Blue Hens red hot on home court/1 Oa BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMITN138 UNIVE;:;;:~:ONew Ark Post NEWARK . DE 19711 NEWARK, DELAWARE 80th year, No.4 February 15, 1990 Newark, Del. 25 cents Newark VIKINGS TOP GLASGOW Schools seek $5.5 million bond issue 22 percent on ballot tax hike by Cathy Thomas Ncwarkcrs will have the oppor­ by Neil Thomas Metts said the proposed tax hike tunity to say what they think of a Citing booming enrollment, takes a long-range view of the dis­ $5.5 million bond referendum proposed sa lary improvements and trict's needs. proposed for the April ballot. the need to modernize facilities and " The district has to make a City council has scheduled a equipment, the Christina School choice as to what kind of future public hearing on the matter during DisLii ct board voted 6- 1 Tuesday developmen t will take place," its Feb. 26 meeting and is expected night to put a 22.4 percent property Metts said. to place the iss ue on the April 10 tax increase to the voters. To maintain schools and to ballot following the heari ng. The board accep ted a recommen­ provide sound programs in the fu­ The referendum will likely be dation by Superintendent Iris T. ture " will all depend on funding." split Into three parts: $ I million to Metts that tl1e district ask voters to " If we ask for nine cents, we will partially fund consLiuction of the approve an increase of 16.5 cents be in the same pos ition nex t year," water treatment plant, $1.6 million per $ 100 of assessed val uation. said Mcus, who took office earlier to fund police facility improve­ The increase in yearly tax on a this month. "The judgment of the ments , and $2.9 million to fund home assessed at $100,000 (in administration is that a recommen- parkland acquisition. Delaware, assessmen ts arc lower dation of nine cents will just not City Manager Carl Luft has ex­ than prevailing market prices) help us out in meeting our obliga­ pressed some concern about the would be S 165. The current school tion s. It is our belief, with this (in· preliminary cos t estimates for tax rate is 73.5 ce nts, or, using t11 c crease), we will not have to return police station improvements. "sample home, " $735. to the voters in the ncar fuwre. " Consultants were hired to study A referendum on the proposed In conjunction with the rcfercn· whether the city should build a new increase wi ll be held May 8, in con­ station or renovate the current j un cti on with sc hoo l boa rd See T AXES/2a faciity. Council will go over th e elections . consultant's findings during workshop meeting nex t week. The 1990 city budget included a three percent property tax increase Medical Center: to fund the bond issue debt service and a similar tax increase is ex­ pected in the 1991 budget. Pediatrics stays Res idents must be registered by March 17 to consider the bond by Cathy Thomas In a Dec. 14, 1988 press release, issue. As the dust settles on a con­ the two medical facilities an­ The Feb. 26 city council meeting troversy surrounding Christiana nounced intentions to negotiate an is scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Hospital's pediatrics department, a agreement for the consolidation of Newark Municipal Building. loca l citizen group seeks more in­ some ped iatric se rvi ces. formation on the issue. Comrniuce member Kathleen The Co mmittee for Family Kamins ki said the group has es­ Health Care met Sunday night to Police tab lished communica tion with discuss sLiatcgics for dealing with Medical Center oflicials. concern s th at the Medical Center of officers Delaware might sell off part of ·' We want to enter into this in the Christiana Hospital's ped iatrics unit spirit of cooperation," said to th e Al fred I. duPont Institute, a Karninsk.i. " Dr. (Michael) Norman cleared c hil d r e n 's hospital ncar ass ured U1 c committee that no final Wilmington. decisions have been made." Two Newark city police officers Medica l Center officials have Norman is the chairman of Chris­ have been cleared of brutality char­ Photo/Robert Craig deni ed that pediatrics will be moved ti ana Hos pital 's pediatrics ges stemming from a struggle last Tyrone Hudson of Christiana High had the hot hand in a victory over Glasgow. Hudson out of th e hospita l but have ad­ dcparuncnt. milled t.o ongo ing negotiations with December at a local liquor store, ac­ scored 29 points in the game. See story page 11 a. See CENTER/2a cording to a police internal