Hubert Tai Ten Quee Mildly Mentholated Always: Smoke... Cigarettes SMOKING PLEASURE SERVICE! ! QUALITY! ! for beauty POWER! ! and pleasure... IIIRUSSELLNEWBfRY .-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ .,-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- THE BEST ENGINE FOR YOUR PARTICULAR NEED • • • Abraham, Henriques �lttd��� i���?i ft;:f��l THE NEW 1956 so easy and so comfort­ & Ltd. able. Load up with the Joy f-ami:Ly and go fOil' a glide-ride to the shops 2' Duke street - Phone 36U in . the easy way which these cars respond to their controls makes PREFECT light of the u sua 1 troubles encountered m congested traffic condi- £530 tions. Ta"e ho... � a pachet 01 Once at the shop, nip into the first parkins THE NEW 1956 so 103Jd space, oh!, easy, n , up wtth the parcels .. , there's plenty of room and le.t wife . your , drive home. She'll find the Prefect or the ANGLIA � �� Anglia will handle per­ �". � fectly. £497 �. � �. � Better" value because . � � NOW AVAILABLE FOR �" � IMMEDIATE DELIVERY � IT'S BETTER TEA �' "',' . �" � KINGSTON INDUSTR'IAL GARAGE � Agents: ADOLPH LEVY & BRO. LTD. 59A HARBOUR STREET - PHONE 2184 THE PAGODA THREE Cl\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\II\\\\\\\\ TWO QUALITY HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS THE PAGODA ANNUAL is published annually by Pagoda Limited, publishers THE KEY TO CLEANER WHITER BRIGHTER. of Pagoda Magazine. An WASHES! correspondence regarding subscription and advertising should be addressed to: The Editor, Pagoda Maga­ zine, P.O. Box 71, Kingston, or telephone 43045. Chairman, KEY Board· -of Directors: H. C. Tai Ten Quee SOAP. Managing Director: E. D. Young Editor: Leslie R. Chin Advertising: Miss Dorothy HoSang ONLY 3d and 6d per cake ';- ' \\1\\\\\1\\\1\1\\\\1\\\\1\1\\\\\\1\11\1\1\\\\\1\1\\1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1\1\1\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\1\\\\1\1 .. HOW CAN I ESSENTIAL TO YOUR BEAUTY CARE! .. BECOME A SUBSCRIBER? It's All Quite Simple Just fill out the form below and send It along with your remittance of 11/6 (or 14/- TOILET foreign) to: MAGAZINE P.O. BOX 71, SOAP KINGSTON ---Fill Out---- I:d::·::.::: :::::::::: I enclose in Cash, Ifanufactured by -- Cheque, or Postal Order. CARIBBEAN PRODUCTS CO., LTD. FOUR SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1956 '11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LETTERS For 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 REAL LOVE IS SOLUTION THE EDITOR. Sir:- ICE CREAM Mr. A. Chung, like many impetuous free lance journalists of our modern world, has the craze of constantly stir­ the hornets' nest, then it, of the ring up drop but to frustrate his foolish opinions OI'l many topics, people with a more sane sense of value has to counteract his mis­ statements so that readers won't be highest led. In his bid to stir up more controversies in one sub­ quality the press after dropping ject after another, here he goes oqcdn generalizing on such a subject as if is wives are all bad and that marriage .... more a predicament than anything else. see No doubt his intention is to promote another moot for debate, but in doing so, he is apt to influence our youths sleep from thinking about marriage which is santi­ a social institution ,blessed and JAMAICA a pleasure it is to wake rested and refreshed after a good niaht's • fied God WHATsleep I That is why countless thousands drink delicious Ovaltine' at by Almighty. bedtime-no otllel' beverage can give you better sleep. Here I would like to reproduce what the esteemed Editor of this magazine Remember that • Ovaltine' is made Irom Nature's best foods-includiDa wrote once in relation to t<his matter, ICE CREAM MILK and is fQJJtified with extra vitamins. MALT, EGGS-;-and quote, "There cue so mcny things in Drink delicious life for which we should be thankful. so many things which would make us them happy. Yet so often we overlook INDUSTRY and supplant stirling qualities with values." , Harbour Ovaltlne. \ fleeting 57 Street NIGHT But remember that there is I'l0 greater TIlE GOOD BEVERAGB King;Ston than that which can be MALT FLAVOUR OR CHOCOLA�E FLAVOUR happiness found in a wife's conatcmt devotion, in PhQJie 3636 IS DEUCIOUS SERVED HOT OR COLD OVALTINE EQUALLY a son's -,lloquent plea for the protec­ tive arms of its father, in the warm, VEIlY IMPORTANT-Note that the la'ie sil. 