Siberian Husky Club of America, Inc. Saturday, August 10, 2019 Running Order This is a preliminary schedule which is contingent upon the move-up entries or withdrawals after closing that may not have been received yet.” Master/Excellent Std 24" (11 dogs) 16124 E 18 Zoom, Keeshond, Mary Beth Wajda 24100 M 1 Hub, Belgian Tervuren, Angela Walsh 16125 E 19 Callie, English Springer Spaniel, Jenn Smith 24102 M 2 Rake, Whippet, Jenn Smith 16107 E 20 Trace, Shetland Sheepdog, Linda Parrilli 24103 M 3 Frannie, Briard, David Behrens 16112 MP 20 DiDi, Border Collie, Karine Mielczarek 24106 M 4 Lennon, Belgian Tervuren, Dianne L. Allen 16114 MP 21 Molly, Labrador Retriever, Mary Brogan 24107 M 5 Addy, Vizsla, Julie Sjullie-Drmolka 16118 MP 22 Tess, Labrador Retriever, Mary Jane Rougeau 24109 M 6 Bentley, Golden Retriever, Barbara Jones 16121 MP 23 Winston, Labrador Retriever, Marietta Huber 24110 M 7 Cooper, Doberman Pinscher, Helen Baloun 16132 MP 24 Focus, Border Collie, Tamey Yokas 24112 M 8 Oak, Golden Retriever, Karen Claypool 16134 MP 25 Sierra, Brittany, Aimee Schilling 24113 M 9 Stratton, Boxer, Ellen M. Gruber 16135 MP 26 Whitney, Whippet, Debra Steele 24117 M 10 Faye, Doberman Pinscher, Kim Trzcinski 16137 MP 27 Ziva, Labrador Retriever, Sheri Walker 24116 E 11 Ari, Belgian Tervuren, Angela Walsh 16138 MP 28 P.J., Golden Retriever, Mark Mroczenski Master/Excellent Std 20" (36 dogs) 16140 MP 29 Spike, Golden Retriever, Carolyn Hesse 16108 EP 30 Comet, Siberian Husky, Maria Weber 20102 M 1 Ticket, English Springer Spaniel, Jenn Smith 20106 M 2 Treasure, Golden Retriever, Sandra Heimberg Master/Excellent Std 12" (20 dogs) 20112 M 3 Trex, Border Collie, Barbara A. Mason 12103 M 1 Skye, Poodle (Miniature), Han Yu 20113 M 4 Pippa, Border Collie, Janet Wood 12105 M 2 Mason, Cairn Terrier, Scott Persky 20116 M 5 Teddy, Border Collie, Lisa Pellum 12106 M 3 Zing!, All American Dog, Kristen Phillips 20118 M 6 Winny, Golden Retriever, Mary Jane Rougeau 12107 M 4 Katey, Shetland Sheepdog, Colleen Sands 20119 M 7 Strip, Whippet, Jenn Smith 12115 M 5 Tango, Poodle (Miniature), Deborah Pascal 20120 M 8 Zena, Border Collie, Taney Vyskocil 12116 M 6 McCubbie, Cairn Terrier, Scott Persky 20122 M 9 Shelby, Siberian Husky, Theresa Przybylski 12117 M 7 Dates, Miniature Schnauzer, Han Yu 20132 M 10 Tear'n, Golden Retriever, Robin Comp-Zelles 12120 M 8 Ziva, Poodle (Miniature), Kellee Fisher 20133 M 11 Squeeze, Irish Water Spaniel, Deb Nezgoda 12121 M 9 Armand, Poodle (Miniature), Beth Lawrence 20135 M 12 Alibi, Border Collie, Teri Pinney 12126 M 10 Spice, Rat Terrier, Charlotte Smith 20139 M 13 Lottie, Whippet, Jenn Smith 12104 E 11 Pink, Border Terrier, Debra Steele 20140 M 14 Rocket, Labrador Retriever, Marietta Huber Master/Excellent Std 12" (cont) 20146 M 15 Ditto, Border Collie, Beverly Jurinek 12108 E 12 Spark, Poodle (Miniature), Beth Lawrence 20147 M 16 Essie, Border Collie, Pat Szkwarko 12124 E 13 Haley, All American Dog, Dan Gebhardt 20150 M 17 Zero, Border Collie, Tamey Yokas 12128 E 14 Spöke, Swedish Valhund, Joan Bennett 20151 M 18 Journey, Golden Retriever, Margaret Covey 12102 MP 15 Rev, Keeshond, Mary Beth Wajda 20152 M 19 Bisou, Border Collie, Karine Mielczarek 12114 