affairs th e Institute. investigation. Police Chief William A. Hogan presented a report to City Council Monday night, saying that Cpl. Seven-story hotel wins council approval James Weldin and Officer Gerald by Cathy Thomas · R. Simpson followed proper A seven-s tory hotel will be built that will compete with the best reminded those attend ing the meet· lion hotel and office complex on the "The size and type of the build­ procedures in attempting to make on the corner of South College hotels in the area.'' ing that there was opposition when si te. Developers dropped the office ing doesn't conform with the en­ arrests at the liquor store. Avenue and the Christina Parkway Council approval came only after Main Towers was proposed for compl ex off the plans after th e city vironment in which it's placed ," John S. Lane Ill, 25, and Melvin following Newark City Council ac- lengthy discussion. Several neigh­ Main Street. Thomas sa id he has planning com mission recom­ said Wirth. " I think it should be Callahan, 33, were arres ted in con­ Li on Monday night. bors objected to th e height of the not receiv ed any complai nts abo ut mended agai nst approva l of the looked at agai n by the planning nection with the incident. Lane and Council approved the rezoning hotel and expressed concerns about the building since its construction. project in December. Many com­ commission.'' Callahan later told council that ra­ and subdiv ision plan for the' 162- poss ible traffic and drainage Amick also objected to the Liaffic mission members felt the five-acre State Sen. J1uncs P. Neal ex- cial harass ment by police was to room Days Inn Hotel and Con- problems. pallcrn, wh ich wi ll req uire site was too small to accomodatc pressed concern about the remain· blame for the arrests. fcren cc Center to be built on th e "Frankly, I would feel different- motorists Lia vcling north on South both th e hotel and office ing residential development along The two officers were in the Fair­ five-acre site. ly if this were a first class develop- College A venue to make aU-turn in development. SouU1 College A venue between the field Liquor Store on Dec. II as "Thcrc is a substamial need for ment," sa id State Rep. Steven H. order to reach the hotel entrance. Ed Wirth of the Arbour Park Christina Parkway and West part of the sta te's new "Cops in th e type of hotel we intend to Am ick, R-Newark. " This facility is " The traffic pancm is truly horren­ Civic Association advi sed co uncil Ches tnut Hill Road. Approval of Shops " program. The program at­ build," sai d Jules Pall, owner of the going to dwarf everything around dou s," he said." that the proposal should be se nt th e hotel, he sa id , wi ll increase the tempts to identify underage persons Pall Corp. which will develop and it. " The original plan subm iucd by back to th e planning commission likelihood of co mm ercial develop­ purchasing alcohol. manage the hotel. "This is a hotel Counci lman Olan Thomas the Patt Corp. called for a $ 13 mil- for anoth er review. ment of that property. Full-year school plan moves ahead INDEX by Neil Thomas four nine- week semes ters each fol­ va ri ed, but were generall y It is 220 in Japan and 2 0 in Korea . The Christina School District is lowed by a three-week vacation. supporti ve. That is omcthing we have to take a News , 2a · The first week of that vaca tion Chandler told of one woma n look at nationally." moving ahead with plans for a Opinion , 4a voluntary year around school period wou ld be used to provide whose children spent time in West Keys to th e program , which will Education, 6a program, and hopes to identify remed ial training for stud ents at risk Germany, which has mandated year be a pilot program for three years, potcmial sc hool sites within the of failing, and could also be used to around sc hool. She wrote that such Business, 9a arc state funding and balancing the nex t few week . provide enrichment programs for all innovations are necessary to keep Sports, 10a studclll population. The Christina board voted un­ stu dents . pace in the international economy Lifestyle, 1 b ani mous support for continuation of hristina adminisLiator Byron wiU1 Wes t Germany and Japan. The 'talC ha earma rked $94,000 Homefront, 1 b program plannmg during ilS month­ Chandler reponed that rc ults of a On U1e other end of the spectrum , for the progrmn, and Christina will Entertainment.
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