'Ovaltine' tin fathomless love of a family built on contains sixteen ounces. Sold I" airtight tins by all Chemists and Stores, '.C.3. Christian virtues. Mr. A. Chung or anyone else for that matter has no right to condemn our girls or the housewives in the whole­ sale manner, out' what he should do if he can, is to counsel the girls to up­ hold more the principles of propriety and advice the housewlves to live more harmoniously with their husbands. have you In both cases the question involved had that is the right assessment of what is love and how to make marriages click. Now, for the benefit of your readers, I will UGH? -rttsmpt to present to you what en .CO authority says on the all-important When a cough hanga Ol:l issue of love and romance. - longer than usual, nature is warning you that your "There are five distinct types of love, resistance is low. that (1) Affectionate love such as that be­ you need something more than a mere tween the mother and her child, (2) cough remedy. For that cough that you comes from Hero-worship love which cannot shake off. take admirotion and infatuation, (3) Roman­ Ferrol Compound which is both tic love when knees get weak a tonic and cough peoples' Ferrol costs SO little a remedy. Compound and they go through swooning raises natural resistance. Social love in which period of life, (4) and this enables you to we love others as much as ourselves, qurckly shake off the cough ... offers 8'0 much It be too that was yet protection! may and finally, (5) Conjugal love which is hang ing on. Ferret does a good late to wait until tomorrow - by then home and mvolves Compound Job' your mutucrlly complementary that'; why thousands of . scored with God." and belongtng may have been reduced -to ashes. a contract people rely on Ferrol Com­ pound for tile cough they Let us show you how you can have enough Insur­ Mr. Chung appears to me as a man cannot shake off. Get a and in bottle to-day and the ance to give yourself your family the protection who . has suffered disappointments jOin band of satisfied users. you need. the hands of the opposite sex and is. afraid to get married. Instead of getting; Mr and dismayed peradventure .. Chung others who think as he does, should learn what is real love. In this particular measure then, here is how the same authority on the "five types of love" define REAL LOVE. "Real N�fJAiNt in­ he "is intellectual and COMPOUND INSURANCE:"�SOCIET.ES love," says, volves a good deal more them a thump. A heart and increase in Prodv.cC"� ing difficulty .ook••s - for Jamaica is Jlfllnv.!Clctut'fq "".. Agents breathing. It adult-not in the sense of c•. Ltd. LIVINGSTON, ALEXANDER & LEVY being old enough to vote but in the INSURANCE LIMITED sense of having grown up emotionally. It does not" blind and dazzle, couslnq loss 20 Duke Street - Phone 5536 of mind, losing of appetite, sleepless THE PAGODA FIVE Competition plays a vital role in our economy because it ensures lower prices and best quality to consumers. For spun iron pipes and fittings of all description Clay Cross g � 2 products are the most outstanding for prices and quality' For further information 1elephone or write: Agricultural & Industrial Agencies 4 Duke Street, P.O. Box 434, KINGSTON Phone: 4932 Subsidiqry of: Patricia Baud Construction Co. 4 DUKE STREET, KINGSTON LARGES"F INDEPENDENT ROAD MAK:E'RS liN THE BRITI'SH WEST I'NDIES SIX SATURDAY, JUNE 30; 195ft towards 11!111I111I1111I11II111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111 often ccn contribute something the improvement of the Centre. LETTERS The Chun San News Ltd., has con­ sented to open the Fund and all those 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 who wish to assist this worthy cause are asked to send their donation to the don't last. it is Chun San News Ltd with their nqme nights-these. fhings .• amount - the and and the donated. respect the wife must respect address. husbond and vice versa. One is not The names of all donors will be pub­ ]1!lst the thrilling companion of the other, lished in the paper. which W. but partners in an enterprise E. CHEN, require all the talents, pqtients and Chun San News Ltd. suc­ St fortitude they got so as to emerge 85 Pri:ncess .. cessful at the end." Kingston. With these instructions. I hope it can guide young girls to behave better so as to deserve love in return and house­ wives to know better than to be so often cslticized. But my main purpose is to show Mr. Chung thet love can be a good thing and marriage can be "happy ones. Try. it! He may be pleas­ antly surprised. J. A. LOWE. Port Antonio, CHUN SAN BEACH THE EDITOR. Sir:- It might interest your readers to know that the letter of Mr. Donald Chin regarding conditions at the Chun San beach and your Editorial on the sub­ in ject were t,ranslated and republished our newspaper, the Chun San News. As a lesult, I went to see the Chcir- man of the Chun San Recreation Centre, Mr_ Chorles Moo. to find out what his * react,ions were to tlie article appearing in yeur magGlzi,ne. Mr. Moo admttted , thct the beach and pool were in bad - Sole Distributors condition, and expressed reg�et that such was the case.
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