MP 16 Bling, Brittany, Colleen Driscoll 20153 M 20 Sudz, NSDTR, Kathy Guerra 12118 MP 17 Alix, Shetland Sheepdog, Linda Parrilli 20155 M 21 Punch, Golden Retriever, Kim Mroczenski 12122 MP 18 Stella, Australian Shepherd, Dana George 20142 M 22 Andiamo, Australian Shepherd, Douglas Freymann 12125 MP 19 Rondie, English Springer Spaniel, Jenn Smith 20117 E 23 Be-A-Tris, Border Collie, Dana George 12129 EP 20 Skippy, All American Dog, Nancy Kwain 20128 E 24 Aliyah, Labrador Retriever, Sheri Walker Master/Excellent Std 8" (14 dogs) 20154 E 25 Brew, English Springer Spaniel, Jenn Smith 8104 M 1 Magic, Welsh Corgi (Pembroke), Cathy Abele 20100 MP 26 Daughtry, Doberman Pinscher, Stacey Moore 8105 M 2 Daisy, All American Dog, Laura Donaldson 20107 MP 27 Fiona, Collie (Rough), Bob Olson 8107 M 3 Daniel, Havanese, Carol Swenson 20108 MP 28 Jamie, All American Dog, Alison A Rush 8108 M 4 Mint, Dachshund (Longhair), Maxine Brinker 20109 MP 29 Redford, Golden Retriever, Margaret Covey 8110 M 5 Adidas, Havanese, Jodi Zandstra 20110 MP 30 Ketch, Golden Retriever, Robin Comp-Zelles 8111 M 6 Lark, Pomeranian, Betsy Ryba 20111 MP 31 Walker D Plank, Flat Coated Retriever, Will Short 8113 M 7 Jett, Portuguese Podengo Pequeno, Linda Raphael 20114 MP 32 Kenny, All American Dog, Teresa Seger-Yeggy 8114 M 8 Ryot, Papillon, Beth Rogers 20137 MP 33 Rainin, German Shepherd Dog, Chris Bowers 8116 M 9 Gretzky, All American Dog, Maria Sutjiamin 20141 MP 34 Posh, Doberman Pinscher, Stacey Moore 8118 M 10 Gigolo, Toy Fox Terrier, Mary Doyle 20143 MP 35 Luka, Labrador Retriever, Linda Meisner 8117 E 11 Bond, Toy Fox Terrier, Amy Wukotich 20145 MP 36 Sheldon, Golden Retriever, Mary Beth Wajda 8103 E 12 Skechers, Havanese, Jodi Zandstra Master/Excellent Std 16" (30 dogs) 8101 MP 13 Linus, Pug, Linda Kotowski 16109 M 1 Vinny, All American Dog, Ron Bolin 8106 MP 14 Ruby, Shetland Sheepdog, Saryn Sands 16142 M 2 Jinny, Keeshond, Emily Taggart Master/Excellent Std 4" (1 dogs) 16115 M 3 Edith, Australian Cattle Dog , Kelli Nowak 4101 MP 1 Emme, Papillon, Beth Rogers 16116 M 4 Sami, American Staffordshire Terrier, Sylvia Krpan 16117 M 5 Olivia, Keeshond, Shirley Kilpatrick 16119 M 6 Shilo, Bedlington Terrier, Paula Von Gerichten 16122 M 7 Piper, Australian Shepherd, Pam George Open Std 24" (1 dogs) 16123 M 8 Max, Poodle (Miniature), Lynne Sherry 24105 1 Morey, Samoyed, Diane Dings 16126 M 9 Piuma, Lagotto Romagnolo, Diane Musumeci Open Std 20" (4 dogs) 16127 M 10 Trump, Brittany, Terry Santelli 20104 1 Torch, Australian Shepherd, Lacey Curry 16129 M 11 Liam, Irish Terrier, Lisa Hendler 20138 2 Surge, Border Collie, Terri Bogacz 16131 M 12 Moji, Shiba Inu, Amy Ripepi 20127 P 3 Vito, Vizsla, Amy Wukotich 16133 M 13 Jelly, Keeshond, Shirley Kilpatrick 20130 P 4 Owen, Collie (Smooth), Bob Olson 16136 M 14 Gibbs, Poodle (Miniature), Kellee Fisher Open Std 16" (1 dogs) 15 16139 M Harper, Irish Terrier, Debbie Constant 16101 1 Honey, Miniature American Shepherd, C Smith 16141 M 16 Oakley, Brittany, Colleen Driscoll 16110 E 17 Poppy, Keeshond, Emily Taggart 1 Novice Std 24" (1 dogs) Master/Excellent JWW 24" (10 dogs) 24108 B 1 Four, Vizsla, Melanie Herbst 24100 M 1 Hub, Belgian Tervuren, Angela Walsh Novice Std 