube. are now combined in a lanolin-petrolatum base. This Other forms of Achromycin for dual-action ointment is useful in treating a wide ophthalmic use: variety of ocular infections, and many noninfectious Ophthalmic eye conditions, including corneal injuries. Ointment 1%: M oz. tube. Ophthalmic Solution: vial of 25 mg. with sterilized dropper v ia l. TETRACYCLINE LEDERLE LEDERLEACHROMYCIN LABORATORIES DIVISION A M t n a n idcoMPAur PEARL RIVER, NEW YORK 'REQ. U.S. RAT. OFF. BULLETIN o f the Pierce County M edical Society 5 PROGRAM-8:15 p.m. Pierce County Medical Society Tuesday, January 10, 1956 “Relation of the Practicing Physician to the Schools” Dr. Darcy M. Dayton, Director Health Services Tacoma Public Schools “Public Health Nursing in the Schools” Miss Anola Frederick Public Health Nurse, Tacoma Schools “Health Screening of School Children” Dr. R. A. Norton, Chairman, School Advisory Committee of the Pierce County Medical Society # # * FILMS (Showing Begins at 7:20 p.m.) Nephrosis in Children . Color, Sound, 18 Minutes Mitral Valve . Color, Sound, 14 Minutes 6 BULLETIN of the Fierce County M edical Society Fine funeral service is an inflexible rule at C. C. MELLINGER'S. Funerals purchased with Washington State Old Age Benefits receive the same careful consideration to all details that marks the most expensive C. C. MELINGER tribute. I. I. MELLINGER President CREDIT TERMS OUR FUNERAL BEN EFIT IF INSURANCE PLAN SA V E S Y O U C.C. Mellinger DESIRED M O N EY TOO Underwritten by Homesteader's Life Co. of Des Moines, Iowa. Lowest rates— a n d M e m o r i a l c h u r c h W e invite comparison. 6TH & TACOMA a g e s 1-85 BROADWXY 3268 ( 7 :3 * r N O M ED ICAL EXAMINATION! "0 PROCTOR Tacoma Brace & L im b Co. Pharmacy Lenart C. Ceder, owner EARL V. ACKER ☆ Expertly fitted— Com plete Orthopedic Appliances Prescription Service Artificial Limbs Surgical Belts Arch Supports PR. 2235 Trusses ☆ PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 723 South K Street 3818 North 26th Street Phone MArket 2717 B ......... BULLETIN o f the Pierce County M edical Society 7 EDITORIALLY SPEAKING... Our hard working Pierce County Medical Society Auxiliary recently had an experience that is worthy of presentation. Due to unforseen circumstances they were forced to change the site of their rummage sale, held December 1st, 2nd and 3rd, and a sign to that effect was placed in the door. Subsequently Helen Kittridge received reports of some strange faces behind the counters accepting rummage from doctors’ wives. Investigation disclosed that another organization had taken over the space and altered the sign left so that no mention was made of the transfer of the Pierce County Medical Society Auxiliary to another location. The party that had taken over was found not to have a permit and the place was promptly locked up. However, the Auxiliary and what it supports suffered considerable loss. Instead of the previously— (last year) earned $1000 only $455 was taken in. These funds are used for scholarships for nurses and also “The American Medical Educational Foundation Fund.” It would seem that the Pierce County Medical Society Board of Trustees could support our Auxiliary and investigate with the thought of recovering loss, preventing misunderstanding with this organization and taking action to prevent recurrences of this situation. WM. W. MATTSON,JR., M.D. 8 BULLETIN o f the Pierce County M edical Society The Most Important Document You Will Ever Sign The most important document you will sound will. And the cost may not be great. ever sign, or should sign, is your Will. No matter how large or how small your estate, Special attention should be given to nam­ you should make a Will. Why? Because a ing a bank as executor, solely or jointly with will provides the greatest financial security your wife and/ or others.
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