Benjamin Klement Cumulative and Combinatorial Knowledge Dynamics: Their Role for Continuity and Change in Regional Path Development Cumulative and Combinatorial Knowledge Dynamics: Their Role for Continuity and Change in Regional Path Development Kumulative Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat) am Fachbereich Geographie der Philipps-Universität Marburg vorgelegt von: Diplom-Geograph Benjamin Klement aus Wetzlar Marburg, 2018 Vom Fachbereich Geographie (Fachbereich 19) der Philipps-Universität Marburg als Dissertation am 11.12.2017 angenommen. Die Disputation erfolgte am 16. Mai 2018 am Fachbereich Geographie (Fachbereich 19) der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Erstgutachterin: Prof. Dr. Simone Strambach (Philipps-Universität Marburg) Zweitgutachter: Prof. Bjørn Terje Asheim (Universitetet i Stavanger, Norwegen/ Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), Lund, Schweden) Drittgutachterin: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michaela Trippl (Universität Wien) Hochschulkennziffer: 1180 To Ria Eckhardt-Klement i. Thesis Details PREFACE i. Thesis Details Title: Cumulative and Combinatorial Knowledge Dynamics: Their Role for Continuity and Change in Regional Path Development Ph.D. student: Dipl.-Geogr. Benjamin Klement Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Simone Strambach, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany 2nd Referee: Bjørn Terje Asheim, Universitetet i Stavanger, Norway/ Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), Lund, Sweden ii. Curriculum Vitae 30.11.1983 Born in Wetzlar, Germany 08.1990 – 06.1994 Grundschule Oberbiel 08.1994 – 06.2000 Kooperative Gesamtschule Eichendorffschule Wetzlar 08.2000 – 06.2003 Oberstufengymnasium Goetheschule Wetzlar Allgemeine Hochschulreife (University-entrance diploma) Grade: 1.6 10.2004 – 03.2011 Philipps-Universität Marburg Diploma in Geography Minor subjects: Economics, Sociology 11.2006 Mid-exam Vordiplom, grade: 1.4 03.2011 Degree: Diplom Diploma thesis : The changing role of foreign-owned subsidiaries in India in organizationally decomposed innovation processes: Knowledge production between autonomy and interdependency Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Simone Strambach, 2nd referee: Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Brenner Grade: 1,2 10.2011 – 07.2015 Philipps-Universität Marburg, Department of Geography Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben 07.2015 – 04.2017 Philipps-Universität Marburg, Department of Geography Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter PREFACE I iii. Eidesstattliche Erklärung iii. Eidesstattliche Erklärung Benjamin Klement Weißerde 6 35392 Gießen An den Vorsitzenden des Promotionsprüfungsausschusses Fachbereich Geographie Philipps-Universität Marburg Deutschhausstr. 10 35032 Marburg Erklärung (gemäß § 10, Abs. 1c der Promotionsordnung vom 15.07.2009) Ich versichere wahrheitsgemäß, dass ich die vorliegende Dissertation selbst und ohne fremde Hilfe verfasst, keine anderen als die in ihr angegebenen Quellen oder Hilfsmittel benutzt sowie vollständig oder sinngemäß übernommenen Zitate als solche gekennzeichnet habe. Die Dissertation wurde in der vorliegenden oder einer ähnlichen Form noch bei keiner anderen in ‐ oder ausländischen Hochschule eingereicht und hat noch keinen sonstigen Prüfungszwecken gedient. Gießen, den 07.12.2017 Benjamin Klement PREFACE II iv. Papers and Contributions iv. Papers and Contributions The following papers are included in this thesis. No. Title Journal Status Co-authors Own (with contribution) contribution Cumulative and Combinatorial European Planning Published Simone Strambach Co-author Micro-Dynamics of Studies in 2012, (70%) with 1 Knowledge: The Role of Space volume 20, significant and Place in Knowledge issue 11, pages contribution Integration 1843-1866, (30%) Exploring plasticity in the Zeitschrift für Published Simone Strambach Co-author development path of the Wirtschafts- in 2013, (70%) with automotive industry in Baden- geographie volume 57, significant 2 Württemberg: the role of issue 1-2, contribution combinatorial knowledge pages 67-82 (30%) dynamics Innovation in Creative Economic Submitted on Simone Strambach Main author Industries: Does (Related) Geography 26 July, 2017; (25%) (75%) 3 Variety matter for the 1st revision Creativity of Urban Music Scenes? How do new Music Genres Regional Studies Submitted on Simone Strambach Main author emerge? Diversification 7 September, (25%) (75%) 4 Processes in Symbolic 2017 Knowledge Bases In addition to these papers, the following book chapters were also published, which are not part of this thesis: Strambach, S. & Klement, B. (2016) Resilienz aus wirtschaftsgeographischer Perspektive: Impulse eines „neuen“ Konzepts. In: Wink, R. (ed.) Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven der Resilienzforschung. Springer, Wiesbaden, pp. 263–294. Strambach, S. & Klement, B. (2012) The organizational decomposition of innovation and territorial knowledge dynamics: insights from the German software industry. In: Heidenreich, M. (ed.) Innovation and institutional embeddedness of multinational companies. Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 193–221. PREFACE III v. Acknowledgments v. Acknowledgments Finally, you can talk to me about my thesis again. You may be really glad that this thesis is now finished. You may be one of the people interested in what I actually do all the time at this university job. You may have been supporting this work in emotional and/or conceptual terms and now really deserve a copy. You may be a member of the thesis committee who is hereby greeted with utmost respect. You may be interested in this thesis for its scientific content. You may be a poor student who had to get ahold of this thesis and hope that at least these acknowledgments brighten up your day. For whatever reason you might have picked up this thesis, please know that a thesis can never be the product of one person alone, even though it most often feels that way. Countless people somehow contributed to it in different ways and might not even know. May these acknowledgments inform some of these people about it. First of all, I want to thank my supervisor Simone Strambach for deciding in September 2007 that this guy with the funny hat could be a good addition to her research group. In the last ten years, I have learned quite a bit about everything from her. This thesis would not have been possible without her support, ideas, and guidance, for which I am immensely grateful. I was lucky to have her as a supervisor, as she encouraged me to follow some crazy ideas. During all these years I had the pleasure to work with and learn from many great people at the Philipps-Universität Marburg. Especially sharing the office and classrooms with Philipp Hein, Konstantin Schneider, Annika Surmeier, Florian Warburg, Thomas Brenner, Charlotte Schlump, Anja Dettmann, Tim Appelhans, Ansgar Dorenkamp, Martin Reiss, Martje Timmermann and Hannah Pinell made work a lot more fun than it usually is. Thanks for all the inspiring talks, comments on my work, discussions, and laughs! A special thank goes out to my office roommate Annika Surmeier for reminding me of many deadlines and that there are too many coffee mugs on my table. The journey towards a Ph.D. is full of stops at conferences, workshops, and meetings. It has always been a pleasure to meet the people behind the literature that provides the foundation for this thesis. In particular, I want to thank Bjørn Asheim for being such an inspirational scholar who always keeps his ears open to the ideas of young researchers. I am also very fortunate that I could discuss my work and/or share a PREFACE IV v. Acknowledgments conference beer with Ron Boschma, Tom Brökel, Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen Solheim, Johannes Glückler, Allan Watson, Brian Hracs, Christian Binz, and Roman Martin. I have also met a lot of fellow travelers who are also pursuing this idea of becoming very knowledgeable in a very specific field. Unfortunately, it would take a bit long to mention every participant of the Ph.D. workshop in Utrecht 2014 or the YEGN meetings of 2016 and 2017, but be assured: even though you may have been junior researchers, your ideas, questions, and methodical support were already senior. Still, I want to thank especially Daniel Hain, Antoine Habersetzer, Marcin Rataj, Frank van der Wouden, Taylor Brydges (look what your Myspace paper made me do!) and Chris Esposito for all the debates at the Ph.D. table and exploring conference cities together. At this point my closest friends may wonder, a) who all these people above are and b) when it is finally their turn to be acknowledged. Spoiler alert: Now is the time. I don’t know who I would be if you weren’t around. I want to thank all my friends for emotional support, proofreading and questioning everything I know. Someone has said that hard creative work is like breathing out – so you certainly need some quality time to breathe in. If this is true, then the friendships with Eike, Markus, Anne, Christian, Marco, Thomas, David, Anni, Katti, Manu, Kiki, the pub quiz team, Kathi, my bandmates (now there’s something to google for you!) and many more have been my oxygen during the last years. I want to end with the most important people in my life, my family, without nothing of this ever would have been possible. They deserve my deepest gratitude for providing me with love, support, genes, programming help (shoutout to my sister Laura!), patience, sympathy, and security. Finally, I want to thank my smart little nephew Anton for reminding me, especially in the last few days, that there are much more important
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