20" (3 dogs) 24102 M 2 Rake, Whippet, Jenn Smith 20101 B 1 Hitch, Siberian Husky, Randy Johnson 24103 M 3 Frannie, Briard, David Behrens 20129 B 2 Spirit, Siberian Husky, Noel Dagley 24106 M 4 Lennon, Belgian Tervuren, Dianne L. Allen 20103 P 3 Brinkley, Bernese Mountain Dog, Ruth Van Noort 24107 M 5 Addy, Vizsla, Julie Sjullie-Drmolka Novice Std 16" (2 dogs) 24109 M 6 Bentley, Golden Retriever, Barbara Jones 24110 M 7 Cooper, Doberman Pinscher, Helen Baloun 16104 B 2 Rookie, Bedlington Terrier, Paula Von Gerichten 24112 M 8 Oak, Golden Retriever, Karen Claypool Novice Std 12" (3 dogs) 24113 M 9 Stratton, Boxer, Ellen M. Gruber 12111 B 1 Ditto, Toy Fox Terrier, Mary Doyle 24117 M 10 Faye, Doberman Pinscher, Kim Trzcinski 12127 B 2 Sting, Border Terrier, Debra Steele Master/Excellent JWW 20" (36 dogs) 12101 A 3 Brio, Poodle (Miniature), Faye Roche 20102 M 1 Ticket, English Springer Spaniel, Jenn Smith Novice Std 8" (1 dogs) 20106 M 2 Treasure, Golden Retriever, Sandra Heimberg 8102 B 1 Wylie, Pomeranian, Betsy Ryba 20112 M 3 Trex, Border Collie, Barbara A. Mason 20113 M 4 Pippa, Border Collie, Janet Wood 20118 M 5 Winny, Golden Retriever, Mary Jane Rougeau T2B 24" (4 dogs) 20119 M 6 Strip, Whippet, Jenn Smith 7 Zena, Border Collie, Taney Vyskocil 24103 1 Frannie, Briard, David Behrens 20120 M 8 Shelby, Siberian Husky, Theresa Przybylski 24107 2 Addy, Vizsla, Julie Sjullie-Drmolka 20122 M 9 Tear'n, Golden Retriever, Robin Comp-Zelles 24112 3 Oak, Golden Retriever, Karen Claypool 20132 M 10 Squeeze, Irish Water Spaniel, Deb Nezgoda 24116 4 Ari, Belgian Tervuren, Angela Walsh 20133 M T2B 20" (9 dogs) 20135 M 11 Alibi, Border Collie, Teri Pinney 20139 M 12 Lottie, Whippet, Jenn Smith 20113 1 Pippa, Border Collie, Janet Wood 20140 M 13 Rocket, Labrador Retriever, Marietta Huber 20116 2 Teddy, Border Collie, Lisa Pellum 20142 M 14 Andiamo, Australian Shepherd, Douglas Freymann 20118 3 Winny, Golden Retriever, Mary Jane Rougeau 20147 M 15 Essie, Border Collie, Pat Szkwarko 20120 4 Zena, Border Collie, Taney Vyskocil 20150 M 16 Zero, Border Collie, Tamey Yokas 20129 5 Spirit, Siberian Husky, Noel Dagley 20151 M 17 Journey, Golden Retriever, Margaret Covey 20142 6 Andiamo, Australian Shepherd, Douglas Freymann 20152 M 18 Bisou, Border Collie, Karine Mielczarek 20147 7 Essie, Border Collie, Pat Szkwarko 20153 M 19 Sudz, NSDTR, Kathy Guerra 20150 8 Zero, Border Collie, Tamey Yokas 20154 M 20 Brew, English Springer Spaniel, Jenn Smith 20153 9 Sudz, NSDTR, Kathy Guerra 20155 M 21 Punch, Golden Retriever, Kim Mroczenski T2B 16" (10 dogs) 20116 E 22 Teddy, Border Collie, Lisa Pellum 16101 1 Honey, Miniature American Shepherd, C Smith 20117 E 23 Be-A-Tris, Border Collie, Dana George 16104 2 Rookie, Bedlington Terrier, Paula Von Gerichten 20146 E 24 Ditto, Border Collie, Beverly Jurinek 16107 3 Trace, Shetland Sheepdog, Linda Parrilli 20100 MP 31 Daughtry, Doberman Pinscher, Stacey Moore 16115 4 Edith, Australian Cattle Dog , Kelli Nowak 20107 MP 25 Fiona, Collie (Rough), Bob Olson 16117 5 Olivia, Keeshond, Shirley Kilpatrick 20108 MP 26 Jamie, All American Dog, Alison A Rush 16126 6 Piuma, Lagotto Romagnolo, Diane Musumeci
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